Ask the Pro: Primer Makes a Paint Job Better - The Perfect Finish Blog by KILZ® (2024)

April 19, 2021

Ask the Pro: Primer Makes a Paint Job Better - The Perfect Finish Blog by KILZ® (1)

It’s no secret that here on The Perfect Finish we’re advocates of proper prep work, and for us that conversation always includes priming before you paint. Primer can do a lot for your paint job, and the professionals know it’s worth the extra step.

To share all the reasons why and how primer makes your paint job better, and answer some often asked primer questions, we brought back Product Manager John Golamco. He’s been on the KILZ team for over six years and has a wealth of primer knowledge. Ready to learn more? Let’s get rolling!

Is primer only necessary when your paint does not have primer in it?​

Applying primer is an essential prep step when you apply paint or a topcoat coating. As such, it is important to apply primer first and then (once it’s dry) apply the topcoat/paint over the primer coat. Primer is engineered differently from paint – primer has more resin/binder in the formula, which is the “sticky stuff” that helps with adhesion and other additives that give the primer its ability to solve a variety of problems. Paint, on the other hand, has more pigment in the formula in order to deliver color.

How does primer make my paint job more durable and long-lasting?​

Primer helps the paint or topcoat stick to the surface better and prevent problems like peeling and cracking – ensuring the topcoat lasts longer on the surface. Depending on the type of primer (there are several types), it can solve a variety of surface related conditions and problems that could ruin your topcoat paint if you didn’t apply primer first. Primers can evenly and uniformly seal porous surfaces; hide previous colors or marks and stains; block and seal in bleeding stains (like tannin, grease, nicotine, water stains… just to name a few!); seal in unwanted odors; enhance adhesion and help bond the paint/topcoat to the surface; and prevent mold or mildew on the primer film surface, and other special features. There are even primers formulated for different spaces in the home, like Primer.

How many coats of primer do I need?​

Typically, you only have to apply one or two coats of primer to achieve optimal results for which it is intended. One common misconception is that you need to continue to apply coats of primer until you completely cover the surface in a white finish or hide every area possible like you would do a paint. It is not the primers job to provide the final complete paint finish – that’s the paint’s job. Even if it doesn’t look completely covered, one or two coats is all you need as long as it is evenly applied. For blocking water stains or tannin from a “fresh” red wood surface, more premium stain blocking primer is recommended.

Ask the Pro: Primer Makes a Paint Job Better - The Perfect Finish Blog by KILZ® (3)

Does primer work on all previous paint sheens?​

Just like most things you can buy, there are different types of primers ranging from the simpler ones that are made to just seal porous surfaces to the more sophisticated ones that offer additional features and benefits. Typically, the higher performing, more premium primers have better adhesion performance that allows it to stick to more surface types. Typically, the denser/harder the surface and the more sheen (higher gloss), the more difficult it is for paint or primer to adhere to. We recommend using high adhesion bonding primers for dense, glossy surfaces. Sometimes it is also necessary to perform a light sanding of the surface to help the primer bond to it. A high-performance primer such as KILZ 3® Premium Primer or KILZ® Restoration Primer will work with most paint sheens.

Ask the Pro: Primer Makes a Paint Job Better - The Perfect Finish Blog by KILZ® (4)

Can I apply primer on wallpaper?​

When it comes to painting over old wallpaper, the best practice is to remove it completely, remove any old wallpaper glue and dirt residue, ensure the surface is clean and smooth and then apply primer and then topcoat with new paint. However, if painting over old wallpaper is needed, we recommend ensuring the old wallpaper is not peeling and adhesion to the wall is still sound. Then use an oil base primer such as KILZ® Original Primer to prime the surface before applying paint. Using an oil base primer will make sure there is less chance the adhesive of the wallpaper (which may be exposed at the seams) is compromised.

Is there a primer with a clear finish?​

Most primers will adhere to wood however there are special primers that will apply in a clear transparent finish. We recommend – a high performance fast-drying, multi-surface clear primer developed to seal highly porous surfaces inside and outside your home. It is also recommended for use when painting the same topcoat paint color on top of an existing paint coat.

Ask the Pro: Primer Makes a Paint Job Better - The Perfect Finish Blog by KILZ® (5)

Can primer be applied to peeling paint?

Applying primer or any additional topcoat coating to already peeling paint is not recommended. The adhesion or bonding of the paint to the surface is already compromised. Adding more layers of primer or any coating will add weight to the compromised paint and might cause it to peel off completely. We recommend removing the peeling paint and starting fresh with a clean surface.

Always remember to refer to our websitekilz.comor product back labels for additional information on which primer is right for your project and detailed instructions on how to apply our products.

    Tags:Tags: KILZ 3 Premium Primer, , KILZ Original Interior Primer, Primer Tips, Products

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I am a seasoned expert in the field of paint and coatings, with an in-depth understanding of the principles behind proper surface preparation and the role of primers in achieving a flawless finish. My expertise extends to the nuances of various primers, their formulations, and their application for different surfaces.

Now, delving into the concepts presented in the article from April 19, 2021, it underscores the importance of primer in the painting process. The featured Product Manager, John Golamco, with over six years of experience on the KILZ team, shares valuable insights into the role of primer in enhancing the longevity and durability of a paint job.

  1. Primer as Essential Prep Step: Applying primer is not solely necessary when the paint lacks it; rather, it is an integral prep step before applying paint or a topcoat coating. Primer is uniquely formulated with more resin/binder, enhancing adhesion and solving various surface-related issues. Paint, in contrast, focuses more on delivering color with higher pigment content.

  2. Durability and Longevity Enhancement: Primer plays a crucial role in making a paint job more durable and long-lasting. By promoting better adhesion, primer prevents issues like peeling and cracking, ensuring the topcoat adheres effectively to the surface. Different types of primers address specific surface conditions, such as sealing porous surfaces, hiding stains, blocking odors, and preventing mold or mildew.

  3. Number of Primer Coats: Contrary to a common misconception, one or two coats of primer are typically sufficient for optimal results. Unlike paint, the primer's role isn't to provide the final paint finish, and even if it doesn't completely cover the surface, a couple of coats are generally enough.

  4. Compatibility with Previous Paint Sheens: Primers vary in their adhesion performance, and higher-performing, premium primers are recommended for dense or glossy surfaces. Denser and glossier surfaces pose challenges for paint or primer adherence, and high adhesion bonding primers are suggested. In some cases, light sanding may be necessary for better adhesion.

  5. Primer Application on Wallpaper: While the best practice is to remove old wallpaper before painting, if painting over it is necessary, ensuring the wallpaper is intact and using an oil-based primer is recommended. This helps maintain adhesion and prevents compromise due to the adhesive of the wallpaper.

  6. Clear Finish Primers: While most primers adhere to wood, some are designed to apply in a clear, transparent finish. These clear primers, such as the recommended high-performance fast-drying option, are suitable for highly porous surfaces inside and outside the home.

  7. Primer on Peeling Paint: Applying primer to already peeling paint is not advised, as it won't address the compromised adhesion of the existing paint. The recommended approach is to remove the peeling paint and start with a clean surface for optimal results.

In conclusion, the comprehensive information provided by the Product Manager emphasizes the critical role of primer in achieving a professional and long-lasting paint job, addressing various surface conditions and ensuring compatibility with different substrates. Always refer to the manufacturer's guidelines for specific product recommendations and application instructions.

Ask the Pro: Primer Makes a Paint Job Better - The Perfect Finish Blog by KILZ® (2024)
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