Best Travel Insurance For Seniors: International, Medical, & Health Insurance - Air Doctor (2024)

Embarking on a new adventure, exploring the world, and creating unforgettable memories knows no age limit. As a senior traveler, you bring with you a lifetime of wisdom, experience, and an insatiable thirst for discovery. But, it’s important to prioritize your health and well-being during your journeys. This is where the importance of travel medical insurance for seniors comes into play, providing you with the necessary protection and reassurance that you deserve.

While travel can be exciting and fulfilling, it’s essential to acknowledge that unforeseen circ*mstances can arise at any time. From unexpected medical emergencies to trip cancellations, having comprehensive international travel insurance for seniors can help you navigate these challenges with confidence.

In this blog post, we will explore the world of travel insurance designed for seniors, delving into the aspects of medical and health coverage that will ensure your peace of mind while exploring new horizons.

Best Travel Insurance For Seniors: International, Medical, & Health Insurance - Air Doctor (1)

What Do Travel Insurance Policies for Seniors Cover?

The best travel medical insurance for seniors is designed to provide a safety net that ensures your well-being and peace of mind throughout your journeys. Comprehensive policies typically offer coverage for a wide range of situations, tailored specifically to address the unique needs of senior travelers.

Here are some key aspects that are usually covered in travel health insurance for senior citizens:

Medical expenses:

One of the most critical components of travel medical insurance for seniors is coverage for medical expenses. This includes emergency medical treatment, hospitalization, physician visits, and prescription medications. Look for policies that offer high coverage limits, ensuring that you receive the necessary care in case of unexpected health issues.

Emergency medical evacuation:

In the event of a severe medical condition or injury that requires transportation to a higher level of care or back to your home country, travel insurance policies often cover emergency medical evacuation. This coverage ensures that you receive appropriate medical attention and are safely transported to a suitable medical facility.

Trip cancellation and interruption:

Life is unpredictable, and unforeseen circ*mstances can lead to the cancellation or interruption of your trip. The best international travel insurance for seniors typically provide coverage for non-refundable expenses, such as flight tickets, accommodation, and tour reservations, if you need to cancel or cut short your trip due to covered reasons like illness, injury, or family emergencies.

Travel delays and missed connections:

Senior travelers may face delays or missed connections due to various reasons, such as weather conditions or airline issues. International travel insurance policies often cover additional expenses incurred, including accommodation, meals, and transportation, due to these travel disruptions, providing you with financial protection and assistance during unexpected delays.

Lost, stolen, or damaged baggage:

Losing your baggage can be a frustrating experience, especially when you’re far from home. Travel insurance policies typically offer coverage for lost, stolen, or damaged baggage, allowing you to replace essential items and continue your journey without unnecessary stress.

Emergency assistance and support:

Travel health insurance for seniors often provide access to emergency assistance services, such as a 24/7 helpline, medical referrals, language interpretation, and travel advice. These services ensure that you have support and guidance whenever you need it, no matter where you are in the world.

While the specific coverage may vary between insurance providers and policies, the aim of international travel insurance for seniors is to offer comprehensive protection against unexpected events that can occur while traveling. It’s important to carefully review the terms and conditions of your chosen policy to understand the full extent of coverage, including any exclusions or limitations.

With a robust travel insurance policy in place, you can explore new destinations, immerse yourself in different cultures, and embrace the joys of travel, knowing that you’re protected against potential risks.

Best Travel Insurance For Seniors: International, Medical, & Health Insurance - Air Doctor (2)

Things to Consider When Choosing International Travel Insurance for Seniors: Making Informed Decisions for Your Protection

Choosing the right international travel insurance for seniors is important in ensuring your safety and well-being while exploring the world. With numerous options available, it’s important to consider certain factors that will help you make an informed decision and select the best insurance policy for your specific needs.

Here are some key things to consider when choosing international travel insurance as a senior traveler:

Age restrictions and coverage limits:

Start by checking if the insurance provider has any age restrictions or limitations on coverage for seniors. Look for policies that have no or minimal age restrictions, ensuring that you can obtain coverage regardless of your age. Additionally, consider the coverage limits provided by the policy to ensure they adequately meet your requirements.

Pre-existing medical conditions:

If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, it’s crucial to assess how the insurance policy addresses them before you buy travel medical insurance for seniors. Look for policies that provide coverage for the exacerbation of pre-existing conditions or offer comprehensive coverage for any medical care related to your existing health conditions. Be sure to disclose all your pre-existing conditions accurately to ensure you receive the appropriate coverage.

Destination coverage:

Consider the destinations you plan to visit and ensure that the insurance policy provides coverage in those areas. Some policies may have limitations or exclusions for certain regions or countries, particularly if they are deemed high-risk or have limited access to healthcare facilities. Verify that your desired destinations are covered to avoid any gaps in coverage.

Duration of coverage:

Determine how long you will be traveling and ensure that the insurance policy offers coverage for the entire duration of your trip. Some policies have limits on trip length, so check that your chosen policy aligns with your travel plans, whether it’s a short getaway or an extended trip.

Coverage for activities and adventures:

If you plan to engage in specific activities or adventures during your travels, such as hiking, skiing, or scuba diving, make sure the insurance policy covers these activities. Some policies may have exclusions for certain high-risk activities, so confirm that your desired activities are covered to ensure you have the protection you need.

Deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses:

Review the policy’s deductible and understand how much you may be required to pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage kicks in. Consider your budget and personal preferences when choosing a deductible amount that works for you.

Reputation and customer reviews:

Research the insurance provider’s reputation and read customer reviews to gauge their reliability, responsiveness, and quality of service. Look for providers with a track record of excellent customer support and prompt claims processing.

By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing international travel insurance for seniors. Take the time to compare different policies, understand the terms and conditions, and seek recommendations if needed.

Best Travel Insurance For Seniors: International, Medical, & Health Insurance - Air Doctor (4)

8 Tips to Choose the Best Travel Insurance For Seniors

When it comes to choosing the best international medical travel insurance for seniors, a little knowledge goes a long way in ensuring your peace of mind during your journeys. To help you make an informed decision, here are 8 essential tips to consider when selecting your travel insurance policy:

1. Assess your specific needs.

When it comes to getting suitable travel medical insurance for seniors, it’s important to take stock of your unique requirements as a senior traveler. Consider factors such as your health condition, destination, trip duration, and planned activities. This self-assessment will guide you in finding a policy that aligns perfectly with your needs.

2. Look for comprehensive medical coverage.

Prioritize travel insurance international for seniors that offer robust medical coverage. Ensure the policy covers emergency medical expenses, hospitalization, and medical evacuation. It should also include coverage for pre-existing conditions and offer high coverage limits that suit your potential healthcare needs while abroad.

3. Evaluate trip cancellation and interruption coverage.

Unforeseen circ*mstances can disrupt your travel plans. Look for insurance policies that provide trip cancellation and interruption coverage, reimbursing you for non-refundable expenses if you need to cancel or cut short your trip due to covered reasons like illness, injury, or family emergencies.

4. Consider coverage for travel delays and lost baggage.

Travel hiccups can occur, and the best medical travel insurance for seniors covers travel delays and compensates for additional expenses incurred due to unexpected disruptions. Additionally, ensure that the policy provides coverage for lost, stolen, or damaged baggage, minimizing the impact of such incidents on your travel experience.

5. Confirm coverage for your desired destinations.

Verify that the insurance policy offers coverage in the specific regions and countries you plan to visit. Some policies may have limitations or exclusions for certain destinations, so double-check to avoid any gaps in coverage.

6. Check for age restrictions and limitations.

Senior travelers should seek policies with minimal or no age restrictions. Ensure that the policy offers coverage regardless of your age and review any age-related limitations or exclusions that may be present.

7. Read the fine print and understand the policy details.

In order to ensure you have sufficient medical travel insurance for seniors, carefully review the terms and conditions of the insurance policy, paying attention to exclusions, deductibles, claim procedures, and any additional services offered. Seek clarification from the insurance provider if you have any doubts or questions.

8. Compare multiple insurance providers.

Don’t settle for the first policy you come across. And as tempting as it may be, don’t just go for the cheapest travel medical insurance for seniors. Take the time to compare different insurance providers, their reputation, customer reviews, and the value they offer. Get recommendations from fellow senior travelers or consult with a reputable travel agent who specializes in senior travel.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to selecting the best travel insurance for seniors. Remember, the goal is to find a policy that offers comprehensive coverage, aligns with your specific needs, and provides the support and reassurance you deserve as you embark on your travel adventures. With the right insurance in hand, you can fully embrace the joy of exploration, knowing that you’re protected against the unexpected.

Best Travel Insurance For Seniors: International, Medical, & Health Insurance - Air Doctor (5)

Leading Companies That Offer Travel Medical Insurance For Seniors

What is the best international travel insurance for seniors?
Here are some leading companies that offer international travel insurance for seniors, along with an overview of what their typical policies cover. These insurance providers have partnered with Air Doctor, which means you can access the Air Doctor service as part of your coverage. This service allows you to find a local doctor anywhere, anytime, without having to pay out-of-pocket (as your insurance provider covers the cost) or go through the hassle of filing a claim.

Please note it is probably best to contact each insurance provider directly, if you’re unsure about policy coverage, etc.

Note: All policy information is taken from each insurance provider’s respective website.

Allianz Partners:

Best Travel Insurance For Seniors: International, Medical, & Health Insurance - Air Doctor (6)

Allianz Partners sells travel insurance for seniors. Their travel insurance plans offer a variety of benefits that can help protect seniors while they travel, including:

  • Medical coverage: This coverage can help pay for medical expenses that may occur while traveling, such as doctor’s visits, hospital stays, and prescription medications.
  • Trip cancellation and interruption insurance: This coverage can help reimburse you for non-refundable travel expenses if your trip is cancelled or interrupted due to a covered reason, such as a medical emergency, inclement weather, or a terrorist attack.
  • Baggage insurance: This coverage can help reimburse you for the cost of lost, stolen, or damaged luggage.
  • Emergency assistance: This service can provide you with 24/7 assistance in the event of a medical emergency, travel delay, or other travel-related issue.

Allianz Partners offers a variety of travel insurance plans for seniors, so you can choose the plan that best meets your needs. You can get a quote and purchase a plan online or by calling Allianz Partners customer service.


Best Travel Insurance For Seniors: International, Medical, & Health Insurance - Air Doctor (7)

DR-WALTER sells travel insurance for seniors. Their travel insurance plans offer a variety of benefits that can help protect seniors while they travel, including:

  • Medical coverage: This coverage can help pay for medical expenses that may occur while traveling, such as doctor’s visits, hospital stays, and prescription medications.
  • Trip cancellation and interruption insurance: This coverage can help reimburse you for non-refundable travel expenses if your trip is cancelled or interrupted due to a covered reason, such as a medical emergency, inclement weather, or a terrorist attack.
  • Baggage insurance: This coverage can help reimburse you for the cost of lost, stolen, or damaged luggage.
  • Emergency assistance: This service can provide you with 24/7 assistance in the event of a medical emergency, travel delay, or other travel-related issue.

DR-WALTER offers a variety of travel insurance plans for seniors, so you can choose the plan that best meets your needs. You can get a quote and purchase a plan online or by calling DR-WALTER customer service.

ERGO Reiseversicherung:

Best Travel Insurance For Seniors: International, Medical, & Health Insurance - Air Doctor (8)

ERGO Reiseversicherung does sell travel insurance for seniors. Their travel insurance plans offer a variety of benefits that can help protect seniors while they travel, including:

  • Medical coverage: This coverage can help pay for medical expenses that may occur while traveling, such as doctor’s visits, hospital stays, and prescription medications.
  • Trip cancellation and interruption insurance: This coverage can help reimburse you for non-refundable travel expenses if your trip is cancelled or interrupted due to a covered reason, such as a medical emergency, inclement weather, or a terrorist attack.
  • Baggage insurance: This coverage can help reimburse you for the cost of lost, stolen, or damaged luggage.
  • Emergency assistance: This service can provide you with 24/7 assistance in the event of a medical emergency, travel delay, or other travel-related issue.

ERGO Reiseversicherung offers a variety of travel insurance plans for seniors, so you can choose the plan that best meets your needs. You can get a quote and purchase a plan online or by calling ERGO Reiseversicherung customer service.

ERGO Seguros de Viaje:

Best Travel Insurance For Seniors: International, Medical, & Health Insurance - Air Doctor (9)

Yes, ERGO Seguros de Viaje does sell travel insurance for seniors. Their travel insurance plans offer a variety of benefits that can help protect seniors while they travel, including:

  • Medical coverage: This coverage can help pay for medical expenses that may occur while traveling, such as doctor’s visits, hospital stays, and prescription medications.
  • Trip cancellation and interruption insurance: This coverage can help reimburse you for non-refundable travel expenses if your trip is cancelled or interrupted due to a covered reason, such as a medical emergency, inclement weather, or a terrorist attack.
  • Baggage insurance: This coverage can help reimburse you for the cost of lost, stolen, or damaged luggage.
  • Emergency assistance: This service can provide you with 24/7 assistance in the event of a medical emergency, travel delay, or other travel-related issue.

ERGO Seguros de Viaje offers a variety of travel insurance plans for seniors, so you can choose the plan that best meets your needs. You can get a quote and purchase a plan online or by calling ERGO Seguros de Viaje customer service.


Best Travel Insurance For Seniors: International, Medical, & Health Insurance - Air Doctor (10)

FBTO does sell travel insurance for seniors. Their travel insurance plans offer a variety of benefits that can help protect seniors while they travel, including:

  • Medical coverage: This coverage can help pay for medical expenses that may occur while traveling, such as doctor’s visits, hospital stays, and prescription medications.
  • Trip cancellation and interruption insurance: This coverage can help reimburse you for non-refundable travel expenses if your trip is cancelled or interrupted due to a covered reason, such as a medical emergency, inclement weather, or a terrorist attack.
  • Baggage insurance: This coverage can help reimburse you for the cost of lost, stolen, or damaged luggage.
  • Emergency assistance: This service can provide you with 24/7 assistance in the event of a medical emergency, travel delay, or other travel-related issue.

FBTO offers a variety of travel insurance plans for seniors, so you can choose the plan that best meets your needs. You can get a quote and purchase a plan online or by calling FBTO customer service.

Download the Easy-to-Use App, Air Doctor to Have Peace of Mind While Abroad

When traveling abroad, the availability of reliable medical services is of utmost importance – especially if you’re a senior citizen.

That’s where Air Doctor comes in, providing you with a seamless solution for accessing quality healthcare while you’re away from home. With the Air Doctor app, you can easily find trustworthy local doctors who can address your healthcare needs, even if your insurance provider doesn’t have a direct affiliation with Air Doctor.

Using the app is simple and convenient. You can browse through a diverse selection of local doctors who not only meet your medical requirements but also speak your language. Whether you need an in-clinic, at-home, or virtual consultation, Air Doctor has you covered. Regardless of your location or the time of day, you can schedule an appointment with the doctor of your choice.

One aspect to consider is ensuring your consultation expenses are covered and avoiding unexpected out-of-pocket costs. It’s essential to check with your insurance provider regarding their partnership with Air Doctor or their willingness to reimburse the consultation expenses. This step will provide you with clarity and peace of mind, knowing that you can receive the medical care you need without financial concerns.

With Air Doctor, you can enjoy the benefits of convenient access to quality healthcare services while you’re abroad. Whether it’s a minor ailment, a follow-up appointment, or a medical concern that requires attention, Air Doctor ensures that you have a network of trusted doctors at your fingertips. Rest easy knowing that you can receive the medical attention you need, even when you’re far from home.

Don’t let concerns about accessing healthcare hold you back from exploring new horizons. With Air Doctor, you can embark on your travels with confidence, knowing that you have a reliable resource for medical care in your destination. So, whether you’re seeking medical advice, prescriptions, or simply a peace of mind, Air Doctor is here to support you every step of the way.

Best Travel Insurance For Seniors: International, Medical, & Health Insurance - Air Doctor (2024)


What is the best international travel insurance for seniors? ›

Summary: Best Senior Travel Insurance Companies
CompanyForbes Advisor RatingTop-scoring policy for seniors
Tin Leg4.8Gold
Travel Insured4.8Worldwide Trip Protector
USI Affinity4.8Ruby
Generali Global Assistance4.5Premium
8 more rows
1 day ago

What is the best health insurance for international travel? ›

Based on our comprehensive review, the companies offering the best travel medical insurance are Faye, IMG, Travelex, AIG Travel Guard and Allianz. Travel medical insurance is a specialized type of coverage that helps pay for medical bills and emergency evacuations if you're hurt or become sick while traveling.

What is the best medical plan for seniors? ›

Best Health Insurance for Retirees of 2024
  • Best Low-Cost Medicare Advantage Plans: Aetna.
  • Best Medicare Supplement Plan G: Mutual of Omaha.
  • Most Medicare Supplement Plans: Blue Cross Blue Shield.
  • Largest Medicare Advantage Provider: UnitedHealthcare.
  • Good for Low Premiums: Cigna.
  • Best Customer Satisfaction: Kaiser Permanente.

How much medical travel insurance is enough? ›

How much travel medical insurance do you need? Squaremouth, a travel insurance comparison site, recommends buying at least $50,000 in emergency medical coverage for international travel. For travelers going on a cruise or to a remote destination, the site recommends at least $100,000 in coverage.

Does AARP offer international medical travel insurance? ›

While there are no AARP travel insurance products or discounts available for seniors, members can use the AARP website for trips and tricks on how to plan for international travel and information regarding how to choose the right insurance plan for older travelers.

What is the difference between travel insurance and international health insurance? ›

International health insurance is designed to provide a comprehensive level of health care to those relocating from their home country for a sustained period of time, whereas travel insurance provides cover for emergency treatment while you are in another country for a shorter space of time.

How much does international travel medical insurance cost? ›

Many travel medical policies start at less than a dollar a day. Costs can vary widely depending on factors such as coverage level, age, destination, and trip length. A full week of coverage may cost less than $4 or more than $100.

How much is international health insurance per month? ›

How Much Does International Health Insurance Cost? International health insurance can cost you anywhere from $200 to $900 per month— with an average of $500. However, your international health insurance can vary depending on the following factors: International or local.

What's the best travel insurance company? ›

The Best International Travel Insurance Providers in Detail
  • Faye. Our Top Pick. ...
  • Travelex. Our pick for families. ...
  • Nationwide Travel Insurance. Our pick for most coverage reimbursed. ...
  • Tin Leg. Our pick for customizable coverage. ...
  • Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection. ...
  • Seven Corners Travel Insurance. ...
  • AIG Travel Guard.

What is the best insurance for people over 75? ›

It's important to note that while life insurance rates often increase with age, we found that the following companies provide the best coverage options for older adults.
  • Fidelity Life: Our top pick for seniors.
  • MassMutual: Our pick for guaranteed issue coverage for seniors.
  • State Farm: Our pick for customer satisfaction.

What is the best medical insurance after 65? ›

Best overall: Medicare

Original Medicare combines Part A (hospital insurance) and Part B (medical insurance). Original Medicare is run directly by the government. With Original Medicare, you can get care from 99% of the doctors in the country.

What state has the best health insurance for seniors? ›

  • Tennessee. #1 in Medicare Quality. #24 in Best States Overall. ...
  • Louisiana. #2 in Medicare Quality. #50 in Best States Overall. ...
  • Wisconsin. #3 in Medicare Quality. ...
  • Pennsylvania. #4 in Medicare Quality. ...
  • Alabama. #5 in Medicare Quality. ...
  • Michigan. #6 in Medicare Quality. ...
  • Utah. #7 in Medicare Quality. ...
  • Rhode Island. #8 in Medicare Quality.

Is international travel medical insurance worth it? ›

Quick answer: Yes. Typically with travel medical plans, the length of coverage will vary between five days up to three years, although you cannot purchase a three-year policy upfront. The maximum length of coverage for some plans is 364 days, and then you can renew it for up to three years.

What does travel insurance not cover? ›

Most travel insurance policies won't pay out if you're negligent while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and have an accident or have property stolen.

Is Allianz travel insurance good? ›

We at the MarketWatch Guides team awarded Allianz Travel Insurance 4.1 out of 5 stars based on our provider review methodology. Named our pick for concierge services, Allianz offers 24/7 travel assistance through a multilingual team, which can help policyholders with travel and coverage issues while abroad.

Is Medicare good for international travel? ›

In most situations, Medicare won't pay for health care or supplies you get outside the U.S. The term “outside the U.S.” means anywhere other than the 50 states of the U.S., the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

How much does international travelers insurance cost? ›

The average cost of travel insurance is about 3% to 5% of a trip's total value, according to quotes gathered by our research team across different travel insurance providers for various traveler profiles.

What travel insurance company is the best? ›

The Best International Travel Insurance Providers in Detail
  • Faye. Our Top Pick. ...
  • Travelex. Our pick for families. ...
  • Nationwide Travel Insurance. Our pick for most coverage reimbursed. ...
  • Tin Leg. Our pick for customizable coverage. ...
  • Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection. ...
  • Seven Corners Travel Insurance. ...
  • AIG Travel Guard.

Can a 70 year old get travel insurance? ›

As an older traveler, you may focus on comprehensive medical care and evacuation protections when buying travel insurance. Seven Corners offers a broad selection of medical insurance policies, with travelers 65 to 79 years old provided up to $100,000 in medical coverage.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.