Best time to plant in CT (Season-by-season breakdown) | T&J Landscaping and Masonry (2024)

It would be nice if we could plant whatever we want to plant whenever we want to plant it. This would make planting flowers, trees and shrubs much easier. But planting year-round without any restrictions just isn’t feasible due to Connecticut’s cold and snowy winters.

The best time to plant is during the frost-free growing season that starts some time around early-May and ends around mid-October. Planting during this time period allows you to avoid plant-damaging frost and frozen soil and gives your plants a better chance of flourishing.

Once you know what sort of window you’re working with, you’re going to want to figure out which plants work best in which seasons. There are differing opinions on the most ideal times to grow certain plants, but for the sake of this post we’re going to use the recommendations found on the Old Farmer’s Almanac and UCONN’s Home & Garden Education Center websites:

If you’re antsy to get going on your garden, start planting seeds indoors in pots or trays and come up with a plan for what will go where once the ground thaws. You might even be able to plant shrubs and perennials early on in the season depending on the weather. Flowers that take longer to get going and cold-friendly annuals such as pansies and snapdragons will be a good starting point.

Just make sure you wait until after the last frost of the season before you get started on those flower beds. Some will tell you they start after Mother’s Day every year as a general rule of thumb.


  • Deciduous trees and shrubs

  • Start seedlings of annuals (aster, pansies, calendulas, larkspur, alyssum, snapdragons and petunias)


  • Lily of the valley, garden lilies and violets

  • Shrubs (rosebushes) and perennials


The hot temperatures and dry soil in the summer aren’t ideal for most plants, but with a little extra tender loving care (aka water) you can still get in some productive planting during the warmer months. Go with heat-tolerant plants such as petunias and marigolds. When planting in the early part of the summer, try begonias.

You’re going to want to plant in the evening or on cloudy days. This gives the plant time to get acclimated before facing a more stressful sunny afternoon.


  • Summer annuals (cosmos, salvia, marigolds, petunias)

  • Summer bulbs (cannas, gladiolis and dahlias)

  • Caladium and tuberous begonias


  • Annuals

  • Perennials

  • Iris and daylilies


  • Fall-flowering bulbs

  • Hardy lily bulbs

  • Perennials

  • Trees (evergreens) and shrubs

Now is when you want to plan ahead to next year. Spend part of your fall planting perennials such as peonies, and spring bulbs such as tulips and daffodils, and watch your yard pop with color come spring and summer.

The best time of the year to plant most trees and shrubs is in the fall. The cooler temperatures are easier on the trees and shrubs than the harsh summer heat and the autumn rain helps them establish a stronger root system.

Ideally you’ll plant your bulbs 4-6 weeks before the ground freezes. But if that’s not possible, you could still plant certain bulbs and trees as long as the soil isn’t frozen solid. Snow on the ground? Brush it to the side. Once your shovel makes little to no headway in the ground though, it’s time to pack it up and call it a day — or should we say year?


  • Spring bulbs (tulip, trout lily, daffodil, snowdrop, starflower)

  • Trees and shrubs

  • Perennials (Peonies)

  • Accent plants (mums and asters)


  • Spring bulbs (tulip, daffodil, hyacinth bulbs and crocus corms)

  • Sedum, hardy mums, asters, and fall pansies


  • Spring bulbs

  • Trees and shrubs

Feel free to take a break from thinking about flowers, trees and shrubs and recharge your batteries. But if you must do some planting, you could start planting seeds inside to get a head start.


  • Start annuals (marigolds, sweet peas, stattice, impatiens, petunias, and snapdragons)

  • Start perennials (delphinium, shasta daisy, carnation, digitalis, and armeria)

  • Start seeds (geranium, begonia, vinca, and viola)


  • Start some perennials (begonias,, delphinium, carnation, and armeria)

  • Start some annuals (marigolds, impatiens, pansies, snapdragons, and petunias)

When choosing plants for your home, you’re going to want to keep in mind that Connecticut cities such as Weston and Wilton fall under Zone 6b on the USDA plant hardiness zone map while Westport, Norwalk, Fairfield and Darien fall into 7a.

What does that even mean? The hardiness map helps you know which plants — particularly perennial flowers, shrubs and trees — will thrive in your local climate and is based on the average annual extreme minimum temperatures. The colder the weather in your area, the lower the zone number.

If you live in zone 6 on the hardiness map, you’re going to want to make sure the packet of seeds or tag on the plant you’re buying says zone 6. That way you’ll know if what you’re purchasing is likely to survive the winter in your area.

The good news for all you Zone 6ers and 7ers is that both areas enjoy a mild climate that is conducive to growing many plants, especially shrubs such as hydrangea and rhododendron and perennials such as daisies and daylilies, to name a few.

There are plenty of places to buy plants in Connecticut, including big box chains, hardware stores, and independent stores. In order to figure out which store is best for you, you first need to decide what is most important to you.

The best deals on plants are likely to be found at the Home Depot and Lowe’s, according to a 2019 survey by The study surveyed prices on plants in seven cities across the US and found that the Home Depot’s prices were 29 percent lower than average while Lowe’s prices were 26 percent below average. You won’t have to go too far to find these national behemoths. There are 30 Home Depot stores and 16 Lowe’s stores in Connecticut, including one of each in Norwalk and Darien.

If it’s quality you value most, you likely will want to go to an independent store. Customers surveyed by gave their planting products an 83 out of 100 while giving Home Depot and Lowe’s a paltry 38 and 44, respectively. The big box chains fared even worse when it comes to helpful advice. Home Depot and Lowe’s employees were given a 25 and 32 out of 100 while independent store employees earned a 77. The trade-off is that the prices at these places are higher than at the big box stores, in some cases significantly higher.

The most popular time to buy plants is the spring. People have been holed up inside for months and are antsy to get going on their yards. Those willing to wait until the end of a season in mid-July or early-October when the selection is limited and plants are past their bloom time can find good sales on trees, bushes and perennials. You like sales, right?

It’s during these times that stores are looking to clear out that season’s inventory and replace them with the next season’s inventory. You’re going to need to be patient with these plants. The recovery time could be long. And you need to know which discounted plants to avoid, like annuals.

The 40th edition of the Connecticut Flower & Garden Show is scheduled to take place at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford in February of 2022. Expect over 80 hours of demonstrations and seminars from horticulturists and landscapers. Seminar topics scheduled for 2021 include “Garden Design for Changing Climates” and “Building Better Garden Beds and a Pruning Primer.”

The Connecticut Flower & Garden Show is said to draw a crowd of 40,000-plus each year and offers over 300 booths where you can purchase flowers, gardening books and gardening supplies. Admission for the four-day event is $18 for adults.

Working on your own flower beds can be a relaxing and fulfilling activity, but it takes a lot of work. Not everyone has time for that, or the know-how. That’s where a landscaping company comes in. The professionals can take your planting ideas and turn them into a reality, while also giving you their advice on what works best for your yard.

Now is where we plug T&J Landscaping and Masonry (you knew it was coming): We’ve been landscaping in Weston, Wilton, Westport, Redding, Darien, Norwalk and New Canaan for 13 years and are available to handle all your planting needs. Call 203-451-8877 or click here to schedule an appointment. If we don’t serve your area, try Angie’s List or Yelp! to find landscapers near you.

Best time to plant in CT (Season-by-season breakdown) | T&J Landscaping and Masonry (2024)


What can I plant right now in CT? ›

Sow indoors/undercover: broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, leek, lettuce, onion, peas, pepper, swiss chard, and tomato. Sow outdoors: brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, lettuce, onion, peas, spinach, and turnip. Deciduous trees and shrubs can be planted until the end of the month.

What is ideal planting season? ›

The best time to plant any plant is during the dormant season – in North America, this is usually late fall through early spring. While it's okay to plant during the rest of the year, it will require more maintenance from you in the form of watering, fertilizers, etc.

When can you plant flowers outside in CT? ›

September is a great time of year to plant perennial flowers. Most gardeners shy away from fall planting because they worry the plants won't survive winter. But if you plant in September, your perennials will have plenty of time to put down their roots before the cold.

Is it too early to plant grass in CT? ›

The best time of the year to successfully start grass seed in Connecticut is between August 15 and September 15. During this period, the seeds germinate quickly and the seedlings grow rapidly. Another time to start grass seed is in late winter or early spring.

What gardening zone is CT? ›

Connecticut is in USDA plant hardiness zones 5-7. Use your last and first frost dates below to calculate your planting schedule.

Is April too early to plant shrubs? ›

Planting barefoot perennials, as long as they are dormant, can be done in early spring. You can also plant dormant trees and shrubs and cold tolerant annuals as early as April.

What should I start planting right now? ›

Plants that you can start indoors from seed include:
  • Broccoli.
  • Brussels sprouts.
  • Cabbage.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Eggplant.
  • Lettuce.
  • Peppers.
  • Pumpkins.

What is the best thing to plant right now? ›

16 Vegetables You Can Plant Now for Fall Harvest
  • Brussels Sprouts. Brussels sprouts love cool weather and are often grown in cool climates as a spring crop that holds in the garden through summer. ...
  • Beans. ...
  • Radishes. ...
  • Turnips. ...
  • Collards. ...
  • Green Onions. ...
  • Kohlrabi. ...
  • Lettuce.
Jul 24, 2020

Is march/early to plant? ›

March is a good time to sow a huge variety of seeds, some of which can be sown direct and others sown indoors to be planted out after all risk of frost has passed. Some crops, such as chillies and tomatoes, should be sown early in the year to give them the long growing season they need.

What is off season planting? ›

According to Mr. Rondal, off-season vegetable production technology is the application of practical knowledge in growing vegetable crops that are not in season (from the month of June to November in the Philippines).

What is the best month to start gardening? ›

According to Witz, late summer or early fall is the perfect time for “tilling the ground and adding organic matter, like compost or manure, to improve soil structure and nutrient levels,” because “the cold winter months provide ample time for the organic matter to break down and mingle with the dirt.”

Can you plant outside in March? ›

Outside, you can sow peas, carrots, beetroot, summer and autumn cabbages, herbs, leeks, spinach, turnips, spring onions, broad beans, Brussels sprouts and parsnips. This is also a good time to start planting out early potatoes, onions, garlic and shallots.

Can you plant anything outside in March? ›

Vegetable seeds to sow in March

Start sowing cool-weather crops like peas, lettuce, radishes, kohlrabi, mustard greens, collards, turnips, spinach, beetroot, carrots, and onions (seeds and sets) outdoors when your soil is warm enough. Or, use phenology to decide when to plant: when daffodils bloom, plant those crops.

Is it too early to plant flowers in CT? ›

In general, when there hasn't been a frost for two weeks, you are SAFE to plant your spring flowers outside in Connecticut!

Can you plant grass in March in CT? ›

If you are determined to have a green lawn by summer, you could plant grass seed in Connecticut in late April or early May, as long as the danger of frost has passed. A better time to plant grass seed is early fall (mid-August to mid-September).

Can I lay a new lawn in March? ›

Is it possible to lay turf in the spring? Yes, of course it is, and here are some top tips to ensure that your new lawn turf will not just survive but thrive! The quality of your lawn will depend on the quality of your preparation.

When can I seed my lawn in the spring in CT? ›

Best time to attempt spring grass seeding

The best time to seed in the spring is mid-March through early April. Like fall seeding, the soil must first be prepared. The recommended method is verticutting. A verticut slices grooves in the soil that allows for the necessary seed and soil contact for germination.

What planting zone is northwest CT? ›

For example, a gardener in Northwest Connecticut (hardiness zone 5) will confidently plant a variety that has been rated hardy to zone 4, but would generally not plant a variety that is only rated hardy to zone 6, because the zone 6 plant would not likely survive their typical winter.

What zone is New Canaan CT? ›

Zipcode 06840 - New Canaan Connecticut is in Hardiness Zones 6b.

What zone is Hartford Connecticut? ›

Related Connecticut Maps:
Connecticut LocationUSDA Hardiness Zone(s)
HartfordZone 6a, 6b
Hartford CountyZone 5b, 6a, 6b
HazardvilleZone 6a
Heritage VillageZone 6a, 6b
146 more rows

What should I plant in March April? ›

Sow seed outdoors for beetroot, carrots, Swiss chard, summer cauliflower, kohl rabi, lettuce, leeks, radish, turnip, spring and pickling onions, peas and perpetual spinach in well-prepared soil. Try sowing unusual vegetables such as salsify, Hamburg parsley, or scorzonera.

Can you plant new shrubs in March? ›

Towards the end of the month, you can plant evergreen shrubs and trees left unplanted since the autumn. In warmer areas, evergreen trees and shrubs can be moved in late March. It is better to wait until early April in colder areas.

What should be planted first in the spring? ›

Plant these vegetables early and enjoy fresh harvests sooner than ever before.
6 Vegetables to Plant in Spring
  1. 1 Lettuce and Spinach. ...
  2. 2 Carrots and Radishes. ...
  3. 3 Peas. ...
  4. 4 Onions. ...
  5. 5 Potatoes. ...
  6. 6 Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts.

What plants should be planted first in spring? ›

In late February to early March, start cabbages, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, leeks, endive, escarole, fennel, lettuce, and artichokes indoors. In mid- to late March, direct sow peas, spinach, fava beans, and arugula outdoors. Start peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, Swiss chard, and tomatillos indoors.

What is the most low maintenance plant? ›

I'm talking so low-maintenance that they'll laugh in the face of your neglect.
  • Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) ...
  • ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) ...
  • Snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) ...
  • Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) ...
  • Cast iron plant (Aspidistra elatior) ...
  • Succulents (multiple families) ...
  • Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
Jun 23, 2020

What is the most easiest plant to grow? ›

Easy Plants for Kids to Grow
  • Snap Peas. Snap peas are a quick-growing early crop. ...
  • Sunflowers. These sunny flowers are a must for a child's garden. ...
  • Radishes. Radishes are super fast growers. ...
  • Marigolds. These hardy little flowers can take rough handling and still keep going. ...
  • Cherry Tomatoes. ...
  • Pumpkins. ...
  • Carrots. ...
  • Potatoes.

What plants are in the highest demand? ›

Here are eight specialty crops worth growing:
  • Bamboo. Landscapers and homeowners are paying as much as $150 each for potted bamboo plants, and many growers are finding it hard to keep up with the demand. ...
  • Flowers. ...
  • Ginseng. ...
  • Ground Covers. ...
  • Herbs. ...
  • Landscaping Trees and Shrubs. ...
  • Mushrooms. ...
  • Ornamental Grasses.
Dec 19, 2019

What seeds can be planted in March and April? ›

Carrot seeds can also be sown, as well as beetroot, kale, leeks, broccoli, horseradish, chicory, and turnips. Spring onions are also great early vegetables to plant in March, as well as spinach (make sure the soil is enriched with organic matter), peas, shallots and parsnips.

What shrubs can I plant in March? ›

March is the end of the planting season for deciduous and bare-rooted trees and shrubs. Although container grown stock can be planted virtually all the year round. Evergreens and conifers can be planted now, as well as the more delicate grey or silver-leaved shrubs such as artemisia, lavender, rosemary and santolina.

Is April a good month planting? ›

April is the best time to plant most of your vegetable seeds after your last frost for all zones. It's still not too late to plant tomatoes and peppers from seeds as well! Check out the below vegetables that can be started in April. Be sure to check your gardening zone for last frost dates.

What should you not do when planting? ›

4 Things That You Should Never Do in the Garden
  1. Don't overfeed your garden with fertilizer. ...
  2. Don't apply synthetic fertilizer. ...
  3. Don't use any form of pesticides. ...
  4. Don't Over Fertilize. ...
  5. Don't Use Synthetic Fertilizers. ...
  6. Don't Plant in Too Much Shade. ...
  7. Don't Use Broad Spectrum Pesticides.

What is too late planting? ›

The latest time to plant for most vegetables would be the second week in June with a short harvest time. If planting crops that mature within 50 days, you could plant those as late as the last week in June, but keep in mind the weather will be turning cooler, especially at night. Cool crops are best for late plantings.

What is planted in April? ›

What Vegetables to Plant in April. Plant seeds of cool-season vegetables directly in the garden as soon as the soil dries enough to be worked. You can direct-sow these crops: peas, lettuce, spinach, carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips, and Swiss chard.

What month is too late to start a garden? ›

Is it too late to start a garden? The answer is usually no, it's not too late! Generally speaking, April and May are the best time to start a vegetable garden. But if you've missed that deadline, there are several ways to extend your planting window.

When should I start my outdoor garden? ›

Don't bother to plant before the soil and air temperatures have warmed up above this point in spring or early summer because the seeds and plants simply won't grow. Wait until about two weeks after the average last frost date for your region to plant warm-season crops.

When should I start my outdoor plants? ›

The best time to start seeds is usually late March to late May. Only the southern zones are suitable for starting plants from seed in the earlier months. Give the plant enough time to germinate and grow to an appropriate transplant size.

Can you plant bare root in March? ›

November to March is the ideal time to plant bare-root plants. These are plants that have been been grown in open ground, then dug up for despatch and planting during the dormant season. They are called 'bare-root' plants as they are supplied with no soil around their roots.

What can be planted outside in February? ›

Hardy crops that are usually grown outdoors can be sown under cloches or in the soil beds of a greenhouse or polytunnel.
They will romp ahead and give welcome fresh produce at a lean time of year:
  • Lettuce.
  • Carrots.
  • Radish.
  • Rocket.
  • Baby beetroot]
  • Spinach.
  • Peas (mangetout and sugar snap)
  • Turnips.

What flowers can I plant in March for summer? ›

Early spring is an ideal time to plant herbaceous perennials, including Geranium, Astrantia and Oriental poppies. Plant summer-flowering bulbs.

Can I plant things in February? ›

Plant Cold-Hardy Annuals in February

Choose species that can take a light frost such as pansy, dianthus, sweet alyssum, dusty miller, sweet pea, osteospermum, and calendula.

When can I put plants outside in spring? ›

It's safe to move your plants outside when the outdoor temperatures stay consistently above 50°F. Pay attention to the weather report. If nighttime temperatures are set to fall below 50°F, bring your plants in for the night. Bring them back outside when temperatures rise.

What gardening should I do in March? ›

More jobs for this month
  • Lift and divide overgrown clumps of perennials.
  • Top dress containers with fresh compost.
  • Mow the lawn on dry days (if needed)
  • Cut back Cornus (dogwood) and Salix (willow) grown for colourful winter stems.
  • Hoe and mulch weeds to keep them under control early.

When should I start planting in CT? ›

The best time to plant is during the frost-free growing season that starts some time around early-May and ends around mid-October. Planting during this time period allows you to avoid plant-damaging frost and frozen soil and gives your plants a better chance of flourishing.

Can I plant any flowers in March? ›

Find out which flowers to plant in March with our guide to this month's sowing. Early spring is the time to propagate a plethora of seeds ready for summer flowering. Make sure you sow marigolds, sweet peas, delphiniums, and sunflowers now, along with a host of other lovely varieties of flowering plants.

Is April too early to plant flowers? ›

While it's best to hold off until a few weeks after the last frost to plant warm-weather flower seeds, April is the best time to direct sow cool-weather seeds. The following seeds thrive with a cooler weather head-start: sweet peas. larkspur.

When can you plant a vegetable garden in CT? ›

Now, for all the summer vegetables like beans, cowpeas, corn, squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, gourds and sunflowers, you should plant those seeds directly into the ground around April 26, or if your soil is still very cold, once the soil is near 60° F in temperature.

When should I plant tomatoes in Connecticut? ›

Start with fresh seed and sow them about 4 to 6 weeks before your last frost date. That would be around the end of March or early April in most Connecticut gardens. Sow 2 seeds in a 2-inch diameter pot filled with seed starting potting soil.

How early should you start your garden? ›

The best time to start your vegetable garden is six to eight weeks before the last frost around springtime. Start seeds indoors, then transplant seedlings outside about two weeks after the last frost. Usually, the best time to start seeds outdoors is around late March to May, unless you live in a warmer area.

When can I plant grass in spring in CT? ›

If you are determined to have a green lawn by summer, you could plant grass seed in Connecticut in late April or early May, as long as the danger of frost has passed. A better time to plant grass seed is early fall (mid-August to mid-September).

Can I start a vegetable garden in March? ›

There are number of vegetables that you can start seeding indoors (or in a greenhouse) in March, including brussels sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, squash and perennial herbs (all under cover), chili and sweet peppers and celery. If you have a greenhouse, you can also start sowing cucumbers, gherkins and tomato seeds.

What vegetables should not be planted? ›

Don't Grow These Vegetables Next to Each Other
  • Beans and Onions.
  • Tomatoes and Corn.
  • Potatoes and Sunflowers.
  • Asparagus and Garlic.
  • Celery and Carrots.
  • Eggplant and Fennel.
  • Cucumber and Rosemary.
  • Lettuce and Garlic.
Jul 9, 2020

When should I plant tomatoes 2022? ›

Tomatoes are a warm-season crop and they don't like frost. It's usually best to plant seeds in late spring through summer.

When can you plant potatoes in CT? ›

In general, when there hasn't been a frost for two weeks, you are SAFE to plant your potatoes outside in Connecticut! For your reference, I have created this table for average frost dates for most major cities in Connecticut.

What happens if you plant tomatoes too early? ›

Planting too early causes a whole host of problems for tender, young tomato plants. From potential frost and freeze damage, to rot and mold. Allow warmer weather to settle in so that soil temperatures can heat up as well. Don't rush planting those transplants until the soil has warmed.

What is the first thing to do before planting a garden? ›

Loosening the soil in new beds before sowing or planting helps roots to grow more easily and access the water and nutrients they need. There are two methods: tilling with a mechanical device such as a rototiller or digging by hand. The first one is a good method when you need to mix in large amounts of amendments.

Is it too late to start a garden in April? ›

Is it too late to start a garden? The answer is usually no, it's not too late! Generally speaking, April and May are the best time to start a vegetable garden.

What is best to plant right now? ›

You may think it's too late to grow all your favorite vegetables from seeds, but warm May temperatures have made the soil perfect for sowing seeds. Warm soil will allow for fast germination and growing plants! Good choices are summertime kitchen garden staples like squash, beans, cucumbers and melons.

Can I put grass down in March? ›

For best results, lawn seed should be sown in spring (from March to May) or early autumn (September to mid October), when the soil is moist and warm. Before laying a new lawn, take some time to think about the part it will play in your overall garden layout.

Is April too early to plant grass? ›

If you have your heart set on planting grass in spring, early April is, in fact, the best time to do it.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.