Beginner's Guide to Live Frugally & Pay Off Debt (2024)

Frugal living is about making conscious decisions to spend less, save more, and manage your finances effectively. Living a frugal life doesn’t mean you are going to cheap out; it means you will be smart with your financial decisions and learn how to balance finances and time.

I’ve had plenty of comments where people on social media tell me I’m not frugal because I shop at a grocery store. Or I’m not frugal because I don’t hang my clothes up to dry. That is not what being frugal is about.

For those with large debts, frugal living can be a powerful tool to help regain control of personal finances and pay off debts faster. This comprehensive beginner’s guide will provide essential tips and advice on budget planning, debt management, reducing expenses, and saving money.

Beginner's Guide to Live Frugally & Pay Off Debt (1)

1. Assess Your Financial Situation

Before diving into frugal living, it’s essential to understand your current financial situation clearly. Start by listing all your income sources, debts, and monthly expenses. This will give you an overview of where your money is going and help you identify areas where you can save.

If you are someone who needs to write this down, grab my Budget Planner that you can print and start filling out asap!

Beginner's Guide to Live Frugally & Pay Off Debt (2)

2. Create a Realistic Budget

A well-planned budget is the foundation of frugal living. To create a realistic budget:

  • Categorize your expenses (e.g., housing, transportation, groceries, etc.)
  • Determine your monthly income
  • Allocate funds to each category based on your priorities and needs
  • Track your spending and adjust the budget as needed

Trim unnecessary expenses: Identify areas where you can cut back without sacrificing your basic needs. Consider reducing dining out, entertainment, subscription services, and impulse purchases.

Remember, if you start these habits now, it doesn’t mean you won’t ever go out to eat frequently again, or get tickets to shows, etc. You are choosing to eliminate wants over needs while you meet your financial goals.

Keep in mind the goal is not to eliminate all non-essential expenses but to find a balance between enjoying life and managing your finances responsibly.

3. Prioritize Debt Repayment

To effectively pay off your debts, prioritize them based on interest rates or outstanding balances. Focus on paying off high-interest debts first, as they accumulate interest faster. Once you’ve paid off one debt, move on to the next highest priority.

No matter what, during this stage, do NOT give up. Even if you have a small setback, we all make mistakes. When we started our debt-free journey, I was bitter and angry about giving up shopping trips to Target or buying new things, but now looking back, the stuff I would have accumulated would be long gone by now, and the debt would still be with me.

I haven’t once regretted the decision to live a debt-free life.

Consolidate or negotiate debts: Explore options like debt consolidation loans or balance transfers to simplify multiple payments and potentially secure lower interest rates. Negotiate with creditors for better terms, or consider working with a reputable credit counseling service.

Beginner's Guide to Live Frugally & Pay Off Debt (4)

4. Reduce Expenses

Frugal living involves finding ways to reduce expenses without sacrificing quality of life.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Housing: Consider downsizing, moving to a more affordable area, or refinancing your mortgage.
  • Transportation: Use public transportation, carpool, or bike instead of driving. If you must drive, maintain your vehicle to maximize fuel efficiency.
  • Groceries: Plan meals, create shopping lists, and often cook at home. Buy in bulk and look for sales or discounts. Grab my Meal Planning Binder here.
  • Utilities: Save on energy bills by using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights when not in use, and reducing water waste.
  • Entertainment: Explore free or low-cost alternatives such as libraries, parks, community events, and online resources for entertainment and recreation.

For a longer list of ways to cut back expenses, check out this article.

I love this cute binder to use for a frugal living lifestyle.

Beginner's Guide to Live Frugally & Pay Off Debt (5)

5. Increase Your Income

In addition to cutting expenses, consider ways to increase your income. This could be through a side hustle, freelancing, selling items you no longer need, or seeking a higher-paying job.

Many of you tell me this on Titkok; I can’t increase my income. But if there is no way for you to increase your income, either in your current job or starting a new job with higher pay, then you have to use your time. Even if it means you only have half an hour a day. Use it to research side hustles.

In today’s modern world, there are SO many ways you can make money online. Give your passions and strengths some thought, and see what side hustles you could work into your week.

When my girls were a baby and two years old, I used all my extra free time to research and learn how to start a blog. I did NOT have a social life during those years, and I was mostly okay with it. I dedicated every little nap time or late-night feeding to researching and starting my blog.

I knew that blogging could be a major financial game changer for us, and I was reading back in 2014 how bloggers were making $15k+ a month, which became something I could NOT let go of. I had to be a part of it.

Now here we are in 2023, and I don’t have to dedicate as much time to my blogging business because blogging is a great way to build multiple income streams without you working eight hours a day.

Beginner's Guide to Live Frugally & Pay Off Debt (6)

6. Build an Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is essential for unexpected expenses, such as medical emergencies or job loss. Aim to save at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses.

I can hear you now, “How do I save money when I don’t have money?” This is why you must try to increase your income- even if you increase it by $1 a day. Maybe while you are researching your side hustle, you NOT spend money for a day, then the next week, try not spending for two days.

If you are reading this now and making excuses, take a minute to let all the procrastination and excuses go, and realize right now that you are choosing to change YOUR financial future. It’s in YOUR hands, and you can do this.

Think of your incredible story, for all those hardships racing through your mind right now that you can share with someone you overcome.

I overcame these hardships, and I’m here sharing with you-you can too, and it’s worth it in more ways than you can imagine right now, and I’m sure you are imagining a ton of ways having no debt would change your life.

Beginner's Guide to Live Frugally & Pay Off Debt (7)

7. Make Saving a Habit

Develop a habit of saving money consistently. Set aside a portion of your income each month for savings or investments. Automate your savings by setting up automatic transfers to a dedicated savings account. ( Don’t let yourself think of that savings account as a place to go and grab cash) It’s off-limits.

The minute you start going back to take money- you aren’t changing your mindset, and this won’t get you any closer to your financial goal.

The problem with this is when you go and take $100 out of that savings account; it has no immediate impact on your finances at that moment. That means you’ll go back when you want extra cash, BUT it will hurt badly in the future.

Wouldn’t it be nice to go on a family vacation you paid for? No monthly payments on the credit card? Or retiring early?

If you tell yourself you’ll put extra money back in next week, you are fooling yourself. Just don’t go to that account. Let it be.

  • Compare prices: Before purchasing, research prices online, compare different stores, and look for sales or discounts. Price-tracking websites and mobile apps can assist you in finding the best deals.
  • Utilize coupons and rewards programs: Clip coupons, sign up for loyalty programs, and take advantage of cashback offers to save money on everyday purchases.
  • Adopt a “wait-and-consider” approach: Delay impulse purchases for at least 24 hours. This habit helps you evaluate whether you truly need the item or if it’s an impulsive desire.

To learn how to extreme coupon to really save money, read this article.

Real-World Scenarios

  • Scenario 1: John has $10,000 in credit card debt with a 19% interest rate. By prioritizing this high-interest debt and paying an extra $200 per month, he can save thousands of dollars in interest and pay off the debt much faster.
  • Scenario 2: Sarah wants to reduce her grocery bill. She starts planning her meals, shopping with a list, and buying store brands. As a result, she cuts her monthly grocery expenses by $150.

You can check out my personal debt-free story here.

Resources and Tools

Check out some of our favorite resources and tools. I love following YNAB on Tiktok. Today check out Tiktok and Youtube for more tips and ways to keep you encouraged and on track. It’s nice to have some financial accountability show up in your feeds.

Follow me on Tiktok too!

  • Budgeting apps: Apps like YNAB (You Need A Budget), and EveryDollar can help you track your spending and create a personalized budget.
  • Debt repayment calculators: Online calculators, such as and Debt Snowball Calculator, can help you determine the best strategy for paying off your debts.
  • Personal finance blogs and books: Educate yourself on personal finance by reading blogs like The Simple Dollar, Mr. Money Mustache or books like “Your Money or Your Life” by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez.

Frugal living is not about deprivation but about making smarter choices to achieve financial freedom. By following these tips and embracing a frugal lifestyle, you can effectively manage your debts, save money, and build a secure financial future.

To get started grab this adorable and functional Frugal Living Binder!

Beginner's Guide to Live Frugally & Pay Off Debt (2024)


How do I live frugally to pay off debt? ›

Tips for How to Get Out of Debt Fast
  1. Lower your expenses. Once you've made your budget, go through it line by line and see where you can cut back on your spending. ...
  2. Increase your income. Think of your income as a shovel. ...
  3. Cut up your credit cards. ...
  4. Know your why. ...
  5. Take Financial Peace University.
Apr 27, 2024

How to live extremely frugally? ›

12 Tips for Frugal Living
  1. Choose quality over quantity. ...
  2. Prioritize value over price. ...
  3. Use credit wisely. ...
  4. Declutter regularly. ...
  5. Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  6. Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  7. Be a savvy consumer. ...
  8. Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

How to be super cheap? ›

I should note that I do most, but not all, of these tips.
  1. Go with one car. Many families have two or more cars. ...
  2. Go with a smaller house. ...
  3. Go with a smaller car. ...
  4. Rent rather than own. ...
  5. Look for used first. ...
  6. Eat out less. ...
  7. Eat out frugally. ...
  8. Brown bag it to work.

How to live on very little money? ›

These seven tips may be able to help.
  1. Understand your current financial habits. Not sure how to start spending less? ...
  2. Create an effective budget and stick to it. ...
  3. Look for ways to reduce spending. ...
  4. Set financial goals for future success. ...
  5. Save for emergencies or major purchases. ...
  6. Pay down debt. ...
  7. Stay aware of lifestyle creep.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What not to do when paying off debt? ›

5 Big Mistakes to Avoid When Paying Off Debt
  1. Not having a payoff plan. Knowing you want to pay down debt often isn't enough to be successful at such a challenging endeavor. ...
  2. Spreading around your money too much. ...
  3. Not tracking your progress. ...
  4. Working on debt payoff with no emergency fund. ...
  5. Continuing to get deeper into debt.
Sep 21, 2021

How to survive on $1,000 a month? ›

How to Live on $1,000 a Month
  1. Assess Your Situation. You can't really learn how to manage your money better if you don't know where you're starting from. ...
  2. Separate Needs From Wants. ...
  3. Lower Your Housing Costs. ...
  4. Get Rid of Your Car. ...
  5. Eat at Home. ...
  6. Negotiate Your Bills. ...
  7. Learn to Barter and Trade. ...
  8. Get Rid of Debt.

What is an example of a frugal act? ›

Common techniques of frugality include reduction of waste, curbing costly habits, suppressing instant gratification by means of fiscal self-restraint, seeking efficiency, avoiding traps, defying expensive social norms, detecting and avoiding manipulative advertising, embracing cost-free options, using barter, and ...

How to live simple life and save money? ›

1. Don't spend money you don't have. Ignore all the offers for free 12-month financing and buy now, pay later deals. If you really, really want something that you can't afford now, simply save to buy it.

How to be less broke? ›

Use the 50/30/20 Rule: Allocate 50% of your income to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings and debt repayment. Adjusting these percentages to fit your goals can help accelerate your savings. Save Your Raises and Bonuses: Resist the temptation to increase your spending with every raise or bonus.

How to be frugal in 2024? ›

Taking a walk and watching what you eat is much cheaper. Stop using food delivery apps like Doordash and Uber Eats; their prices are far higher than those of going to the restaurant yourself. By eliminating excess spending, you will be shocked by how much extra money you'll save.

What is the cheapest food to live on? ›

10 Cheap & Healthy Foods to Buy, According to a Dietitian
  • Canned Tomatoes.
  • Oats.
  • Peanut Butter.
  • Canned Beans.
  • Potatoes.
  • Lentils.
  • Popcorn.
  • Frozen Berries.
Apr 24, 2024

Can someone live off $1,000 a month? ›

Living on $1,000 per month is a challenge. From the high costs of housing, transportation and food, plus trying to keep your bills to a minimum, it would be difficult for anyone living alone to make this work. But with some creativity, roommates and strategy, you might be able to pull it off.

Is $4000 a month enough to live on? ›

The answer is yes, almost 1 in 3 retirees today are spending between $2,000 and $3,999 per month, implying that $4,000 is a good monthly income for a retiree.

How to pay off $6,000 in debt fast? ›

Pay off your debt and save on interest by paying more than the minimum every month. The key is to make extra payments consistently so you can pay off your loan more quickly. Some lenders allow you to make an extra payment each month specifying that each extra payment goes toward the principal.

Is it possible to live completely debt-free? ›

Becoming debt-free doesn't happen overnight. A plan is typically required to pay down existing debt, a broad plan that should entail tracking expenses, creating a budget, reducing expenses where possible, giving your income a boost, monitoring your credit score, and building an emergency fund.

How to pay off $20k in debt fast? ›

Use a debt consolidation loan

With a debt consolidation loan, you borrow money from a lender and roll all of those debts into one loan with a single interest rate. This allows you to make one monthly payment rather than paying multiple creditors.

How can I pay off debt and still have a life? ›

How to manage debt (and still have fun)
  1. Set up a budget to track your expenses and spending. ...
  2. Use cash for everyday purchases like groceries and eating out. ...
  3. Carefully monitor your credit card spending each month. ...
  4. Pay more than the minimum amount due. ...
  5. Pay off the credit card with the highest interest rate first.

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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.