Bitcoin's Latest Price Stability Indicates A Growing Maturity For The Innovative Crypto-Currency (2024)

Bitcoin's Latest Price Stability Indicates A Growing Maturity For The Innovative Crypto-Currency

Bitcoin’s price may be stabilizing as the virtual currency becomes more widely used and adoption by merchants accelerates, brokerage ConvergEx Group LLC said.

The digital money, which rose to $1,000 last year from about $13 at the beginning of 2013, is on the road to stability now, according to Nicholas Colas, chief market strategist at ConvergEx in New York. Bitcoin’s price rose 6.2 percent in the last month to $794 on Bitstamp, one of the more active online exchanges where Bitcoins are traded for dollars and other currencies.

More merchants are starting to accept Bitcoins, which can be used to buy everything from gummy bears to cars. Electronics-retailer TigerDirect Inc. said yesterday that consumers will be able to use Bitcoin to buy more than 200,000 products on the site. Online-retailer Inc. and social-games developer Zynga Inc. now accept Bitcoins as well. Lower volatility is critical if Bitcoin is to be used widely in online and offline retail transactions, Colas said.

“We have no doubt that merchants will adopt Bitcoin simply to access newly minted high net worth individuals,” Colas said in the note. “But to keep them in the fold and increase the usage of Bitcoin in other parts of their business, they will need to see some greater stability in the price.”

Bitcoins exist as software, which contains the rules governing their supply and can only be created by solving complex problems embedded in the currency, keeping total growth limited. After speculators rushed in and drove prices higher, Bitcoins attracted the scrutiny of regulators in China and India, adding to volatile swings in the virtual currency’s value against the dollar and other currencies.

“The wider acceptance of Bitcoin from retailers certainly could drive up the price of Bitcoin, but it’s also fair to note that there’s still a great amount of speculators trading in Bitcoin -- so there may be quite a bit of volatility in the future,” Ugo Egbunike, director of business development at IndexUniverse, wrote in an e-mail.

Bitcoin is Freedom For Money

Let me explain: Bitcoin is the third “democratization” that I’ve had the privilege of living through.

The first was the Internet of course, the democratization of communication. No longer did you need a printing press, runners, trucks, call boys in order to make your voice heard. Now all you needed is WordPress and a good story. Look at Matt Drudge. He has singlehandedly revolutionized political reporting. His influence is at times stronger than the New York Times. And it’s just him and an assistant and a very, very simple website.

The second democratization is 3d printing, or “additive manufacturing”. It is the democratization of manufacturing and its in full swing. You no longer need a factory to make a product. You can already manufacture in plastic from your desk. In less than 10 years you’ll be able to do it in metal, in color with moving parts.

Bitcoin is the third democratization, the democratization of money. Right now, your money, the money you worked for, saved and earned isn’t really yours. The banks charge you fees for holding it (and sometimes lose it). Governments have confiscated it at times (remember Cyprus?). If you want to move it, there are restrictions as to how much and when, and if you want to spend large amounts of it, you must account for how you got it.

Bitcoin, and crypto currencies in general solve this problem. They are in essence a “trusted distributed public transaction ledger”. Imagine a hotel register. Guests sign in, date, room, etc … That is a transaction ledger. Distributed means that the machines that process that ledger, the “book” if you will, are spread throughout the world with many different ownership hands so that it is very, very difficult for them to collaborate to cheat. Public, because it is open for anyone to inspect.

And trusted, because that is the most important thing of all. Do I trust that you really have the money? That you haven’t spent it already, maybe even a second ago? Ensuring all of that is what the “mining” machines really do. The miners are the unseen heroes of Bitcoin. Without miners there is no coin.

The adoption of Bitcoin will drastically reduce the amount of financial control anyone can exert over your money. And without that control they can’t tax you and if they can’t tax you they can’t control you. They know this, they are scared and they should be.

With Bitcoin there are no borders to money. It flows as easily as water from a spilled cup upsetting the plans of the bankers to monitor, control, restrict, tax and otherwise devalue YOUR money.

Bitcoin is freedom for money. Switch to Bitcoin, free your money.

Tip BTC: 1PS6CChKz1LdAwMzS7W3GqMXryb4FQZm9p

Tip LTC: La5fSfLfnA2Ls3HYeaigqQQMovQr74K2xh

Thanks to Bitcoin’s YouTube Missionaries

My road to discovering the new world of economic redemption started one evening last March. An article linked from BuzzFeed’s website entitled "Is it Time to Take Bitcoin Seriously?"written by Alec Liu was revealed to me. As I investigated further I found my heart inexplicitly racing; some deep-rooted primitive part of my brain connected with this article. I had discovered an obvious truth that just clicked. Alec Liu, without knowing it, was the messenger that lit the spark that started my personal obsession to this revolutionary technology. Rarely can we predict the power of our words and ideas. I doubt he could have predicted when he wrote that article for the on-line magazine Motherboard Vice who he might inspire or even that he had the power to do so. Could he have prophesied the course of life he would someday change?

My “a-ha” moment arrived. Yet I had to convince my skeptical side so I did what millions of others do when they want to know more about something – I consulted the “experts” on YouTube. There were quite a bit to choose from both pro and against the idea of digital currency. I reasoned out their best arguments as I’m sure our readers have done. Slowly and diligently I found reasonable answers to each of their arguments against the technology. It mostly boiled down to “it’s never been done before”. I’ve yet to see any great new invention or technology built, designed or conceived by skeptics. Think about any of the great inventors in history and you won’t find a skeptic among them. My expedition through the YouTube passageways was led in part by the following bitcoin technology “missionaries”.

World Bitcoin Network

Subscribers: 7,500s

Channel views: 190,000

James D’Angelo hosts this informative show which gives an especially persuasive ‘Bitcoin 101” teaching guide. In his own unique style using a digital chalkboard he illustrates visuals to help illustrate complex ideas. He comes across like the big brother or eager little league coach you never had. The channel’s biggest video views dealt with the subject of why Bitcoin is not in a bubble. This video alone has received over 45,000 views. It should be 450,000 views. In this link he explains brilliantly why the growth in bitcoin price should actually be considered normal.

Stefan Molyneux (Freedom Radio)

Subscribers: 130,000

Channel Views: 25 Million
Stefan holds the distinction of having the most subscribers and most hits for his channel of the YouTube channels profiled here. He purposely takes on controversial topics which make for compelling viewing. Bitcoin is a common thread on his channels and he appears to me to be one of the earliest proponents to speak of the subject as of June 2011. He presents a reasonable and calm demeanor and has included guests both pro and con regarding Bitcoin. He’s put together a couple of dedicated videos on the subject that make a great reference point for beginners.

Let’s Talk Bitcoin!

Subscribers: 3,200

Channel Views: 103,000

The show is in a podcast format and was originally hosted by Adam Levine, Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Stephanie Murphy. I discovered it last summer and found it reminded me of the NPR (National Public Radio) with its low key segments and slow jazz intros. It started out with the three main hosts mentioned above. Of the three, Andreas appears to me as the most passionate, energized, and engaging in my own opinion. Much of his forward thinking predictions and explanations brought clarity and focus to my understanding. He’s now a sought after public speaker who does a fine job representing the bitcoin community ideals.

The Bitcoin Channel

Subscribers: 12,000

Views: 397,000

This channel has been around for a few years as well beginning in June 2011. The channel specializes charting the Bitcoin price with an effort to make short term predictions using formulas common to that specialty. The narrator’s commentary is the interesting portion to me. If charting is your thing, you might find it interesting, but for me – I’m more interested in the back story and theory added to give more meaning to price movements. One particularly interesting episode was from June 19, 2011 captured the “flash crash” of Bitcoin from $30 to almost zero in real-time as the Mt.Gox exchange was hacked. This event had a longer term effect of causing many people to lose faith in the currency and brought about many greatly exaggerated reports of bitcoin’s death. It turned out to be an important moment of bitcoin history was captured while it was happening. It’s important to see that at the time it was happening it was scary and confusing to those invested in the new technology. Put in perspective, it’s fascinating.

These channels of course are not alone on YouTube. In this short article it would be impossible to name them all. My journey led me to other helpful beacons of knowledge and discovery. I did, however, find myself returning to these sources repeatedly and eventually subscribed to their channels. To put things in perspective, others around the world are only now hearing about Bitcoin for the first time or only now reading or hearing something that spiked their interest. To much of the world, their first source of knowledge will be to turn to YouTube for influence. Their path will likely lead them to the many of the same places and to the same channels I found. We do well to recognize these efforts and thank them for introducing the newly curious population just now experiencing their “a-ha” moment.

Tip BTC: 1C6LXez44MSvsVzzuFuP4yXXeyc7Muo7i8

Tip LTC: LL672hS4sTzs9F6h6gAw8s4YUvTJbx5QVx

Monty Henry, Owner

Next-Generation Bug / Microwave / ELF / Spy Phone / GSM And Camera Detectors (Buy, Rent, Layaway) Open...
— Spy Store Rentals (@MontyHenry1)

Nanny IP (Internet) Cameras, GPS Trackers, Bug Detectors and Listening Devices, etc, (Buy / Rent / Layaway):
— Spy Store Rentals (@MontyHenry1)

NOW, look in on your home, second home, lake house or office anytime, anywhere from any internet connected PC/Lap-top or Internet active cell phone, including iphone or PDA.

Watch your child's caregiver while sitting at a traffic light or lunch meeting, or check on your business security from the other side of the world. Our built-in hidden video features all digital transmissions providing a crystal clear image with zero interference.With the IP receiver stream your video over the internet through your router, and view on either a PC or smart phone. Designed exclusively for DPL-Surveillance-Equipment, these IP hidden wireless camerascome with multiplefeatures to make the user's experience hassle-free.

NOW, look in on your home, second home, lake house or office anytime, anywhere from any internet connected PC/Lap-top or Internet active cell phone, including iphone or PDA:

Watch your child's caregiver while sitting at a traffic light or lunch meeting, or check on your business security from the other side of the world. Our built-in hidden video features all digital transmissions providing a crystal clear image with zero interference. With the IP receiver stream your video over the internet through your router, and view on either a PC or smart phone. Designed exclusively for DPL-Surveillance-Equipment, these IP hidden wireless camerascome with multiple features to make the user's experience hassle-free.

• Remote Video Access

• Video is Recorded Locally To An Installed SD Card (2GB SD Card included)

• Email Notifications (Motion Alerts, Camera Failure, IP Address Change, SD Card Full)

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• Back-up SD Storage Up To 32GB (SD Not Included)

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• View LIVE On Your SmartPhone!


* Nanny Cameras w/ Remote View
* Wireless IP Receiver
* Remote Control
* A/C Adaptor
* 2GB SD Card
* USB Receiver



Receiver Specs:

* Transmission Range of 500 ft Line Of Sight
* Uses 53 Channels Resulting In No Interference
* 12V Power Consumption
* RCA Output
* Supports up to 32gig SD

Camera Specs:

* 640x480 / 320x240 up to 30fps
* Image Sensor: 1/4" Micron Sensor
* Resolution: 720x480 Pixels
* S/N Ratio: 45 db
* Sensitivity: 11.5V/lux-s @ 550nm
* Video System: NTSC
* White Balance: Auto Tracking

Make Your Own Nanny Cameras: Make Tons Of Money In A Booming, Nearly Recession-Proof Industry!

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DPL-Surveillance-Equipment's Customers can now use the convenience of layaway online to help them get through these tough economic times.

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Our online layaway plan works like the old-fashioned service stores used to offer. But, in Kheen's case, she went to, found the iPod docking station (hidden camera w/motion-activated DVR), then set up a payment plan.

"It's automatically drawn from my account," she said. "I have a budget, $208.00 a month.

In three months, Kheen had paid off the $650.00 iPod docking station. She paid another 3.9 percent service fee, which amounted to about $25.35 (plus $12.00 for shipping) for a total of $687.35.

"You pay a little bit each month," Kheen said. "It's paid off when you get it and you don't have it lingering over your head. It's great."

Flexible payment terms and automated payments make our layaway plan an affordable and fiscally responsible alternative to credit cards.

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Payments are made on the schedule YOU set. Check your order status or adjust your payments online in a secure environment.

4. Receive Products:

Receive the product shortly after your last payment. The best part, it's paid in full... NO DEBT.

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Our e-layaway makes shopping painless by eliminating hidden charges and monthly interest fees. Our customers pay a flat transaction fee on the initial purchase price.


* You have the right to cancel any purchase and will receive a refund less a cancellation fee. See website for details.

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DPL-Surveillance-Equipment has partnered with trusted experts like McAfee and IDology to ensure the security and integrity of every transaction. Identity verification measures are integrated into our e-layaway system to prevent fraudulent purchases.

Note: Simply Choose e-Lay-Away as a "Payment Option" in The Shopping Cart is a world leader in providing surveillance and security products and services to Government, Law Enforcement, Private Investigators, small and large companies worldwide. We have one of the largest varieties of state-of-the-art surveillance and counter-surveillance equipment including Personal Protection and Bug Detection Products.

Buy, rent or lease the same state-of-the-art surveillance and security equipment Detectives, PI's, the CIA and FBI use. Take back control!

Phone: (1888) 344-3742 Toll Free USA
Local: (818) 344-3742
Fax (775) 249-9320

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Bitcoin's Latest Price Stability Indicates A Growing Maturity For The Innovative Crypto-Currency (16)

Bitcoin's Latest Price Stability Indicates A Growing Maturity For The Innovative Crypto-Currency (2024)


What is the stability of Bitcoin? ›

Unlike traditional commodities or currencies that have been established for centuries, bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market lack the historical data and long-term stability that contribute to more predictable price movements.

Will Bitcoin become more stable? ›

The traditional narrative stands in the line that Bitcoin will become more stable when its user base increases and it becomes more utilized in transactions. However, the past dynamics does not suggest that its volatility is in a downward trend (Baur and Dimpfl, 2021).

What is causing Bitcoin to rise? ›

Specifically, bitcoin has moved like a speculative asset: a high-risk class of investments that draw interest for their potential to greatly increase, as opposed to their underlying utility. When interest rates shrank during the pandemic, allowing people to borrow and invest money more easily, bitcoin boomed.

What is Bitcoin predicted to be worth in 10 years? ›

In its 2023 Big Ideas report, Ark Invest laid out several price targets for Bitcoin. The report sees Bitcoin hitting price targets in 2030 of $257,500 in the bearish forecast, $682,000 in an average market and $1.48 million in a bullish market.

What is the most stable cryptocurrency? ›

Tether (USDT-USD)

A concept token for the Tether cryptocurrency. Tether (USDT-USD) has the highest market capitalization of any stablecoin on the market, which certainly makes it one of the top stablecoins for investors to pay attention to.

Why is Bitcoin price unstable? ›

Supply and Demand Dynamics

Bitcoin's design comes with a fixed supply, capped at 21 million coins, making it a deflationary asset. This limitation can lead to significant price swings as demand fluctuates. The process of reaching the 21 million bitcoin cap is governed by a mechanism called halving.

Is it a good time to invest in Bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin is more stable than it's been in years, and the next halving is fast approaching. Taking current market conditions into account, now might well be the perfect time to invest, so long as you remain cognizant of the risks.

Is it safe to invest in Bitcoin today? ›

Bitcoin is a risky investment with high volatility, and generally should be considered only if you have a high risk tolerance, are in a strong financial position already and can afford to lose some or all of your investment.

Does Bitcoin have a future? ›

In 2024, the majority of bitcoins are still out in the wild, so to speak—but over time, and if they continue to be treated as a speculative investment and store of value, these large entities will likely keep growing their holdings.

Who owns the most Bitcoin? ›

Satoshi Nakamoto. The anonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, reportedly possesses approximately 1 million Bitcoin, which are stored in multiple wallets. At the current price, the amount would be worth around $60 billion.

Why is Bitcoin crashing? ›

In 2021 the price soared by more than 700% in 12 months to a record high of $69,000 in November. It certainly seemed like bitcoin's bubble had burst as investors have lost confidence in the crypto sector. It is uncertainty over the future of bitcoin which caused prices to crash in 2022.

How long does it take to mine 1 Bitcoin? ›

How Long Does It Take to Mine 1 Bitcoin? The reward for mining is 3.125 bitcoins. It takes the network about 10 minutes to mine one block, so it takes about 10 minutes to mine 3.125 bitcoins.

How many people own 1 Bitcoin? ›

However, some estimates can be made based on blockchain data and surveys of Bitcoin holders. According to data from Bitinfocharts, as of March 2023, there are approximately 827,000 addresses that hold 1 bitcoin or more, representing around 4.5% of all addresses on the Bitcoin network.

Which crypto to invest 1000 dollars in? ›


If you're looking to gain exposure to cryptocurrencies in your portfolio, it's best to keep things simple and focus on the most valuable digital asset out there. It shouldn't be a surprise that I'm talking about Bitcoin (BTC 3.80%). Here's why it's the ultimate cryptocurrency to buy with $1,000 today.

How high could Bitcoin realistically go? ›

If bitcoin experiences that same rate of appreciation in its average annual returns, it will reach $98,700 in January 2025 and hit $100,000 in February of that same year. Some experts believe bitcoin could increase in value even more quickly.

Is Bitcoin considered stable? ›

While Bitcoin is a type of cryptoasset, it is not a stablecoin. With cryptoassets, like Bitcoin, their value tends to move up and down a lot in a short space of time. That is because they are not backed by real assets.

Is Bitcoin stabilising? ›

But Bitcoin has since stabilised, with the BTC/USD pair adding green candlesticks over the past two days. At the time of writing, bitcoin was changing hands for around $66,310. Bitcoin ETF inflows are contributing to market stability.

Is Bitcoin more stable than USD? ›

Long-Term Perspective: The USD provides stability for short-term transactions, while Bitcoin offers potential for long-term growth but with greater risk. Regulatory clarity and adoption trends influence both currencies' stability.

Is Bitcoin still worth holding? ›

Additionally, investing in cryptocurrency carries inherent risks, including market volatility, security risks, and regulatory uncertainty. It's impossible to predict whether or not Bitcoin will be a good investment in 2024, as the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and prone to rapid changes.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.