8 Money-Saving Tips, Tricks, And Habits That Helped Me Save $30K In One Year (2024)

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Hi! I'm Fabiana, a millennial who surprisingly doesn't mind talking about money. I understand it can be a topic some don't feel comfortable talking about when it's brought up. But honestly, I enjoy discussing money as it allows me to learn from others, especially as a 28-year-old woman who is still working toward her financial goals. I'll admit that I think I've always been pretty good about how I spend and save my money. My parents had my brother and I learn how to balance a checkbook at a very young age, and we were brought to the bank to open our own checking and savings accounts before we were even in high school. Now that I'm getting closer to the age of 30, I've been wanting to really ramp up my money-saving ways to hopefully reach some financial goals of mine that will allow me to make big adult purchases (like buying my own place) in the near future. In 2021, I set a goal for myself to save a significant amount of money. And I'm happy to report — now that we're officially in 2022 — that I was able to do just that. 🎉 If you're looking to get a hold on your finances but don't know where to start, I'm sharing some of the specific money-saving tips and tricks that have worked for me. 1. I put a few extra dollars into my savings account whenever I make a healthy money decision. 2. I try to limit myself to only use one to two credit cards at a time. 3. I use a money journal to track my spending each week. 4. For every debit card purchase I make, I put $1 into a separate savings account. 5. I restrict myself for different months at a time from buying frivolous items when I really want to cut back on spending. 6. I make sure to save every receipt in case there are any charge discrepancies. 7. It may sound counterintuitive, but investing in more expensive, quality clothes has actually been a game changer for my wallet over time. 8. I like to think longterm and set positive but realistic money goals for myself. Do you have any money-saving tips that have worked for you? Tell us in the comments below! FAQs

I'd like to think I've always been pretty good about how I spend and save my money — but last year, some new changes really paid off.

by Fabiana BuontempoBuzzFeed Staff

Hi! I'm Fabiana, a millennial who surprisingly doesn't mind talking about money. I understand it can be a topic some don't feel comfortable talking about when it's brought up. But honestly, I enjoy discussing money as it allows me to learn from others, especially as a 28-year-old woman who is still working toward her financial goals.

I'll admit that I think I've always been pretty good about how I spend and save my money. My parents had my brother and I learn how to balance a checkbook at a very young age, and we were brought to the bank to open our own checking and savings accounts before we were even in high school. Now that I'm getting closer to the age of 30, I've been wanting to really ramp up my money-saving ways to hopefully reach some financial goals of mine that will allow me to make big adult purchases (like buying my own place) in the near future.

In 2021, I set a goal for myself to save a significant amount of money. And I'm happy to report — now that we're officially in 2022 — that I was able to do just that. 🎉 If you're looking to get a hold on your finances but don't know where to start, I'm sharing some of the specific money-saving tips and tricks that have worked for me.

8 Money-Saving Tips, Tricks, And Habits That Helped Me Save $30K In One Year (4)

Elizabeth Fernandez / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

A little reminder that everyone has different ways on how they go about saving money. This is what has personally worked for me.

1. I put a few extra dollars into my savings account whenever I make a healthy money decision.

8 Money-Saving Tips, Tricks, And Habits That Helped Me Save $30K In One Year (5)

Fabiana Buontempo / Via Fabiana Buontempo

A little money-saving trick I have is to reward myself when I make a healthy money decision. An example of this is if I order food, instead of ordering delivery for an extra $3, I pick it up myself. Then I take that money that I just saved and put it right into my savings.

Another time I did this when I was really trying to save was at the salon. Instead of paying an extra $20 to have my hair blown out after getting it cut, I went home with damp hair, gave myself a blowout, and put that $20 right into my savings. Sounds extreme — but it's a helpful way to make smart money decisions and also reward myself for it.

2. I try to limit myself to only use one to two credit cards at a time.

8 Money-Saving Tips, Tricks, And Habits That Helped Me Save $30K In One Year (6)

Fabiana Buontempo / Via Fabiana Buontempo

Although I have a few credit cards open, I don't use them all. I really only use one or two of my cards at a time. Make sure you're rotating through all of your credit cards. If a card has been inactive for a year more, the issuer mayclose it for youwithout giving you a heads-up — which can cause your credit score to dip. Even when I make small purchases with these cards, I pay them off immediately.

Overall, it's much easier to stay on top of what I'm spending, how much my credit card bills are, and to avoid any credit card debt from accumulating by only using a few cards.

3. I use a money journal to track my spending each week.

Fabiana Buontempo / Via Fabiana Buontempo

I like to use a journal to write down what I spend each week, and I keep it as basic as possible. I make a few categories, write down the purchase I made, and how much it was for. Then I add everything together and write the total dollar amount I spent that week.

This habit each week helps put things into perspective for me and helps me realize where I spend the most money and where I could cut back on things. I'll admit, those Starbucks iced coffees definitely add up!

4. For every debit card purchase I make, I put $1 into a separate savings account.

8 Money-Saving Tips, Tricks, And Habits That Helped Me Save $30K In One Year (8)

Rmcarvalho / Getty Images/iStockphoto / Via Getty Images

Another money saving trick: I make it a point to put $1 into another savings account for every purchase I make. I know this sounds small, but this account has slowly but surely grown, and eventually I plan on using it for a big purchase or for travel. This tip allows me to stay on top of how often I'm swiping my debit card while also letting me stash money away for a greater purpose. I'm sure there are apps out there that do this for you automatically, but I don't mind manually doing it myself.

5. I restrict myself for different months at a time from buying frivolous items when I really want to cut back on spending.

NBC / Via giphy.com

Don't get me wrong, it's definitely tough to have self-control when it comes to buying new things. If it was up to me, I would spend all my money on makeup and skincare. So to refrain from doing this and to put myself on a strict budget, I set time limits for when I allow myself to buy different things.

I'll restrict myself from buying new clothes for two months or not buying makeup for three months. This is a strict tip of mine, but I've found it to really help when I want to cut back on spending and think twice about buying something.

6. I make sure to save every receipt in case there are any charge discrepancies.

8 Money-Saving Tips, Tricks, And Habits That Helped Me Save $30K In One Year (9)

Fabiana Buontempo / Via Fabiana Buontempo

My friends definitely make fun of me for this, but let the haters hate! I save 👏🏼 every 👏🏼 receipt 👏🏼for every purchase I make. After the purchases clear on my bank statement and the amount I was charged for dinner matches the total on my receipt, I'll then get rid of the receipt.

I do this because I've had instances where I left an $11 tip on a restaurant bill and then it showed up on my bank statement that it was changed to a $17 tip. 😒 Luckily I had my receipt to prove my case. If you're not staying on top of things, you can easily be getting overcharged or have a discrepancy somewhere and not even be aware of it.

7. It may sound counterintuitive, but investing in more expensive, quality clothes has actually been a game changer for my wallet over time.

8 Money-Saving Tips, Tricks, And Habits That Helped Me Save $30K In One Year (10)

Fabiana Buontempo / Via Fabiana Buontempo

Speaking of buying things, during COVID when I had a lot of time on my hands, I revamped my closet to mainly consist of classic, staple pieces. Until now, I never really jumped on the bandwagon of investing in quality pieces — such as well-made jeans or a blazer — over fast fashion. Honestly, you really do save money in the long run when you buy clothes that fit you well and that last for years instead of months. After investing in these pieces and adding them to my wardrobe, I've really cut back onfrivolous clothes shopping, and I have less temptation to mindlessly shop online.

8. I like to think longterm and set positive but realistic money goals for myself.

Sharpie / Via giphy.com

To be honest, setting a goal for how much money you want to save sounds a bit daunting. But like any other goal, if you set small ones for yourself, it's more doable and easier to achieve. Although I managed to save close to $30,000 within the last year, I originally set out to save only $15,000 by the end of the year. I started off by putting a little over $1,000 each month into my savings because that didn't sound that too intimidating to me.

As I got into the habit of that, if I had a month where I made some extra money, I contributed even more to my savings. Before I knew it, my original money goal doubled by me consistently contributing to my savings.

Do you have any money-saving tips that have worked for you? Tell us in the comments below!

8 Money-Saving Tips, Tricks, And Habits That Helped Me Save $30K In One Year (2024)


How can I save $30 K in one year? ›

Tips on How to save 30000 in a year
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Pick Up a Side Hustle. ...
  3. Open a High-Yield Savings Account. ...
  4. Cut Out Discretionary Expenses. ...
  5. How to save 30000 in a year by reducing your fixed expenses. ...
  6. Automate. ...
  7. Pay Off Debt. ...
  8. Refinance Debts.
Apr 1, 2024

How can I save $25000 fast? ›

By following these six steps, perhaps you can save more than $25,000 a year, too.
  1. Determine Your Take-Home Pay. You have to start at your base — and that means determining your take-home pay. ...
  2. Calculate Fixed Expenses. ...
  3. Forecast Your Variable Expenses. ...
  4. Budget Personal Expenses. ...
  5. Work Through the Numbers. ...
  6. Separate Your Savings.
Oct 26, 2023

How to save $10,000 in 12 months? ›

To reach $10,000 in one year, you'll need to save $833.33 each month. To break it down even further, you'll need to save $192.31 each week or $27.40 every day. These smaller chunks are much more realistic and simple to comprehend, making it easier to track your progress.

How to save $1,000 in 3 months? ›

If you wanted to save $1,000 in three months, for example, you'd need to save roughly $84 per week. That timeline can also provide you an opportunity to invest in a high-yielding time deposit account.

How much is $1 a day for 1 year? ›

If you saved $1 a day for a year, do you know how much money you'd have? Roughly $30,000. This is totally 100% true.

How much is $30 a day for 1 year? ›

$30 daily is how much per year? If you make $30 per day, your Yearly salary would be $7,800. This result is obtained by multiplying your base salary by the amount of hours, week, and months you work in a year, assuming you work 40 hours a week.

How to flip 25k? ›

  1. Vault's Viewpoint. Investing early and often can help you achieve your financial goals sooner. ...
  2. Best ways to invest $25,000. ...
  3. Buy Stocks. ...
  4. Buy an Index Fund. ...
  5. Invest in Bonds. ...
  6. Open a High-Yield Savings Account or a CD. ...
  7. Contribute to a Retirement Account. ...
  8. Real Estate.
Mar 20, 2024

How to save $5000 in 100 days? ›

It works like this: Gather 100 envelopes and number them from 1 to 100. Each day, fill up one envelope with the amount of cash corresponding to the number on the envelope. You can fill up the envelopes in order or pick them at random. After you've filled up all the envelopes, you'll have a total savings of $5,050.

How to save $5,000 ASAP? ›

Ways To Save $5,000 in a Year
  1. “Chunk” Your Savings. The first step to saving $5,000 in a year is to break down your savings goal into manageable portions. ...
  2. Automate Your Savings. ...
  3. Save in a High-Yield Saving Account. ...
  4. Track Your Cash Flow. ...
  5. Boost Your Earnings. ...
  6. Declutter for Cash. ...
  7. Evaluate Your Subscriptions. ...
  8. Challenge Yourself.
5 days ago

How to save $1,000 in 30 days? ›

11 Easy Ways to Save $1,000 in 30 Days
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Automate Your Savings. ...
  3. Create a Savings Bingo Sheet. ...
  4. Negotiate Your Bills. ...
  5. Separate Wants From Needs. ...
  6. Plan Your Meals. ...
  7. Buy Generic Brands. ...
  8. Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions.
Sep 26, 2023

How to fast save money? ›

8 ways to save money quickly
  1. Change bank accounts. ...
  2. Be strategic with your eating habits. ...
  3. Change up your insurance. ...
  4. Ask for a raise—or start job hunting. ...
  5. Consider a side hustle. ...
  6. Take advantage of a credit card that offers rewards. ...
  7. Switch up your transportation habits. ...
  8. Cancel subscriptions you don't really need or use.

How to save money fast Dave Ramsey? ›

Learn the power of “no” (or “not now”).
  1. Make a budget. A budget is just a plan for your money. ...
  2. Say goodbye to debt. ...
  3. Set a savings goal. ...
  4. Save money automatically. ...
  5. Buy generic. ...
  6. Meal plan. ...
  7. Cancel some subscriptions and memberships. ...
  8. Adjust your tax withholdings.
Apr 5, 2024

How can I save $100 K fast? ›

7 tips for getting your first $100,000
  1. Figure out how much money you can safely save each month. ...
  2. Automate your savings. ...
  3. Maximize your employer-sponsored savings and investment accounts. ...
  4. Save your tax refunds and work bonuses. ...
  5. Pay off existing debt. ...
  6. Seek a raise or some other way to increase your income.

What if you save $100 dollars a month? ›

Your Retirement Savings If You Save $100 a Month in a 401(k)

If you're age 25 and have 40 years to save until retirement, depositing $100 a month into a savings account earning the current average U.S. interest rate of 0.42% APY would get you to just $52,367 in retirement savings — not great.

How quickly can I save 30k? ›

How long will it take to save?
Savings GoalIf You Saved $200/monthIf You Saved $400/month
$30,000150 months75 months
$40,000200 months100 months
$50,000250 months125 months
$60,000300 months150 months
7 more rows

Is it possible to save 20k in a year? ›

Saving $20,000 in one year is a lot. Simply looking at this number can feel overwhelming, so Catie Hogan, head of curriculum and founding financial coach at Parthean recommended breaking it down into more digestible chunks. “Saving $20,000 per year is about $1,667 per month or about $385 per week,” she said.

How much interest does $30,000 earn in a year? ›

The longer you keep your cash in your bank account, the more you'll earn.
YearStarting balanceInterest earned
1 more row
Aug 28, 2023

Is 30k a good savings? ›

How much do you need? Everybody has a different opinion. Most financial experts suggest you need a cash stash equal to six months of expenses: If you need $5,000 to survive every month, save $30,000.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.