All About Trademark Symbols TM,SM ,R And C - MyOnlineCA (2024)

In Today’s Article, we will discuss what are these Trademark symbols and What is The meaning of these Symbols. in the earlier article we talk about the trademark search in India. Now we will provide to you with full information that will enable you to clearly understand concepts related to Trademark symbols.

All About Trademark Symbols TM,SM ,R And C - MyOnlineCA (1)

TM, R and C symbol are used with a trademark or copyright to indicate that intellectual property is registered by its owner or inventor and that the owner has right to file a complaint or can take any business to the court if they have stolen the idea or any other intellectual property belonging to the idea owner or inventor . TM, R, and C symbols often generate curiosity among common People and they want to know why most of the brands or artists use these symbols with their logos, Brand-name, Business name or devices and creative work.

Trademark Symbols or TM Symbols

A Trademark is a unique mark that is used to uniquely and separately identify a business trading in goods and services from other organization who may be in same business or same category. In order to obtain a trademark, a proprietor has to file a trademark application with the Registrar of Trademark In India and then only The TM symbol can be used.Registering a trademark ensures the right of a person by providing legal evidence of ownership. The Trademark symbols is thus used to indicate that a trademark is registered to be used by the organization to exclusively use a brand name and business process and serves as a warning for Duplicators, copycats, and counter-fitters, allowing the holder to sue violators.

SM Symbol

A symbol “SM” is used to denote the trademark for services.SM or Service Mark is a symbol used with trademark applications that are filed under class 35-45.A service mark is used for the purpose of advertising of the services. Using the TM symbol for all classes or using an SM mark for trademark application under class 35-45 are both acceptable.

R Symbol

The R symbol denotes a trademark is Registered and the Owner or creator of a brand enjoys protection from infringement and violation of the Trademark laws In India.It helps in preventing unauthorized use and copying of the services and products that are offered by the business. A Registered trademark comes with a legal binding.Using the R symbol next to the trademark is legally allowed only once a trademark is registered, Use of the R symbol after the filing of a trademark application or without getting trademark registration is unlawful In India.

C Symbol

The C symbol is used to insinuate that an owner of creative work has copyright and his a creative work like artwork, photography, videography, books, literary works, software etc are protected by law. The C symbol is used with the copyright holder name and the year of first publication In the country In which the work is copyrighted.C symbol provides a person with legal protection and establishes ownership over the creative work. A person who has modified or copied any creative work can be sued in a court for violation of copyright provided one has all legal papers in place. A C symbol is valid for a lifetime. In some countries, the proper use of C symbol is a must to claim copyright protection. However, the Berne Convention mandates the use of C symbol to claim copyright protection and India is a member of Berne Convention. Hence, If you want to get the protection of creative work in India, then getting C symbol is necessary.

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All About Trademark Symbols TM,SM ,R And C - MyOnlineCA (2024)


What is the SM symbol in trademark? ›

SM stands for service mark (often seen in superscript like this: SM). It functions similarly to the TM symbol, in that it is used to provide notice that rights in the mark are claimed, but it is used in connection only with a service, such as banking or legal services, rather than tangible goods.

What is the TM R and C symbol? ›

How to Write Registered Trademarks and Copyright Symbols?
Sr. No.SymbolResult
1Trademark Symbol
2Registered Trademark Symbol®
3Copyright Symbol©
Jun 16, 2023

What is the TM symbol on a trademark? ›

The trademark symbol is a symbol to indicate that the preceding mark is a trademark, specifically an unregistered trademark. It complements the registered trademark symbol ® which is reserved for trademarks registered with an appropriate government agency.

Should I use R or TM for trademark? ›

If your mark covers both goods and services, use TM. The federal registration symbol, ®, is only for marks registered with the USPTO.

What does TM and SM stand for? ›

The TM symbol indicates that you are claiming rights to trademark next to it. The trademark symbol ™ is the most common and recognizable trademark symbol. The trademark symbol SM stands for service mark and is used next to service marks, which promote a service.

What does c mean in copyright? ›

copyright symbol, typographical mark consisting of the letter C enclosed in a circle. The symbol is used to indicate that an artistic or intellectual work is copyrighted, although such use is not legally required in most countries in order to assert copyright. copyright symbol.

What does TM stand for? ›

Trademark, often indicated with the symbol ™ Trademark symbol.

What does r mean in a logo? ›

The R symbol indicates that this word, phrase, or logo is a registered trademark for the product or service. It must only be used in the case of registered trademarks and by the owner or licensee. It also must only be used in the regions in which you possess a valid trademark registration.

Can I put TM on my logo without registering? ›

The symbol lets consumers and competitors know you're claiming the trademark as yours. You can use “TM” for goods or “SM” for services even if you haven't filed an application to register your trademark. Once you register your trademark with us, use an ® with the trademark.

What does superscript sm mean? ›

However, the “SM” Symbol means “Service Mark” and should be used with “Services” as opposed to “Goods.” Use of the “SM” Symbol indicates that the user of the mark considers the word or phrase to be their “trademark” that is used specifically with “services.”

Can I write TM on my logo? ›

Should I add a TM Symbol or (R) Symbol to my Logo? You can claim a trademark on anything by using the TM Symbol, but you can't use the registered trademark symbol (R) unless you have registered the trademark with the US Patent and Trademark Office. Here's a link to InterNACHI's Policy on Logo Designs for Members.

How much does it cost to use the TM or SM symbol on your trademark? ›

The fee for filing a Trademark or Service Mark is $70.00 per classification code per mark.

What is the strongest type of trademark? ›

Fanciful marks are devices which have been invented for the sole purpose of functioning as a trademark and have no other meaning than acting as a mark. Fanciful marks are considered to be the strongest type of mark.

How long does a trademark last? ›

Trademarks do not have expiration dates.

Trademarks can last forever so long as they are put to use and renewed on time. A federal trademark lasts 10 years from the date of registration, with a potentially unlimited number of 10-year renewal terms.

Can I use the R symbol without registering? ›

A registration symbol is optional. But if it is used, the registrant can get an award of damages or profits for past infringement without having to prove that the infringer had actual notice of the registration.

Should I use TM or SM? ›

If your trademark is not registered with the USPTO: You can use the “TM” Symbol in association with trademarks that are used with goods and/or services. You can also use the “SM” Symbol in association with trademarks that are primarily used with services. Or, you can choose to use no symbol at all.

What is SM in business law? ›

The trademark does not have to be registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office before you can use the TM designation. SM: This stands for “service mark.” It is used in the exact same way and for the same purpose as TM, except that SM is commonly used for service-based businesses.

What is the superscript SM in HTML? ›

The <sup> tag defines superscript text. Superscript text appears half a character above the normal line, and is sometimes rendered in a smaller font. Superscript text can be used for footnotes, like WWW. Tip: Use the <sub> tag to define subscript text.

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