BAR: A Strong Contender in Gold ETFs - (2024)

BAR: A Strong Contender in Gold ETFs - (1)

BAR, also known as the GraniteShares Gold Trust, has emerged as a substantial contender in the realm of gold ETFs. In an industry flooded with various options for investors seeking to capitalize on physical gold, distinguishing factors such as expense ratios, reporting details, and assets under management become crucial in making an informed investment decision. A comprehensive evaluation of seven prominent gold ETFs highlights BAR and the abrdn Physical Gold Shares ETF (SGOL) as the frontrunners due to their low expense ratios and impressive compound annual growth rates. While SGOL takes the crown as the “best in class” gold ETF, BAR garners an honorable mention, its only drawback being a smaller asset under management count compared to SGOL.

BAR: A Strong Contender in Gold ETFs - (2)

Table of Contents

Introduction to Gold ETFs

Gold ETFs, or exchange-traded funds, have become increasingly popular among investors looking to gain exposure to physical gold without the need for owning and storing the metal. These investment vehicles offer a convenient way to invest in gold as they can be bought and sold on major stock exchanges, just like stocks or bonds. This article will provide an overview of gold ETFs, discuss their importance in investment portfolios, compare different gold ETFs, evaluate popular options such as ABRDN Physical Gold Shares ETF (SGOL) and GraniteShares Gold Trust (BAR), analyze their performance, highlight the benefits of investing in gold ETFs, consider important considerations for gold ETF investors, provide a future outlook for these investment vehicles, and conclude with recommendations for investors.

Overview of Gold ETFs

Gold ETFs are investment funds that hold physical gold bullion as their primary asset. Investors who buy shares of these ETFs indirectly own a proportionate amount of gold represented by the shares they hold. The value of the ETF shares is directly linked to the market price of gold. Gold ETFs are designed to track the performance of gold prices and provide investors with an efficient way to invest in the precious metal.

Importance of Gold in Investment Portfolios

Gold has long been considered a safe haven asset and a store of value. It has unique characteristics that make it attractive to investors as a portfolio diversification tool. Gold has historically demonstrated a low correlation with other asset classes such as stocks and bonds, making it an effective hedge against market volatility and economic uncertainty. Additionally, gold has maintained its intrinsic value over time, serving as a reliable store of wealth. Including gold in an investment portfolio can help reduce overall risk and enhance long-term returns.

BAR: A Strong Contender in Gold ETFs - (3)

BAR: A Strong Contender in Gold ETFs - (4)

Comparison of Gold ETFs

When choosing a gold ETF, investors should consider several factors, including expense ratios, reporting details and transparency, and the assets under management. These factors can greatly impact the overall performance and suitability of a gold ETF for an investor’s specific needs. While different gold ETFs may have similar investment strategies, it is essential to analyze these factors and understand the nuances of each ETF before making an investment decision.

Similarities Among Gold ETFs

While gold ETFs may have different expense ratios and reporting details, there are some commonalities among them. All gold ETFs provide investors with exposure to physical gold bullion without the need for direct ownership and storage. They aim to track the performance of the gold price and offer liquidity, allowing investors to buy and sell shares on major stock exchanges.

Differences in Expense Ratios

Expense ratios are an important consideration when comparing gold ETFs. These fees cover the costs associated with managing the ETF, including storage and insurance of the physical gold. Lower expense ratios can result in higher net returns for investors. It is essential to compare expense ratios among different gold ETFs to determine which offers a cost-effective investment option.

BAR: A Strong Contender in Gold ETFs - (5)

Reporting Details and Transparency

Transparency is crucial when investing in gold ETFs. Investors should have access to information about the physical gold holdings, the total amount of gold held by the fund, and the methodologies used to calculate the net asset value (NAV) of the ETF shares. Detailed reporting ensures that investors can make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information.

Assets Under Management

The assets under management (AUM) of a gold ETF provide insight into its popularity and investor confidence. Higher AUM generally indicate a larger investor base and greater market acceptance. Larger AUM can also lead to increased liquidity, as more investors buying and selling shares can help maintain a tight bid-ask spread.

Evaluation of Popular Gold ETFs

In order to determine the best gold ETF for investors, a comprehensive evaluation of popular options is necessary. This evaluation should consider the ETFs’ objective, criteria for evaluation, and data sources for analysis. By conducting a thorough evaluation, investors can make well-informed decisions that align with their investment goals and risk tolerance.

BAR: A Strong Contender in Gold ETFs - (6)

Objective of the Evaluation

The objective of evaluating popular gold ETFs is to identify the ETF that offers the most suitable investment option for investors seeking exposure to physical gold. This evaluation aims to determine the ETF that provides a combination of low expense ratios, favorable historical performance, appropriate risk-adjusted returns, and sufficient liquidity for investors.

Criteria for Evaluation

The criteria for evaluating gold ETFs include expense ratios, compound annual growth rate, standard deviation and beta, liquidity, and tracking error. These factors are crucial in assessing the overall performance, risk profile, and accessibility of each ETF.

Data Sources for Analysis

To conduct a thorough evaluation, data from reliable and credible sources should be used. Historical performance data, expense ratios, and AUM information can be sourced from ETF providers, financial data platforms, and regulatory filings. Risk metrics such as standard deviation and beta can be calculated using statistical models.

ABRDN Physical Gold Shares ETF (SGOL)

The ABRDN Physical Gold Shares ETF (SGOL) is a standout option among gold ETFs. It offers several key advantages that make it an attractive investment choice for investors.

Overview of SGOL

SGOL is an ETF that aims to provide investors with a cost-effective and efficient way to gain exposure to the price of gold. The fund achieves this by holding physical gold bullion in secure vaults in Zurich, Switzerland. Each share of SGOL represents a specified amount of gold, offering investors a way to indirectly own and trade gold.

Low Expense Ratio

One of the major benefits of investing in SGOL is its low expense ratio. The expense ratio represents the annual cost of managing the ETF and is deducted from the fund’s assets. SGOL has consistently maintained a low expense ratio, allowing investors to maximize their net returns.

Higher Compound Annual Growth Rate

SGOL has demonstrated a higher compound annual growth rate compared to other gold ETFs. This indicates that the fund has generated favorable returns for investors over the long term. The higher growth rate can be attributed to SGOL’s effective tracking of the gold price, making it an attractive option for investors seeking long-term capital appreciation.

Average Standard Deviation and Beta

SGOL has exhibited an average standard deviation and beta, which indicates moderate volatility and sensitivity to market fluctuations. This makes SGOL suitable for investors looking to add gold to their portfolios without significantly increasing overall portfolio risk.

Sufficient Liquidity for Investors

SGOL offers sufficient liquidity for investors, allowing them to buy and sell shares on major stock exchanges. The fund has been able to maintain a tight bid-ask spread, ensuring that investors can execute trades at fair prices. This liquidity provides investors with flexibility and ease of trading.

Recommendation as the Best Gold ETF

Based on its low expense ratio, higher compound annual growth rate, average standard deviation and beta, and sufficient liquidity, SGOL is recommended as the best gold ETF for investors. It offers a cost-effective investment option with the potential for long-term capital appreciation while managing volatility effectively.

GraniteShares Gold Trust (BAR)

While SGOL is the top recommendation for investors looking for a gold ETF, the GraniteShares Gold Trust (BAR) deserves an honorable mention as a strong contender in the gold ETF space.

Overview of BAR

BAR is an ETF that offers investors exposure to physical gold through a trust structure. The fund is designed to track the performance of the gold price by holding allocated gold bullion in vaults in London. Each share of BAR represents a specified amount of gold, enabling investors to indirectly own and trade gold.

Comparison to SGOL

BAR offers similar advantages to SGOL, including exposure to physical gold and liquidity for investors. However, there are some differences between the two ETFs that investors should consider.

Lower Asset Under Management Count

BAR has a lower AUM compared to SGOL. While this may not necessarily indicate poor performance or lack of investor interest, it is worth considering when evaluating the overall popularity and acceptance of the ETF. Lower AUM can potentially impact liquidity.

Honorable Mention as a Strong Contender

Despite having a smaller AUM count, BAR is still recognized as a strong contender in the gold ETF space. It provides investors with exposure to physical gold and offers liquidity, making it a suitable investment option for those looking to include gold in their portfolios.

Performance Analysis of SGOL and BAR

To further assess the suitability of SGOL and BAR as gold ETF options, a performance analysis can be conducted. This analysis should compare the historical performance, risk-adjusted returns, volatility and standard deviation, and long-term investment potential of the two ETFs.

Comparison of Historical Performance

By analyzing historical performance, investors can gain insight into how SGOL and BAR have performed over time. Factors such as total returns, annualized returns, and price trends should be considered. This analysis will help investors understand the historical performance of the ETFs and identify any patterns or trends.

Risk-Adjusted Returns

Analyzing risk-adjusted returns allows investors to evaluate how efficiently the ETFs generate returns relative to their level of risk. Metrics such as the Sharpe ratio and the Sortino ratio can be used to assess the risk-adjusted performance of SGOL and BAR. Higher ratios indicate better risk-adjusted returns.

Volatility and Standard Deviation

Volatility and standard deviation provide insights into the level of price fluctuations and overall risk of the ETFs. By comparing the volatility and standard deviation of SGOL and BAR, investors can assess the differences in risk between the two ETFs. Lower volatility and standard deviation indicate lower risk.

Long-Term Investment Potential

Investors should also consider the long-term investment potential of SGOL and BAR. This includes analyzing factors such as macroeconomic trends, market dynamics, and the outlook for the gold price. Understanding the long-term investment potential will help investors determine whether SGOL or BAR aligns with their investment goals and time horizon.

Benefits of Investing in Gold ETFs

Investing in gold ETFs offers several benefits that make them attractive options for investors seeking exposure to physical gold. These benefits include diversification of investment portfolios, liquidity and ease of trading, lower transaction costs, potential hedge against inflation, and tax advantages compared to physical gold.

Diversification of Investment Portfolio

Adding gold ETFs to an investment portfolio can provide diversification benefits. Gold has historically exhibited low correlation with other asset classes, such as stocks and bonds, making it an effective portfolio diversifier. By including gold ETFs, investors can reduce overall portfolio volatility and potentially enhance risk-adjusted returns.

Liquidity and Ease of Trading

Gold ETFs are highly liquid investment vehicles. They can be bought and sold on major stock exchanges during regular trading hours, providing investors with ease of trading. Liquidity ensures that investors can enter and exit their positions at fair prices without facing significant transaction costs.

Lower Transaction Costs

Compared to physical gold, investing in gold ETFs typically incurs lower transaction costs. Buying and selling physical gold may involve expenses such as storage, insurance, transportation, and assay fees. Gold ETFs eliminate these costs, making them a more cost-effective option for investors.

Potential Hedge Against Inflation

Gold has historically served as a hedge against inflation. As the value of paper currencies erodes due to inflation, the price of gold has tended to rise, preserving purchasing power. By investing in gold ETFs, investors can potentially protect their portfolios from the negative effects of inflation.

Tax Advantages Compared to Physical Gold

Investing in gold ETFs can offer tax advantages compared to owning physical gold. Capital gains taxes on the sale of gold ETF shares may be lower than taxes on the sale of physical gold. Additionally, gold ETFs may offer tax efficiency through the creation and redemption process, allowing investors to defer capital gains taxes.

Considerations for Gold ETF Investors

Before investing in gold ETFs, investors should carefully consider several factors that can impact their investment experience. These considerations include investment goals and risk tolerance, expense ratios and management fees, understanding tracking error, tax implications, and trading volume and liquidity.

Investment Goals and Risk Tolerance

Investors should align their investment goals and risk tolerance with the characteristics of gold ETFs. Understanding personal objectives, time horizons, and risk appetite will help investors choose the most suitable gold ETF that meets their specific needs.

Expense Ratios and Management Fees

Expense ratios and management fees can significantly impact investment returns. Investors should compare these costs across different gold ETFs and choose the option that offers a balance between cost-effectiveness and performance. Lower expense ratios and management fees can potentially lead to higher net returns.

Understanding Tracking Error

Tracking error measures the discrepancy between the performance of a gold ETF and its underlying index or benchmark. Investors should understand the tracking error of the ETFs they are considering and evaluate whether the variance aligns with their expectations. Lower tracking error indicates better tracking accuracy.

Tax Implications

Investors should also be aware of the tax implications associated with investing in gold ETFs. Tax rules regarding capital gains, dividends, and distributions can vary across jurisdictions. It is important to consult with a tax advisor or review tax regulations to fully understand the tax implications of investing in gold ETFs.

Trading Volume and Liquidity

Trading volume and liquidity are important considerations when investing in gold ETFs. Higher trading volumes indicate greater liquidity and ease of trading. Investors should pay attention to the average daily trading volume and the bid-ask spread to ensure they can efficiently buy and sell shares.

Future Outlook for Gold ETFs

Looking ahead, gold ETFs are expected to remain popular investment choices for investors seeking exposure to physical gold. Several market trends and forecasts support the future growth and demand for these investment vehicles.

Market Trends and Forecasts

Gold has historically performed well during times of economic uncertainty and market volatility. As global economic conditions remain uncertain, with factors such as geopolitical tensions, inflation concerns, and central bank policies, the demand for gold as a safe haven asset is expected to continue. This bodes well for gold ETFs, as they offer a convenient way to invest in gold.

Demand for Gold as a Safe Haven

Gold’s status as a safe haven asset is likely to persist due to its ability to retain value during adverse economic conditions. With ongoing geopolitical risks, natural disasters, and economic instability, investors may seek the safety and stability that gold provides. This sustained demand for gold can drive the demand for gold ETFs.

Gold ETFs as a Strategic Investment Choice

Gold ETFs are increasingly being recognized as strategic investment choices for both retail and institutional investors. These investment vehicles offer diversification benefits, liquidity, cost-effectiveness, and potential capital appreciation. As investors continue to prioritize portfolio diversification and risk management, gold ETFs are likely to gain traction.

Potential Challenges and Risks

While the outlook for gold ETFs is promising, there are potential challenges and risks to consider. Factors such as changes in regulatory frameworks, macroeconomic conditions, and investor sentiment can impact the demand for gold and the performance of gold ETFs. It is important for investors to stay informed and monitor these factors to make timely investment decisions.


In conclusion, gold ETFs provide investors with a convenient and cost-effective way to invest in physical gold. When comparing gold ETFs, factors such as expense ratios, reporting details and transparency, and assets under management should be considered. The ABRDN Physical Gold Shares ETF (SGOL) stands out as the best gold ETF due to its low expense ratio, higher compound annual growth rate, average standard deviation and beta, and sufficient liquidity. The GraniteShares Gold Trust (BAR) receives an honorable mention as a strong contender with similar advantages. Investing in gold ETFs offers several benefits, including portfolio diversification, liquidity, lower transaction costs, potential inflation hedge, and tax advantages compared to physical gold. Investors should carefully consider factors such as investment goals, expense ratios, tracking error, tax implications, and trading volume before investing in gold ETFs. The future outlook for gold ETFs is positive, with sustained demand for gold as a safe haven asset and the increasing recognition of gold ETFs as strategic investment choices. However, investors should monitor potential challenges and risks to make informed investment decisions. Overall, gold ETFs provide an attractive investment option for investors looking to gain exposure to physical gold in a professional and efficient manner.

BAR: A Strong Contender in Gold ETFs - (2024)


Which is the best gold ETF in the USA? ›

SPDR Gold Shares (GLD)

The largest gold exchange-traded fund, or ETF, by a wide margin, is the SPDR Gold Trust, the go-to way for investors looking to play the precious metal. It boasts roughly $59 billion in assets under management, more than double that of the next closest gold ETF.

Is it better to buy gold or gold ETF? ›

In general, gold ETFs offer some tax advantages and lower costs over time than trading physical gold. Below, we will guide you through your options for each, giving you a better sense of which, if either, works best for your portfolio.

Does a gold ETF actually own gold? ›

Gold ETFs are commodity funds that trade like stocks and have become a very popular form of investment. Although they are made up of assets that are backed by gold, investors don't actually own the physical commodity.

Which gold ETF pays a dividend? ›

GDX is highly liquid, with an average daily trading volume of 27.61 million. Additionally, it's the only ETF in this guide that pays a dividend. Achieve greater financial security by providing effective solutions that can help protect your wealth.

Which gold stock pays the highest dividend? ›

Top gold mining companies by dividend yield
#NameDividend %
1B2Gold 1BTG6.45%
3Caledonia Mining 3CMCL5.73%
4Endeavour Mining 4EDV.TO3.84%
57 more rows

Which is better gold ETF or digital gold? ›

Both digital gold and gold ETF may look very similar. The key difference is the physical delivery option by digital gold, while gold ETF does not have this option. However, choosing between the two depends on individual preferences and investment objectives.

What is the downside of a gold ETF? ›

Disadvantages of investing in gold ETFs

Physical gold provides a higher level of security than Gold ETFs, as it eliminates counterparty risk. Gold ETFs may not perform as well as physical gold during times of economic uncertainty or geopolitical instability.

What is the cheapest way to buy gold coins? ›

Generally, the best deals on gold coins can be found on large retail websites that sell gold and silver coins and bars. The price per ounce decreases if you buy in bulk. Most retailers will give you a discount for paying directly from your bank account – or sometimes even when using Bitcoin.

Where is gold the cheapest to buy? ›

There are several countries in the world which are considered cheap in terms of gold prices. Currently, the number one and two popular choices among consumers are Hong Kong and Dubai. As per, the price of one gram of 24k gold in Hong Kong, as of March 4, 2024, is INR 5,418.70.

Is owning gold stock the same as owning gold? ›

With physical gold, you own the precious metal in the form of coins, bars, or bullion. With a physical gold ETF, you own a share of a fund that holds physical gold, but you do not own the gold directly. With commodity gold ETFs, you own a share in a fund that tracks the gold price.

Why is gold ETF high risk? ›

Gold ETFs are pegged to the price of gold

There is a price risk in gold ETFs just as there is price risk in gold. If the price of gold goes up then the price of the gold ETF also goes up and vice versa. There is no other factor that impacts the price of Gold ETF other than the price of physical gold.

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What are the Top 10 Gold Coins for Investment?
  • American Gold Eagle.
  • Gold American Buffalo.
  • Canadian Gold Maple Leaf.
  • Gold British Britannia.
  • Gold South African Krugerrand.
  • Gold Austrian Philharmonic.
  • Gold Mexican Libertad.
  • Gold Australian Kangaroo.

What is the highest performing gold ETF? ›

Best-performing gold ETFs
TickerETF Name1-year return
IAUMiShares Gold Trust Micro ETF of Benef Interest15.52%
OUNZVanEck Merk Gold Trust15.49%
AAAUGoldman Sachs Physical Gold ETF15.46%
IAUFiShares Gold Strategy ETF14.75%
6 days ago

Is it better to buy physical gold or ETF? ›

People may choose to invest in gold ETFs rather than physical gold because owning shares in a gold ETF is more attainable and easier than holding physical gold. ETFs backed by physical gold can provide that exposure and diversification with a lower entry cost than buying gold bars or coins as an individual investor.

Which ETF is best for gold? ›

Best Gold ETF in India 2024 Based on the Expense Ratio
NameMarket Cap (₹ in crore)1Y Return (%)
Invesco India Gold Exchange Traded Fund74.229.80
Kotak Gold Etf1,984.1410.20
Aditya BSL Gold ETF353.2310.60
ICICI Prudential Gold ETF1,905.0510
6 more rows
Feb 7, 2024

How to invest in gold ETF in USA? ›

In general, investors looking to invest in gold directly have three choices: they can purchase the physical asset, they can purchase shares of a mutual or exchange-traded fund (ETF) that replicates the price of gold, or they can trade futures and options in the commodities market.

How to choose the best gold ETF? ›

Selecting the Right Gold ETF

You need to keep an eye on tracking errors as well as the trading volumes. Choose funds that have lower tracking error and higher trading volume. If you wish to buy or sell any ETF Unit, you can do that during trading hours of the stock market, which is 9.15 hrs to 15.30 hrs.

What is the best fund to buy gold? ›

Compare the best gold ETFs
SPDR Gold Shares (GLD)0.40%$61.5 billion
iShares Gold Trust (IAU)0.25%$28.4 billion
SPDR Gold MiniShares (GLDM)0.10%$7.3 billion
iShares Gold Trust Micro (IAUM)0.09%1.1 billion
2 more rows

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Top U.S. market-cap index ETFs
Fund (ticker)YTD performance5-year performance
Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO)7.7 percent13.5 percent
SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY)7.6 percent13.5 percent
iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV)7.7 percent13.5 percent
Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ)5.8 percent18.6 percent

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Name: Tish Haag

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