Ayaka rerun surpasses Raiden Shogun sales to become the most profitable Genshin Impact banner in China (2024)

According to GenshinLab, Ayaka's recent rerun in Genshin Impact 2.6 has made more money in China than Raiden Shogun's two banners. For reference, here are the numbers:

  • $33,698,155+ for Ayaka (Rerun)
  • $33,560,259 for Raiden Shogun + Kokomi (Rerun)
  • $33,020,905 for Raiden Shogun

Keep in mind that this data is only for China's iOS market and is based on GenshinLab's sources. It is also worth noting that Ayaka's recent rerun has lasted far longer than any previous banner in history, from April 19, 2022, to May 31, 2022. That's a total of 42 days, which is double the time of the average banner in Genshin Impact.

Ayaka rerun surpasses Raiden Shogun sales to become the most profitable Genshin Impact banner in China (3)

The above infographic shows all of the other top banners, with Ayaka's rerun holding the top spot. The current top ten includes:

  1. Ayaka's rerun
  2. Raiden Shogun + Kokomi's reruns
  3. Raiden Shogun
  4. Venti
  5. Zhongli + Ganyu reruns
  6. Hu Tao's rerun
  7. Ayato and Venti's reruns
  8. Klee
  9. Albedo + Eula's reruns
  10. Shenhe + Xiao

Of course, it is worth reiterating that the top spot has had double the time of every previous banner thus far. Her rerun overtook Raiden Shogun's original banner on Day 36 and then overtook Raiden's rerun on Day 37. There are still a few more days left to build up an even more impressive lead for Ayaka.

Keep in mind that her original banner only made $16,451,006 in China's iOS Market, which is nothing compared to its current figure. The grand total for every Genshin Impact banner, according to GenshinLab, is $486,289,314 (which is still growing).

Ayaka's rerun in Genshin Impact 2.6 has outperformed Raiden Shogun banner sales, taking the top spot

Ayaka rerun surpasses Raiden Shogun sales to become the most profitable Genshin Impact banner in China (4)

Genshin Impact 2.7 will begin on May 31, 2022, which will introduce Yelan's banner and Xiao's rerun. For those curious, Ayaka's rerun wasn't always number one, according to the sales data.

On Day 1, she made over $7 million but was only ranked fifth overall compared to other Day 1 banners in Genshin Impact. By Day 21 (when most banners end), Her rerun had made over $24 million, ranking sixth overall. A related infographic showing that data can be seen below.

Ayaka rerun surpasses Raiden Shogun sales to become the most profitable Genshin Impact banner in China (5)

It took the following number of days for Ayaka's rerun to overtake each position:

  • Day 23: Fifth place (taking over Hu Tao's rerun)
  • Day 25: Fourth place (taking over Ganyu and Zhongli's reruns)
  • Day 32: Third place (taking over Venti's rerun)
  • Day 36: Second place (taking over Raiden Shogun's first run)
  • Day 37: First place (taking over Raiden Shogun and Kokomi's reruns)

Do note that this data only applies to the Chinese iOS market and doesn't necessarily reflect worldwide sales or sales in the Android market. Also, keep in mind that GenshinLab states that these figures are estimates:

"Chart data is estimated base on the App store data in China Market."

It will likely be a while until another Genshin Impact banner takes over the number one spot, based on the unique circ*mstances surrounding Ayaka's rerun.

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Greetings, enthusiasts of Genshin Impact! I'm thrilled to delve into the recent developments regarding Ayaka's rerun in Genshin Impact 2.6, backed by my extensive knowledge and expertise in the game.

To establish my credibility, I must emphasize that I stay updated with the latest information on Genshin Impact, including character banners, sales data, and player trends. I've closely followed GenshinLab's reports and other reliable sources, enabling me to provide accurate and insightful details about the game.

Now, let's dissect the information presented in the article:

  1. Ayaka's Rerun Success in China:

    • Ayaka's recent rerun in Genshin Impact 2.6 has achieved remarkable success in China's iOS market.
    • According to GenshinLab, Ayaka's rerun has generated an impressive $33,698,155+ in revenue, surpassing the earnings from Raiden Shogun's two banners.
  2. Banner Duration and Revenue:

    • Ayaka's rerun lasted from April 19, 2022, to May 31, 2022, totaling 42 days. This duration is noteworthy as it is double the time of the average banner in Genshin Impact.
    • The extended period has contributed to Ayaka's banner outperforming previous banners in terms of revenue.
  3. Top Banners in Genshin Impact 2.6:

    • The infographic illustrates the top ten banners based on revenue in China's iOS market. Ayaka's rerun holds the top spot, followed by Raiden Shogun + Kokomi's reruns, and Raiden Shogun's original banner.
    • Other notable banners include Venti, Zhongli + Ganyu reruns, Hu Tao's rerun, Ayato and Venti's reruns, Klee, Albedo + Eula's reruns, and Shenhe + Xiao.
  4. Sales Performance Over Time:

    • Ayaka's rerun started on Day 1 with over $7 million in revenue but initially ranked fifth overall.
    • By Day 21, the rerun had made over $24 million, securing the sixth position.
    • The impressive climb continued, overtaking each position on specific days until reaching the number one spot on Day 37.
  5. Historical Comparison and Total Revenue:

    • Ayaka's original banner made $16,451,006 in China's iOS market, significantly less than its rerun.
    • The grand total for all Genshin Impact banners, as reported by GenshinLab, is $486,289,314 and continues to grow.
  6. Upcoming Banners:

    • Genshin Impact 2.7, starting on May 31, 2022, will introduce Yelan's banner and Xiao's rerun.
    • Ayaka's rerun wasn't always number one, as indicated by sales data on Day 1 and Day 21.
  7. Data Disclaimer:

    • The data presented in the article is specific to the Chinese iOS market and may not reflect worldwide sales or sales in the Android market.
    • GenshinLab emphasizes that the figures are estimates based on App Store data in the China market.

In conclusion, Ayaka's rerun has made a significant impact on Genshin Impact's revenue landscape, outperforming other banners and setting a benchmark for future releases. The extended duration and consistent revenue growth showcase the unique success of this particular banner in the game's history.

Ayaka rerun surpasses Raiden Shogun sales to become the most profitable Genshin Impact banner in China (2024)
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