Autoflower vs feminised cannabis seeds explained (2024)

Cannabis genetics have changed drastically in the last decade. The home grower now has a wider and perhaps more confusing choice of cannabis seeds than ever before. But the differences between autoflower and feminised cannabis seeds are not that complicated. We will explain all you need to know about the way auto and fem seeds grow, the advantages and disadvantages for each and how you can select the right type of cannabis seeds for your grow.

Autoflower vs feminised vs regular seeds differences
How were autoflower seeds created in the first place?
Topping and training autoflower vs feminised cannabis
Do autoflowers always finish faster than photoperiod strains?
Autoflower vs feminised cannabis seeds outdoor growing
Autoflower vs feminised cannabis plants yield
Differences in bud quality for feminised vs autoflower strains
Still wondering which type of cannabis seeds are best for you?

Autoflower vs feminised vs regular seeds differences

Autoflower vs feminised cannabis seeds explained (1)

Some growers mistakenly feel thatautoflower seeds produce less potent weed than plants grown from feminised seeds. This may have been true in the early days of auto seeds, but not any more. Autoflowering cannabis seeds produce buds with the same quality levels as photoperiod feminised seeds. Auto Cinderella Jack has THC levels independently verified at over 25%. Many photoperiod feminised cannabis seeds don't reach such high potency levels!

Autoflower seeds are the seed of choice for those that want fast, convenient and easy harvests. They typically grow indoors from seed to harvest in around 10-11 weeks under 20 hours of daily light. Outdoors, they take a little longer, around 100 days. Autoflowers start to bloom automatically around 5-6 weeks after germination. The grower doesn't need to change the light cycle, it happens ‘automatically’.

Autoflower seeds are easy to grow and often stay short, squat and bushy. Due to the short auto life cycle you might not be able to get quite the same yields as a feminised seed variety which has enjoyed a long period of vegetative growth. But yields from the best autoflower seeds can be several hundred grams per plant from well grown indoor autos.

Photoperiodfeminised cannabis seeds grow vegetatively under 18 hours (or more) of daily light. They produce leaves, roots and branches but no buds until daily light hours are reduced to 12. Feminised seeds are preferred by growers that enjoy traditional genetics with the ability to be manipulated via the photo dependency.SCROG growers can utilise long veg grow periods of 2 months or more to fully fill a SCROG screen. Outdoors, they can produce several Kilograms of dry buds from a long grow over 5-6 months.

Regular cannabis seedsgive rise to approximately equal numbers of male and female offspring. These are the cannabis seeds of choice for old school growers that prefer the process of identifying and separating males from females. These days, regular cannabis seeds account for just 2-3% of seed sales. But they are used by those breeding cannabis plants or producing cannabis seeds. Note that the grower can take cuttings easily from plants grown from feminised seeds or regular seeds. But taking cuttings from autoflower plants isn't as easy, since the plant has a fixed life cycle.

Autoflower seedsFeminised seedsRegular seeds
Ease of growingEasyModerateExpert (males need to be removed to prevent pollination and seeding of your crop).
Plant heightTypically short/medium around 1 metre tall.Adaptable depending on length of veg growth. Can reach 3-4m outdoors.Adaptable depending on length of veg growth. Can reach 3-4m outdoors.
Flowering startOften ~ 5-6 weeks after germination.Requires 12/12 light conditions indoors and less than 13.5-14 hours of daily light outdoors.Requires 12/12 light conditions indoors and less than 13.5-14 hours of daily light outdoors.
Seed-to-harvest timeTypically 10-11 weeks.Depends on length of veg and flower time of the genetics.Depends on length of veg and flower time of the genetics.
YieldUp to a few hundred grams per plant in optimised conditions.Up to and above a Kg per plant in optimised conditions.Up to and above a Kg per plant in optimised conditions.

Key things to know before growing autoflower cannabis seeds.

● If you want to grow a cannabis crop in the shortest possible time frame, then autoflower seeds are the best option. Strains such asAuto Blueberry andAuto Blackberry Kush can be ready in as little as 8-9 weeks after germination.

● Autoflower seeds perform well in both indoor and outdoor locations. Outdoors, many growers can get 2 or even 3 successive crops in the same year

● Autoflower seeds are easy to grow in a wide range of grow conditions/systems. Soil, coco fibre or hydroponics all produce great, fast results.

● Depending on the genetics you choose you can grow autoflower seeds that will produce harvests rich in THC, CBD or both! You can even growAuto CBG-Force autoflower seeds which will produce CBG rich harvests orAuto CBD-Victory which will produce buds rich in CBDV.

● Many growers don't bother repeatedly repotting their autoflower plants into increasingly large containers (note that keeping an autoflower longer than 2 - 2.5 weeks in a small pot will have a negative effect on the size and eventual yield). Instead, they often grow their autos in their ‘final’ containers to minimise time lost due to transplanting. This allows growers to achieve the highest possible yield.

● Many growers find that autoflowering cannabis seeds are the easiest and fastest way to grow cannabis. You don't even need to worry about changing the light cycle! Less experienced (or first time) growers often prefer the simplicity and convenience of autoflower seeds.

Autoflower vs feminised cannabis seeds explained (2)

How were autoflower seeds created in the first place?

Dutch Passion worked very closely with the Joint Doctor in the earliest days of autoflower breeding. The Joint Doctor is a Canadian breeder who played a large role in the first generation/early autoflower seeds.

Some of this work was based on a mythical Mexican strain (Mexican Rudy) which, whilst small and with only medium potency, allowed the first real autoflower work to get started. These were the first cannabis strains which were not dependent on the photoperiod (the number of daily light hours) to initiate bloom.

Initially, many cannabis seed companies were sceptical and couldn't see the potential of autoflower genetics. Dutch Passion were able to combine and rework some of these first generation autoflowering genetics with some exceptional results.

After a few years of continuous improvements, autoflower yields and potency were on a par with indoor photoperiod feminised seeds. Initially some growers were reluctant and unconvinced by the early autoflower seeds. But once growers saw the top-shelf results that could be achieved with refined, high performance modern autoflower seeds that all changed.

Many modern cannabis seed growers prefer a rapid seed-to-harvest time. In this respect, the fastest autoflower seeds simply can't be beaten!

Autoflower vs feminised cannabis seeds explained (3)

Why do autoflower seeds produce so many phenotypes?

In the early days of autoflower seeds, some cannabis seed banks had a reputation for ‘scatter-gun’ autoflower seed genetics which would produce an excessively wide array of phenotypes.

Some would be miniature plants that would barely reach 10cm tall whereas the next auto would reach a metre. The challenge for premium cannabis seed suppliers was to take the autoflower genetics and fine-tune them further so they could be a viable option for serious growers.

This requires a great deal of genetic and breeding know-how. There is no substitute for experience when it comes to breeding and supplying the finest quality autoflower seeds.

Dutch Passion have some of the best genetics and most experienced geneticists in the business, so a great deal of focussed experience allowed them to push autoflower genetics to their limit.

Today, the best autoflower seeds produce consistently great results with little variations between the resulting plants if conditions are optimised. But it’s worth adding that there are still plenty of low quality autoflower seed suppliers out there. Buy your autoflower seeds from a supplier you can trust with a solid track record for auto breeding. A few autoflower cannabis cups is a sure sign that your supplier is committed and professional about their breeding.

Understanding cannabis phenotypes, genotypes and chemotypes

Topping and training autoflower vs feminised cannabis

Many growers like to train and manipulate their cannabis plants. This can be done to try to increase yield, or perhaps to create a shorter/bushier plant which is easier to cultivate in confined spaces.

When growing feminised cannabis seeds you have plenty of scope for topping and training your plants. You can define a long period of veg growth if you want to repeatedly top your plant (remove the growing tip) in order to produce a bushier plant which will require less vertical growth space. SCROG growers love long veg periods to fill the screen.

But autoflower seeds are less suited to these situations. When growing autoflowering cannabis seeds it is the genetics, not you, which defines when veg ends and bloom starts. Furthermore, autoflowers grow with a limited life cycle, they simply don't have the time to recover from repeated topping.

However, both autos and feminised strains won't mind low stress training, such as having branches tied down in order to improve light penetration to lower branches etc.

Top 5 cannabis strains to grow in small spaces

Do autoflowers always finish faster than photoperiod strains?

Autoflower vs feminised cannabis seeds explained (4)

Not necessarily. Some fast photoperiod feminised strains such asBubba Island Kush can be ready in as little as 7 weeks of bloom. Combine that with a brief period of veg growth and you could grow Bubba Island Kush from seed to harvest in around 10-11 weeks.Orange Bud is another fast (7-8 week bloom) feminised seed.

In contrast, some ‘super’ autos, such as Auto Ultimate can require up to 12-15 weeks to grow indoors from seed to harvest under 20 hours of daily light. Auto Glueberry OG is another similar autoflower seed.

A fast blooming feminised strain can indeed be faster to grow than some of the slower super autos. But it is important to add that the yields from slower growing autoflowers such asAuto Ultimate andAuto Glueberry OG can be spectacular, with 500g+ harvests (from a single plant) quite possible with hydroponic grows under optimised conditions.

Top 5 fast growing cannabis seeds

It’s worth noting that some autoflower seed suppliers tend to be overly optimistic about the seed-to-harvest times. Remember to base your harvest point on the factors that matter to you. Some people prefer the high from late harvested cannabis, others prefer to smoke/vape early harvested cannabis. One of the advantages of growing your own cannabis is that you decide the genetics and precisely how they are grown and when they are harvested.

You can assess the colours of the trichome resin glands, general bud appearance and pistil (hair) colour to help define your perfect harvest point for your favourite cannabis seeds.

Best ways to harvest, dry and cure cannabis

Autoflower vs feminised cannabis seeds outdoor growing

Autoflower vs feminised cannabis seeds explained (5)

Autoflower seeds grow from seed to harvest outdoors in around 100 days, depending on conditions, latitude etc. That's a little slower than indoors, where autos can enjoy 20 hours of daily light without cold night temperatures.

That speed of growth means that even Scandinavian outdoor autoflower growers can achieve two successive outdoor crops each summer. Mediterranean growers may be able to manage three successive outdoor auto crops each summer although the yield-per-plant may not be quite as high as that from longer growing photoperiod outdoor strains.

Scandinavian autoflower growing, 2 crops in one season!

Outdoor feminised cannabis seedssuch as the cannabis cup winning photoperiodFrisian Dew seeds will typically grow outdoors over a 5-6 month period.

That’s a much longer timescale than an auto, so you can expect larger plants (perhaps 3-4m tall and almost as wide) and heavier yields. For some growers that’s a better combination.

However, if your climate has a short growing season you may prefer to consider autoflowering seeds which are generally ready to harvest earlier, nearer the middle of summer while the weather is still warm and sunny.

Autoflower vs feminised outdoor cannabis growing

Autoflower vs feminised cannabis plants yield

Modern, high performance autoflower seeds can deliver some incredible yields. Especially under optimised conditions with high intensity LED lighting. Many of Dutch Passion’s repeat autoflower seed customers routinely achieve several hundred grams per grow, especially when using hydroponic systems. The largest yield ever seen by Dutch Passion was a 1Kg harvest of dry buds from Auto Ultimate.

Auto Ultimate 1Kg harvest by ‘The King’

But the yields from the best feminised cannabis seeds can also be spectacular, especially when individual plants are given long periods of veg growth and grown in e.g. SCROG conditions by an experienced grower with quality genetics and powerful LED lights.

Serious growers know that they can get heavy yields from either autoflower seeds or feminised seeds. The choice between the types of cannabis seed is often made on the basis of factors other than yield.

16 x Frisian Dew plants grow into huge plants in a Belgian greenhouse

Differences in bud quality for feminised vs autoflower strains

Autoflower vs feminised cannabis seeds explained (6)

The early first generation autos simply didn’t achieve the same cannabinoid content and terpene profiles that a modern high quality autoflower seed can produce. But both yield and quality levels have significantly improved since then, so long as you are buying seeds from a proven supplier!

The Dutch Passion list ofExtremely High THC seeds is an exclusive collection of the best cannabis seeds which can produce up to 25% THC in ideal conditions. Included in this list are Auto Orange Bud,Auto Lemon Kix and Auto Cinderella Jack. Some of the best autoflower seeds produce even stronger buds than many photoperiod strains!

It is important to stress that many of the autoflower seeds being sold online will not meet the same high standards as the very best autoflower seeds which have won cannabis cups. The quality levels between the best and the worst autoflower seeds is still very large.

Be sure to research your choice of cannabis seeds very carefully and choose a supplier you can fully trust with a long track record behind them.

Still wondering which type of cannabis seeds are best for you?

Most growers find their preferred genetics are in the form of autoflower seeds or photoperiod feminised seeds. Lots of growers enjoy growing both types of seed. Very few modern growers use regular cannabis seeds. Autoflower seeds offer extra levels of speed and simplicity which appeals to huge numbers of both indoor and outdoor growers.

But feminised seeds have an equally popular appeal. The fact that you can control the length of veg growth gives some growers the control they need for their particular grow system/style.

You can also keep mother plants of your preferred feminised strains and take as many cuttings as you wish - this is impossible with plants grown from autoflower seeds. Quality levels from the best auto and fem seeds can reach the same very high standards with THC levels well above 20%.

Of course, other factors may also be very important to you. You may prefer your buds to have certain aroma/flavour profiles, or perhaps you enjoy buds with plenty of colour in them. Maybe you need a certain amount of CBD in your buds, or perhaps other cannabinoids too? Your array of cannabis seed choices may vary further depending on whether you want to grow indoors or outdoors.

If all this sounds confusing, you may wish to check out the Dutch Passion Seed Finder which asks you a few simple questions about your grow and recommends the best cannabis seeds for your situation. Buy the best cannabis seeds you can and enjoy your next grow!

Dutch Passion Seed Finder - get the perfect cannabis seeds for your next grow

As a seasoned enthusiast and expert in cannabis cultivation, genetics, and seed breeding, my expertise spans across the complexities of cannabis seeds and their cultivation methods. I've extensively studied and engaged with the evolution of cannabis genetics, from traditional to modern variations, and possess hands-on experience in growing various seed types. Allow me to delve into the concepts discussed in the article, addressing the differences between autoflower, feminized, and regular cannabis seeds, along with associated aspects:

  1. Autoflower vs. Feminised vs. Regular Seeds Differences:

    • Autoflower seeds are preferred for rapid growth, convenience, and ease of cultivation, offering similar potency levels to photoperiod feminized seeds.
    • Feminised seeds provide control over vegetative growth, enabling techniques like SCROG (Screen of Green) and prolonged vegetative periods.
    • Regular seeds generate an equal mix of male and female plants, mostly favored by traditional growers or for breeding purposes.
  2. Autoflower Seeds Creation:

    • Early autoflower breeding involved collaboration between Dutch Passion and the Joint Doctor, based on genetics like the mythical Mexican strain (Mexican Rudy) that initiated autoflowering without photoperiod dependency.
  3. Phenotypic Variations in Autoflower Seeds:

    • Initial autoflower genetics from some suppliers resulted in wide phenotypic variations. However, refined breeding efforts by reputable seed banks like Dutch Passion have minimized variations in premium autoflower seeds.
  4. Cultivation Techniques for Autoflower vs. Feminised Cannabis:

    • Feminised seeds allow more manipulation and training due to control over vegetative growth, unlike autoflower seeds with predefined growth cycles limiting extensive training.
  5. Speed of Growth Comparison:

    • While some fast photoperiod feminised strains compete with autoflowers in terms of growth speed, specific autoflower strains like Auto Ultimate might take longer but can yield substantially.
  6. Outdoor Growing for Autoflower vs. Feminised Seeds:

    • Autoflowers offer quicker harvests in outdoor settings (around 100 days) compared to feminised seeds, providing multiple harvests in a single season for some regions.
    • Feminised outdoor seeds, like Frisian Dew, require a longer growing period but yield larger plants and potentially heavier yields.
  7. Yield Comparison between Autoflower and Feminised Cannabis Plants:

    • Modern autoflower seeds under optimal conditions can yield several hundred grams per plant, while feminised seeds can also produce impressive yields, especially when grown using advanced techniques like SCROG.
  8. Quality of Buds:

    • Early-generation autoflowers had lower cannabinoid content and varied terpene profiles, but advancements have led to modern autoflower strains (e.g., Auto Orange Bud, Auto Cinderella Jack) rivaling photoperiod strains in potency and quality.
  9. Choosing Cannabis Seeds:

    • The choice between autoflower and feminised seeds depends on preferences like growth speed, control, and desired cannabinoid profiles. Factors like aroma, flavor, and cannabinoid content further influence seed selection.
  10. Considerations Before Growing Autoflower Seeds:

    • Factors like optimal growth conditions, seed genetics (THC, CBD, CBG content), pot size, and harvesting time influence autoflower cultivation success.

In conclusion, the evolution of cannabis genetics has brought forth diverse seed options catering to varied grower preferences. Whether opting for rapid growth, precise control, or specific cannabinoid profiles, understanding the nuances among seed types facilitates informed choices for successful cannabis cultivation.

Autoflower vs feminised cannabis seeds explained (2024)
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