8 Steps To Getting A Loan For Your Small Business — Money & Mimosas (2024)

When I first started my bookkeeping business in 2012, I applied for and received a loan for $5,000 to jumpstart my growth. My intention was to use the money to build a website, market my services, buy supplies and have some reserves for miscellaneous expenses. The loan was through an organization called Youth Business America (YBA). YBA is now called “Sky’s The Limit” and is a non-profit organization to empower underrepresented entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 29 with the resources they need to fulfill their business dreams.

My process for obtaining the loan took about six months, from the time I found out about YBA to receiving the $5,000 loan in my bank account. I was introduced to the organization by Gwendolyn Wright of the Wright Consultants. She provides free consulting through the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center in San Francisco. Gwendolyn helped me with the beginning states of creating a business plan and then suggested that I look for a loan to help fuel my business. She connected me with Zach Petry, the head of YBA -Oakland at the time, and I took action from there.

With YBA, I had to create a thorough business plan, fill out paperwork, go through a couple of interviews and then present my business idea to a group of bankers. I loved the entire process. It was just like my experience in 9th grade when I took an entrepreneurship class. My teacher, Mr. Fox, had us create a business plan for an idea we each created and at the end of the semester, we presented our idea to bankers. It was so much fun.

If you wish to get a loan for your business, whether it’s $5,000 or $250,000, here are the steps I recommend you take.

8 steps to getting a loan for your small business

  1. Start looking for business loans well before you need the money. I recommend at least six months before you need funding. If you do not have six months, it is ok. Just keep in mind that the process will require patience.

  2. Research opportunities in your local area. There are many local organizations dedicated to supporting the small business community with financial resources. A good place to start is your local Chamber. Ask the folks in Economic Development if they know of organizations that provided funding to small businesses. Another place to check is your local bank and credit union. Ask the small business bank managers or credit union managers if they know of funding resources. These financial institutions will likely also have their own business loan programs. They tend to have very strict requirements, but it is worth checking out.

  3. Make a list of the opportunities in your area and review their requirements. Do you need references with your application? Do you need to be in business for a certain period of time? Do you need to create a presentation? Is there a minimum or maximum amount you can borrow?

  4. Find a time to meet with the organization. One of the things that made my application stand apart was that I made the extra effort to meet the leaders of YBA-Oakland in person before I submitted my application. I wanted to make sure I was fully prepared and provided all the information they needed to see that I was a great fit for the loan program.

  5. As you go through the process, create and fine-tune your business plan. A business plan includes a mission statement, market research, financial projections and anything else to demonstrate you are a good candidate for this loan. Be sure to ask the lending organization if they have specific information they want in the plan.

  6. Interview businesses within the same industry. As a part of your research process, interview other business owners in the local area and entrepreneurs within your industry. This will give you insights you may otherwise not have considered. Keep in mind that business owners are busy, so be respectful and keep your questions to one or two per email. If they are willing to meet up, offer to buy them lunch or coffee and keep the conversation to twenty or thirty minutes.

  7. Prepare your financial projections. The financials are the most important aspect of the business plan to lenders. It will show them how likely you will be able to pay back the loan. In your projections include the main revenue streams, the cost of delivering these services or products, and your estimated sales.

  8. Create your presentation. Most lenders will require some sort of presentation. Start preparing yours as you work on your application. Ask if you can do a mock run-through with the potential lender for additional feedback. I did this with YBA and it was very helpful.

8 Steps To Getting A Loan For Your Small Business — Money & Mimosas (2024)


What are the steps of getting a business loan? ›

Here's five steps to getting a business loan.
  1. Consider what you need the money for. The best way to determine what type of loan you need is to get clear about what you plan to use the money for. ...
  2. Determine what type of loans you and your business qualify for. ...
  3. Compare lenders. ...
  4. Apply. ...
  5. Close on your loan and start paying.
Jan 18, 2024

What does a small business need to get a loan? ›

In general, eligibility is based on what a business does to receive its income, the character of its ownership, and where the business operates. Normally, businesses must meet SBA size standards, be able to repay, and have a sound business purpose. Even those with bad credit may qualify for startup funding.

How do I convince a bank to give me a business loan? ›

5 Tips for Creating a Convincing Forecast for the Bank
  1. There is an old saying that banks only give money to companies that don't need it. ...
  2. First, Build a Real Relationship. ...
  3. Know the Numbers. ...
  4. Explain How You Made Your Forecasts. ...
  5. Show How They Get Their Money Back. ...
  6. Personally Guarantee the Loan.
Jan 28, 2016

What are the major steps in obtaining a loan? ›

Below are seven steps to help you through the process of finding and getting a personal loan.
  1. Check your credit. ...
  2. Calculate your loan payments. ...
  3. Research and compare lenders. ...
  4. Get pre-qualified personal loan offers. ...
  5. Select a lender and complete your application. ...
  6. Read the fine print. ...
  7. Sign loan agreement and get funded.
Feb 2, 2024

What disqualifies you from a small business loan? ›

Reasons you may be disqualified from a small business loan include a low credit score, poor cash flow, no collateral, significant debt, a bad business plan or having a business in a risky industry.

What disqualifies me from an SBA loan? ›

Generally, the SBA excludes any business with a principal who is on probation, parole, or similar form of supervision; or who is currently facing any charges.

What credit score is needed for a small business loan? ›

While there's no official required SBA loan minimum credit score from the Small Business Administration, lenders will often set minimum credit score requirements for both personal and business. An SBSS of 140 to 160+ or a personal score of 620 to 640+ are commonly needed to qualify.

What credit score is needed for a small business start up loan? ›

SBA-qualified lenders usually set their own criteria when assessing your eligibility. Most lenders will require a minimum FICO score of 620 or higher for their SBA Loans.

Do you need money in the bank to get a business loan? ›

Without cash on hand, you may not be able to get just any business loan. Most lenders want to see a flow of revenue and profit to consider you for a loan. But some types of business loans and alternative financing can help borrowers get the funds they need without revenue or funds.

How much will a bank give you for a small business loan? ›

Bank loans

Traditional banks, like TD Bank and PNC Bank, typically lend large amounts to borrowers, with business loan amounts ranging from $10,000 to $5 million. That said, banks have been continually tightening credit standards, making approval more difficult.

How much will bank approve for business loan? ›

How much of a business loan you can get depends on your business's annual gross sales, creditworthiness, current debts, the type of financing, and the chosen lender. In general, lenders will only provide loans up to 10% to 30% of your annual revenue to ensure you have the means for repayment.

How much is a bank willing to loan for a business? ›

Typical bank term loans can range from $5,000 to $1 million. While the ceiling may be high for these loan amounts, qualifying can also be a tall order, as how much you can borrow depends on your business's circ*mstances and ability to repay.

Which bank gives a loan easily? ›

With attractive interest rates, minimal documentation and speedy processing, Bank of Baroda Kenya offers among the best personal loans today.

What 6 things are needed for a loan application? ›

To receive a Loan Estimate, you need to submit only six key pieces of information:
  • Your name.
  • Your income.
  • Your Social Security number (so the lender can check your credit)
  • The address of the home you plan to purchase or refinance.
  • An estimate of the home's value.
  • The loan amount you want to borrow.
Sep 8, 2020

When applying for a loan, what is the best reason to give? ›

The most common reasons to get a personal loan include emergency expenses, major purchases, home repairs, or milestones. A personal loan may be the right option if you have a good credit score, and your costs fall under these categories.

How long does it take to get approved for a business loan? ›

It depends on the lender and type of loan you apply for. Online lenders offer fast business loans that can be funded within 24 hours. Banks and credit unions may take a week or longer. SBA loans can take anywhere from 30 to 90 days from the application being submitted.

How long is the process to get a small business loan? ›

On average, most SBA loans take 30 to 90 days from applying to funding. 7(a) loan subtypes are backed directly by the SBA. The SBA's turnaround time is 2 to 10 business days, but approval from your chosen lender can take 30 to 60 days. Microloans are loans for smaller amounts of $50,000 or less.

How much credit do you need to get a business loan? ›

Still, a higher credit score of 700 or above generally means you'll be eligible for funding with more attractive terms. And while it's possible to get a business loan with a credit score as low as 500, a lower credit score could make it more challenging to qualify for a business loan.

What is the quickest way to get a business loan? ›

Online lenders

If you want the fastest option for small business funding, a business loan from an online lender may be the best option. These lenders require minimal documentation and use software to streamline the approval process.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.