8 Cherry Blossom Tree Tips to Know Before You Plant or Buy (Full Guide) (2024)

You know those beautiful pink blossoms that shower the ground in early spring from a Cherry Blossom tree? Those gorgeous, delicate blooms are coveted by many hopeful gardeners but can be a little tricky to grow…unless you know a few tips.

This complete guide to the beautiful Cherry Blossom tree has everything you need to know before you buy or plant to ensure that your trees not only survive but also flourish and provide lasting years of enjoyment.

Check it out!

Believe it or not, the botanical classification of cherry blossoms has varied over time and from country to country, but thankfully, the tree is not in any danger of extinction.1

So, if you’re ready to dive in and buy some cherry blossom tree home depot saplings…there are plenty of varieties to choose from. But first, there are some things to know about this transplanted species of flowering tree.

Cherry Blossom Cultivation: How To ‘Tips’ Before Planting or Buying

Before planting or buying your cherry blossom tree, there are some tips and things to know about their arboreal needs.

Tip #1: Sunlight Needs

Cherry Blossom trees need lots of sunlight, a minimum of six hours every day, and soil that is rich.3 So, make sure that the location where you plan to plant it gets plenty of sunshine.

The U.S. averages about 3-5 hours of sun everywhere, but you can check your particular areas here.11

Aim for full sun exposure, but some shade is okay. But remember, the more sun the cherry blossom tree gets, the more blooms you’ll enjoy in spring!

8 Cherry Blossom Tree Tips to Know Before You Plant or Buy (Full Guide) (1)

Tip# 2: Soil Needs

Plant cherry blossom saplings in soil that is fertile, but slightly acidic. Too much alkaline will not do.

However, if your soil is sandy or has a lot of clay, no problem, these trees can do just fine and adapt to plenty of types of growing conditions. But, you do need to make sure that there is plenty of drainages…don’t plant them in areas where water stands for long periods of time.

Tip #3: Watering

Keep saplings deeply watered for the first year, and make sure that the tree maintains good moisture.

Tip #4: Fertilizing

Once a year, using slow-release ornamental shrub and tree fertilizer, feed your tree.

Tip #5: Temperature Needs

The only thing to worry about with these trees, temperature-wise, is too much warmth. High levels of sustained heat should be accounted for in your planting location. For example, if you’re planting in areas where you get plenty of heat year-round, choose a shadier spot so that the tree can stay cool in the evenings.

Tip #6: Pruning a Cherry Blossom Tree Branch

Always prune these ornamental trees after they have bloomed. Remove broken and damaged branches and any that are stuck together. This opens the tree for more air circulation.

8 Cherry Blossom Tree Tips to Know Before You Plant or Buy (Full Guide) (2)

If you prune the tree while it’s young (the first 3 years), you’ll be able to shape it. Also, remove any ‘suckers’ from the base of branches (these will take nutrients from the flowers) and any low-level branches.

Tip #7: Avoiding Diseases and Pests

Sadly, these lovely trees are susceptible to disease and pests, including various rots, Japanese beetles, and aphids. Prune out rot areas (dark swelling on the branches) and try various oils and natural pesticides to help control aphids.

Diatomaceous earth is a great option for killing certain pests, and it’s completely natural. The only downside is that it won’t work when it’s wet. However, it will work just fine after it dries out and is safe for pets and children to be around.

Tip #8: Best Cherry Blossom Location

Extreme temps are not good for this tree, and it is recommended that you plant in hardiness zones 9-5. However, once the tree is flourishing, it will better adapt to changes in temperatures.

How To Plant Ornamental Cherry Blossoms

When transplanting a sapling, follow the guidelines for planting trees, which include:

  • Digging a large hole that will allow the tree crown to sit just above the soil surface.
  • Frequent and steady watering for the first few weeks (a perforated hose is a great solution)
  • Bracing the sapling with stakes or lines
  • Plant in early autumn

Japanese Cherry Blossom Tree

The genusCerasus contains the Japanese Cherry Blossom tree. But, that’s only for most parts of Asia. In the western hemisphere, cherry blossom is classified differently.

The ornamental trees are included in the genusPrunus,which consists of a few hundred species. The classification all depends on where you live.

What’s So Special About Cherry Blossom Trees? (Sakura Cherry Blossom Tree)

Cherry blossoms have long been associated with Japan.Studies confirm that cherry blossoms orsakurafound their way to the Island nation a long time ago…prehistoric times, in fact.

Native to the Himalayan mountain region, the eye-catching pink blossom tree migrated to the island nation they are famous for.

Cherry blossom gatherings (calledHanami) became popular around the turn of the first millennium after some important members of the ruling class hosted feasts under the blooms.2

And the tree’s popularity continues to grow.

Cherry (Pink) Blossom Tree Characteristics

Cherry fruit trees and cherry blossom trees are different varieties of cherry trees. Most cherry trees are intent on generating delicious fruit. However, a blossom tree is all about the blooms.

Farmers around the world have produced many varieties of cherry trees over the centuries. The tree has been crossbred thousands of times to get the juiciest, tastiest cherries possible.

What Does a Cherry Blossom Leaf (Cherry Blossom Tree Leaves) Look Like?

Cherry blossom leaves are mostly oval-shaped, with a slight point at the tip, and some are also heart-shaped. The little serrations (and sometimes doubled) on the edges of the leaf add to the pointy appearance.

8 Cherry Blossom Tree Tips to Know Before You Plant or Buy (Full Guide) (3)

Growing up to about 4 inches long, at the end of the leaf, nectar glands provide nourishing sustenance for hummingbirds and other nectar-loving insects.

So, if you want hummingbirds to be welcome in your backyard, cherry blossoms are a great addition.

Bark of Cherry Blossom Tree

Cherry tree bark can be dark gray to black, rough to the touch, and breaks away easily from the trunk, but Cherry Blossom tree bark is much more distinctive, with a red-brown color.

8 Cherry Blossom Tree Tips to Know Before You Plant or Buy (Full Guide) (4)

Even though the bark from the roots, trunk, and branches has medicinal properties, it is the root bark that is the most beneficial. The distinctive horizontal, protruding lines are easy to recognize.

Identifying Cherry Blossom Tree Seeds

In cherry blossom trees, the seeds are formed (usually) by the tree itself as the pollen and pistil have to contact. This produces a small ‘fruit,’ but not for eating. It simply contains the seed that is transplanted by various means. It looks like a tiny cherry pit.

You can grow a cherry blossom from seed, as long as the seed is germinated properly.

What Does a Cherry Blossom Smell Like?

The scent of cherry blossom flowers has long been coveted for its light and refreshing qualities.

Although difficult to reproduce exactly in commercial fragrances, the blooms themselves have hints of honey and tree sap.

Is the Cherry a Fruit?

Although technically cherries do match the definition of a fruit, they are unique in a way. Cherries are also considered “drupes,” a more specific category, which is a subcategory of the fruit genus, making cherries a fruit, but a specific kind.

8 Cherry Blossom Tree Tips to Know Before You Plant or Buy (Full Guide) (5)

Cherry blossom tree fruit: Uncultivated varieties of cherry blossom trees either have small, yucky cherries, or some that can be eaten. The edible variety generally comes from trees that have been cultivated.

Cherry tree fruit: There are two basic cherry tree types, sweet and sour. Trees that yieldsweet cherries,take longer to grow, approximately 6-10 years before they produce fruit.

Sour cherries are often used for baking, but the tree itself will produce fruit sooner than a sweet cherry tree.

How Tall Will a Cherry Tree Grow? (Small Cherry Blossom Tree and Mini Cherry Blossom Tree Varieties)

A cherry tree can grow as tall as 35 feet (about 10 meters), and its branches can spread out about 12-15 feet. Dwarf varieties reach about 18 feet in height but still provide the luscious fruit.

8 Cherry Blossom Tree Tips to Know Before You Plant or Buy (Full Guide) (6)

The branches themselves are widespread, with plenty of room between them.

However, there are small and mini varieties, which have been cultivated for small gardens, including:

  • Hiromi Weeping Cherry Blossom Tree–These only reach about six feet in height.
  • Dwarf Cherry Blossom–Other varieties can reach about 10 feet tall, but you can take steps during the first few years to limit how tall a cherry blossom tree can grow.
  • Fuji Cherry Tree (White Cherry Blossom Tree)–This dwarf plant is perfect for growing in potted containers that are large enough, or for backyards. It produces lovely, mostly white blossoms that hang in delicate clusters.
  • Snow Fountain–This tree yields pure white blooms that also droop and hang from cherry blossom tree branches.

Bing Cherry Trees and Other Types of Cherry Blossoms

Bing cherry trees, famous for their sweet, large, and juicy fruit, don’t have pink blossoms…they aren’t cherry blossom trees.

But, their white blossoms have a sweet scent, and can yield about 50 pounds of fruit per tree!

In addition to the ones listed above, there are some other cherry blossom tree options, including:

Cherry Blossom Bonsai Tree

Taking 2-3 years to grow, these indoor beauties are both lovely and practical for anyone who has a small space.

Chinese Cherry Blossom Tree

The Chinese varieties have blossoms that grow in clusters, and even double clusters, making them look very full.

Fake Cherry Blossom Tree

There are plenty of fake indoor cherry blossom trees available for sale, which can be used to decorate or simply enjoy. However, there’s no fragrance, so these are perfect for allergy sufferers.

Red Cherry Blossom Tree

There are some hybrid types that produce red blooms, but you’ll need to grow these from seeds, as they are less available than many of the white or pink blooming varieties.

Cherry Tree Flowering Dates: When to See the Best Blooms

Many wild species of cherry trees bloom from March to April in the Northern Hemisphere. However, some varieties can bloom as early as November.

Cultivated cherry blossom trees are generally designed and planted with the intention of viewing the gorgeous blooms and pink blossoms.

Other varieties of cherry trees have white blossoms in spring.

Native Growing Regions of Cherry Blossom Trees

Species of cherry blossoms are found everywhere. But, they are especially common in the Northern Hemisphere. This provides the right growing temperature, and they are native to countries including:

  • Japan
  • China
  • Korea
  • Nepal
  • India
  • Pakistan
  • Iran
  • Afghanistan
  • Several countries in northern Europe

Transplanted Cherry Blossom Trees

Of course, many areas of the United States6 also have beautiful cherry blossom trees, which have been transplanted. Nashville holds a Cherry Blossom festival,7 along with many other cities.

8 Cherry Blossom Tree Tips to Know Before You Plant or Buy (Full Guide) (7)

In 1912, Japan offered the United States a gift8 of 3,020 cherry blossom trees. The trees were then planted in Sakura Park (Sakura tree) in New York and Potomac Park in Washington, D.C., one of the most famous groups of blooming cherry blossoms in the United States.

Cherry Blossoms in D.C.: It’s Against the Law To Pick Cherry Blossoms!

The National Cherry Blossom Festival is celebrated in the U.S. capitol as a reminder of the tree gift sent by the Mayor of Tokyo in 1912.

Bloom dates for Cherry Blossoms9 are issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) each year.

It’s also against the law to pick cherry blossoms10 from the trees in D.C. or to harvest branches or cuttings… you can be arrested or given a citation!

Can You Eat Cherry Blossoms?

Yes, you can eat cherry blossoms. As one variety of edible flowers, cherry blossoms not only look beautiful, but are highly regarded as beneficial, used in cakes, cookies, and even sakura blossom tea.

Cherry Blossom Folklore and Strange Cherry Blossom Tree Facts

Think you know everything about cherry blossom trees? Think again! There are tons of fun facts and folklore surrounding the cherry blossom.

Here are just a few interesting facts:

  • About 5 years ago, rage for Cherry Blossom flavored ice cream was a hit, with both Baskin Robbins and Haagen-Dazs creating flavors.
  • Peak blooming is usually around the first through the fourth of April (in the U.S.), but can change each year. The National Parks Service provides12 dates.
  • The Japanese have a night picnic tradition of placing lanterns in the trees.
  • The Japanese have many folksongs and traditions surrounding the Cherry Blossom, and even recent pop songs celebrate it.4
  • Macon, Georgia is the Cherry Blossom tree capital of the world, with more Yoshino (the most popular variety) trees than any other single location.

Medicinal Qualities of Cherry Blossom Trees

Cherry Blossom trees, as mentioned, have edible flowers and the bark can be used for many medicinal purposes.13

8 Cherry Blossom Tree Tips to Know Before You Plant or Buy (Full Guide) (8)

With anti-inflammatory features, cherry blossoms can be used to reduce swelling and irritation on the skin. It also provides soothing and rejuvenating qualities,14 making it a popular skincare element.

Cherry blossom tea and extracts are used to improve sleep, reduce the symptoms of menopause, and in a number of other cherry blossom healing treatments.

Wherever these beautiful and fragrant trees have traveled they were welcome and cultivated with great care. With thin branches, dotted with sweet-scented pink flowers reaching up to the blue sky, a cherry blossom tree provides a wealth of beauty from nature that anyone can enjoy.

8 Cherry Blossom Tree Tips to Know Before You Plant or Buy (Full Guide) (2024)


What is the best month to plant a cherry blossom tree? ›

Plant bare-root trees between November and March, and container-grown ones any time of year but preferably not winter. Dig a hole 60x60cm (2x2ft) and 30cm (12in) deep. Add a layer of organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure to the base of the hole and dig in.

Where is the best place to plant a cherry blossom tree? ›

Cherry blossom trees do best in a sunny, sheltered spot – strong winds can strip a tree of its blossom. Trees that produce sour edible fruits, such as the Morello cherry, can tolerate some shade. Cherries can tolerate a wide range of soil types, as long as it is moist and well drained.

What 3 things of many do the cherry blossoms represent? ›

Cherry blossoms are a symbolic flower of the spring, a time of renewal, and the fleeting nature of life.

How long does a blossom tree take to fully grow? ›

Are cherry blossom trees fast growing? Cherry blossom trees have a moderate of medium growth rate and usually take between 10 and 20 years to reach their mature height. The eventual height of the tree however is dictated by the rootstock on which it is grown but the rate of growth remains the same.

How do you prepare a cherry tree for planting? ›

Prepare the cherry tree before planting

To support the long-term health of the roots, it is best to scarify the root ball slightly with scissors before planting the tree. After untangling the roots with scissors, loosen the root ball a little with your hands, this will help the roots to branch out later.

How hard are cherry blossoms to grow? ›

Furthermore, while other flowering trees can require heavy pruning and maintenance, the Cherry Blossom Tree is relatively easy-to-grow. This medium growth flowering cherry tree grows easily in either full sun or mostly shade. Various soils and growing locations also make this a popular flowering tree.

How often do you water a cherry tree? ›

Give your cherry tree enough water to soak the ground all around the roots. It's important to note that, even if you're in the midst of a “brown-lawn drought”, you shouldn't water too much. Once every 7- to 10-days (or even once every two weeks) is plenty. Worse than dry, thirsty roots are waterlogged, drowning roots.

What is the fastest growing cherry blossom tree? ›

Best fast-growing for flowering tree for spring

Growing between one and two feet per year, the Kwanzan cherry tree will reach the grand height of 40 foot with a similar spread, however, a little pruning can help to keep it as a smaller tree if you would prefer.

How far away from a house should a cherry tree be planted? ›

For fruit trees grafted on dwarf rootstocks that means 3m or so, and for fruit trees on vigorous rootstocks allow 6m or more.

How long do cherry blossom trees live? ›

They don't live long.

Like their blossoms, flowering cherry trees themselves are fairly ephemeral too, at least as trees go. Most cultivars live only 30 to 40 years.

Are cherry blossoms male or female? ›

Do cherry trees have male and female? No, you don't need to plant both a male and female cherry trees together. All cherry trees are either all-male or all-female so it's not necessary to have both sexes next to each other.

What tree symbolizes love? ›

1. Crape Myrtle. Dating as far back into Greek mythology, the goddess of love, Aphrodite, considered the Crape Myrtle tree sacred.

Can you eat cherry blossoms? ›

The flower petals are edible. The cherry blossoms and the leaves are edible and used in many traditional Japanese sweets and tea. They are first pickled and then used in recipes for mochi cakes, candies, and even cookies. You can also brew sakura blossom tea or make co*cktails with preserved blossoms.

How many times a year do cherry blossom trees bloom? ›

Flowers bloom twice a year! Once in spring and then again in autumn or winter! Simple, yet elegant blossoms are colored rose-pink, shaped like tiny bells, and flower in huge clusters. Autumnalis is one of the earliest cherries to bloom in spring!

How long does cherry tree take to establish? ›

A fan trained tree – 3 years to start, 5 years to full cropping. A festooned tree – 2 years to start, 4 years to full cropping. Trees that are grown in containers are often the most precocious and speedy to start yielding. And in general, the more vigorous the tree then the longer it will be to start cropping.

How deep do you plant cherry blossom trees? ›

Space your trees 10-20 feet away from each other or other structures or plants. Dig a hole that's roughly two feet around by one foot deep, and dig some compost in the hole before planting.

Do cherry tree roots spread? ›

The roots of the cherry tree stay close to the surface and tend to spread horizontally rather than vertically. That's because the cherry trees need oxygen, which is more abundant near the surface of the soil. While the trees have a taproot to anchor them, the majority of the root system spreads far and wide.

Are cherry blossoms high maintenance? ›

Cherry blossoms! “Honestly, they're easy, but they're high maintenance," said Carswell. "The best time to plant them is when it's cold and the ground is cold in the winter, or early, early spring when the ground is still cool. You plant them and they like partial sun.”

What is best soil for cherry trees? ›

Cherry trees grow best in deep (at least 4 feet), well-drained loam soils. They will tolerate less desirable soil, but may do poorly on excessively sandy, heavy or wet soils.

What's the best soil for cherry trees? ›

All Cherries prefer deep, fertile and well-drained soil that is ideally slightly acidic, with a pH 6.5-6.7. They dislike shallow, sandy or poorly drained soil.

What is a good fertilizer for cherry trees? ›

Cherry trees are light feeders and prefer a low-nitrogen fertilizer such as 5-10-10 or 10-15-15.

Do cherry blossom trees need a lot of water? ›

Cherry Trees enjoy moist soil. They need an inch of water every two weeks while they're young. It may be a good idea to keep up with the rainfall with weather reports, or a rain gauge to see how much rainwater your trees are getting. During times of drought, your trees may need a little extra water.

How often do cherry blossoms grow? ›

Cherry blossom season lasts for about a month every spring and is always dependent on the weather. Early March to early April is generally a good rule of thumb when you're looking at the calendar and hoping to see blooms. Most cherry blossom trees bloom for one to two weeks during the season.

What temperature do cherry blossoms grow? ›

Cherry trees need a full month of chilly weather below 41 degrees to properly blossom when it gets warmer, according to Naoko Abe, author of The Sakura Obsession.

Are coffee grounds good for cherry trees? ›

Coffee grounds contain nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, and copper, all of which are essential to fruit trees. They also raise the pH level in the soil, which is good for the health of the plant. Most fruit trees require slightly acidic soil, so adding coffee grounds will help them thrive.

Can you overwater a newly planted tree? ›

Once planted, a tree needs the right amount of water to establish its roots and begin a long and healthy life. Too little water and the tree will wilt and die, but too much water can drown the roots and kill the tree just as easily. Watering is also dependent upon the season and the amount of rain.

What is the easiest cherry tree to grow? ›

Both sweet and sour cherry trees are easy to grow and both fruits have a wide variety of uses. Sweet cherries are used for raw eating and you'll need at least 2-3 trees for pollination. There is a dwarf sweet cherry tree that is self-pollinating that is new to most markets as well.

Can you take a branch from a cherry tree and plant it? ›

Both tart and sweet cherries can be propagated by semi-hardwood and hardwood cuttings. Semi-hardwood cuttings are taken from the tree in the summer when the wood is still slightly soft and partially mature. Hardwood cuttings are taken during the dormant season when the wood is hard and mature.

What trees should you not plant near your house? ›

Worst Trees to Plant Near a House
  • White ash (Zones 2-9): A fast-growing shade tree with invasive, lateral roots that's also susceptible to emerald ash borer!
  • Poplar (Zones 3-8): A tall tree with aggressive roots known for causing sewer and foundational damage.
17 Apr 2018

Do cherry trees need to be covered in winter? ›

Protect All Fruit Trees Against Frost Cracking

This causes unsightly trunk cracking that hurt the tree's ability to take up moisture and nutrients and leaves an opening for insects. Protect the bark with tree wrap and remove the wrap in spring after the last frost.

Does rain ruin cherry blossoms? ›

Heavy rain and strong winds can knock petals off, so there is a factual basis for concern. That's especially true a few days after the peak bloom, as the flowers become even more fragile.

Should you prune a cherry blossom tree? ›

Should cherry trees be pruned every year? Cherry trees should be pruned every year to maintain their shape and encourage healthy growth. Pruning cherry trees will also result in a better crop of fruit, as removing branches will increase the exposure to sunlight of the remaining shoots.

Do cherry blossom trees spread? ›

A cherry tree can grow as tall as 35 feet (about 10 meters), and its branches can spread out about 12-15 feet.

Do cherry trees attract bugs? ›

Each year the color and scent of the cherry blossoms attract a variety of birds and insects. They play an accidental, though essential, role in pollination. Both plants and animals are dependent on pollinators.

What eats cherry blossoms? ›

Other birds that share this habit are northern cardinals, house and purple finches, northern mockingbirds, blue jays, evening grosbeaks, and American goldfinches. So, if you see birds eating your early spring buds and flowers, I hope you don't mind sacrificing a few blooms for your feathered friends.

What eats a cherry blossom tree? ›

Thrips damage cherry trees by feeding on the juice of their fruits and flowers. Infected areas first discolor and eventually die away. Female thrips lay eggs in developing fruit, which in turn develop into larvae.

What flower means forever love? ›

Admired for its sweet scent and trailing vines of pink and orange flowers, the honeysuckle symbolizes devoted and everlasting love.

What tree means peace? ›

To the Iroquois people, the white pine is a symbol of the Great Peace that united their separate nations into an enduring League. The Peace Tree is related to the Tree of Light, a central symbol in Iroquois cosmology.

What does a cherry blossom smell like? ›

What do cherry blossoms smell like? Cherry blossoms have a smell, but it's very faint and subtle. The scent features light notes of lilac, rose, and magnolia with a powdery vanilla note and almond-like aromas. The aroma isn't overly sweet, fruity, or floral.

Are cherry blossom tree leaves poisonous? ›

Cherry and plum trees and their relatives contain cyanide-containing compounds, which are found in the leaves, fruit, and pits of the trees. The plants are most toxic when drought or frost stresses them. Wilted leaves are also quite toxic.

Can you plant a cherry blossom tree in the winter? ›

Cherry trees may be planted even when temperatures are quite cool, especially if they arrive bare-root and dormant. If a hard frost is expected, it is advisable to delay planting for a while until temperatures become more moderate. Do not expose roots to temperatures that are freezing or below.

How long does it take for cherry blossom trees to grow? ›

Tip. An ornamental cherry may start to blossom at any time between its first and third years, and will reach its full, lavish display in five to seven years.

How many months does cherry blossom last? ›

Cherry blossom season lasts for about a month every spring and is always dependent on the weather. Early March to early April is generally a good rule of thumb when you're looking at the calendar and hoping to see blooms. Most cherry blossom trees bloom for one to two weeks during the season.

Can a cherry blossom tree survive winter? ›

Because the blossoms are so close to peak bloom and are exposed from the protection of the buds, they are particularly vulnerable to cold temperatures right now. Cherry blossoms start to sustain damage when temperatures hit 27 degrees; at 24 degrees, up to 90% of exposed blossoms can be affected.

How often should cherry blossom trees be watered? ›

Although adaptable to many soil types, Cherry Blossom Trees prefer acidic soils. Water – During the first season, Cherry Blossom Trees require moderate watering care, preferably once a week for 30 minutes or to a depth of 18 inches. Once established, simply water once every two to three weeks.

How do I protect my cherry blossom tree in the winter? ›

Using mulch is a highly effective method of protecting fruit trees in winter — specifically their roots. Mulch, during the growing season, should not be more than a few inches thick, but in the winter, a little extra doesn't hurt*.

How long does it take a cherry tree to get to full size? ›

Average Time Cherry Trees Take To Grow

On average, cherry trees planted as saplings take between 4 and 5 years to reach maturity. By that time, you can expect to harvest a full crop every year. However, some varieties have faster growth rates than others.

Do cherry blossom trees have deep roots? ›

While the trees have a taproot to anchor them, the majority of the root system spreads far and wide. A mature full-sized cherry tree will have a root system spanning 33 to 39 feet in diameter. As for depth, the roots wouldn't grow beyond 3 feet deep.

How long do blooming cherry trees live? ›

They don't live long.

Like their blossoms, flowering cherry trees themselves are fairly ephemeral too, at least as trees go. Most cultivars live only 30 to 40 years.

How long do cherry blossoms trees live? ›

Most cherry blossom trees only live for 30 to 40 years, according to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (which is home to some of the oldest cherry blossoms in the United States). But some species can live longer: black cherry trees can live up to 250 years.

How long does a cherry tree live? ›

Across all varieties cherry trees tend to have a short lifespan, typically around 15-30 years.

What temperature kills cherry blossoms? ›

Critical Freezing Temperatures

However, to destroy 90 percent of these early buds, the temperature must drop to below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Cherries are the exception and are heavily damaged at 25 degrees Fahrenheit in the early stages, advises Utah State University Cooperative Extension.

How cold is too cold for cherry blossoms? ›

“Blossoms can be damaged starting at 27 degrees; 24 degrees is a critical temperature. You can lose 90% of the blossoms.

Can you overwater a cherry blossom tree? ›

Give your cherry tree enough water to soak the ground all around the roots. It's important to note that, even if you're in the midst of a “brown-lawn drought”, you shouldn't water too much. Once every 7- to 10-days (or even once every two weeks) is plenty. Worse than dry, thirsty roots are waterlogged, drowning roots.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.