80+ Charitable Giving Statistics & Demographics (2022) (2024)

Table of Contents
Charitable Giving Statistics for 2022 (Editor’s Picks) General Charitable Statistics in the US Average Charitable Contributions Charitable Giving by Month Why Do Charities Ask for $19 a month? Charitable Giving Demographics What Age Group Gives the Most to Charities? Where Do the Most Charitable People Live? Why People Give to Charity Charitable Giving by Income Group What is the Average Donation for Each Income Range? Charitable Giving by Age Group How Much Do Millennials Give to Charity? How Much Does Gen X Give to Charity? How Much Do Baby Boomers Donate to Charity? How Much Does the Silent Generation Give to Charity? The Four Generations and 2020 Giving Religious & Church Charitable Giving Statistics Most Charitable Giving by Religion How Much Does the Average Family Give to Their Local Place of Worship? How Much Do Religious Organizations Give to Charity? How Much Money Do Religious Organizations Make Annually? Volunteer Fundraising Statistics, Facts & Trends How Many People Volunteer in the US? How Many Hours Do Americans Volunteer Each Week? US Volunteerism Trends Volunteer Fundraising Demographics: What Age Group Volunteers the Most? Corporate Giving Statistics Average Corporate Giving in the United States Who Are America’s Most Charitable Organizations? Corporate Giving to Religious Organizations School Fundraising Statistics Online Giving Trends Online Fundraising Statistics Online Charitable Giving Growth by Year Giving Tuesday Statistics Online Crowdfunding Statistics How Many Nonprofits Are There in the World? Conclusion FAQs
Explore the most popular U.S. charitable giving statistics for 2022! From the average American to corporations, churches, volunteers, and schools.

80+ Charitable Giving Statistics & Demographics (2022) (1)By: Taylor Schulte .A A A

80+ Charitable Giving Statistics & Demographics (2022) (2)

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Table of Contents

Today I’m sharing 80+ charitable giving statistics.

In fact, Americans gave a record $471 billion to charities in 2020, according to Giving USA.

This was a 5.1% increase in total giving over 2019. However, adjusted for inflation, it was only 3.8% more than 2019.

Even so, 2020 broke the record for charitable giving despite a global pandemic.

So, who were all these generous Americans? To what charitable causes and non-profit organizations did they give?

We’re going to answer those questions, and more, in today’s look at last year’s charitable giving statistics.

We’ll begin with a broad overview of charitable giving in the US, and then narrow our scope.

Charitable Giving Statistics for 2022 (Editor’s Picks)

Here are the top ten statistics we found that stood out from all the reports and studies used in our research:

  • Giving in 2020 rose despite the pandemic putting millions out of work,
  • Only a fraction (20%) of donations come from corporations
  • Those making less than $50,000 a year give more in relation to total income than those in all other income ranges except the highest earners
  • Religious giving is lower today than it was during the Great Depression
  • Mormons donate more than any other Christian group, while Jewish individuals outdo all other religious givers
  • 7 of the nation’s top ten states for charitable giving are in the south
  • 2020 saw a huge 20% increase in online giving
  • The least likely reason for people to give is so they can get a tax break
  • Pfizer was America’s most generous company last year
  • Moms aged 35-44 were last year’s top volunteer group

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General Charitable Statistics in the US

Over 80% of all donations to charities and nonprofit organizations in the US come from individuals.

According to The Philanthropy Roundtable, this is an international phenomenon. Americans give 7 times more than their European counterparts. Even the stereotypically kind and generous Canadians only give about half as much.

The Philanthropy Roundtable attributes this to three elements somewhat unique in American society and tradition. They are:

  • Entrepreneurial spirit. The “American dream” has always been to get ahead and get out from under. Many individuals and companies see it as their duty to give back when they’ve “made it”, helping those less fortunate to get that leg up.
  • Social consciousness – From public society benefit organizations like the ACLU to the local food bank, to disaster relief funds, Americans have a tradition stretching back to the earliest days of the country of helping our neighbors.
  • Religion – America is still the most religious country in the world, and regular giving to our churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and other religious organizations is a part of many Americans’ lives.

Let’s look at some other facts on charitable donations by Americans as a whole.

What Percentage of American Households Give to Charity?

Six out of ten (or 60%) of American households participate in some sort of charitable giving, according to The Philanthropy Roundtable.

Did 2020 Break or Follow Trends in Charitable Giving?

2020 continued to follow the trend of increased charitable donations begun in 2010, even with the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Charity Navigator, a charity and non-profit watchdog, reports that Americans have given more every year since 1977, with the exceptions of 1987, 2008, and 2009. So, in that respect, 2020 simply followed the trend of more total giving than the year before.

With All That Religious Tradition, Who Gives the Most?

While Jewish people give the most individually of the three major religions, the diversity of America’s religious makeup makes determining a winner among religious charitable donations by religion difficult to pinpoint.

Jews and Muslims give more to public society benefit organizations involved in civil rights and social inequalities than their Christian and non-Christian neighbors according to a recent study on Islamic philanthropy.

In that same study, we find that amongst Christian groups, Mormons give the most overall. Evangelicals, then Protestants, and then American Catholics do more annual giving to families, children, and human services and causes.

Jews donate money more to non-Jewish organizations than other religions give to groups outside their faiths.

So, to say, who gives the most, or which denomination or religion is the most charitable is nearly impossible since their giving habits are as varied as their beliefs and traditions.

We’ll discuss religious giving in more detail later in this report.

Average Charitable Contributions

The average annual charity donation for Americans in 2020 was $737, according to Giving USA. That figure, however, is a bit misleading. Let’s look at why, using figures from their reports:

  • High net worth families donated, on average, $29,269.
  • Among the rest of the general population, that figure was only $2,514
  • The average online donation is $177
  • Non-profit websites receive an average of $1.13 from each visitor
  • Many Americans don’t calculate the monetary value of goods they donate to organizations like Goodwill, the Salvation Army, and local charity groups such as the Humane Society, and human services like food pantries

So while $737 may answer how much the average person gives to charity, average charitable contributions depend greatly on who you are, how much you make, how you are donating, and to whom you are making your donation.

Charitable Giving by Month

December is the most popular month for charitable giving, and both December of 2019 and 2020 were no exceptions to this rule.

Here are some other interesting facts about monthly giving:

  • According to Blackbaud Institute, March, April, and May of 2020 saw significant declines in many sectors of charitable giving, as Americans were in the teeth of the pandemic
  • Nonprofit Source reports that charities with recurring monthly giving program members receive $52 on average each month
  • Donors that set up some sort of recurring monthly donation give 42% more than one-time givers, claims Nonprofit Source

Why Do Charities Ask for $19 a month?

Charities ask for $19 a month for two reasons: human psychology and the IRS.

Psychologists who study why and how we buy have determined that using prices ending in the numbers 4, 7, and 9 are more likely to be successful than prices ending in 0 or 5.

Our brains perceive the 4, 7, and 9 prices to be cheaper and more affordable than other numbers. We see $19 as easier on our wallets than $20. As such, we’re more apt to be willing to give that amount each month.

The IRS requires charities and nonprofits to give donors receipts for annual donations totaling $250 or more. Asking for $19 monthly adds up to only $228 a year. This saves them from the cost and time needed to mail receipts to their many donors.

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Charitable Giving Demographics

Let’s examine just who some of those many donors are.

What Age Group Gives the Most to Charities?

The average age of the US donor is 64, putting them firmly in the Baby Boomer generation.

Where Do the Most Charitable People Live?

The most giving people in the US live in Utah according to The Philanthropy Roundtable and the IRS. More than half of the top ten states for total giving, however, are in the South.

80+ Charitable Giving Statistics & Demographics (2022) (4)

Data Table

StateGiving as Percent of Gross Annual Income
South Carolina4.1
North Carolina3.6

These figures aren’t that surprising when you remember that Mormons and Evangelical Christians are some of the country’s biggest donors.

Why People Give to Charity

There are seven proven reasons why people give to charities. In order, they are:

  • Scientific studies have proven that giving releases the “feel-good” chemical dopamine in the brain, so giving makes us happy.
  • Donors feel empowered when they see their gifts actually doing the good the charity says they will.
  • They have a personal or emotional connection to a cause.
  • The charity or nonprofit is one that donors can trust. The work actually gets done, a change is actually made, and they see it.
  • They want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Be it animal welfare, medical research, or foundations for the arts, culture, and humanities, donors feel as if they belong to a larger community and are making a difference.
  • The charity has caught their attention. Perhaps they’ve seen advertising for fundraising events in the community, or through Facebook fundraising tools, or heard about the charity through social media posts. The charity comes to their attention and they give.
  • Tax purposes. It’s not only corporations and wealthy households that donate money just for tax breaks. About one-third of all tax deductions for charitable donations are taken by those making $50,000 or less each year.

Charitable Giving by Income Group

The chart below, from the Tax Policy Center, shows us two surprising things:

  1. Those making less than $50,000 annually are the second-highest givers in terms of percentage of income
  2. Those making between $100,000 and $500,000 are least in total charitable giving in relation to gross income.

80+ Charitable Giving Statistics & Demographics (2022) (5)

What is the Average Donation for Each Income Range?

Average giving varies greatly among income brackets, so it’s best to express the data visually in a chart, with charity statistics gathered by the IRS.

80+ Charitable Giving Statistics & Demographics (2022) (6)

Data Table

Income Range (Adjusted Gross Income)Average Charitable Donation
Under $15,000$1471
$15,000 to $29,999$2,525
$30,000 to $49,999$2,871
$50,000 to $99,999$3,296
$100,000 to $199,999$4,245
$200,000 to $249,999$5,472
$250,000 or more$21,264

Charitable Giving by Age Group

Now, let’s look at how each generation gives, how much they give, and where their charitable dollars go. We’ll start with Millennials and work our way up to the senior seniors of the Silent Generation.

How Much Do Millennials Give to Charity?

Millennials give $481 to charity annually. 84% of millennials give to charity and nonprofits.

The average charity or nonprofit will have Millennials making up 5 to 10% of its donors. Millennials prefer to donate money through online platforms. They like setting up recurring donations. Over 40% who give do so with a monthly deduction to their credit or debit card.

Millennials are also the most likely to use their mobile devices — their phones, tablets, and laptops — to research charities, donate money, and advocate for their latest cause.

Millennials tend to support the following charities:

  • Children’s charities
  • Health and medical nonprofits
  • Local places of worship
  • Human rights and international affairs groups

How Much Does Gen X Give to Charity?

The average Gen X donation totals $732, with 59% of Generation X being regular donors.

While there are fewer Gen X donations than their younger Millennial counterparts, Gen Xers are more likely to start fundraising campaigns, as well as more likely to volunteer their time and efforts to worthy causes.

And while Millennials are most often influenced by social media posts and online donations, Gen Xers report that email is the most influential method of reaching them.

Gen Xers give to the following:

  • Local social and human services organizations
  • Animal organizations
  • Children’s charities
  • Local places of worship

How Much Do Baby Boomers Donate to Charity?

Baby Boomers are quite generous, with a total giving of an average of $1,212 per person per year. That’s nearly three-fourths – 72% – of the entire Baby Boomer Generation, accounting for 43% of all donations made each year.

The Baby Boomers are the old hippies of the 1960s, and many who were activists then are still supporting causes today. While their long hair may be thinning and even gone, their love of social justice, world peace, and environmental issues is still going strong.

This may explain why Baby Boomers’ donations are the biggest supporters of:

  • Local social services nonprofits
  • Animal organizations
  • Children’s charities
  • Human rights and international affairs
  • Local places of worship

How Much Does the Silent Generation Give to Charity?

The Silent Generation – those born between 1927 and 1946 – give an average of $1,367 annually per person. 88% of them are donors.

While they make up only 11% of the US population, they account for 26% of all giving. And they have slightly different giving habits. They prefer to give to organizations that reach them via direct mail and to causes that they see in the news.

Silent Generation donations support:

  • Veterans’ causes
  • Local social services
  • Emergency and disaster relief fundraising events and efforts
  • Local places of worship

The Four Generations and 2020 Giving

Of the 12 sub-sectors of nonprofit organizations used for most nonprofit fundraising statistics, only two saw significant donation growth last year. The pandemic increased giving to local human and social services organizations by 12%, and faith-based giving grew by 3%.

The biggest “losers” among American charities last year were medical researchers and arts and culture subsectors.

Medical researchers may have suffered because with the government’s investing in COVID-19 research, donors may have not felt the need. Another possibility is that COVID-19’s domination of the health news may have caused donors to overlook other medical causes.

And with all the COVID-19 restrictions, many arts, culture, and humanities groups simply could not perform, eliminating their ability to raise funds.

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Religious & Church Charitable Giving Statistics

All four major donor generations give to local places of worship. Let’s look at religious giving more closely.

Most Charitable Giving by Religion

Jewish people give the most of all the religious faithful, averaging $2,526 annually, to Protestants’ $1,749, Muslims’ $1,178, and Catholics’ $1,142.

Jewish and Muslim donors tend to prefer to donate money to social and human rights organizations, while Christian giving choices vary by denomination. That said, 32% of all donations made in the US are to a local place of worship or a faith-based nonprofit.

How Much Does the Average Family Give to Their Local Place of Worship?

The average American gives $17 weekly to their local place of worship. However, 37% of the weekly “faithful” don’t give anything at all. According to NonProfit Source, only 5% of congregants give regularly.

The average weekly church donation per person is dropping. The average weekly church donation is down nearly 1% from the Great Depression. Christians during the 1930s gave 3.3% of their total income. Today’s faithful have dropped that to 2.5%.

Interestingly enough, 75% of non-religious, non-affiliated Americans give to charities, many of them faith-based organizations.

How Much Do Religious Organizations Give to Charity?

There’s no way of knowing what percent of revenue religious organizations give back. The IRS does not require religious organizations to report on what they give. What we know of religious giving comes from data collected by the IRS on 128 million faithful givers.

A recent study by The Philanthropy Roundtable found that 57% of all the “good works” being done in American communities have no affiliation with or participation by religious groups at all.

Charity is moving from religious hands to secular ones.

How Much Money Do Religious Organizations Make Annually?

Religious organizations receive around one-third of all monetary donations annually. In 2020, this came out to $128.17 billion. This data came from a survey of millions of IRS tax returns.

And while religious giving has remained steady at right around the 30% mark for several years now, future trends may not hold. Religious affiliation and regular attendance are dropping, with just 36% of American adults claiming weekly worship.

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80+ Charitable Giving Statistics & Demographics (2022) (8)

Volunteer Fundraising Statistics, Facts & Trends

We’ve already established that Baby Boomers are typically the most active volunteers. Let’s look at some other facts surrounding volunteering.

How Many People Volunteer in the US?

77.34 million adults volunteered over 1.6 billion hours, claims Americorps’ Volunteering in America report. That’s 30% of the adult population.

How Many Hours Do Americans Volunteer Each Week?

The average volunteer hours per week of American volunteers is 3.5 hours, according to Americorps, for an estimated total of $255 billion in unpaid labor and services.

US Volunteerism Trends

There are three trends in US volunteerism: volunteers are getting younger, female, and better educated.

More volunteers looked like this in 2020 than ever before:

  • Married
  • Female
  • Aged 35-44
  • White
  • Some sort of higher/secondary education
  • With children under 18

This trend may not hold, however, as the pandemic may have had a greater impact on volunteering than other factors. It was the country’s working mothers, after all, who had to switch to working from home so they could be there for their children once schools closed.

They may have decided to use whatever “non-lockdown” time they had available to fill some needs in their communities, and simply as a way of getting out of the house.

There were also reports by the older volunteer generations that they would not be volunteering as much due to health concerns brought on by COVID-19.

Volunteer Fundraising Demographics: What Age Group Volunteers the Most?

We’ve noted that in general, the Baby Boomer generation volunteers the most overall, but in 2020, the younger Gen X and older Millennial moms took the crown away.

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Corporate Giving Statistics

Let’s look at what businesses gave last year.

Average Corporate Giving in the United States

Corporate donations to nonprofits totaled $24.8 billion in 2020, a decrease of 6%, according to Giving USA’s report.

Corporate giving is closely tied to pre-tax profits, while individual giving is more closely tied to the stock market. The stock market was up last year, while many corporations saw profits decline due to the pandemic.

Who Are America’s Most Charitable Organizations?

Pfizer was America’s most charitable corporation in 2020, as reported by the Chronicle of Philanthropy. Rounding out the top five most charitable organizations in the US are:

#5: Google

#4: Walmart

#3: Merck and Company

#2: Gilead Sciences

#1: Pfizer

Corporate Giving to Religious Organizations

Kroger is listed as Double the Donation Organization’s best corporation for giving to churches and other religious organizations. They give millions in money and products to hunger relief, homeless relief, and other programs run by local religious organizations.

80+ Charitable Giving Statistics & Demographics (2022) (10)

School Fundraising Statistics

In 2020, school fundraising fell 4.6% for K-12 schools according to Giving USA. Schools normally take in around $5000 per school each year. The pandemic’s closing of the schools likely caused the decline.

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Online Giving Trends

Online revenue from online giving grew 20% in 2020 — likely due to the pandemic.

Online Fundraising Statistics

It’s no surprise that online giving grew last year. We did everything online last year – working, schooling, shopping, ordering dinner, ordering drinks, keeping in touch – so naturally, we gave online last year, too. Let’s examine our online giving in more detail.

Online Charitable Giving Growth by Year

Every sector saw at least a 15% increase over previous years as the charitable giving growth rate increased by 20%.

Giving Tuesday Statistics

Giving Tuesday matching funds have grown every year since 2012, with $380 million raised last year.

What Is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday is the first Tuesday after the Thanksgiving holiday.

When Did Giving Tuesday Start?

Giving Tuesday started in 2012, by the United Nations Foundation in New York City.

Online Crowdfunding Statistics

The Most Successful Crowdfunding Nonprofit Campaigns

Two of the most successful nonprofit crowdfunding campaigns have been operated by Save the Children and the American Red Cross, raising $20 million and $4.7 million respectively.

Crowdfunding stats for nonprofits show that crowdfunding success rates largely depend on four things:

  • Social media sharing – the rate of success rises with every social media contact – 10 friends increase 9%, 100 friends increase success by 20%, etc.
  • Campaign descriptions of 300 to 500 words
  • Regular updates for supporters – updates every 5 days result in 3X more donations
  • Videos – campaigns with video appeals raise 150% more than those without

How Many Nonprofits Are There in the World?

There are 1.54 million nonprofits registered with the IRS, as listed by the National Center for Charitable Statistics, so if all this talk of donating has you dying to help, you’ve got plenty of causes to choose from.


If in a year of such uncertainty and chaos as 2020, we can continue to give, and to give more than ever before, there’s no doubt American’s generosity knows no bounds, gaining strength even amongst great adversity, social unrest, and political divisiveness.

That, we believe, is the most surprising thing about this report. And yet, perhaps it isn’t. This is America, after all.

80+ Charitable Giving Statistics & Demographics (2022) (2024)


What demographic is most likely to donate to charity? ›

Giving by income level

Middle-class Americans donate a little less. But the lower-income population surprises by giving more than the middle—and in some measures even more than the top. (As a percentage of available income, that is. In absolute dollars, those in higher income groups give much, much more money.)

What age group is most charitable? ›

Young people more likely than any other age group to support charities, research shows. Young people between 18 and 24 are more likely to donate to charity than any age group, according to a new report.

What group of people donate the most? ›

In 2021, the largest source of charitable giving came from individuals, who gave $326.87 billion, representing 67% of total giving. In 2021, the majority of charitable dollars went to religion (27%), education (14%), human services (13%), grantmaking foundations (13%) and public-society benefit (11%).

Which generation gives the most to charity? ›

Unsurprisingly, Baby Boomers donate the most charitable dollars in the US. While Traditionalists may give more per person, the population size and life stage of Boomers empowers them to contribute 43% of all donations.

Who is the target audience for donations? ›

Start By Identifying Your Goals

Those people most likely to complete those goals are your target audience. Perhaps your most important goal is increasing donations, or it could be more clients in your newest program, or more volunteers and event attendees. Goals are going to vary from organization to organization.

Are older people more likely to donate to charity? ›

The researchers found that older adults in almost all countries across the world reported that they would donate more money overall compared to younger adults. These findings remained the same when researchers accounted for other factors that change with age, such as people's wealth.

Do older people donate more money? ›

The researchers found that older adults in almost all countries across the world reported that they would donate more money overall compared to younger adults. These findings remained the same when researchers accounted for other factors that change with age, such as people's wealth.

Which religion gives most to charity? ›

(See graph 10) In addition to giving larger amounts, the religious give more often—making gifts about half again as frequently. These giving levels vary by particular faith. Mormons are the most generous Americans, both by participation level and by size of gifts.

Do older adults donate more? ›

Increased prosocial behaviour, including helping, cooperating, and donating, is shown around the world for older adults compared to younger adults.

Are poor people more generous than rich people? ›

In contrast to the original findings, we did not find that poorer people were more generous than wealthy ones. For example, although participants in one of our studies shared about 30% of the money we gave them with the other person, poorer participants did not share more money than wealthy ones did.

Who donates the most money every year? ›

The Americans who gave the most to charity in 2021
RankDonor or donorsAmount in millions
1Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates$15,000 $15,000
2Michael Bloomberg$1,660 $1,660
3William Ackman and Neri Oxman$1,200 $1,200
4Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan$1,049 $1,049
6 more rows
8 Feb 2022

What generation saves the most money? ›

Broken down by generation, Gen Zers have the most confidence in their savings (69%), followed by boomers at 65%, and both millennials and Gen Xers at 60%.

Which generation has the highest volunteer rate? ›

It turns out that one generation is volunteering more than they ever have. So who volunteers the most? Generation X (those born between 1965 to 1980) leads volunteering among generations in the United States. Generation X had a volunteer rate of 28.9 percent, followed by Baby Boomers at 25.7 percent.

Who are the customers of charities? ›

The fact is that every nonprofit institution has three indispensable “customers”: the clients it serves, the donors who support it, and the volunteers or staff mem- bers who help get the work done.

What are examples of target audience demographics? ›

Target demographics

This usually includes age, gender, income level, location, marital status, nationality, occupation, and education level. You can then work on targeted marketing campaigns that address the specific needs of each demographic.

What are the target audience groups? ›

Definition of target audience

Group of people to whom you address your products or services. It can be described by behavioral and demographic attributes, such as age, gender, income, education or localization.

Why are old people generous? ›

“Greater generosity was observed among senior citizens possibly because as people become older, their values shift away from purely personal interests to more enduring sources of meaning found in their communities,” explained study leader assistant professor Yu Rongjun.

What is the average age of donors? ›

The average donor in the United States is 64 years old and makes 2 charitable gifts a year. 31% of worldwide donors give to organizations located outside of their country of residence.

Do old people contribute to society? ›

How do seniors contribute to society? Like any younger person, they shop, they use services (which employ people), and they pay taxes. They also volunteer; in fact, many organizations would be hard pressed to function without their older volunteers.

Who financially exploits the elderly the most? ›

Two-thirds of financial crimes against the elderly are perpetrated by family, friends or other trusted individuals, Wells Fargo survey finds. Financial fraud against the elderly is most often perpetrated by those closest to the victims: family members, friends or other trusted individuals, according to a new survey.

What cause are people most likely to donate to? ›

18% of Americans have said that supporting youth and family causes are most important to them.
  • 12% said animals.
  • 12% said medical research.
  • 11% said education.
  • 7% said disaster relief.
  • 7% said human rights.
  • 6% said the environment.
  • 3% said global health.

Should people over 70 donate blood? ›

Healthy older individuals can continue to safely donate and make a significant contribution to the blood supply past arbitrary age limits.

Which country has the most generous citizens? ›

Most Charitable Countries 2022
United States58.00%61.00%
New Zealand57.00%65.00%
68 more rows

Do Christians donate more than non Christians? ›

Religious people are more generous than non-believers when it comes to giving to charity, according to research complied by the BBC.

What is the number 1 charitable institution in the world? ›

Wealthiest foundations by endowment value
RankOrganisationEndowment in USD
1Novo Nordisk Foundation$93.7 billion
2Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation$53.3 billion
3Wellcome Trust$40.2 billion
4Stichting INGKA Foundation$38.8 billion
41 more rows

What declines in older adults? ›

We develop many thinking abilities that appear to peak around age 30 and, on average, very subtly decline with age. These age-related declines most commonly include overall slowness in thinking and difficulties sustaining attention, multitasking, holding information in mind and word-finding.

What contributions do older adults make to society? ›

The majority of older adults exhibit high levels of pro-social values and behaviors, such as volunteering, helping and caring for others, caring for nature and the environment, endorsing equal treatment for all, and seeking to understand people who are different from themselves.

What culture is the most generous? ›

Residents in a mix of wealthy and developing countries that span various cultures are ranked as the most charitable.
Measuring the World's Most Generous Countries.
CountryGenerosity RankBest Countries Rank
United States18
New Zealand313
6 more rows
20 Dec 2019

Which gender is more generous? ›

New research has found that women are more generous than men. They're more likely to be giving because their brains find it more rewarding, the study suggests.

Can a person be generous but not kind? ›

Kind and generous people are altruistic. They will go out of their way to help others. Kind people are also generous but generous people are not always kind. For example, a generous person may give a lot of money to support charities but be a scoundrel in other aspects of life.

Who donated the most money to charity in 2022? ›

Altogether she's disclosed a collective $12.7 billion in donations to more than 1,200 organizations since the middle of 2020. George Soros, meanwhile, is the biggest giver of all—for the third year running—having donated $18.1 billion so far—nearly three times what he's worth now.

What charities give the highest percentage to their cause? ›

Charity NamePercentage of funds that go directly to the cause, versus administrative or fundraising costs
Feeding America's Hungry Children99.10%
Caring Voice Coalition99.00%
Foster Care to Success99.00%
15 more rows
28 Dec 2017

What age demographic spends the most money? ›

Overall in 2021, Gen X (anyone born from 1965 to 1980) spent the most money of any U.S. generation, with an average annual expenditure of $83,357. The second biggest spenders are Millennials with an average annual expenditure of $69,061. Image: Visual Capitalist.

Which generation cares most about social responsibility? ›

One thing is very apparent about Gen Z — they care about CSR. Corporate social responsibility directly impacts their spending habits, social media use, and the way they respond to DEI in the workplace.

What is the best generation to be born in? ›

Baby Boomers lead the pack when it comes to overall generational power, capturing 38.6%.
Overall Power, By Generation.
GenerationOverall Power Share
The Silent Generation12.8%
Baby Boomers38.6%
Gen X30.4%
3 more rows
6 May 2021

What demographic is most likely to volunteer? ›

The age group with the highest percentage of volunteers is adults between ages 34 and 55. This group can be further broken down into two groups: adults aged 35–44 and 45–55, comprising 31.5% and 30.8% of all volunteers. People in their early 20s are least likely to volunteer as only 18.8% do so.

Which group is most likely to volunteer? ›

Individuals between the ages of 35 and 54 are the most likely to volunteer their time according to The Bureau of Labor Statistics. Volunteers are worth on average $28.54 an hour according to an Independent Sector Study.

What is the most hardworking generation? ›

One-third (32%) of Gen Z respondents say they are the hardest-working generation ever, with Millennials ranked as the second-hardest working generation at 25%. More than half (56%) say the Silent Generation is the least hardworking generation of all time.

Do Millennials donate more? ›

Millennials and Gen-Z are reshaping philanthropy and ushering in a new era of giving. A report by payment app Zelle found that nearly 75% of Millennials provided financial support to family, friends or nonprofits since the Covid-19 pandemic began — the highest rate among any generation polled.

Who is the most donating person? ›

Here is the list of the top 10 charitable people in the world:
  • Serena Williams. Net Worth: $260 Million. ...
  • J.K. Rowling. Net Worth: $1 Billion. ...
  • Oprah Winfrey. Net Worth: $2.6 Billion. ...
  • Andrew Carnegie. Net Worth: $475 Million. ...
  • Mark Zuckerberg & Priscilla Chan. ...
  • George Soros. ...
  • Azim Hashim Premji. ...
  • Bill Gates & Melinda Gates.
26 Aug 2022

Why do Millennials give to charity? ›

Both generations believe they have a responsibility to give back—but Millennial donors are also fueled by their belief in their own ability to be a force for good and their desire to make social change core to how they live their lives.

Is charitable giving decreasing? ›

While recessions don't necessarily lead to a fall in donations, the funds available to charities are declining in real terms. The rising cost of living and the threat of a recession will be a major concern to the charity sector. Demand for the services of many charities that help the most vulnerable is likely to grow.

How much does Gen Z give to charity? ›

In all age groups, the most common individual donation size was between $5 and $55. Gen Z and Millennials were the two groups of donors most likely to make a gift between $56 and $99, and Generation X were the donors who were most likely to give larger amounts.

Who is the most generous country in the world? ›

United States

Who donated the most money in the world 2022? ›

George Soros, meanwhile, is the biggest giver of all—for the third year running—having donated $18.1 billion so far—nearly three times what he's worth now.

What causes are people most likely to donate to? ›

18% of Americans have said that supporting youth and family causes are most important to them. 12% said animals. 12% said medical research. 11% said education.

What percentage of millennials give to charity? ›

About 60% of Millennials give to charity. The average annual charitable contribution is $481 across 3.3 charities. It's reported that Millennials tend to support the following charities: Their place of worship.

What is the top three problems of millennials today? ›

Just like the generations before them, millennials are bombarded with so many problems that they have to face.
What are the most common challenges among millennials?
  • Low-paying Jobs/ Unemployment. ...
  • Technology Addiction. ...
  • Cancel Culture. ...
  • College Debt. ...
  • Aging Parents. ...
  • Discrimination.
29 Apr 2022

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.