9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (2024)

When you need to focus on the details, whether a macro shot of an insect or the texture of the bark on a tree, your best bet is to use a lens with at least one close-focusing distance.

This blog post examines some of our favorite close-up lenses and explains what they can do.

Table of Contents

1What lens is best for close up shots?

1.1Nikon AF-S DX Micro-NIKKOR 40mm f/2.8G: (Best lens for close-up shots Nikon)

1.2Tamron 90mm F2.8: (Best lens for food photography)

1.3Sigma 105mm F2.8: (Best lens for close-up shots Canon)

1.4Nikon 85mm F3.5: (Best lens for closeup portraits)

1.5Nikon 105mm F2.8: (Best lens for product videography)

1.6Canon 100mm F2.8: (best lens for close-up makeup shots)

1.7Rokinon 135mm f2.0: (Best lens for closeup face shot)

1.8Laowa 100mm f/2.8: (Best Sony lens for close-up shots)

1.9Tamron 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3: (Best zoom lens for close-up shots)

What lens is best for close up shots?

Here are my recommended top 11 best lens for close up shots:-

Nikon AF-S DX Micro-NIKKOR 40mm f/2.8G: (Best lens for close-up shots Nikon)

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (1)

As a professional photographer who is passionate about capturing minute details, I came onto the Nikon AF-S DX Micro-NIKKOR 40mm f/2.8G, a hidden gem among the wide variety of lenses on the market.

Allow me to walk you through my experience with this lens, especially on a recent product shoot where we took close-ups of beautiful watches.

Very sharp:

What stood out to me about this lens was how sharply focused it was.

Every little gear and texture on the watch mechanism appeared on my camera’s display as I carefully adjusted the lens to capture its minute details.

This lens is the best option for anyone looking for close-up images with accuracy because of its exceptional sharpness.

1:1 magnification:

The Micro-NIKKOR 40mm’s 1:1 magnification capacity is one of its best qualities.

I can now capture the watch’s face on my camera sensor precisely as it appears in real life, displaying fine craftsmanship and detailing with unparalleled clarity thanks to this feature.

For close-up photographers, taking life-sized pictures without compromising image quality is revolutionary.

Focus limiter switch:

The focus limiter switch on the lens came in helpful during the watch shoot.

I could restrict the focus range with a switch flip, allowing for quicker and more precise autofocus.

This functionality helped me stay efficient and precise during the shot, especially while switching between the watch’s many components.


The tiny form of the lens was a pleasant surprise.

The Micro-NIKKOR 40mm is incredibly compact and light for its strong lens, which makes it comfortable to hold and carry around for lengthy picture shoots.

Because of its small size, I can concentrate on my craft without being distracted by heavy gear.


Cost is frequently an issue regarding high-quality lenses, but the Micro-NIKKOR 40mm breaks this mold.

The lens is surprisingly affordable, given its outstanding feature set, making it a desirable choice for amateur and professional photographers.


To sum up, the Nikon AF-S DX Micro-NIKKOR 40mm f/2.8G has become a vital instrument in my toolkit for photography.

With its excellent focus, 1:1 magnification, focus limiter switch, small size, and reasonable price, it’s the ideal partner for capturing the fine details of items like watches.

Investing in this lens is the perfect choice if you’re passionate about close-up photography and expect nothing less than the best in every snap.

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9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (3)


  • Very sharp.
  • 1:1 magnification.
  • Focus limiter switch.
  • Compact.
  • Inexpensive.


  • Lacks stabilization.
  • Not a full-frame lens.

Tamron 90mm F2.8: (Best lens for food photography)

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (4)

I shoot quite a lot of food.

It’s a perfect way to score for many things.

But today, I will tell you why I think it’s the best lens for food photography.

Well, first of all, when we think about food photography.

You look at food. I have a lot of different textures.

So we want to bring them out to make the food look delicious.

That’s why one of the things why I use a macro lens.

Macro lenses are sharp lenses.

So, it’s easy to bring out all the goodness in the food.

I also love using the Tamron 90 millimeter because you can close in on the food.

Sometimes, I want to focus on the dish itself; it’s beautiful.

I don’t want anything other than just showing the lovely dish.

So I can go close and cut out all the distracting parts around the play, just having the lovely dish in.

And sometimes, I love to go even closer in and focus on some part of the dish, and the macro allows me to do that.

So I can bring out some small delicious details in the dish.

It’s a fast lens.

It’s a 2.8 lens, so when you want a shot where the food is the main subject, you want to have some environmental surroundings.

In short, you can also get a shallow depth of field; you get the food’s sharp but lovely bouquet on everything else.

So, the eye knows exactly where to look in the photo.

Because of the think if everything would be in really sharp.

With wine glasses, candles, bread, and whatever is surrounding, you can get the food sharp and get the environment out of focus.

And it will just complement the shot.

It won’t distract the viewer.

This 90-millimeter lens gives excellent compression.

It brings everything quite close, but not too close so that it distracts the viewer.

In my opinion, 90-millimeter compression is absolutely the best for food shots.

I love it.

So, this is why I think the Tamron 90-millimeter lens is the best lens for shooting food.

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  • Excellent sharpness.
  • Less distortion.
  • Image stabilization.


  • Dim corners.

Sigma 105mm F2.8: (Best lens for close-up shots Canon)

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (9)

This is the best lens for B roll, released in 2011.

It has a maximum aperture of F 2.8 with nine rounded aperture blades.

All this means is that it renders a smooth and aesthetically pleasing bokeh, one of Cygnus DG lenses designed with full-frame cameras in mind.

Although it will work on APSC size DSLRs, with that 1.6 times crop also being a Sigma lens, it’s available for both Canon and Nikon cameras.

It comes with an impressive four stops of image stabilization, which on a short telephoto lens like this is as important as without it.

Even the slightest adjustments on the camera are noticeable as the camera shakes your shots, and finally comes the switchable macro focus abilities on this lens.

When enabled, it has a minimum focus distance of just 31 centimeters, with a one-to-one magnification.

It has a clever enough focusing mechanism that minimizes the distortion you get with macro shots, which renders an actual and distortion-free super close shot.

The HSM autofocus motor is allowed one, and that image stabilization is good, but there is too much handling, and you’ll notice some camera shake.

But all those minor points are far outweighed by the beautiful images it can render when this lens is used correctly.

The Sigma 105 macro is genuinely a beautiful lens to use with a bit of care and setup time.

You can get some truly stunning results from it for macro shooting and those compressed telephoto B cam locks you can get for interviews.

The build quality is superb.

A weighty bit of glass is coming in, around 725 grams for me for a premium lens.

That’s quite a reassuring quality when you hold it in your hand.

It feels like a premium bit, and I love all the controls.

The switches and the focus ring are well-built and pleasant to use.

The only drawback of the build quality is that it isn’t weather-sealed, which isn’t an issue as we’re mainly shooting indoors in a studio.

But it is something to bear in mind for some outdoor video shooters.

Once you spend a little time and care setting up a short, you can get some truly stunning images.

With its four stops of image stabilization, beautiful bokeh, and excellent optical quality, it is a hard lens to beat for B-roll product videography or even a B-cam lens for interview-style pieces.

That’s a tool for a stunning and specific Look; it’s for filmmakers with more experience who can spend more time setting up their shots.

You are given the right conditions and a little care of how you use it.

This lens will render you some truly stunning results for video, either as a macro lens for product videography B roll or as a B cam lens for interview pieces.

This lens offers something unique and, in truth, is a lens I’ve loved every second of using.

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  • Excellent optics
  • Fast & relaible autofocus
  • Dust, splash, and fluorine protection


  • No image stabilization

Nikon 85mm F3.5: (Best lens for closeup portraits)

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (13)

The Nikon 85-millimeter F3.5 is a fantastic lens for portrait and close-up photography.

If you want to expand your photography into shooting small subjects with crisp details or portraits of your friends and family, this lens is a must-have for your arsenal.

This DSLR lens also touts advanced vibration reduction to keep your photos steady and sharp.

This dx micro Nikkor provides a one-to-one reproduction ratio when focusing on a close-up or small object.

Like the lens, this microscope is perfect for shooting photos of flowers, insects, and portraits with detail and sharpness.

Nikon’s VR technology is an important feature that assists in handheld shooting.

Using motion sensors, the lens can detect motion before and during the photograph’s exposure, shifting the image and compensating for any shakiness.

No photographer can be perfectly still when shooting, so this feature is ideal when working without a tripod and eliminates any blur you’d typically get from handheld shooting.

It’s essential to remember that this only compensates for your movement and doesn’t help when your subject is in motion.

The best DSLR lenses have an autofocus feature, but the DX micro Nikkor adds its silent wave motor, which autofocuses the lens without a peep.

Unlike most autofocus DSLR lenses, there isn’t a button to shift from auto to manual focus.

Instead, turning the focus ring on the lens to quickly switch to manual focus is essential for microphotography, where precise focus is key to getting a clear shot.

This lens is best used with the Nikon dx line of cameras, APS C.

Using the lens on the Nikon full-frame FX line will cut off the corners of your photos.

The good news is that DX lenses and cameras are inexpensive.

If you don’t mind lying on the ground to shoot tiny insects or plants or start a portrait for a business, this Nikon lens offering is a valuable option.

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  • Lightweight & compact.
  • Excellent sharpness.
  • Image stabilization.


  • Some barrel distortion.

Nikon 105mm F2.8: (Best lens for product videography)

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (18)

This lens is fantastic if you’re in the market for a lens for product videography.

This lens is sharp. It has VR.

It has a big focus ring.

I use this lens a lot for product videography.

In many videos I post while reviewing lenses, I use this lens when shooting up close on the product.

I want that super fine detail shot of the product.

So, if you’re in the market for a macro lens for your Nikon cameras, get the 105-millimeter 2.8 g VR Nikon lens, guys.

This is an incredible lens that has excellent sharpness as well.

It’s a pretty decent portrait lens, too.

It’s very sharp.

This lens is very sharp and razor-sharp.

It’s a go-to lens if you’re shooting a lot of jewelry, and let’s say, in wedding photography, the wedding rings, you can get close up to that diamond to see how many carats it is and if it’s authentic.

If you’re shooting much detailed stuff, deathcore flowers, and want to get up close, it’s just the perfect lens.

And the VR is unique handheld; it helps lower shutter speed.

The focus is fast and quiet.

The build quality is solid, not too big, not too small, perfect size, and not heavy.

So guys, when doing product videography & photography, it’s always wise to carry around an excellent support system.

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (19) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (20) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (21)


  • Lightweight & compact.
  • Extremely sharp.
  • Less distortion.
  • Image stabilization.


  • The short working distance for 1:1 photography.

Canon 100mm F2.8: (best lens for close-up makeup shots)

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (22)

More of a makeup artist than a photographer?

This specialty lens can help up-close and dramatic with every closeup made.

Get stunning shots of mascara, lipstick, and more!

This lens includes all of Canon’s newest technological developments to give its user bragging rights as likely having one of the sharpest, crispest optics available on any lens today.

It only utilizes 10% or less of its full zoom capability (i.e., around 15x).

It also features USM technology, which provides fast and precise autofocusing without any perceivable noise.

This is an ideal lens for close-up shots and makeup photo sessions.

It’s fast f 2.8 and lets in much light without using flash.

Its construction features 15 elements in 12 groups, spacing between each component versus being stacked and squashed together.

This gives more control over shooting and ensures no distortion when doing up close and personal portraits with some popular cosmetics brands.

It can focus quickly and quietly without making you wait endlessly for it to catch up so you can get back to doing what is most important – impressing people with your beautiful face!

This lens also features Canon’s sophisticated image stabilization, making it one of the safest lenses on the market if you are serious about your work!

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (23) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (24) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (25) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (26)


  • Excellent sharp images.
  • Image stabilization.
  • Affordable in price.


  • Color fringing.

Rokinon 135mm f2.0: (Best lens for closeup face shot)

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (27)

The Rokinon 135mm f2.0 is the best lens for close-up face shots, with a fast framerate of f2.0-f22 and 9 diaphragm blades for clean, inhumane backgrounds!

This is the perfect choice for any portrait photographer taking close-up shots of faces and body parts.

The 135mm is a brilliant lens for portraits.

For full-frame compatibility, those using the 18.8-degree angle of view on full-frame cameras or a 12.4-degree angle when shooting APS-C cameras will love this great lens!

It’s an all-encompassing lens, capturing a subject from head to toe with enough bokeh and sharpness to rival any other lens on the market.

A minimum focusing distance of 2.6 feet keeps your subjects close by, making this an ideal option for shooting photos at just about any event – from weddings to family reunions, it can’t be beaten!

It’s easy to see why this lens has such a huge following.

It is best used for close-up shots of faces when you want to make them pop!

This lens is an excellent choice for those looking to create high-quality closeup face shots with the convenience of an ultra-sharp, fast aperture and multiple coatings that reduce glare and distortion to produce vibrant images.

When you want to get up and close tight with the people in your photos.

This lens is perfect for portraits, group shots, and candids with some depth of field.

Built with Rokinon’s proprietary UMC coating system on a well-built metal body, this lens shoots tack-sharp images with vibrant colors to its widest aperture of 2.0!

It has a minimum focusing distance of 2.6 ft, making it easy to get very close to the person in front of you without worrying about camera shake.

This lens is for those professional photographers who need to take close-up shots of faces.

This lens has a high clarity because it provides a focal length that matches the ratio of human eyesight and can accomplish clear pictures without distortion.

It’s perfect with a wide-open aperture, which blurs the background so you can concentrate on capturing your subject’s details.

Close-ups are essential to any photographer’s arsenal because they give the viewer a personal connection with their emotions.

Your best projects will have proximity to beauty by allowing them to see every emotion—joyful happiness or deep sadness—with exquisite precision.

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (28) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (29) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (30) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (31) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (32)


  • Best wide aperture.
  • Excellent sharpness.
  • Minimal distortion.


  • Some fall-off at f/2.
  • Omits autofocus and image stabilization.

Laowa 100mm f/2.8: (Best Sony lens for close-up shots)

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (33)

Ever wish you could see the person before you clearer than ever?

Laowa’s 100mm f/2.8 2:1 lens is here to solve that!

This lens is a must-have for portrait photographers, especially those trying to get extreme close-up shots.

It will even get you results near 2:1 magnification!

This new 100mm f/2.8 lens has a high-speed, super bright aperture that can take full-frame sensor size and focus from 2:1 magnification to infinity!

Once you have this product in your hands, the sharpness of the 12 elements in 10 optical design groups is evident because it is crystal clear.

This lens for close-up portraits will work well with a full-frame sensor on any camera.

Now you can take great photos of your loved family and friends as they grow up, especially young babies born into the world!

And if you want to focus on working out some new ideas for your photography, this 100mm f/2.8 is also perfect for shooting products at a close distance.

Laowa 100mm f/2.8 makes an ideal companion for the pro or beginning photographers looking for versatility in different projects without sacrificing quality.

The lens is also a creative way to take stunning photos of people, pets, food, plants—anything that makes your heart flutter!

A perfect fit for macro photography enthusiasts with just as good optical quality as a high-end portrait or macro lens at a fraction of the cost!

It’ll be worth every penny!

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (34)


  • Solid build quality.
  • Affordable in price.
  • Excellent colors & contrast.
  • Excellent chromatic aberration control
  • Excellent macro performance.


  • Flare prone
  • Bokeh can be slightly busy at certain focus distances

Tamron 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3: (Best zoom lens for close-up shots)

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (35)

This versatile zoom lens can cover various scenes, landscapes, and subjects.

This is why it’s great for travel photography or storytelling.

This lens is a perfect companion for any camera.

This lens allows you to shoot great detail from faraway objects up close without changing lenses.

It doesn’t introduce distortion, so your photos look just like they’re supposed to be round, clean, and beautiful.

Don’t ever worry about cropping too much or not being able to get closer because this is the lens that solves those problems right out of the gate!

This lens offers a whopping 10x optical zoom with VC for sharp images while shooting handheld and is compatible with DSLR cameras no matter what brand or type!

A powerful optical design in 17 elements in 12 groups provides excellent edge-to-edge sharpness throughout the zoom range for beautiful close-up shots.

Or, at any distance, you want to capture the moment and live the way it should be seen!

(VC – Vibration Compensation) helps provide sharper handheld images, especially with its image stabilization system, where vibrations are compensated to provide clear photos.

Even when your hands are shaking after photographing a photo session.

The built-in macro mode will allow you to zoom in close, making every inch of your image sharp.

Tried and true waterproof with this zoom lens. Design lets you take your shot when the conditions get a bit messy. It’s fast, too!

Shoot up to 6 frames per second at 18-200mm focal lengths w/o compromising image quality.

This lens is an ideal choice for on-the-go shooting.

It’s got everything to create well-rounded photos without carrying a heavy load!

Get the perfect close-up shots of what you love, fast and easy, with our Tamron 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 Lens.

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (36) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (37) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (38) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (39) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (40) 9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (41)


  • Extremely sharp.
  • The excellent image stabilization system.
  • Good flare resistance.
  • Excellent value for money.


  • Lower edge sharpness.
  • CA at edges.


Alright, guys, that concludes all the lenses we will discuss today in this article.

Do you guys have any experience with these lenses? What are your thoughts on them?

Which is your best lens for close-up shots?

Is there a lens I didn’t mention in this article that you love using for close-up shots?

Would you please leave your thoughts and comments below?

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Sharon Advik

I am a Professional and Certified Digital Photographer born in the USA. I have been in this field of photography for 22 years, and in these years, I have used many photography lenses and Cameras, which I want to share here on this website about my experience. The idea for Bestoflens.com is to provide honest information about different Lenses and Camera products in the format of a “Best lenses for AYZ” list. I want this website to be the last destination for people to pick the best Cameras and lenses to fit their needs. You can find our unbiased reviews here on Bestoflens.

9 Best Lens For Close Up Shots: (2024 Guide & Reviews) - Bestoflens (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.