An Accessible Reading List For Trading Enthusiasts (2024)

Table of Contents
Best books on Python — An Algorithmic Trading Foundation Beginner: QuantInsti Python Handbook (Free) Learn Python in One day & learn it well, Chan Pandas Cookbook Intermediate: Python for Finance (check PD content) / Data Science Intermediate: Python Cookbook Mentions Best books on Day Trading Beginner: Understanding Stocks, Understanding Options; Sincere High probability Trading, Link Day and Swing Trading the Currency Market, Lien Long Term Secrets to Short Term Trading, Williams Intermediate: Options Volatility and Pricing, Natenburg Machine Learning in Quantitative Trading Beginner: The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book (Free) Hands on Machine Learning with SKLearn, TF Keras (get most recent edition: TF2.0, much more forgiving) Intermediate: Neural Networks & Deep Learning, Nielsen (FREE) Advanced: Advances in Financial ML, Prado Best Day Trading Books for Beginners Technical Analysis Masterclass Technical Analysis, The complete resource for technicians, Kirkpatrick The Intelligent Investor, Graham Intermediate: Finding Alpha, Falkenstein Mention Algorithmic Trading Books Beginner: Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems, Kevin Davey Trading Systems, Jaekle & Tomasini Algorithmic Trading, Chan Advanced: High-Frequency Trading, Aldridge Mentions Best Non-Python Books for Algorithmic Trading Beginner: Practical C + +, Oualline Cython: A Guide for Py Programmers, Smith Matlab, A Practical Introduction to Programming & Problem Solving, Attaway Learn C# in One Day and learn it well, Chan Advanced: C+ + Cookbook Essential C# 7.0 (or 8.0) High Performance C + + Mentions FAQs

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9 min read

By Zach Oakes

The most frequent question I get about trading is how I got started. The only real answer is to begin gaining experience as soon as possible in any way you can. That doesn't mean trading 25 contract futures, but I think paper trading does very little to teach the psychology and mechanics of orders filling. I believe getting started with micro lot Currencies or slowly scaling to comfort in equities (or more recently Micro Futures may have a place) provides the best way to gain experience in capital markets — without losing all the capital you may later need.

The other true answer, at least for me, was to read everything I could get my hands on. I'm a pretty avid reader—I try to read between 3 and 5 books a week—unfortunately for the girlfriend most of which end up in an enormous stack next to (or on) the bed. I've read pretty much every trading book I could find, and owe most of my full-stack developer accreditation to working through code books.

This will not be the first reading list you'll find, but rather than making this a list to intimidate readers, I thought making an accessible reading list would be more useful. I've included a beginner, intermediate, and a free book for all necessary components to quantitative trading. This is a reading list for people interested in gaining trading experience, rather than a PHD in applied mathematics. If you have a degree in applied mathematics, I would suggest Hull and other like titles — but this list probably isn’t for you.

The first key to automation is making sure you have all the right tools. If you're just looking for automating retail, EasyLanguage can be very versatile and has helpful courses/books on For someone with goals of working at an institution, this should be at the least Python, and eventually maybe a lower level language like C + +. For now, the goal is accessible so we’ll start with Python, and it's NECESSARY component Pandas. Don't make the mistake I made of not properly learning the Pandas library when I learned Python — it will make everything in Python a struggle.

Best books on Python — An Algorithmic Trading Foundation

Beginner: QuantInsti Python Handbook (Free)

If you want to read a single book (Python and Pandas), this would be a good option as it has a lot of direct examples that you can apply. I wish I had this reference when I was learning Python.

Learn Python in One day & learn it well, Chan

This book could not be more clear, and if learning a new language is intimidating I would start here. This should provide a great foundation to later build more specific models upon with libraries like Pandas, Numpy, Scipy.

Pandas Cookbook

If you find yourself sighing every time you see a df, do yourself a favor and work through this book. Within a few chapters you’ll have endless tricks even for simple operations that once frustrated you. I greatly regret waiting until recently to work through this book — being comfortable in Pandas is a MUST for system trading, and it’s importance to ML cannot be understated.

Intermediate: Python for Finance (check PD content) / Data Science

An excellent more in depth read, with direct applications and useful functions (Like Monte Carlo’s, Backtesting, etc). Also has a good Pandas section, with coverage of query and filter functions. My favorite parts are the various MC models, and optimization functions/efficient frontier coverage.

Intermediate: Python Cookbook

Probably my favorite Python book, excellent recipes and helpful in understanding things like tuple unpacking, properties, etc. Working through these books is always such a joy, nothing makes me really appreciate a programming languages intricacies like Cookbooks — so you’ll see a few of them on my list.


Elements of Programming Interviews in Python, Aziz

This book was my bible when I was interviewing for quant positions. It proved incredibly helpful for coding challenges — which many times are NOT like anything you would do in practice. It’s good to be as prepared as possible, and this will get you there (also review, many funds use this as a screening tool; and check if the firm gives you PRACTICE QUESTIONS—I realized once the firm basically gave me the questions in advance, but I didn’t look)

The next piece in the puzzle is capital markets, and I'm going to include my favorites for each asset class, although to a technical trader they’re relatively interchangeable (aside from Options). Based on this theory, I decided to group them in together — it should be fairly obvious what most books cover with my notes.

Before I begin, I want to mention that from my experience you should ignore any books with ‘Warren Buffet’ in the title. Most people don't realize that their suitability is light-years away from his, and treat his actions as divine. I think there's little to be gained in the short term from value investing.

Best books on Day Trading

Beginner: Understanding Stocks, Understanding Options; Sincere

Both great intro books to simple and complex concepts alike. Clearly written, brief coverage but enough to know if you would like to dive deeper. This will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the basics, and a solid foundation to build upon.

High probability Trading, Link

My favorite book on Futures, so simple and so helpful. Great for beginners and pro’s to review basics. Includes psychology section which is often overlooked in new traders. I especially liked the breadth of markets used in examples — all corners of Futures markets, not just ES or CL.

Day and Swing Trading the Currency Market, Lien

Great intro book for forex, provides helpful understanding for what moves currencies and interest rates. Provides a strong foundation for getting into FX trading and Event Arbitrage.

Long Term Secrets to Short Term Trading, Williams

A wonderful old school Futures book, easy enough for beginners, great backtests included on some basic filters.

Intermediate: Options Volatility and Pricing, Natenburg

My favorite trading book — I used to read this every year when I traded only options. It’s the Options Bible. No book will leave you with a more complete understanding of Options Pricing.

Mentions: How To Day Trade for a Living, Aziz (Great overall trading book), Naked Forex, Nekritin & Peters (Simple, helpful, indicator free FX), Options as a Strategic Investment, McMillan (Extensive coverage of Options and some Futures markets).

A more recent trend in the technology aspect has been Machine Learning. I'll be honest, I haven't seen much success from applying machine learning to alpha models. I have maybe 3 filters that involve ML techniques, (out of approx 320 strategies) and they are just filters on top of existing strategies. Nonetheless, if padding the resume is the goal this can be important at many funds.

Machine Learning in Quantitative Trading

Beginner: The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book (Free)

Great to get a basic understanding of confusing concepts. I’ve found this book helpful even after reading some of the more advanced names on this list — just to confirm ideas of what these ML concepts really are doing.

Hands on Machine Learning with SKLearn, TF Keras (get most recent edition: TF2.0, much more forgiving)

A good book to work through and gain a comfort level working with RFR’s and NN’s. Aurelien is very helpful if you have questions, and the exercises in the book — while challenging — leave you with a real confidence on the content.

Intermediate: Neural Networks & Deep Learning, Nielsen (FREE)

A helpful online walkthrough of advanced ML concepts. Very similar to Hands On ML. Should provide an excellent alternative to Hands On if you’re on a budget (also, ThriftBooks sometimes has great deals on common textbooks)

Advanced: Advances in Financial ML, Prado

A revolutionary book that turns most time series studies on their head. A definite must read once you have a basic ML understanding. Incredible development in the field, truly a must read even for people not interested in Machine Learning for it’s coverage of backtesting bias in depth.

I want to attempt to keep this list from being too biased, so I'll disclose again that I am a technical trader, and my preference leans towards technical analysis just from my own experience, but I wanted to include some good Fundamental books in here as well.

Best Day Trading Books for Beginners

Technical Analysis Masterclass

Should be free for Prime/Kindle members; it was not a masterclass, but a great overview of TA.

Technical Analysis, The complete resource for technicians, Kirkpatrick

This book is significant (and the CMT text), but it has statistics for how often each pattern tends to work — a very helpful guide. My favorite book on Technical Analysis — there’s nothing that isn’t covered in this book in depth.

The Intelligent Investor, Graham

Value Investing Bible, and maybe breaks my Warren Buffet rule by transitive property. If you’re going to read a value investing book, this is the one to read — nothing more advanced is needed.

Intermediate: Finding Alpha, Falkenstein

This book reviews fundamental factors, and provides a backtest based on quartiles (top vs bottom, filtered by for ex. EPS Growth and EBITDA to book value). It provides a valuable guide in building fundamental filters for universe selection, or even filtering out existing strategy signals.


Pioneering Portfolio Management, Swensen

(He averaged 11.9% YoY from 99-09, and has provided $16.5B in value to the Yale Endowment—enough said)

To tie everything together, there are some fantastic books to bring light to the process of creating profitable trading strategies, and the routine involved. The first book is written by a personal friend whom I admire greatly, and a wonderful teacher to many aspiring new traders—not to mention World Series Futures 2x Winner.

Algorithmic Trading Books

Beginner: Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems, Kevin Davey

Fantastic coverage of every stage of strategy development; if you need to read one book, I would read this. Davey goes through everything from coming up with trading ideas to backtesting, and even monitoring implementation of new systems. Davey’s greatest contribution is his guidelines on Trading System production — it helped me to realize this is constant work, always improving and finding new Alphas.

Trading Systems, Jaekle & Tomasini

Simple book that provides an overview to all aspects of system trading. This book was particularly helpful in coming up with new system ideas, and also provides a great intro to Portfolio Optimization techniques.

Algorithmic Trading, Chan

A fundamental book in quant trading, excellent coverage of mean reversion techniques. I was a bit underwhelmed with the coverage of Momentum strategies in favor of mean reversion, but that’s likely because of my personal preference towards Momentum. For an introduction to the technical and statistical models needed for Quantitative/Algorithmic Trading — look no further.

Advanced: High-Frequency Trading, Aldridge

This probably doesn’t apply to most, but I found it to be one of the most interesting trading books I’ve read in years. Provides a loose recipe for creating a HF infrastructure. Provides a fantastic look into the world of low latency, and provides incredibly useful research tables on Max Sharpe per Interval.


Algorithmic Trading & DMA

Great book, however likely not applicable.

I wanted to make another point about what I consider to be the ‘wrong’ reading material. I believe market microstructure to be important to understanding mechanics, however I think it's overrated. First of all, it's ever-changing and most of what you'll read is outdated. Second of all, it's most useful in minimizing latency, and latency is not a retail traders field. If you're not in sub microseconds of latency, I don't think it's worth spending significant time on. Algorithmic Trading & DMA is a great book, but I think it's application is not fit for this list unless the goal is to work in HF.

I also wanted to provide a mixed list of some of my favorite code books that AREN’T Python, so just in case you find yourself looking to expand your horizons as I once did, you don't accidentally buy a Bjarnes Strastroup book to learn C + + (as I once did).

Best Non-Python Books for Algorithmic Trading

Beginner: Practical C + +, Oualline

I learned C + + working through this text, it’s great.

Cython: A Guide for Py Programmers, Smith

If you’re looking for a challenge in Python, or need to speed up some code — look no further.

Matlab, A Practical Introduction to Programming & Problem Solving, Attaway

Great intro MATLAB book, I learned MATLAB with this text.

Learn C# in One Day and learn it well, Chan

I initially purchased C# In Depth, found it unreadable for my beginner level, and worked through this in a matter of hours with a new love for C#. Perfect C# opener.

Advanced: C+ + Cookbook

I love cookbooks, and this one is no different.

Essential C# 7.0 (or 8.0)

Comparable to Practical C + +, a nice hefty book clear enough for beginners.

High Performance C + +

Covers added features like BOOST library, and works much like a cookbook.



I hope this list proves as valuable to you as it has been to me; I can't even express how helpful these titles were and continue to be to my everyday work. I also hope this isn't a daunting task, as this isn't supposed to be an overnight process — it takes a lifetime to acquire the skills to be a profitable trader, and the best part is the learning phase never really ends. The best way to learn to code is to open an editor and start working through problems, and finding solutions. This applies to most aspects of trading, the only way to learn is by doing — but hopefully these books can help provide some context, and point you in the right direction.

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An Accessible Reading List For Trading Enthusiasts (2024)


Which book is best for learning trading? ›

8 Must Read Stock Trading Books For Beginners
  • The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by Jack Bogle. ...
  • A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel. ...
  • The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. ...
  • One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch. ...
  • The Warren Buffett Way by Robert G. Hagstrom.

What is the best book to understand the stock market? ›

  • " The Intelligent Investor" ...
  • "Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Essential Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. ...
  • "The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns" ...
  • "A Beginner's Guide to the Stock Market: Everything You Need to Start Making Money Today"
Apr 23, 2024

Who is the best guide for the stock market? ›

Best Books on Investment, Trading and Stock Market
  • 1) Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. ...
  • 2) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. ...
  • 3) The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel. ...
  • 4) The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. ...
  • 5) The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason.
Feb 16, 2024

What do traders read? ›

This involves reading stories from various newspapers and financial websites, as well as listening to updates from financial news networks, such as CNBC and Bloomberg. The futures markets, as well as the broad market indexes, are noted as traders form opinions about the direction they expect the market to trend.

What is the fastest way to learn trading? ›

Scan business news and bookmark reliable online news outlets.
  1. Set Aside Funds. Assess and commit to the amount of capital you're willing to risk on each trade. ...
  2. Set Aside Time. ...
  3. Start Small. ...
  4. Avoid Penny Stocks. ...
  5. Time Those Trades. ...
  6. Cut Losses With Limit Orders. ...
  7. Be Realistic About Profits. ...
  8. Reflect on Investment Behavior.
Apr 19, 2024

How to learn stock market from scratch? ›

Top ways to learn stock market as a beginner
  1. Read Books: Investors should read various books based on the Investment in the Stock Market. ...
  2. Analyze the Market: Investors should analyze the market in the best manner before investing their money. ...
  3. Online Courses: There are a lot of stock market online courses available.

How to read the stock market for beginners? ›

Basics of Stock Charts
  1. Price. A stock chart shows how a stock's price has changed over time. ...
  2. Market cap. Market cap is short for market capitalization and represents the total value of the company. ...
  3. Trading volume. This is how many shares of a stock are being traded over a given period of time. ...
  4. Time interval.
Feb 16, 2024

How to start trading as a beginner? ›

Open a Demat and trading account, deposit funds, and begin trading through a broker's online platform. Remember to declare all profits from online trading for taxation purposes. Utilise trading platforms offering real-time data, stop-loss orders, and margin accounts to enhance your trading experience.

What is the 1 rule in stock market? ›

The 1% risk rule is all about controlling the size of losses and keeping them to a fraction of the account. But doing this requires determining an exit point (the stop loss location), before the trade, and also establishing the proper position size so that if the stop loss is hit only 1% of the account is lost.

Who gives best stock advice for free? ›

Zacks has built a reputation as a reliable source of stock data for investors looking for a stock picking edge, Zacks' free stock screener has almost everything investors need to make well-timed and informed stock picks. That's why Zacks is our choice as the best free option for a stock screener.

Can I learn trading from books? ›

However, here are some books that are highly recommended for beginners who are looking to learn more about trading. However, it's important to keep in mind that books will only give you a small fraction of the knowledge you need to become a successful trader.

What is a traders cheat sheet? ›

The Trader's Cheat Sheet is a list of 50 commonly used technical indicators with the price projection for the next trading day that will cause each of the signals to be triggered.

How much money do day traders with $10,000 accounts make per day on average? ›

With a $10,000 account, a good day might bring in a five percent gain, which is $500. However, day traders also need to consider fixed costs such as commissions charged by brokers. These commissions can eat into profits, and day traders need to earn enough to overcome these fees [2].

What are the golden rules for trader? ›

Set realistic expectations for your business.
  • Rule 1: Always Use a Trading Plan.
  • Rule 2: Treat Trading Like a Business.
  • Rule 3: Use Technology to Your Advantage.
  • Rule 4: Protect Your Trading Capital.
  • Rule 5: Become a Student of the Markets.
  • Rule 6: Risk Only What You Can Afford to Lose.

How do I start learning basic trading? ›

When you get your head on straight, you can embark on learning trading and start with these five basic steps.
  1. Open a Trading Account. Sorry if it seems we're stating the obvious, but you never know! ...
  2. Learn to Read: A Market Crash Course. ...
  3. Learn to Analyze. ...
  4. Practice Trading. ...
  5. Other Ways to Learn and Practice Trading.

How to learn stock trading for beginners? ›

How to start trading stocks
  1. Open a trading account. You will need a broker to make trades, so you'll want to find one that you like and trust. ...
  2. Set your budget. ...
  3. Learn the basic types of stock analysis. ...
  4. 3 books on technical analysis to get you started. ...
  5. Practice with a stock market simulator. ...
  6. Plan your first trade.
Dec 28, 2023

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.