An Easy Way To Create Multiple Income Streams Fast (2024)

I am an affiliate with links to an online retailer in this blog post. When you read what I have written about a particular product and click on that link and buy something from the retailer, I can earn a commission. Please note that I only recommend products that I truly believe in and use in my business. Please read my full disclaimer here


An Easy Way To Create Multiple Income Streams Fast (1)UPDATE: I no longer promote this affiliate program. This is why all the links are removed. The best way to have a sustainable living is through multiple sources. If you are only earning money from one source then it is time that should change.

For your own interest and to ensure that you continue to generate cash flow, it is important that you subscribe to different sources that can earn you an income so in the event that one source dies, you have others that will support you and your family.

Usually when people create income streams from multiple sources they do so using different business ideas. For example, they may create a virtual assistant business, a social media agency or an affiliate marketing blog and master each one in turn before they go on to the other.

There is nothing wrong with starting income streams this way and mastering each of them however the problem with this is that when you decide to venture into more than one opportunity, it takes time to get things set up with the tools that you need and the expertise that you need to grow.

As a beginner you may also want to avoid the overwhelm so your aim will be to focus on just one project and income stream at a time.

When I started in my online journey I started with one business idea. I did not feel like I could take on any other opportunity as I was already exhausted with promoting and marketing the business.

It was only when I felt comfortable to move on to another opportunity that I did so. But that was after I ensured that my first business was stable and running well.

But as time went along and I wanted to improve my income quickly, I had to find a better business model that allowed me to do so.

I wanted to find a way to earn an income consistently and from multiple sources at the start without compromising on time and expense. Neither did I want to do a lot of research into business models and waste time trying to figure out if they would work.

I needed to find one business model that would cater to the following points:

  • Being inexpensive to run
  • Multiple sources of income incorporated
  • The ability to earn and learn at the same time
  • Ongoing support from a fantastic community

As a new business owner and to get clients I knew I had to spend some time marketing and promoting my business.

I did not want to invest in too many business ideas and separate each business idea with its own marketing strategy. That would involve building different websites, email lists and sales funnels and therefore more money.

So I researched a few business ideas and came across the Four Percent Group. The Four Percent Group is an education platform that teaches everything about internet marketing and how to build a successful internet business.

One of its features and which was attractive to me was the ability to “unlock multiple streams of income” which they said they had over twenty.

The creator, Vick Strizheus does a really good job at incorporating these streams of income into the marketing tools that you use so it was a simple way of promoting one product and unlocking the other income streams without any additional effort.

And for someone who likes ease and simplicity and not having to be overwhelmed with too many risky business ideas, this was a great way at earning many different streams of income under one umbrella.

If you are interested in signing up for a membership, I would like to show you how I use the Four Percent Group to earn multiple income streams by promoting one product.

It’s a genius way of leveraging the affiliate programs of essential marketing tools for your business and using those same marketing tools to build a super internet business.

This makes it easy and fast to hit the ground running with multiple income streams in one place and saves a lot of time and money in advertising and ad spend.

Read till the end for your special discount.

The Four Percent Group is a master webclass that teaches upcoming entrepreneurs how to start an internet business from scratch.

Every internet business needs marketing tools which include a website, lead capture page, an email marketing software and a tool to track your links.

This is a must if you want to get people to opt in to your content and to start building an email list. If you do not yet know the importance of building an email list then you can read my article here.

In order to maximise your affiliate income from the Four Percent group Vick integrated these necessary marketing tools into his education program and teaches his students about the importance of capturing leads and building an email list.

Naturally students will get these tools and they can become affiliates of these same marketing tools thereby unlocking the multiple income streams.

As students learn and acquire the skills they need to become internet marketers and if they recommend the learning course to other potential students who get the same marketing tools then referring affiliates would have created multiple streams of income effortlessly and easily.

This is how you can use the Four Percent Group to create multiple income streams without the hassle of promoting numerous products.

When you log into the Four Percent back office you are directed to activate your MSI’s (multiple streams of income).

An Easy Way To Create Multiple Income Streams Fast (2)

This process involves getting your marketing tools all set up ready to start your business. It is the key to actually building an internet business and by setting up these marketing tools within the Four Percent platform make it easier for you to generate different income streams without promoting each product individually.

When you click on the MSI tab you will see that you are directed to create accounts with Clickfunnels, LeadPages, Clickmagick, GetResponse, Aweber, Udimi and Namecheap.

An Easy Way To Create Multiple Income Streams Fast (3)

If you do not want to use all the tools you do not have to. However to maximise your potential at receiving as many streams of income as possible I would recommend joining as an affiliate for all the companies.

The main tools however that every internet business needs and you as well if your goal is to learn how to create an internet business is a domain or URL, lead capture builder, an email marketing software and link tracker.

So at most you should create accounts with Namecheap, Clickfunnels, Aweber or GetResponse and Clickmagick.


Namecheap provides domains for the really cheap price of $0.99 for the year. Starting a domain is really simple.

The reason why you want a domain is because it will eventually connect to a website which is your home on the internet.

Every internet entrepreneur has a website of some form otherwise they won’t be in business right? Think about this. If you have a brick and mortar store, you house your products in a building right? Well the website is the same thing. It houses your product or service that you will promote later on.

Related Article: Don’t know what product to promote? Click here to read 10 High Paying Affiliate Marketing Programs For Marketers or read 6 Profitable Niche Markets for Marketers


Next is your lead capture page builder. This is how you will capture the email addresses of your potential customers or clients to start building your email list. Read why it is crucial to start building your email list early here.

The lead capture page builder that the Four Percent Group recommends is Clickfunnels. They have a 14 day trial that you can start to see how the software works, then it costs $97/month thereafter.

You can see it in the list of MSI and it is another essential marketing tool which you can use to sell products, capture people’s information including their name and email address and integrate it with email marketing software like Aweber or GetResponse to start the email marketing process.

An Easy Way To Create Multiple Income Streams Fast (4)

Aweber or GetResponse

You will also see that Aweber or GetResponse are included in the MSIs. Both programs have a generous 30 day free trial then starts at $19/month for 500 contacts and $15/month for 1000 contacts respectively.

An Easy Way To Create Multiple Income Streams Fast (5)


Then there’s Clickmagick which is a link tracker. Because you will be using the internet to promote your business, you will have times when you are making money or sales from your website but you do not know which article or traffic source is driving sales.

This is where your link tracker comes in. It is important because it takes away the guess work in trying to figure out what’s working (so you can keep it and make more money) and what’s not (so you can ditch it and not waste time).

Clickmagick has a 14 day free trial and then starts at $12/month or $147/year.

Once you have created accounts with each of the companies and joined them as an affiliate it is important that you stick your affiliate ID into the blank field just as the affiliate company has given you.

Here is an example.

In my Namecheap account my affiliate link is but back in the Four Percent dashboard you will see that they already have the main domain embedded but a blank field for the affiliate ID.

An Easy Way To Create Multiple Income Streams Fast (6)

So all you are required to do is place the ID which is 107436 into the blank field.

Once that is done it’s now time to learn from Vick various strategies to start getting customers or clients for your business on the internet.

When you join the Four Percent Group you are learning a skill and you have also become an affiliate of the company at the same time.

The Four Percent has created different promotional tools that you can use to promote the educational training suite.

So you can promote it to other marketers, online or offline brands, insurance agents, network marketers, bloggers, real estate agents as an education package to gain or improve upon askill setthat they may need to run a successful business.

When you refer other students who purchase the web class suite, that will be your first stream of income that has been activated.

As those students get into the training and start setting up their internet business using the marketing tools recommended and they too start implementing the same steps of creating accounts and adding their affiliate IDs, the MSIs become activated.

Whilst the MSIs are activated you will only earn money from those MSIs when the students purchase the tools.

The Four Percent Group is a master web class.

I would like to describe it as an online university. Other subjects that you can learn include:

  • Traffic Generation Strategies
  • Internet Marketing Strategies
  • Email List Building Strategies
  • What’s Working Now Online
  • How To Generate $100K In Your Business
  • Mastering Instagram Traffic
  • Mastering SEO
  • How To Keep Your Audience Engaged
  • How To Build A Highly Successful Ecommerce Store

An Easy Way To Create Multiple Income Streams Fast (7)

When you learn and if you like the value given then you are free to recommend the courses and also earn a commission when a student successfully purchases the course.

If you do not have the time to start multiple businesses, then this is a great way to earn multiple income sources from one program.

There are seven income streams from the essential marketing tools and 3 income streams from training courses making that 10 income streams in one program.

Most successful entrepreneurs have 7 income streams from multiple businesses but the Four Percent Group gives you the ability to create 10 using just one program thereby making it easy, accessible and cost effective for you to start earning whilst you are learning.

Reason #1 Building Relationships

Before the Four Percent Group I would spend a lot of time on my computer chasing people to buy my product.

At the time I really did not know how to sell a product and how to build relationships with people so they can know, like and trust me.

It was through the Four Percent Group that I understood that when I helped more people solve their problems, that I could make more money.

This changed my business as I went from earning absolutely nothing in my first year and a half of working online to earning my first commission within a few days of joining the Four Percent Group.

As I took action and applied every thing that I learnt in the Four Percent Group it was only a matter of repeating the process over and over to make more and more commissions.

Reason #2 Automate My Business

Before the Four Percent Group, a day in my life consisted of waking up at 5am to get ready for my job. Work at my job for eight hours until 5pm. Return home and work on my part time network marketing business for six hours. During those six hours I was on the phone following up with leads, updating my social media and connecting with my team.

I really had no time for myself after my job and in fact I did not know that I could actually automate my network marketing business until the Four Percent Group showed me how.

It was a great revelation which allowed me to have more freedom of time after work so I could spend more time with my family and doing more of the things I loved.

Reason #3 Creating Belief

“If you can see it in your mind you can hold it in your hands”. I never understood the meaning of this sentence until Vick broke it down in simpler terms and explained it to me.

He was always sharing motivational stories with our team and telling us about his humble beginnings as a young entrepreneur.

I was greatly inspired by him and thankful to this day for helping me uncover my potential as the creator of my own reality. All it really takes is believing that you can have anything that you want and taking action to make it happen.

I am so happy that since joining the Four Percent Group I have been able to quit my job and earn a full time income from home.

And I’m not the only one who believes they can have whatever they want. Here are just a few screenshots from my team members and their excitement with the Four Percent Group.

Nang joined the Four Percent Group only a couple weeks ago and got his very first sale on the internet.

Aaron also got a surprise in his email when the Four Percent Group sent him a really nice payment after just three days.

Here’s my favourite. Navinder got huge commissions and was finally able to purchase a brand new Samsung 8. Way to go!

So as you can see we’re all getting results.

You can see how amazing the Four Percent Group is and it can be powerful to help you in your current business or life whether you want to learn a new skill or earn from multiple sources on the side.

The Four Percent Group will give you the confidence to become a leader in your niche and show you how to build a movement to give other people direction and hope.

Think about the lives that you can help change from the skills you will learn which can create a new lifelong career and potentially wealth for you and your family.

This can actually be the difference that you need in your life.

If for some reason you’re still reading this post and you have not yet made up your mind whether the Four Percent Group is for you let me help answer the one question that is burning on your mind.

What really is in it for you?

Well first of all I am going to assume that you landed on this page because you wanted an easy way to earn money from multiple sources without selling your soul.

I am also going to assume that although you want to earn some money on the side, you really don’t know where to start or how to make money on the internet.

Well I am going to tell you that the Four Percent Group is not a push button system, but it does teach you everything you need to know about making money on the internet. Plus you are able to earn whilst you learn.

It is exactly how I got started and why my team and I was able to earn thousands of dollars on the internet. Simply because we learnt from someone who was already getting results and we applied what we learnt.

Yes I promote the Four Percent Group and I will earn a small commission from them if you join the team, but I only promote something that I have tried and absolutely love because not only have I gotten results but over 20,000 other students are getting results as well.

Now I want to show more and more people how they can be a part of something great and transform their own lives as well.

If that sounds like something that you want then this awesome community is for you. Here is how you get started.

Step 1 Click on this link and watch Vick’s video where he explains how you can earn $5000 to $10,000 per month online.

Step 2 Wait for the timer to count down and a button will appear. Click on the button to get started.

Step 3 Email me at (don’t forget the dash) or get in touch with me through my Contact PageandI will send to you three free exclusive bonuses worth over $350 in value just for joining me through my referral link.

  • Bonus #1 A worksheet of daily tasks to help you make your first affiliate sale. ($57 value, FREE)
  • Bonus #2 Using Facebook Groups for Business to get free traffic ($97 value, FREE)
  • Bonus #3 Drive traffic, increase sales with a simple website that you can build in under 1 hour ($197 value, FREE)

Step 4 Take Action

Starting an internet business does not have to cost you a lot of money.

Even if you’re bootstrapping you just have to be smart about where you invest your money.

The Four Percent Group has the highest quality learning modules taught by internet entrepreneurs who have over ten years experience in the industry.

The cost here is a business expense so it is a taxable write off.

Plus you learn so many skills that you can make yourself marketable and offer additional services in your business such as a social media manager, SEO writer, eCommerce consultant or a lead generation specialist.

Hope to see you on the inside. To sign up to the Four Percent Group click here. If you have any questions leave me a comment or send me an email.


An Easy Way To Create Multiple Income Streams Fast (11)

P.S Over to you. How many streams of income do you have and how did you get started?

An Easy Way To Create Multiple Income Streams Fast (12)


An Easy Way To Create Multiple Income Streams Fast (2024)


An Easy Way To Create Multiple Income Streams Fast? ›

A few passive income ideas include: writing a blog, selling on Etsy, dropshipping, selling online or downloadable products, stock dividends, property rental income, etc. If you use affiliate marketing as a form of passive income, you can actually monetize your blog without having to do a ton of work.

How can I create multiple streams of income? ›

A few passive income ideas include: writing a blog, selling on Etsy, dropshipping, selling online or downloadable products, stock dividends, property rental income, etc. If you use affiliate marketing as a form of passive income, you can actually monetize your blog without having to do a ton of work.

How can you grow rich by creating multiple streams of income? ›

Most of us start making money through a job where we trade hours for money. The trick to real wealth is to slowly change our income source from linear or work income to residual income were money works for us. By creating multiple streams of passive income you will be able to reclaim financial control of your life.

How do you create 7 streams of income for passive wealth? ›

7 Streams of Income You Should Consider
  1. Dividend Income. Dividend income is a popular way for people to generate passive income and is often preferred by those who are looking for more stable and predictable returns on their investments. ...
  2. Rental Income. ...
  3. Interest Income. ...
  4. Capital Gains Income. ...
  5. Royalty Income.
Jan 22, 2024

How can I make $1000 a month passively? ›

Passive Income: 7 Ways To Make an Extra $1,000 a Month
  1. Buy US Treasuries. U.S. Treasuries are still paying attractive yields on short-term investments. ...
  2. Rent Out Your Yard. ...
  3. Rent Out Your Car. ...
  4. Rental Real Estate. ...
  5. Publish an E-Book. ...
  6. Become an Affiliate. ...
  7. Sell an Online Course. ...
  8. Bottom Line.
Apr 18, 2024

How to passively make $2000 a month? ›

Wrapping up ways to make $2,000/month in passive income
  1. Try out affiliate marketing.
  2. Sell an online course.
  3. Monetize a blog with Google Adsense.
  4. Become an influencer.
  5. Write and sell e-books.
  6. Freelance on websites like Upwork.
  7. Start an e-commerce store.
  8. Get paid to complete surveys.

How to make 10k a month? ›

In this guide, we'll share the 10 best ways to make $10,000 per month, including:
  1. Sell Private Label Rights (PLR) products đź“ť
  2. Start a dropshipping online business 📦
  3. Start a blog and leverage ad income đź’»
  4. Freelance your skills 🎨
  5. Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) đź“š
  6. Flip vintage apparel, furniture, and decor 🛋
Feb 23, 2024

How to make 10,000 fast? ›

Here are ten ways to make $10k quickly:
  1. Become A Freelancer. Freelancing is one of the most popular ways to make money quickly. ...
  2. Invest In Cryptocurrency. ...
  3. Participate In Online Surveys. ...
  4. Become A Virtual Assistant. ...
  5. Do Odd Jobs. ...
  6. Create An Online Course. ...
  7. Become An Affiliate Marketer. ...
  8. Sell Your Stuff.

What is the simplest way to make passive income? ›

  1. Start a dropshipping store. Dropshipping is a great way to make money from anywhere, even if you're starting with a small budget. ...
  2. Create a print-on-demand store. ...
  3. Sell digital products. ...
  4. Teach online courses. ...
  5. Become a blogger. ...
  6. Sell handmade goods. ...
  7. Run an affiliate marketing business. ...
  8. Sell stock photos online.
Apr 16, 2024

What is the number one source of income for most people? ›

The bottom 80% of U.S. households receive more than 93% of their adjusted gross income from wages and retirement income, according to a Brookings Institution analysis of the latest IRS data. By comparison, the top 0.1% of households get less than 25% of their earnings from wages or retirement income.

What is the most common source of wealth? ›

Pension assets make up the largest source of net wealth of all asset types and is remarkably stable across the wealth distribution at the fourth decile and above.

What is the 15 15 15 rule? ›

What is 15-15-15 Rule? The rule says to achieve the goal of earning Rs 1 crore, an investor should invest Rs 15,000 monthly through SIP for 15 years, considering a 15% annual return from an equity fund. Consistent adherence to this strategy can lead to significant wealth accumulation.

What is the 10x income rule? ›

Enter the “10X rule” for retirement savings, a popular benchmark that simplifies the daunting task of retirement planning into a more tangible goal. This rule suggests that aiming to save at least 10 times your annual income by the time you reach retirement age is a prudent path to ensuring a comfortable retirement.

What is the 15 * 15 * 30 rule in mutual funds? ›

The 15x15x30 rule of mutual funds involves investing Rs 15,000 per month for a period of 30 years in a fund that offers a 15% annual return. As per experts, this can give the investor an opportunity to accumulate Rs 10 crore against 1 crore.

Is having multiple streams of income worth it? ›

Whether it's through a side hustle, investments or gig work, having multiple sources of income can make your financial life more stable — but it also makes finances more complicated.

Do millionaires have 7 streams of income? ›

While relying solely on a single job may provide stability, it often falls short in creating wealth and achieving millionaire status. That's where the concept of having multiple streams of income comes into play. As the saying goes, the average millionaire has 7 streams of income.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.