AirBnB Template Messages - Welcome Letters & Security Deposits (2025)

This postis forhosts looking for free pre-scripted Airbnb template messages and instructions. This post also includes a list of general check-in information & security deposit information that are common questions in a standard guest check-in.

Update: There is a better, updated versionas well with more scripts: thank yous, parking details etc.

Related Reads:

~ This is an installment of my Airbnb series. Browse all my Airbnb content here. ~

AirBnB Template Messages - Welcome Letters & Security Deposits (1)

Airbnb is a revolutionary online lodging& hospitality platform that boast a registry totalof150 million users. Thephenomenal of Airbnb is a great representativeofthemodern man. It represents our acceptance to alternatives and our thirst for experiences! …,OK,it’s not so sentimental.About 99% of the time, I just get travelers who need a comfy placeto rest their weary head and not break the bank 🙂

My occupancy rateas a Superhost hovers over 99%. I havehosted over 400different trips with over 1000+ people.I have done this full-time for 2 years now. A lot of hosting is repetitive so to streamline the check-in process I began reusing my Airbnb sample letters to cut down on time. Thanks to those sample letters I was able to cut guest confusion and save myself a lot of work too.


On the Airbnb app (and I highly suggest all hosts get the Airbnb app) you can save a whole bunch of sample letters to answer any common Q&A! Use this amazing Airbnb feature to save yourself some time.

AirBnB Template Messages - Welcome Letters & Security Deposits (2)
AirBnB Template Messages - Welcome Letters & Security Deposits (3)

Remember to remove all the brackets and put in the names of your guests.It’s the more sensible thing to do. You could garner better feedback which will propagate more Airbnb clientele.

Sample Airbnb Template

These are just 3 very common questions and templates that I submit on the daily basis. Use the instructions above to copy and paste it into your Airbnb internal template saver.

Welcome Greeting Template

Hi [Guest Name]!

Thank you for booking with us. I will send over the full check-in information for your stay on the date of your arrival around [time to [time] via the Airbnb inbox. Please feel free to shoot me any questions you may havein the meantime. Please gloss over the property listing and our house manualto make sure we are a good fit for your stay. Do you have an estimated time of arrival? Can’t wait to host you[both/all/name etc.]

Thank you for reading,

[Your Name]

Finding The Address Template

Quite often new users do not know how to use Airbnb at all. It is not always the guest’s fault. Airbnb has a tendency to hide private information as a security measure to protect the guest. Phone numbers, emails, and addresses are not recommended to be sent over the main inbox. Use the template below to direct all guests to the correct tab inside Airbnb’s interface for your address instead of giving yourself a security headache later on.

Hi [Guest Name]!

Great question! The address is actually already inside your Airbnb itinerary under Your Reservation / Your Trips section. Airbnb automatically censors addresses for security purposes so your only option is to look inside yourAirbnb reservation tab. Airbnb provides the full information and a map snippet as well. If you have any more issue or need further direction shoot me a quick text or call us at #-###-#### [your number].

See you soon! 🙂


Airbnb Security Deposit Information

Hi [Guest Name],

Thank you for the inquiry. The Airbnb safety deposit is required and non-negotiable.

It is very common for hosts to set security deposits in an effort to protect their property. Thankfully, it is very uncommon that a problem would arise to need your security deposit. Your money will not be touched unless there is a need to file a claim. The deposit is held ONLY by Airbnb and NOT the host (me). Hosts do not oversee any exchange of security deposits or insurance matters. If a claim has been filed for your security deposit, Airbnb will also step in as the middle man to approve the judgement of possible damage.

Hope this was helpful, feel free to shoot me anything else!


Check-In Checklist

This is critical. I notice a lot of hosts simply do not spend the time to offer good check in directions. These are your guests; this is your business. You are representing your city, your neighborhood, Airbnb and yourself. Hosts will get more questions and concerns from guests if the listings themselves are not as detailed as it should be.

Remember to address the following in an effective manner, if the content is too long, some guest might not read at all. Guest will just shoot you a question asking about their main concern and skip over all the other things they should know (that they didn’t think they would need to know.)

These things seem obvious but it took me a few tries to get a hang of hosting on Airbnb without any minor hiccups. You will get your share of easy-going guests and you will also get your share of finicky ones that demand way more than what is fair for the price they paid. It’s all part of being a host.

Over 70% of Airbnb guests will probablynot bother to read the house manual or house rules hosts set before them.It is a good idea to havea laminatedprint out of your house rules and house manual to greet them. I recommend to gently place them on their bed or pillow. Printouts greatly reduce the odds of themaccidentally breaching yourinstructions. A lot of the time, I find that myguests are simplyunaware (travelingis distracting!) and they never infringe out of malice. I designed 2 sets of printables for Airbnb’s house rules and manualsin both a colorized version and a B/W version.

That’s all for now. Remember, this is part of my Airbnb series, if you want morein-depth information – check out myfull Airbnb contentor start at

You can also submit any questions in the comments or contact me directly in the top bar.

If you’re not a host on Airbnb, sign up here to BECOME A HOST.

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SurveyJunkie: Survey Junkie is one of the few survey companies that is actually 100% legitimate, user-friendly, and great for actually making extra money. Payout to PayPal is available. Earn upto$1,000 a monthdoing surveys online.

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AirBnB Template Messages - Welcome Letters & Security Deposits (2025)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.