Avoid the Tax Hit on Mutual Fund Capital Gains Distributions (2024)

If you’ve ever invested in a mutual fund, you may know that they’re required to distribute at least 95% of their capital gains to investors each year. You may also know from experience that these gains are not always welcomesince they come with a tax liability attached.

More often than not these capital gains are not large enough to cause investors to stir. But every year there are a few funds that pass massive unwanted gains on to investors, leaving them with a big, stinky tax bill.

This post may be slightlytardy given that some mutual fund families have already distributed their year end capital gains. Nevertheless, it’s an important topic that you should be aware of and keep an eye out for.

If your objective is to minimize your tax bill (hint: it probably should be)you’ll want to know aboutupcoming distributions at the end of each year, and avoid them when it makes sense. This post will cover exactly what capital gains distributions are, why mutual funds distribute them, and when and how you might want to avoid them.

Mutual Funds Capital Gains Distributions: WhatThey Are

Mutual funds have capital gains just like we do as individual investors. Any time a mutual fund you own sells a security at a gain – whether it be a stock, bond, or other asset, that gain is taxable. And since mutual funds are technically pass through entities, they’re required to pass at least 95% of their net gains to investors. If these gains come from securities held for longer than a year, they’re consideredlong term capital gains, and taxed at favorable rates (in our current tax structure, at least):

Avoid the Tax Hit on Mutual Fund Capital Gains Distributions (1)

But if the gains result from securities held for 365 days or less, short term capital gains apply at the same rate as your ordinary income:

Avoid the Tax Hit on Mutual Fund Capital Gains Distributions (2)

But Aren’t Capital Gains aGood Thing?

The confusing thing here is that many of us assume that all capital gains are a good thing. We all want the mutual funds we buy to turn a profit, so it’s easy to believe that if a fund is producing capital gains it must be doing something right.

By and large that assumption holds true, gains are much better than losses. But, there is a pretty glaring caveatwhen we consider the taxability of those distributions and how they affect our net returns.

Remember that distributions from a mutual fund directly reduce that fund’s net asset value, regardless of their character (long term capital gains, short term capital gains, qualified dividend, return of capital, etc.). And since somecapital gains distributions stem from successful investments and appreciation that occurred before you purchased the fund, you’d owe taxes on gains you didn’t even get to enjoy!

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you decide to buy a mutual fund with $10,000 ofextra cash you have laying around. Let’s also say that this mutual fund made the wise decision to buy shares ofJP Morgan during the depths of the financial crisis in 2009 for $28 per share. Today those shares are worth $85, implying an unrealized gain of $85 – $28 = $57.

If the fund sold the shares andrealized this gain, it would be forced to pass itto its investors if there were no other offsetting losses for the year (capital gains are always netted against losses). In turn, investors in the fund would receive a long term capital gain since the investment was held for longer than a year.

Let’s make a few more assumptions. First, let’s assume the net asset value of this fund is $100 before the distribution. If you invested $10,000 in the fund, you’d own exactly 100 shares. Let’s also assume that there are currently 1,000,000 shares of the fund in existence, and the fund owns 1,000,000 shares of JP Morgan stock. This means that each share of the fund that you own contains exactly one share of JP Morgan.

After selling the JP Morgan position, the fund would have a $57 capital gainper share to distribute to investors. After the distribution, the fund’s net asset value would fall from $100 all the way to $43.

And after investing $10,000 in the fund, you’d be left with:

  1. A taxable gain of $5,700
  2. 100 shares of a $43 fund, or a $4,300 investment

If you fell into the top tax rate of 39.6%, you’d be taxed 20% on your long term capital gains. After paying taxes on the $5,700 distribution, you’d be left with $5,700 * (1 – 20%) = $4,560. And just by virtue of receiving this taxable distribution, your $10,000 investment would now leave you with only $4,560 + $4,300 = $8,860, implying a return of -11.4%!

Automatic Reinvestment

Many investors prefer to have their distributions automatically reinvested into the same fund. Logistically this can makea lot of sense, since it saves you the trouble of reinvesting cash every time a fund pays a dividend or distributes a capital gain. That doesn’t insulate you from the tax implications though.

In our example, if you elected to have your distributions reinvested, your $5,700 distribution would be used to buy more shares of the fund at the new net asset value of $43. This would net you an extra $5,700 / $43 = 132.558 shares, meaning yourtotalposition (including your original investment) would be 232.558.

At a $43 net asset value, 232.558 shares would be worth exactly $10,000. But, you’d still be left with the big tax bill for the $5,700 distribution.

The Worst Time to Buy a Mutual Fund

If you’d purchased the fund from our example back in 2009 or earlier,you’d have enjoyed the fund’s appreciation resulting from it’s successful investment in JP Morgan. If this were the case I’m guessing you wouldn’t mind receiving the taxable distribution, since your investment in the fund would have been highly profitable on its own.

Let’s say the net asset value of the fund was $40 in 2009. If you’d owned shares since then, paying taxes on a $57 gain wouldn’t be so bad since your gain from the fund would be $100 – $40 = $60.

But if you’d just picked up shares of the fund recently, you’d have completely missed the long term appreciation. You’d be walking right into the big tax bill resulting from the fund’s successwithout actually enjoying any of the fund’s success!

Instead of purchasing the fund for $40 in 2009, what if you bought it for $95 just six months ago? You’d have a $5 gain per share, but owe tax on $57 of long term capital gains.

All in all, this makes it important to track the upcoming capital gains distributions from funds you own or are considering purchasing. Since capital gains are typically distributed in December (and sometimes late November), be wary of buying new funds at the end of the year.

Guidance From Mutual Fund Management

By and large, mutual fund managers are cognizant of how taxable gains affect shareholders. And since all managers want their funds to be as “marketable” as possible, nearly all make a significant effort to avoid dumping huge gains on shareholders – especially short term gains.

But sometimes they’re unavoidable. When funds experience redemption requests from investors, managers are often forced to liquidate positions they’d prefer to hold onto.

Fortunately, mutual funds are generally pretty good at estimating and communicating their capital gains distributions for the year in advance. Nearly all post the relevant information on the fund family’s website. Here’s an example from Vanguard. Many funds give investors guidance as early as September, leaving you with plenty of time to make an informed investment decision.


Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are similar to mutual funds in many ways, but when it comes to capital gains they tend to be more tax efficient. Since exchange traded funds trade over an exchange, purchases and sales of ETFs are not executedby the sponsor of the fund – they’re traded with a market maker or another investor. This means that when investors sell shares of ETFs they’re not asking a fund company for a redemption. They’re simply selling the same security to another investor.

Without getting overly technical, ETFs are created and destroyed byauthorized participants, who are all large banks & brokerage firms. To create shares, an authorized participant buys the underlying securities that comprise an ETF, places them in trust, and then is free to sell shares of the ETF on the open market. Shares of ETFs are destroyed when this process is reversed.

This means that the only actualredemption requests come from authorized participants. Not every day investors like you and me. And from a tax perspective, this redemption process (the creation and destruction of ETF shares) occurs via “like-kind transactions”. Authorized participants either deposit an ETF’s underlying securities in trust to create shares, or withdraw them to destroy shares. They’re not bought or sold like they are in a mutual fund.

And since like-kind exchanges are not taxable to investors, ETFs becomea very tax efficient investment vehicle, and distribute taxable capital gains far less frequently than mutual funds do.

It’s still important to track the ETFs you own, since some of the more obscure funds (that hold illiquid securities) will be forced to distribute capital gains from time to time. But by and large, the main culprits of capital gains liabilitieswill bemutual funds.

Howto Minimize the Tax Hit From Distributions

So you’ve got a fund that’s about to drop a big fat taxable distribution on you. What do you do?

Basically you have two options:

  1. Dump it before receiving the distribution
  2. Bite the bullet, hang onto the fund, and pay the tax

If you have a sizable unrealized gain in the fund itself you’ll owe tax on that gain if you decide to sell. So, the logical thing to do would be to compare the tax implications of selling the fund to the implications of hanging onto it.

Let’s go back to our example of the fund with a $57 distribution coming up.

Remember, you own 100 shares of a $100 fund that’s about to distribute a $57 long term capital gain. If you’d just bought the fund for $100, you’d probably want to sell it beforeyou received the distribution, since you’d owe less in taxes:

Avoid the Tax Hit on Mutual Fund Capital Gains Distributions (3)

On the other hand, if you’ve held the fund for several years you may have a large unrealized gain. If you’d picked up the shares several years ago for, say, $35 per share, your basis would be $3,500 and you’d be better off taking the distribution:

Avoid the Tax Hit on Mutual Fund Capital Gains Distributions (4)

It’s also possible you have an unrealizedloss that you could harvest. Remember that you can use up to $3,000 per year of realized losses to offset your income. And if you hold a mutual fund at a loss that’s about to distribute a capital gain, it could be a great opportunity to sell the fund and harvest the loss.

If you do decide to sell one or more of your funds to avoid a distribution and/or harvest a loss, make sure to heed the wash sale rule. You can always buy back the same fund in the future to maintain a consistentportfolio & asset allocation, but according to the wash sale rule you won’t be able to deduct the loss if you do so within 30 days.

Resources to Help

All in all, every investor that holds mutual funds or ETFs should keep an eye on potential distributions prior to year end. (This doesn’t apply if your funds are held in a tax advantaged retirement account like an IRA, Roth IRA, or 401(k) plan, of course. You won’t pay tax on distributions in these accounts anyway).

In my financial planning practice, I build a list of each mutual fund and ETF that my clients own and check to see whether there’s an upcoming distribution. Each fund family posts information on their funds, and there are also resources that compile all the pertinent information, like Capgainsvalet.com.

Once I compile alist of funds with upcoming distributions, the next step is to compare the cost of holding the fund and receiving the distribution to the cost of selling it. You’ll need to make an assumption about which tax bracket you’ll be in for the year, along with what any other transaction costs might be.

The list funds my clients own is pretty long, making the exercise a bit of a chore. Most individual investorsdon’t own more than a handful of funds though, so itshouldn’t take you too long if you’re doing it on your own.

In the end, there’s a good chance you don’t own any funds that will distribute material gains this year. Nevertheless, every year there are a handful of funds that drop large tax bombs on their investors, whether due to redemption requests or other reasons. Tax conscious investors should make sure tostay on top of theirmutual fund holdings to ensure it doesn’t happen to them.

What do you think? Do you track the capital gains distributions on the funds you own? What helps you stay on top of them all?

Avoid the Tax Hit on Mutual Fund Capital Gains Distributions (2024)


Avoid the Tax Hit on Mutual Fund Capital Gains Distributions? ›

Hold Funds in a Retirement Account

How to avoid capital gains distributions in mutual funds? ›

The best way to avoid the capital gains distributions associated with mutual funds is to invest in exchange-traded-funds (ETFs) instead. ETFs are structured in a way that allows for more efficient tax management.

How do I not get hit with capital gains tax? ›

A few options to legally avoid paying capital gains tax on investment property include buying your property with a retirement account, converting the property from an investment property to a primary residence, utilizing tax harvesting, and using Section 1031 of the IRS code for deferring taxes.

How to avoid the mutual fund tax trap? ›

Tactics for reducing your exposure to capital gains taxes
  1. Make sure your investments are in the appropriate accounts. ...
  2. Seek out tax-managed mutual funds. ...
  3. Consider swapping out your mutual funds for exchange-traded funds (ETFs). ...
  4. Explore the potential benefits of a separately managed account (SMA).

How to avoid tax on mutual funds gains? ›

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP): Set up an SWP to automatically redeem your mutual fund units regularly. By keeping withdrawals below Rs. 1 lakh per year, you may avoid LTCG tax altogether.

Can you offset mutual fund capital gain distributions? ›

Gains and losses in mutual funds

Keep a close eye on your funds' projected distribution dates for capital gains. Harvested losses can be used to offset these gains. Short-term capital gains distributions from mutual funds are treated as ordinary income for tax purposes.

Are capital gains distributions taxable if reinvested? ›

A capital gains distribution is the investor's share of the proceeds of a fund's sale of stocks and other assets. The investor must pay capital gains taxes on distributions, whether they are taken as cash or reinvested in the fund.

Are there any loopholes for capital gains tax? ›

Use a 1031 exchange for real estate

Internal Revenue Code section 1031 provides a way to defer the capital gains tax on the profit you make on the sale of a rental property by rolling the proceeds of the sale into a new property.

What is the 6 year rule for capital gains tax? ›

The capital gains tax property six-year rule allows you to treat your investment property as your main residence for tax purposes for up to six years while you are renting it out. This means you can rent it out for six years and still qualify for the main residence capital gains tax exemption when you sell it.

Where should I put money to avoid capital gains tax? ›

Investing in retirement accounts eliminates capital gains taxes on your portfolio. You can buy and sell stocks, bonds and other assets without triggering capital gains taxes. Withdrawals from Traditional IRA, 401(k) and similar accounts may lead to ordinary income taxes.

Do I pay capital gains tax when I sell a mutual fund? ›

You must pay taxes on dividends, interest, and capital gains that the fund company distributes to you, in addition to capital gains on sale or exchange of shares in your account.

Should I sell my mutual fund before distribution? ›

Selling a fund prior to the distribution will generally result in more capital gain or less loss than if you sell the shares after the distribution, if you only take into account market price changes reflecting the distribution. Selling shares after the distribution usually will yield less gain or more loss.

How are mutual fund distributions taxed? ›

If you receive a distribution from a fund that results from the sale of a security the fund held for only six months, that distribution is taxed at your ordinary-income tax rate. If the fund held the security for several years, however, then those funds are subject to the capital gains tax instead.

How to avoid mutual fund capital gains distributions? ›

The only way to avoid receiving, and paying taxes on, a fund's capital gain distribution is to sell the entire position before the record date.

How to offset capital gains tax? ›

To limit capital gains taxes, you can invest for the long-term, use tax-advantaged retirement accounts, and offset capital gains with capital losses.

Should I reinvest capital gains from mutual funds? ›

You may choose to have them paid to you in cash (this may be helpful to supplement retirement income) or you could elect to reinvest them. Reinvesting dividends increases the number of shares you own without investing any additional cash.

Can I move money from one mutual fund to another without paying taxes? ›

If you move between mutual funds at the same company, it may not feel like you received your money back and then reinvested it; however, the transactions are treated like any other sales and purchases, and so you must report them and pay taxes on any gains.

What is the average capital gains distribution for mutual funds? ›

In 2023, over 60% of US Equity mutual funds distributed capital gains, with an average distribution of 5.5% of their NAV. Notably, the top 10% of mutual funds distributed over 9.8% of their NAV.

How do I avoid capital gains tax on my investment account? ›

9 Ways to Avoid Capital Gains Taxes on Stocks
  1. Invest for the Long Term. ...
  2. Contribute to Your Retirement Accounts. ...
  3. Pick Your Cost Basis. ...
  4. Lower Your Tax Bracket. ...
  5. Harvest Losses to Offset Gains. ...
  6. Move to a Tax-Friendly State. ...
  7. Donate Stock to Charity. ...
  8. Invest in an Opportunity Zone.
Mar 6, 2024

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.