actinomorphic flower | plant anatomy (2024)

In flower: Form and types

…it is termed regular or actinomorphic. A bilaterally symmetrical flower, as in orchids (see photograph) and snapdragons, is irregular or zygomorphic.\n

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floral symmetry

  • actinomorphic flower | plant anatomy (1)

    In symmetry: Symmetry in flowers

    …and is referred to as actinomorphic, or radially symmetrical, as in the petunia, buttercup, and wild rose. Differences in size or shape of the parts of a whorl make the flower irregular (as in the canna and Asiatic dayflower). When a flower can be divided by a single plane into…\n

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  • actinomorphic flower | plant anatomy (2)

    In angiosperm: The corolla

    …flower is called regular or actinomorphic (e.g., buttercup, Ranunculus; Ranunculaceae). In regular flowers, any line drawn through the centre will divide the flower into two identical halves. When at least one petal of the corolla is different, the flower has bilateral symmetry and is called irregular or zygomorphic (e.g., violets,…\n

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plant anatomy


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Alternate titles: regular flower

Learn about this topic in these articles:


  • actinomorphic flower | plant anatomy (3)

    In flower: Form and types

    …it is termed regular or actinomorphic. A bilaterally symmetrical flower, as in orchids (see photograph) and snapdragons, is irregular or zygomorphic.

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floral symmetry

  • actinomorphic flower | plant anatomy (4)

    In symmetry: Symmetry in flowers

    …and is referred to as actinomorphic, or radially symmetrical, as in the petunia, buttercup, and wild rose. Differences in size or shape of the parts of a whorl make the flower irregular (as in the canna and Asiatic dayflower). When a flower can be divided by a single plane into…

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  • actinomorphic flower | plant anatomy (5)

    In angiosperm: The corolla

    …flower is called regular or actinomorphic (e.g., buttercup, Ranunculus; Ranunculaceae). In regular flowers, any line drawn through the centre will divide the flower into two identical halves. When at least one petal of the corolla is different, the flower has bilateral symmetry and is called irregular or zygomorphic (e.g., violets,…

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actinomorphic flower | plant anatomy (2024)


What is an Actinomorphic flower in short answer? ›

A flower that can be divided into two equal/identical halves from any plane passing through the central axis of the flower. The type of symmetry found in such flowers is called radial symmetry. Plants of the family Liliaceae show actinomorphic symmetry.

Which plant has Actinomorphic flower? ›

Actinomorphic Flower

They can be divided into two equal halves in any plane passing through the centre. Examples – Buttercups, Lily.

What is a Actinomorphic flower? ›

Definition. A flower, capable of being divided, by more than one line passing through the middle of the flower, into two equal parts that are mirror images of one another; e.g., in Gustavia (Lecythidaceae), species of Myrtaceae, and species of Rubiaceae.

What are Actinomorphic flowers examples? ›

The examples of 'The Actinomorphic flowers' are 'The lily' (Lilium, Liliaceae), 'The buttercup' (Ranunculus, Ranunculaceae). Mustard, datura, chilli is also an example of the actinomorphic. Note: This Actinomorphic in floral symmetry.

How do you know if a flower is Actinomorphic? ›

Another name for this floral morphology structure is “actinomorphic.” Many plant species have flowers that can be described as actinomorphic. If you could cut the flower in half in two or more planes and have identical-looking halves, you have an actinomorphic flower.

What is the definition of the following terms Actinomorphic? ›

ak-ˌti-nō- : being radially symmetrical and capable of division by any longitudinal plane into essentially symmetrical halves.

How many plants have Actinomorphic flower? ›

QuestionHow many of the given plants have actinomorphic flower with superior ovary? Brinjal, China rose, Mustard, Peach, Guava, Apple, Lily, Cotton, Sunflower
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Question LanguageIn Video - English In Text - English
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Jun 27, 2022

How are Actinomorphic flowers arranged? ›

Most flowers are actinomorphic ("star shaped", "radial"), meaning they can be divided into 3 or more identical sectors which are related to each other by rotation about the center of the flower. Typically, each sector might contain one tepal or one petal and one sepal and so on.

What is the symbol for Actinomorphic flower? ›

The formula is preceded by the symbol if the flower is actinomorphic and ·|· or ↑ if it is zygomorphic.

What is the difference between Actinomorphic flower? ›

Floral Symmetry. Flowers that have multiple lines of symmetry (like a starfish) are radially symmetrical, also called actinomorphic. Flowers with only a single line of symmetry (like you) are bilaterally symmetrical, also called zygomorphic.

Which family has Actinomorphic flowers? ›

Solanaceae: They have radial and bilateral symmetry. They have actinomorphic symmetry. They have symmetrical symmetrical corolla with a superior ovary. Hence, The correct answer is option (D).

Is Rose Actinomorphic or Zygomorphic? ›

Zygomorphic, epigynous with twisted aestivation.

How many example given below are the example of Actinomorphic flower? ›

Mustard, datura, and chili are the actinomorphic flowers as they are divided into two half from any plane.

Is rose a Actinomorphic flower? ›

In China rose, the flowers are actinomorphic i.e., it can be divided into two equal radial halves in any radial plane passing through the centre; they are hypogynous, i.e., the gynoecium occupies the highest position, while the other parts are situated below it; they have twisted aestivation ie., one margin of petal ...

Is Daisy an Actinomorphic flower? ›

Ligulate flowers are actinomorphic. The clearest example of a ligulate flower form is the daisy.

What do you understand by the terms Actinomorphic flowers and Zygomorphic flowers? ›

(c) Actinomorphic: Actinomorphic flowers can be divided into two radial halves by any radial plane passing through its centre. Examples of these flowers include chilly and mustard. (d) Zygomorphic: Zygomorphic flowers are those flowers which can be divided into two similar halves by a single vertical plane.

How do you represent the Actinomorphic symmetry by symbol in a floral formula? ›

So it is represented by the symbol %. - When coming to actinomorphic flowers, they can be divided into equal parts by passing the plane through the center of the flower, so it is represented by a circle with a plus symbol.

Are sunflowers Actinomorphic flowers? ›

The inflorescence of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is heterogamous with zygomorphic ray flowers located in the outermost whorl of the head and actinomorphic disk flowers arrayed in arcs radiating from the center of the head.

Are Actinomorphic flowers radially symmetrical? ›

Actinomorphic flowers are said to have radial symmetry. The division of the flower into symmetrical halves by several longitudinal planes may or may not be possible. Examples of actinomorphic flowers are lily and buttercup. a) Zygomorphic flowers are those that can be divided into two mirror images by a single plane.

Is mustard is an example of Actinomorphic flower? ›

Actinomorphic flowers exhibit radial symmetry. Examples of actinomorphic flowers are rose, tulip, mustard, datura, and tomato. On the other hand, the floral whorls in Gulmohar are arranged in such a way that it can be divided into two halves only through a single plane.

Is a sunflower Actinomorphic or Zygomorphic? ›

flower structure

, sunflowers, Helianthus annuus), for instance, the outer (or ray) flowers have a well-developed zygomorphic corolla, and the inner (disk) flowers have a small actinomorphic corolla.

Which of the following has no Actinomorphic flower? ›

A Pisum flower can't be divided into two equal parts except cutting longitudinally through only one side. So, it is not an actinomorphic flower.

How do you write an Actinomorphic condition in a floral formula? ›

Actinomorphic flowers are represented by the symbol $\oplus$. The calyx contains five united sepals which can be represented as $K_{(5)}$. The corolla consists of five free petals and it represented as $\mathrm{C}_{5}$. The androecium consists of five free stamens and is represented by $\mathrm{A}_{5}$.

How many of the given plants have Actinomorphic and Zygomorphic flowers respectively? ›

Therefore, four plants show a zygomorphic flower. Zygomorphic flowers can be seen in orchids and plants belonging to the pea family. Zygomorphic flowers show better interaction with pollinators as compared to actinomorphic flowers.

What is the order of rotational symmetry of a flower? ›

So, the number of times a figure fits onto itself in one full turn is called order of symmetry. We observe that given flower coincide itself when rotated through 120 ° , 240 ° and 360 ° .

How are flower parts arranged? ›

There are commonly four distinct whorls of flower parts: (1) an outer calyx consisting of sepals; within it lies (2) the corolla, consisting of petals; (3) the androecium, or group of stamens; and in the centre is (4) the gynoecium, consisting of the pistils.

What is the order of symmetry of a flower? ›

Flowers have two kinds of symmetry. Symmetries are classified into two types: radial and bilateral. Actinomorphic flowers have radial symmetry and can be separated into two equal halves on any radial plane located at the center. The actinomorphic flowers include the lily and the buttercup.

What is the floral formula of a flower having Actinomorphic? ›

The position of the ovary is indicated by a line; this is below the number following G if the ovary is superior and above it if the ovary is inferior. The formula is preceded by the symbol if the flower is actinomorphic and ·|· or ↑ if it is zygomorphic.

Is Tulip Actinomorphic flower? ›

Called by botanists “actinomorphic,” these flowers — such as roses, daisies or tulips — can be bisected into two same halves on more than one plane.

Is potato a Actinomorphic flower? ›

Solanum is a large and diverse genus of flowering plants. This genus include potato and tomato. Solanum is actinomorphic as it can be divided into equal halves along any diameter is radially symmetrical and is called actimorphic flower.

How will you differentiate between Actinomorphic from Zygomorphic flower? ›

The flower which is divided into equal halves by two or more planes and the flower that has a radial symmetry is known as actinomorphic flower. An irregular flower that has a Bilateral symmetry and is divided in two equal halves by only one plane is known as Zygomorphic flower.

What are the two types of symmetry in flowers? ›

Two main types of flower symmetry are widely found in nature: zygomorphy (mono-symmetry, i.e. bilateral symmetry) and actinomorphy (poly-symmetry, i.e. radial symmetry).

How do you identify a Zygomorphic flower? ›

A zygomorphic flower is one which is capable of dividing into 2 equal parts(mirror image) by only one longitudinal plane passing through the axis. Lines which are passing by any other axes will not give symmetrical images of flower.

Is tomato Actinomorphic flower example? ›

Tomato, Datura and Mustard have actinomorphic flowers.

Which family has Pentamerous and Actinomorphic flower? ›

So, the correct answer is 'Solanaceae'.

Which of the following plants are Zygomorphic? ›

Final answer: Gulmohar has zygomorphic flowers.

What is Zygomorphic and Actinomorphic flower? ›

Flowers that have multiple lines of symmetry (like a starfish) are radially symmetrical, also called actinomorphic. Flowers with only a single line of symmetry (like you) are bilaterally symmetrical, also called zygomorphic.

What is Zygomorphic flower ?`? ›

A zygomorphic flower is one which is capable of dividing into 2 equal parts(mirror image) by only one longitudinal plane passing through the axis. Lines which are passing by any other axes will not give symmetrical images of flower.

What is the meaning of Zygomorphic flower? ›

Zygomorphic flowers have bilateral symmetry, meaning the petals can only be divided one way to form mirror images of each other. Zygomorphic symmetry can also be referred to as irregular symmetry, and is most common in flowers that have at least two differently sized petals. Classic examples include orchids.

How many plants have Actinomorphic flowers? ›

QuestionHow many of the given plants have actinomorphic flower with superior ovary? Brinjal, China rose, Mustard, Peach, Guava, Apple, Lily, Cotton, Sunflower
Type of AnswerVideo
Question LanguageIn Video - English In Text - English
Students Watched9.2 K +
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Jun 27, 2022

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