8 Best Safe Investments in 2024 • Dumb Little Man (2024)

The #1 Forex Trading Course is Asia Forex Mentor

It is common knowledge that savings and investments are efficient ways to grow wealth and improve your personal finance. Sadly, every investment comes with a measure of risk; which varies for different investments. Most times, we are not prepared to take the risk involved especially with a high yield investment. Hence, the attraction to safer low-risk investments.

In conjunction with the research team, our financial experts have put together 8 investment options that are regarded as ‘very safe’; when compared to other investment products like dividend stocks, mutual funds, municipal bonds, etc. This article will explore these investment products in detail. Then, we will introduce the best forex trading course recommended for every investor or financial advisor.

8 Best Safe Investments in 2024

#1. High-Yield Savings Accounts

8 Best Safe Investments in 2024 • Dumb Little Man (1)

Every bank offers a savings account where you can deposit money and earn some interest especially if you do not withdraw frequently from the account. Usually, withdrawals are limited to a few times per month and you will be penalized if you exceed the limits. Interest rates are usually low; the annual percentage yield (APY) is about 0.06%.

High yield savings accounts are a special type of money market account that pay very high-interest rates; typically 20 to 25 times more than traditional savings accounts. They are offered mainly by online banks; it is also available with conventional banks. Make sure that the account is insured by the Federal deposit insurance corporation (FDIC) which acts like an insurance company that protects your deposits of up to $250,000 if the bank collapses.

If you are considering a high yield savings account, bear in mind that most of them have a high minimum deposit and maintenance balance. To completely maximize the full account features, ensure that you meet all requirements. For example, Varo bank offers 0.5 – 5% on its savings account. To meet the 5% APY interest rate payment, you must inter alia maintain a daily savings balance of $5,000 and receive at least $1,000 in direct monthly deposits.

Generally, money market accounts are best for short-term goals such as saving for a car, vacation, etc for a few years. But, for long time projects like retirement plans; there are other investment products that yield better returns.

#2. Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

8 Best Safe Investments in 2024 • Dumb Little Man (2)

These are special types of savings accounts where you invest a sum of money for an agreed term or period of time. Certificates of deposit are also referred to as time deposit accounts or fixed deposit accounts. Here, your deposited funds (principal) are locked up, denying you access for the full term. But, you can request a withdrawal before maturity but this will negatively affect your interest.

Certificates of Deposit are best for money that you will not be needing soon; probably for a year or more. Interests are generally higher on longer terms. Early withdrawal attracts penalties that may adversely affect your returns. If you want more flexibility or need to put away some savings as an emergency fund, then CDs are not for you.

As with all banking deposits, your funds are insured by the FDIC; making CDs qualify as a safe investment. The interest rates are set like other bank rates. Depending on the banks and your settings, you will receive regular updates about your CDs and the interest income accrued.

#3. Gold

8 Best Safe Investments in 2024 • Dumb Little Man (3)

Gold is a naturally occurring shiny metal that has been regarded as a precious metal by man since ancient times. It is a valuable metal that is widely used in jewelry, dentistry, aerospace, electricity, etc.

Investors gain exposure to gold through the following methods:

  • Buying and keeping the physical gold bullion: It is available as minted coins or gold bars. The metal is beautiful to behold and also durable. It cannot be destroyed by fire, water, or age and so can be passed to your children. Gold bullion can be easily sold anywhere in the world. It is a good way to store wealth but, unfortunately, it can be stolen.
  • Gold stocks: This includes the stocks of companies that are into gold mining, streaming, refining, and marketing. The investor may buy and hold in order to enjoy dividend payments or to sell later at higher share prices.
  • Gold ETFs: These are exchange-traded funds that track the price of gold. It is traded just like stocks on exchanges.

Generally, gold investments are regarded as safe investments. Though its price is subject to short-term market fluctuations, over the years, Gold has served as a good hedge against inflation by maintaining its high value. Even central banks hold gold reserves; perhaps to diversify their foreign reserves or to hedge against inflation.

#4. US Treasury Bonds(T-bond)

8 Best Safe Investments in 2024 • Dumb Little Man (4)

Treasury bonds are long-term debt securities issued by the treasury department of the United States government. It is similar to taking a loan from the public or investors to run its operations. Treasury bonds are also referred to as ‘long bond’ because it matures in 20 or 30 years, unlike treasury bills which are short-term. T-bond investors receive interest payments every 6 months with the principal being paid at full term.

You can buy treasury bonds directly from the United States treasury. The auctions are held 4 times per year on the TreasuryDirect website. The minimum bid is $100 but you can invest up to $5 million. Only newly issued bonds can be bought from the site.

You cannot cash out your T-bond before maturity but you can sell it in the secondary market; a marketplace for buying and selling bonds. In the secondary bond market, you can sell or buy old bonds at the market value; which is the agreed price between the trading parties. You can also trade T-bonds through websites or firms that offer advisory or brokerage services.

US government bonds are considered risk-free investments because the government has not yet failed once in repayment since its inception in 1963. Federal income tax is paid on T-bonds but it is exempted from state and local taxes. Taxes are only paid on the interests received.

#5. Series I Savings Bonds (I bonds)

8 Best Safe Investments in 2024 • Dumb Little Man (5)

This is a type of low-risk savings bond issued by the US government. It pays up to 9.62% interest which is tied to inflation. The bond term ranges from 20 to 30 years. The earning rate comprises a fixed rate and an inflation rate which changes twice a year. The fixed interest rate is constant throughout the bond term but the inflation rate is dependent on the rate of change of the consumer price index over the previous 6-month period.

Series I savings electronic bonds can be bought on the TreasuryDirect website. Prices start from $25 up to $10,000 for each person per year. It is also available in paper form; prices start from $50 up to $5,000 per year for an individual. So, an investor can hold Series I bond funds totaling $15,000 in both paper and electronic form in a year. Earnings are free from taxes imposed by state and local governments but subject to federal tax.

Though similar to Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), I bonds differ in the following ways:

  • It is always available in electronic form while the paper form is purchased only through tax refunds. TIPs is auctioned at TreasuryDirect; bids range from $100 to $5 million.
  • Not marketable unlike TIPs which are traded in the secondary securities market.
  • TIPs mature in 5, 10, or 30 years while Series I savings bonds mature in either 20 or 30 years.

I bond is regarded as a safe investment because it is backed by the federal government, and has a high-interest rate that rises with inflation thereby ensuring that investors do not lose purchasing power. You can redeem your I bond one year after the issue date but any cash out before 5 years from the issue date loses the last 3-months interest. There are no penalties if the bond is redeemed after 5 years.

#6. Corporate Bonds

8 Best Safe Investments in 2024 • Dumb Little Man (6)

These are debt securities issued by companies to investors in order to raise funds. It is tantamount to lending money to the company in exchange for multiple pre-agreed interests until maturity when the principal is refunded in full. Like all fixed income securities, interests or coupons are paid periodically until the full term. Some bonds are callable; allowing investors to cash out before maturity.

Though corporate bonds issued by the top and stable companies are regarded as safe investments, they are generally regarded as riskier when compared to bonds issued by the US government. Also, interests offered by government bonds are lower. The ability of the company to pay back its debt largely depends on its revenue and prosperity.

When newly issued, most corporate bonds can be bought in blocks of $1,000 through trustees such as banks or investment companies. This represents the primary market where investors buy at the offering price. Only the big investor can access this market.

Later, these bonds become available for reselling in the secondary over-the-counter market. Here the smaller investors can buy through a broker, bond dealers, or online brokerages. Before buying a corporate bond, check the credit ratings of the company. The major credit rating agencies use ratings to grade companies and institutions according to their credit quality.

For example; Standard & Poor’s (S&P) is a firm that provides data and issues credit ratings. It is particularly known for its popular S&P 500 index. The company uses the following grades to rate companies:

  • AAA: This is the highest credit rating signifying that the company is financially stable and creditworthy. Companies in this category are very strong and less likely to default on bond repayments. Example: Microsoft Corporation is rated AAA.
  • AA: This is the second-best rating representing an investment-grade company that is capable of paying its debts.
  • A: This category represents institutions that can pay their debts but are likely to be affected by changes and economic conditions.
  • Other ratings include BBB, BB, B, CCC, CC, C, and D: Reliability and stability are in decreasing order with a rating of D representing payment default or bankruptcy filed.

Instead of buying individual bonds, some investors prefer to buy funds that pool investors’ funds together and are managed by professionals. Bond funds are mutual funds whose portfolios comprise various bonds. Below are some important bond funds:

  • Corporate bond funds: made up of a portfolio of mainly high-yield bonds issued by companies.
  • Government bond funds: consists of various government bonds.
  • Municipal bond funds: made up of bonds issued by states, cities, government agencies, etc

#7. Real Estate

8 Best Safe Investments in 2024 • Dumb Little Man (7)

This refers to investments in land and buildings. Apart from generating steady income, real estate investment is generally known for capital appreciation over time; especially if it is located in a city. However, real investments usually require huge capital and also have maintenance fees and property taxes. But, it is relatively considered a safe investment depending on the immediate and local environment.

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are investment funds that invest in real estate to generate income primarily through rentals or other services. Similar to a mutual fund, the company or REITs pool funds from investors and buy or build real properties such as offices, hospitals, housing estates, shopping malls, hotels, etc. REITs are mostly public limited companies whose stocks are traded in the stock market.

Real estate investment trusts offer small investors opportunities to invest and earn high returns on their investments. They pay regular dividends and are managed by a board of Directors. Real estate investments are not really safe as it depends on a lot of factors such as management team, local environment, government policy, market volatility, etc.

#8. Preferred Stocks

8 Best Safe Investments in 2024 • Dumb Little Man (8)

Common stocks are tradable securities that give the owner a fraction of the ownership of a quoted company. Preferred stocks or preference shares are special stocks that give the holder equity shares, rights over dividends, and company assets distribution in event of company liquidation.

Preference stocks are superior to common stocks because they combine the features of both bonds and common stocks. However, when compared to bonds, they carry only slightly more risk because bonds are prioritized during asset liquidation.

For dividend-paying stocks, preference stocks receive higher payments and are given preference in terms of dividend payments. Common stocks may not always receive dividends. So, preference stocks are more like fixed-income investments that pay dividends. Common stocks grow in value as the company makes profits but preference stocks do not necessarily grow with profits but can be adjusted.

Just like common stocks, preference shares are traded in the stock market. It can be bought through stockbrokers both online and offline. You may also invest in an index fund that tracks the stock market performance of several preference stocks.

Institutions usually buy preference stocks because it offers some tax advantages. Some preferred shares are callable; meaning that the company can redeem the shares at a stated price and date. This gives it the exact features of a bond, so they are called hybrid securities in some cases.

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To begin investing in any financial product, you must have some form of capital. One of the proven methods of raising capital and improving your personal finance is by learning a skill such as forex or CFD trading. The ‘one core program’ is the best forex training course available today. It is a comprehensive training program available on the Asia Forex mentor’s website. The course is packaged by Ezekiel Chew; the popular forex trainer and trader.

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8 Best Safe Investments in 2024 • Dumb Little Man (26)

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Conclusion: Best Safe Investments in 2024

8 Best Safe Investments in 2024 • Dumb Little Man (28)

What is your risk tolerance? How much losses are you willing to bear? Many investors do not wish to lose their money in the quest for growing it. So, securities with low-risk exposure are in high demand.

High-yield savings accounts offer high-interest rates than regular savings accounts. When opening one, do a little research and find out the minimum deposit, interests, charges, account limitations, and if your funds are protected by FDIC. Compare account conditions from multiple sources before making a choice. Most low-risk investments require large capital and long term before earning significant returns.

Certificates of the deposit are best for funds that you do not need in the next 1-10 years. If you apply for it, your bank locks the cash and you will not be able to access it until the full term is completed. If you decide to cash out, you will lose some interest. The interest rate is higher than a normal savings account.

Investing in gold is safe, low risk, and serves as a good hedge against inflation. You may buy the gold bullion, or invest in gold stocks or ETFs. T-bonds are issued by the US government for a term of 20 or 30 years. You will receive payments every six months but the principal is paid at full term. If you need money anytime before expiry, then, you will have to sell the T-bond in the secondary market.

I bonds cannot be traded; they are long-term savings securities with high-interest yields. It adjusts for inflation semi-annually with a minimum term of 20 years and a max of 30 years. The interests accrue monthly but are compounded every six months. The principal and interests are paid at maturity but you can cash out after one year.

Corporate bonds are issued by companies to raise funds for business or expansion. Ensure that you buy only bonds from companies with high credit ratings. Alternatively, you can buy bond funds which are like mutual funds comprising a pool of bonds sourced from multiple bonds and managed by professionals.

Though capital intensive, real estate is a safe investment that is capable of yielding good returns. This is especially if it is located in an urban and peaceful area. Preferred stocks are less risky than common shares but riskier than bonds. It pays regular dividends and may be traded on exchanges just like other stocks. You can also invest in index funds which are like mutual funds that are limited to only preferential stocks.

Best Safe Investments in 2024 FAQs

What is the safest investment with the highest return?

They are as follows:

  • Series I savings bond
  • High yield savings accounts.
  • T-bonds

What is the safest thing to invest in right now?

There are no absolute safe investments, however, there are some investments that have a good history of past performance and are relatively safe. Some of them are:

  • Bonds issued by the US government such as T-bonds, and I bonds.
  • Stock investments such as buying preference shares.
  • Investing in real estate
  • Investing in gold



8 Best Safe Investments in 2024 • Dumb Little Man (29)

#1 Forex, Crypto and Stocks trading course. Ranked most comprehensive by Investopedia and Best by Benzinga. Free to Try!

8 Best Safe Investments in 2024 • Dumb Little Man (2024)


Where can I get 10% return on my money? ›

Summary of the best investments with 10% ROI
  • Private credit.
  • Individual stocks.
  • Real estate.
  • Fine art.
  • Debt.
  • A business.
  • Private startups.
  • Cryptocurrencies.
Jan 4, 2024

What investment is 100% safe? ›

What are the safest types of investments? U.S. Treasury securities, money market mutual funds and high-yield savings accounts are considered by most experts to be the safest types of investments available.

What is the safest investment with the highest return? ›

Overview: Best low-risk investments in 2024
  1. High-yield savings accounts. ...
  2. Money market funds. ...
  3. Short-term certificates of deposit. ...
  4. Series I savings bonds. ...
  5. Treasury bills, notes, bonds and TIPS. ...
  6. Corporate bonds. ...
  7. Dividend-paying stocks. ...
  8. Preferred stocks.
Apr 1, 2024

What are the best fixed income investments in 2024? ›

However, CDs, money market funds, government bonds, bond mutual funds and ETFs, and deferred fixed annuities, are all fixed-income investments that are considered less risky than stocks. In early 2024, U.S. Treasuries and some CDs offered yields in the 5% range.

How to get 12 percent return on investment? ›

How To Get 12% Returns On Investment
  1. Stock Market (Dividend Stocks) Dividend stocks are shares of companies that regularly pay a portion of their profits to shareholders. ...
  2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) ...
  3. P2P Investing Platforms. ...
  4. High-Yield Bonds. ...
  5. Rental Property Investment. ...
  6. Way Forward.
Jul 20, 2023

What investment has the highest rate of return? ›

The U.S. stock market is considered to offer the highest investment returns over time. Higher returns, however, come with higher risk. Stock prices typically are more volatile than bond prices.

What is the number 1 rule investing? ›

Warren Buffett once said, “The first rule of an investment is don't lose [money]. And the second rule of an investment is don't forget the first rule. And that's all the rules there are.”

Where is the safest place to invest $100,000? ›

Types of assets to invest in
  • Property. On the assumption that you are looking to invest for income then buy-to-let is one option. ...
  • Cash. Although a lot of people think of cash as the starting place when looking to invest for income it can be the eventual destination. ...
  • Peer-to-Peer lending. ...
  • Equities. ...
  • Bonds.
Apr 22, 2024

How to get a 15 percent return on investment? ›

According to the 15X15X15 formula, you have to invest Rs 15,000 every month for 15 years in a scheme in which, you can get the interest at the rate of 15 per cent. Here, we are talking about investing in SIP because getting a 15 per cent return in the long term in SIP is not a big deal.

Should a 70 year old be in the stock market? ›

Conventional wisdom holds that when you hit your 70s, you should adjust your investment portfolio so it leans heavily toward low-risk bonds and cash accounts and away from higher-risk stocks and mutual funds. That strategy still has merit, according to many financial advisors.

What is the safest investment of all time? ›

Treasuries are generally considered"risk-free" since the federal government guarantees them and has never (yet) defaulted. These government bonds are often best for investors seeking a safe haven for their money, particularly during volatile market periods.

What are three very risky investments? ›

While the product names and descriptions can often change, examples of high-risk investments include: Cryptoassets (also known as cryptos) Mini-bonds (sometimes called high interest return bonds) Land banking.

Where is the best place to put money in 2024? ›

The safest place to put money is in an interest-earning bank account at an FDIC-insured bank or an NCUA-insured credit union. There's no risk of losing your money. You'll find the best interest rates at online banks. Government securities like T-bills and I Bonds are also considered safe options.

Which funds will perform best in 2024? ›

Best 10 Performing Funds in Q1 2024
FundMedalist RatingCategory
GQG Partners US EquitySilverUS Large-Cap Blend Equity
GQG Partners Global EquityGoldGlobal Large-Cap Growth Equity
Neuberger Berman 5G CnnctvtyBronzeSector Equity Technology
IFSL Meon Adaptive GrowthNeutralGlobal Large-Cap Blend Equity
6 more rows
Apr 4, 2024

Should I buy tips in 2024? ›

TIPS may be timely given current inflation rates. Kiplinger expects inflation to average 2.4% by late 2024 (which is a smidge below its 30-year average). Inflation-protected securities work differently than traditional Treasuries.

How do I get 10% interest on my money? ›

Here's my list of the 10 best investments for a 10% ROI.
  1. How to Get 10% Return on Investment: 10 Proven Ways.
  2. High-End Art (on Masterworks)
  3. Invest in the Private Credit Market.
  4. Paying Down High-Interest Loans.
  5. Stock Market Investing via Index Funds.
  6. Stock Picking.
  7. Junk Bonds.
  8. Buy an Existing Business.
Feb 1, 2024

What is 10 cash on cash return? ›

It is a fairly simple calculation that is reached by dividing the annual pre-tax cash flow by the total cash invested. For example, if an investor puts $100,000 cash into the purchase of an apartment building and the annual pre-tax cash flow they receive is $10,000, then their cash-on-cash return is 10%.

Is 10% return on investment realistic? ›

While 10% might be the average, the returns in any given year are far from average. In fact, between 1926 and 2024, returns were in that “average” band of 8% to 12% only eight times. The rest of the time they were much lower or, usually, much higher.

How to calculate 10% return on investment? ›

Calculating ROI involves determining the gain from your investment relative to the cost of your investment. Let's simplify it with an example. Assume you invested $1,500 in a venture and later, it's worth $1,650. Your ROI is then ($1,650 – $1,500) / $1,500 = 10%.

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