A Guide On How To Use Acrylic Water In Artificial Flower Arrangements | Koch Blog (2024)

Acrylic Water Resin and Hardener is a two-part resin that when added with a hardener dries and sets rock hard to become a clear block of acrylic plastic. It can give the appearance of purely natural clear water to your silk flower arrangements and other craft projects.

However, understanding how the product works before you start your project is essential for obtaining good results. In this handy how-to guide, we will demonstrate how you can create this beautiful water effect at home and what to consider before you start using the acrylic water kit.

What You Need:

A Guide On How To Use Acrylic Water In Artificial Flower Arrangements | Koch Blog (1)

Tips Before You Start:

  • Always use your drop sheet or cardboard over your work area as the faux water is a permanent product and cannot be dissolved once mixed. Also, do not use anything irreplaceable in your arrangement or project, including the vase.
  • Protective gloves should be worn while handling the products.
  • Do not mix or cure the Acrylic Water in direct sunlight as the resin and hardener are sensitive to external temperatures.
  • Acrylic Water Resin and Hardener may be stored for future use if they are not combined.
  • Always keep products out of reach of children and pets.

Step-By-Step Instructions:

1. Measuring

Starting out, if you are using the Acrylic Water complete kit, you may pour the full contents of each bottle into a plastic container. Do not mix the products at this stage. Mixtures of less than 600g (300g from each bottle) may not cure properly.

A Guide On How To Use Acrylic Water In Artificial Flower Arrangements | Koch Blog (2)

If you are using less than a complete kit or mixing a large volume, measure out equal parts of Resin (Part A) and Hardener (Part B) using your weighing scales. Unequal measurement will cause the product to not cure properly. If you need help working out how much acrylic water to use, click here.

A Guide On How To Use Acrylic Water In Artificial Flower Arrangements | Koch Blog (3)
2. Mixing

After your measurements are equal, mix your resin and hardener together. Always mix the products in a clean disposable plastic container like a plastic cup, a glass container, or a bucket. Never mix the product in a Styrofoam container or something that cannot be replaced.

A Guide On How To Use Acrylic Water In Artificial Flower Arrangements | Koch Blog (4)

Using your popsicle stick, or another disposable utensil, stir product together gently for approximately 2 minutes or until clear. Bubbles will disappear as mixture sets. While mixing, the sides and bottom of your plastic cup must be scraped for thorough mixing. If the product is not completely mixed, it will not cure evenly.

A Guide On How To Use Acrylic Water In Artificial Flower Arrangements | Koch Blog (5)
3. Pouring

Before you start pouring, always clean the inside walls of your glass vase with a glass cleaning cloth. The addition of some foreign materials, such as grease, may cause a reaction creating bubbles or splintering when the Acrylic Water sets and hardens.

You can also practice arranging your flowers before you pour your Acrylic Water into the vase because once it begins to set, you cannot rearrange them. You can also create a grid using cello sticky tape or pot tape on the top of the vase that will hold your flowers in place while pouring and during the curing process.

  • A Guide On How To Use Acrylic Water In Artificial Flower Arrangements | Koch Blog (6)
  • A Guide On How To Use Acrylic Water In Artificial Flower Arrangements | Koch Blog (7)

When you are satisfied with your arrangement, using your wire cutters, trim the stems of your artificial flowers.

A Guide On How To Use Acrylic Water In Artificial Flower Arrangements | Koch Blog (8)

Please note, some stems of artificial flowers may bleed colour and this could have an impact on how clear the fake water will be in the end. To prevent this, you can brush the stems of your artificial flowers with a mixture made of 3 parts PVA white glue to 1-part water. Allow the stems to dry before using them in your arrangement.

You are now ready to pour! If you find it more convenient, you can choose to remove the tape grid and flowers before you pour and then style your flowers before the product sets.

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When you pour your Acrylic Water into your vase, be careful not to splash on the vase walls. Try not to spill the Acrylic Water on any surface. If the mixture is spilt, immediately use a lanolin-based cleaning wipe (such as a baby wipe) to clean up the liquid solution. Once the acrylic water solution becomes a solid, it is exceedingly difficult or impossible to remove.

4. Curing

The average setting time is between 24 – 48 hours depending on the amount of product used. We recommend leaving the finished vase arrangement on a level surface for at least 36 hours at 22º-29ºC. Cooler temperatures will cause the material to cure slower. Do not move or touch your vase until it is completely set.

A Guide On How To Use Acrylic Water In Artificial Flower Arrangements | Koch Blog (10)

The Finish Product:

A Guide On How To Use Acrylic Water In Artificial Flower Arrangements | Koch Blog (11)

Acrylic Water is now available to purchase on our website or in-store at our Koch & Co superstore. For more information on Acrylic Water & Fake Water read our helpful Acrylic Water FAQ page.

A Guide On How To Use Acrylic Water In Artificial Flower Arrangements | Koch Blog (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.