Are We Over-Investing in 401(k)s? | White Coat Investor (2024)

By Dr. Jim Dahle, WCI Founder

I run into a surprising amount of negativity about 401(k)s.

A small amount of it is people appropriately reacting to bad 401(k)s, the latest way for employers to get sued for dodging their fiduciary duty to employees. However, a bad 401(k) is usually still worth using since you'll probably only be stuck with it for a few years and since the tax breaks are so large they outweigh a few years of high expenses and crummy investments.

A larger amount of the negativity is people trying to sell you something. It might be investment management services, but more likely it's some sort of alternative investment not available in your 401(k) (real estate is a common culprit). You need to be aware of conflicts of interest from those folks. However, a much bigger issue is people who simply don't understand how 401(k)s and/or the tax code works. Here's the latest example I've seen, but it's hardly rare.

William Million on the Bogleheads forum thinks he oversaved in 401(k)s because he now has to pay ordinary income tax on his withdrawals instead of lower long term capital gains taxes. William might have millions, but he is mistaken on this point. Let's run some numbers to demonstrate.

Why You Should Max Out Your 401(k)

Just for fun, let's go back 20 years and say William has earned $10,000 to invest. He can put it in a 401(k), or he can invest it in a regular taxable brokerage account. He is going to pull all the money out this year after 20 years of compounding. Let's say William was in the 33% tax bracket in 2002 when he made the contribution, and he currently has a marginal tax rate of 22% and a 15% long term capital gains tax rate in retirement. He uses the same investment which earns 8% a year, and expenses are similar in both accounts (i.e. a good 401(k)). Which approach results in more money?

Taxable Brokerage Approach

William earns $10,000. He pays $3,333 in taxes. He has $6,667 left to invest. His investment grows at 7.7% due to tax drag. After 20 years, it is worth $29,393.

=FV(7.7%,20,0,-6667) = $29,393

He has to pay some taxes, though. He has to pay 15% on all of the gains. Well, what are the gains? Certainly not the original $6,667. Plus he doesn't have to pay on the reinvested dividends on which he already paid. Let's be generous and call it $12,000 he doesn't have to pay taxes on. His tax bill is ($29,393-$12,000) * 15% = $2,609. Subtract that from the $29,393, and he ends up with $26,784.

401(k) Approach

William earns $10,000. He pays nothing in taxes. He has $10,000 to invest. His investment grows at 8% due to no tax drag. After 20 years, it is worth $46,610.

=FV(8%,20,0,-10000) = $46,610

He now pays taxes. He is in the 22% bracket. The tax bill is $46,610 * 22% = $10,254. The amount left after tax is $46,610 – $10,254 = $36,356.

Yes, using the 401(k) results in William paying $10,254 in taxes instead of $3,333 + $2,609 = $5,942 in taxes. But is his goal to pay the least amount in taxes, or is it to have the most left over after taxes? I hope it's the latter. If so, the 401(k) approach is clearly superior as he ends up with $36,356 – $26,784 = $9,572 more dollars (36% more money).

Honestly, that's probably understating the case, because there's a great chance he could've taken out some of that 401(k) money at 10% or 12% (filling the brackets) rather than it all coming out at 22%. I've written before that almost no one should fear Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs). You're still winning despite paying them. You don't even have to spend them if you don't want; you can just reinvest them in taxable. Think of an RMD as the government telling you that “Time's up, you can no longer have the benefits of investing in a 401(k).” Why would you want to give up those benefits before it's required?

More information here:

What to Do with a Crummy 401(k)

The Supersaver Dilemma

Now, there are some people who are such good savers that they will actually be taking money out of their retirement accounts in retirement at a higher tax rate than they had when they put money into those accounts. There are not very many of these people. However, if you can see yourself filling up all of the lower brackets with Social Security payments, pension payments, real estate rents, and tax-deferred retirement account withdrawals, then you may be one of them. That's not the case for most docs. An RMD in your 70s on a $2 million IRA doesn't even fill the 10% and 12% tax brackets for a married couple.

There are far more people with an irrational fear about tax rates going up that will somehow result in them withdrawing money at a higher tax rate than when they contributed it. I'm not saying tax rates can't go up. I'm just saying that's a very minor effect. What if instead of saving money at 35% and pulling it out at 22%, you end up saving it at 35% and pulling it out at 28%? You still win. And that'd be a HUGE tax rate increase. The arbitrage between tax rates is generally far larger than any potential change in tax rates.

Whether you are in this category due to supersaving or due to a fear of rising taxes, the solution is not to avoid using retirement accounts. Instead, you could make Roth contributions and conversions. This discussion should really be coming up when you're thinking about Roth vs. traditional 401(k) contributions, not when you're thinking about whether to max out that 401(k).

Young Widows and Widowers

Are We Over-Investing in 401(k)s? | White Coat Investor (5)

There is another situation where you could withdraw money at higher tax rates than when you contributed. This is when your spouse dies relatively early, leaving you to fend for yourself with the higher single tax brackets. Consider someone with $185,000 of taxable income in 2023. If you're married, you're in the 22% bracket. If you're single, you're in the 32% bracket. Big difference. If your spouse is significantly older than you or in much worse health, you may want to do something about this. But again, that something isn't to skip out on your 401(k) contribution; it's to make it a Roth contribution (maybe).

Want to FIRE? Max Your 401(k) Out Anyway!

Another reason people may think they should not max out their 401(k) is because they want to retire early. I call bunk. There are several reasons why.

#1 If you separate from your employer, you can raid your 401(k) penalty-free starting at age 55, not 59 1/2 like with an IRA.

#2 The penalty-avoiding loopholes are so big that you can drive a truck through them. Look at all of the situations and expenses that allow you to get to tax-deferred money penalty-free:

  • Unreimbursed medical expenses > 7.5% of AGI
  • Medical insurance
  • Disability
  • Qualified higher education expenses
  • A first home
  • New child or adoption
  • IRS levy
  • Reservist distribution

And most importantly, Substantially Equal Periodic Payments (72(t) distributions), i.e. the early retiree exception.

Note that there are slight differences between these rules as they are applied to IRAs and 401(k)s, with IRAs generally being more generous.

#3 If you have saved enough to retire earlier than age 55, the chances of all your money being inside 401(k)s rounds to zero. You've surely got something like an inherited IRA, a 457(b), or Roth IRA contributions that you can withdraw penalty-free. In fact, you've probably got a sizable taxable account despite maxing out your 401(k). You probably don't have to touch that 401(k) until 65 or 70, much less before age 55.

More information here:

Early Retirees Should Max Out Retirement Accounts

The Only Good Reason Not to Max Out Your 401(k)

Honestly, I can only come up with one good reason not to max out your 401(k). That reason is that you have a better use for your money. That might even mean spending it, but hopefully, the high income professionals reading this site have plenty of money to spend despite maxing out a 401(k). A more common reason is that you have a more attractive investment option that is not available in your 401(k). These could include:

  1. Paying off 15%-30% credit card debt
  2. Paying off 8% student loans
  3. Buying into a partnership
  4. Buying into a business like a surgicenter, urgent care, radiology center, dialysis center, etc.
  5. Getting a short-term rental business started
  6. Some other investment likely to provide MUCH higher returns on a risk-adjusted basis, even after accounting for the 401(k)'s tax, estate planning, and asset protection benefits

Even so, in most of those situations I'd still prefer to see you doing both—maxing out the 401(k) and saving enough above and beyond to make these other investments.

The part I like best about William Million's complaint is that he did the right thing, even if he is unhappy about it. Better to do the right thing even if you did it for the wrong reason, I suppose. This situation also reminds me of what I would tell Katie in the early years when we had a four-, five-, or low six-figure nest egg.

“Let's max these accounts out. We can always take the money back out if we get in trouble. How awesome is it to get a tax break and yet still have the money?”

What do you think? Why do you think so many people worry that maxing out their 401(k) will somehow hurt them? Comment below!

Are We Over-Investing in 401(k)s? | White Coat Investor (2024)


Should I take my 401k out of the stock market? ›

Market downturns can make you feel like you're even more behind in your savings goals. “We believe the key thing to do is to keep your 401(k) funds invested. If you take them out of the market, you may lock in losses and could miss out on opportunities for market rebounds.”

Should I keep my 401k in stocks right now? ›

Don't reduce your 401(k) contributions, or the allocation of new savings to stocks, just because the stock market is struggling at the moment. In fact, a bear market is often the right time to increase the percentage of income you contribute to your 401(k) if you can afford to do so.

Are 401ks worth it anymore? ›

The value of 401(k) plans is based on the concept of dollar-cost averaging, but that's not always a reliable theory. Many 401(k) plans are expensive because of high administrative and record-keeping costs. Nonetheless, 401(k) plans are ultimately worth it for most people, depending on your retirement goals.

How are 401k's doing now? ›

Retirement 401(k) account balances bounced back in 2023 to the highest level in nearly two years, according to Fidelity's recent report. Despite persistent inflation, more than one-third of workers increased their retirement savings contribution rate. The number of 401(k) millionaires also rose more than 10%.

Will I lose my 401k if the stock market crashes? ›

The odds are the value of your retirement savings may decline if the market crashes. While this doesn't mean you should never invest, you should be patient with the market and make long-term decisions that can withstand time and market fluctuation.

Should I be aggressive with my 401k right now? ›

While being more aggressive can make a lot of sense if you have a long time until retirement, it can really sink you financially if you need the money in less than five years. To reduce risk, investors can add more bond funds to their portfolio or even hold some CDs.

What happens to a 401K during a recession? ›

The value of a 401(k) account, or any retirement account, always depends on how the account is invested. For many people who are still decades away from retirement, their portfolios will largely consist of stocks, which may suffer declines during a recession or economic slowdown.

How should I invest my 401K in 2024? ›

Best 401(k) investments of 2024
  1. Fidelity 500 Index (FXAIX): Best large-cap 401(k) investment.
  2. Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Institutional (VMCIX): Best mid-cap 401(k) investment.
  3. Vanguard S&P Small-Cap 600 Index (VSMSX): Best small-cap 401(k) Investment.

Where should I put my 401K money right now? ›

10 of the Best-Performing 401(k) Funds
FundExpense Ratio10-year average annual return
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund (FNCMX)0.29%15.7%
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund (FDSVX)0.67%15.8%
Vanguard Growth Index Fund (VIGAX)0.05%14.7%
Fidelity 500 Index Fund (FXAIX)0.015%13%
6 more rows
Apr 1, 2024

What does Robert Kiyosaki say about 401ks? ›

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” author Robert Kiyosaki isn't a fan of traditional retirement savings plans because he doesn't think they are a safe place to park your money. In a recent tweet, he predicted that 401(k) plans and IRAs will soon be “toast,” and shared that his previous predictions have usually come to fruition.

Do rich people invest in 401k? ›

“If you study wealthy people, they are not focused on 401(k) [plans] and IRAs,” he told GOBankingRates. “People have gotten wealthy selling 401(k) plans and IRAs — Vanguard and Fidelity have made a lot of money managing people's retirement [savings].”

Are people still losing money in their 401k? ›

Rather, it's an investment option that will grow and fall over time. In fact, a recent Fidelity Investment's study found that the average 401(k) account balance in 2022 was down 23% from the prior year. If you constantly check your invested money, it may seem like your account balance is continuously in the red.

What is the average 401K balance at age 65? ›


Should I pull my 401K now? ›

The bottom line. There are several ways you can withdraw from your 401(k) or IRA penalty free. Still, we recommend not touching your retirement savings until you are retired. Compounding can have a significant impact on helping to maximize your retirement savings and extending the life of your portfolio.

Is it still smart to put money in 401K? ›

Okay, here's a quick refresher: 401(k)s are employer-sponsored retirement plans that make it easier for employees to save for retirement. They're a great way to save for retirement because they come with special tax advantages and most employers offer a company match on your contributions (which is free money).

Where should I put my 401k money right now? ›

10 of the Best-Performing 401(k) Funds
FundExpense Ratio10-year average annual return
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund (FNCMX)0.29%15.7%
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund (FDSVX)0.67%15.8%
Vanguard Growth Index Fund (VIGAX)0.05%14.7%
Fidelity 500 Index Fund (FXAIX)0.015%13%
6 more rows
Apr 1, 2024

Where is the safest place to put your money during a recession? ›

Investors often gravitate toward Treasurys as a safe haven during recessions, as these are considered risk-free instruments. That's because they are backed by the U.S. government, which is deemed able to ensure that the principal and interest are repaid.

Where is the safest place to put your retirement money? ›

Plenty of safe places exist to put your money as a retiree. If you don't mind keeping it locked up for a specific time period, Treasuries and CDs are great ways to get a competitive return. Bond ETFs work well if you want to invest in a variety of bonds.

Should I rollover my 401k when the market is down? ›

Shielding your money from further market losses could be a potential benefit of a rollover. However, this may also limit your ability to recover gains when the market bounces back. During a volatile market, panic can lead you to sell your investments impulsively at rock-bottom prices.

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