7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (2024)

I recently discovered hibiscus tea and completely fell in love with it. But unlike other herbal teas, there are both benefits from hibiscus tea and also some risks.

As it turns out, this vibrant coloured tea doesn’t affect everyone the same way. What can be a benefit to some, is actually a risk for others.

I’ll go over everything you should watch out for when drinking hibiscus tea to know whether you should drink it or avoid it altogether.

Not sure how to drink hibiscus tea to add it to your diet? I found these5 different ways to make hibiscus tea, I’m sure there’s at least one you’ll love!

Psst! This blog post contains affiliate links in it which sends me a bit of extra money if you use them… at no extra cost to you!

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (1)
Tea Essentials To Enjoy Hibiscus Tea
Useful Tea Resources

An electric kettle:find at the Bay.com|find on Amazon.com
A teapot & teacup set:from Anthropologie.com
Filters or steeper:DavidsTea.com
A Tea Tasting Journal:Keep Track of the Teas You’ve Tried | Etsy Canada

Tea Bags:Walmart.ca|Walmart.com
Loose Leaf Tea:Amazon.ca|Amazon.com

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5 Delicious Hibiscus Tea Recipes You’ll Want To Try

Disclaimer! Take Everything With a Grain of Salt

I’m not a doctor! I’m a tea enthusiast that researched the hibiscus tea benefits and risks to share with you. If you have any pre-existing health conditions, or are unsure if you should drink hibiscus tea, I urge you talk to your doctor before trying anything.

It’s also important to note that although hibiscus has been around for centuries, it’s only recently been the subject of scientific study. Because of this, there isn’t as much information out there on hibiscus tea as there is on green, or even black teas.

On top of that, the studies that have been conducted didn’t all involve human trials or even the tea form of the plant. Most of them either use animals or test tubes and are using hibiscus extracts or supplements.

This is just something to keep in mind, as this can still give us a good idea of the potential hibiscus tea benefits and risks.

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (2)

What Is Hibiscus Tea?

Hibiscus tea comes from steeping the petals of the hibiscus flower. Hibiscus is a flowering plant from the mallow family, found in tropical climates around the world. The flower, and sometimes its leaves, are dried out to use for tea.

When steeped, the water becomes a beautiful, rich, deep red and has a refreshing, tart flavour.

Interested in trying some hibiscus tea, traditional medicinals is my favourite hibiscus tea bag (find it one Amazon here). If you’re interested in buying loose leaf dried hibiscus to steep, you can buy it here on Amazon.

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (3)

What Are The Hibiscus Tea Side Effects?

1. Contains Antioxidants [Benefit]

Out of all herbal teas, hibiscus actually has the highest amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants help repair damaged cells (I talk all about them in my post on how tea can actually help you live longer).

In one study using hibiscus extract on rats, their antioxidants increased and the harmful effects of free radicals were reduced by up to 92%.

Hibiscus also contains a specific type of antioxidant called anthocyanin. This type of antioxidant is also found in berries. It’s what gives them their nice, red colour, and has been linked to reducing your risk of chronic diseases.

Read more about thelink between antioxidants and hibiscus.

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (4)

2. Lowers Blood Pressure [Benefit & Risk]

Studies on hibiscus tea and blood pressure are some of the only ones done with human subjects. Although all the results showed that this plant can indeed help lower high blood pressure, it can also be dangerous to anyone who’s BP is already low.

This applies to those already taking medication to lower blood pressure; avoid hibiscus! You don’t want your blood pressure becoming too low and you risk other side effects (like hallucinations).

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (5)

3. Lowers Blood Sugar [Benefit & Risk]

Unlike blood pressure studies, there haven’t been any human trials yet for links between blood sugar and hibiscus. These studies were conducted on rats. Nevertheless, they still saw a significant change.In a 2013 rat study with hibiscus extracts, 12% of the diabetic rats saw a decrease in blood glucose. Interestingly, the non-diabetic rats saw no change at all.

They learned that hibiscus tea is a good drink for those with Type2 diabetes to help regulate their blood sugar levels.Just like having low blood pressure, decreasing your blood sugar levels too much comes with its own risks.

Don’t drink it if you’re already taking medication to regulate your blood sugar. And you should also avoid it if you’re having, or recovering from, surgery. Apparently, your blood sugar levels can be hard to control in those situations.

Where To Buy Hibiscus Tea

In Canada:Walmart.ca|Amazon.ca
In the U.S.:Walmart.com|Amazon.com

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (6)

4. Affects Cholesterol [Benefit]

During the blood sugar rat trials, the hibiscus extract also affected the rats’ cholesterol levels. In fact, a lot of people with diabetes also suffer from high blood fat levels (high “bad” cholesterol).So more studies were done and showed that hibiscus doesn’t just affect cholesterol levels of those with diabetes but even affected those without.

The only odd thing was that each study had different results.In one study, “bad” cholesterol decreased, but in others, it only increased “good” cholesterol and had no effect on the “bad”.

There’s definitely a link between the two, we just don’t know how to get consistent results. More studies need to be done to really figure it out.

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (7)

5. Benefits Of Hibiscus Tea On Overall Heart Health

Hibiscus does more than lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. If kept at constant low levels, these benefits will lead to better heart health.

It’s important to keep your blood pressure at a stable level because over time high blood pressure can put unnecessary strain on your heart. This weakens it and increases your chances of heart disease.

High blood sugar and fat levels can also lead to stroke and heart disease. So once again, it’s important to regulate.

What You’ll Need To Make Hibiscus Tea On Amazon

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (8)7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (9)

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (10)7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (11)

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7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (14)7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (15)

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (16)

6. Affects Your Weight [Benefit]

There have been a few trials that found hibiscus affected your weight. It either helped withweight loss or prevented weight gain.

Hibiscus Promotes Weight Loss

A human trial in Taiwan used hibiscus extract for 12 weeks and all subjects saw a change. Results included reduction in overall body weight, body fat, and hip to waist ratio.It turns out hibiscus actually contains a few anti-obesity properties.

Hibiscus activates the AMPK compound which is found in many anti-obesity drugs. Once activated, it stimulates the breakdown of fats.

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (17)

Hibiscus Can Prevent Weight Gain

We already know that hibiscus lowers your blood sugar, but as a bonus side effect, this actually helps prevents weight gain as well.Low blood sugar decreases your appetite and motivates a healthy metabolism. This stops you from overeating; preventing you from further weight gain.

Hibiscus tea also has zero calories if you don’t add any sweeteners. It makes the perfect thirst-quenching replacement to our beloved sodas and fruit juices and it’s a step up from drinking plain water.If you can’t drink it without adding a sweetener, try adding a lemon wedge instead! Or see my recipes for how to enjoy hibiscus tea!

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (18)

7. Induces Menstruation [Benefit & Risk]

Hibiscus also affects estrogen. This means that drinking hibiscus tea can actually induce menstruation.This is one of the examples of a hibiscus tea side effect that is beneficial to some but a risk to others.

For some women, inducing menstruation is a good thing. If you have an irregular cycle it can actually help regulate your period. Or, even if you’re already regular, you can brew a cup of hibiscus tea to help with cramps.

But hibiscus tea risks are high for pregnant women. By inducing menstruation it increases your chance of having a miscarriage.Even if you’re only trying to conceive, it’s still not advised to drink hibiscus tea. It could make your chances of conception a lot harder.

You should also avoid hibiscus if you’re taking any birth control pills or are breastfeeding.Continue reading about the relationship betweenhibiscus tea and menstruation.

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (20)

8. AntiBacterial Properties [Benefit]

Hibiscus tea doesn’t just look or taste like cranberry juice, it also has the same healing properties.Like cranberry juice, hibiscus works wonders for getting rid of and preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs).

I won’t go into the details for this one (but you can find more info here), or just know that it has anti-bacterial properties!

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (21)

9. Interacts With Medications [Hibiscus Tea Risks]

Because hibiscus is an herb, it can interact with medications, bringing added risks. The most concerning interaction is with acetaminophen (the active ingredients in Tylenol).There haven’t been enough studies to fully describe the risks yet, but we know that both are processed in your liver. So there are concerns that it could be very toxic.It’s probably best to stay away from mixing Tylenol and hibiscus in the meantime.

And as I said before, don’t drink hibiscus tea if you’re on medication for blood pressure or blood sugar. The combination of both can lower either one too much.

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (22)
Printable Kitchen Tea Wall Art For Your Home

Keep Calm And Drink Tea – 5 sizes and 4 colours

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (23)

Does Hibiscus Tea Cause Hallucinations?

There have been some reports of people claiming to feel woozy after drinking hibiscus tea. It’s happened often enough that the terms ‘hibiscus drunk‘ and ‘hibiscus intoxication‘ have been created.

To date, there isno scientific evidenceof hibiscus tea side effects making people drunk and/or causing hallucinations.

A common theory for why ‘hibiscus intoxication’ happens is that it’s result of peoples’ blood pressure becoming too low. As I mentioned, hibiscus tea is known for lowering your blood pressure.

When your blood pressure becomes too low, this can lead you to feeling light headed, and well, drunk, and possibly hallucinating.

7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (24)

How Much Hibiscus Tea Can You Drink?

If you’re not at risk health wise by drinking hibiscus tea, it’s still best not to overdo it. There still isn’t enough research done on hibiscus tea, so it’s recommended to limit your consumption to 2-3 cups per day.

So are you going to take the hibiscus tea plunge? Buyloose leaf Hibiscus teaortea bagstoday!

What You’ll Need To Make Hibiscus Tea At Home (Amazon)

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7 Shocking Benefits and Risks From Hibiscus Tea | (2024)


What are the risk of drinking hibiscus tea? ›

What are the risks of taking hibiscus? Side effects. Hibiscus may cause blood pressure to drop. It has also been linked to dermatitis, headache, nausea, and ringing in the ear.

What happens if you drink hibiscus tea everyday? ›

Some studies show that drinking hibiscus tea may help reduce systolic blood pressure levels compared to a placebo. Other studies show that it may help to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Some studies show that hibiscus tea may reduce cholesterol levels — another risk factor of heart disease.

What are the benefits and side effects of hibiscus tea? ›

As a tea, it may be beneficial for high blood pressure. The fruit acids in Hibiscus sabdariffa might work like a laxative. Other chemicals in Hibiscus sabdariffa might be able to lower blood pressure, reduce levels of sugar and fats in the blood, reduce swelling, and work like antibiotics.

Who shouldn't drink hibiscus tea? ›

Hibiscus tea should be completely avoided by infants under six months—who should only be getting breast milk—as well as kids with kidney failure, who can't efficiently excrete it. There is also a concern about the impressive manganese level in hibiscus tea.

What does hibiscus tea do to the brain? ›

Drinking a glass of warm hibiscus tea on a daily basis elevates brain power, memory, concentration and boosts moods, thereby alleviating depression, anxiety, for improved nervous system functions and heightened productivity at work and home.

Is hibiscus harmful to humans? ›

No part of the Hibiscus plant, the leaves or the flowers, are poisonous to humans, so it is safe to have the plant around children, toddlers, and babies.

When should you not drink hibiscus tea? ›

And as I said before, don't drink hibiscus tea if you're on medication for blood pressure or blood sugar. The combination of both can lower either one too much.

What happens when you drink hibiscus tea in an empty stomach? ›

According to the Bastyr Center for Natural Health, a study of 70 hypertensive patients found that those who drank 2 cups of hibiscus tea in the morning on an empty stomach experienced improved conditions for one month, compared with those who took high blood pressure medication.

Is hibiscus toxic to liver? ›

Hibiscus tea is toxic to the liver in extremely high doses. Toxicity was seen at such high doses, however, that it would probably be difficult to consume that much in tea form.

Is hibiscus tea good for the kidneys? ›

So the next time you find yourself reaching for a cup of tea whether steaming hot or ice cold consider relaxing with a cup of hibiscus. Not only will the extra dose of antioxidants help keep your cells strong and healthy but your kidneys and urinary tract will also thank you for the health benefits this herb provides.

Does hibiscus tea interact with any medications? ›

Taking Hibiscus sabdariffa with losartan might increase the levels of losartan in the body. This might increase the effects and side effects of losartan. Hibiscus sabdariffa might lower blood sugar levels. Taking Hibiscus sabdariffa along with diabetes medications might cause blood sugar to drop too low.

Can you drink hibiscus tea while taking blood pressure medication? ›

Health Risk

Drinking hibiscus tea daily may drop your systolic blood pressure. Avoid drinking hibiscus tea if you are taking medication for hypertension and low blood pressure unless your doctor tells you its ok.

Which is healthier green tea or hibiscus tea? ›

In a comparison of the antioxidant content of 280 common beverages, hibiscus tea, derived from the flower of the same name and also known as roselle, sorrel, jamaica, or sour tea, ranked number-one, even beating out the oft-lauded green tea.

Is hibiscus tea good for arthritis? ›

Many animal studies and some small-scale human studies have demonstrated that hibiscus may be effective at fighting inflammation. This can help prevent cancer, Alzheimer's, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and heart disease.

Does hibiscus tea affect hormones? ›

Hibiscus may also promote hormonal balance, and help reduce common PMS symptoms, such as anxiety and irritability. The next time your period gets you down, whip up a warm cup of hibiscus and ginger tea!

What can hibiscus cure? ›

Hibiscus is used for treating loss of appetite, colds, heart and nerve diseases, upper respiratory tract pain and swelling (inflammation), fluid retention, stomach irritation, and disorders of circulation; for dissolving phlegm; as a gentle laxative; and as a diuretic to increase urine output.

Does hibiscus help memory? ›

Hibiscus prevented memory impairment, and this could be attributed to the amelioration of STZ-induced neuroinflammation and amyloidogenesis.

Is hibiscus tea good for nerves? ›

Hibiscus tea contains vitamins and minerals like flavonoids which have antidepressant properties. Consumption of hibiscus tea can help to calm down the nervous system, and it may reduce anxiety and depression by creating a relaxed sensation in the mind and body.

Is there a poisonous hibiscus? ›

In most cases, hibiscus is non-toxic for pets, but the Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) is a type of hibiscus that can be harmful to your furry friend. If a dog ingests a significant amount of this hibiscus' flower, they can experience nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Does hibiscus tea reduce belly fat? ›

Hibiscus tea may be an effective herbal remedy for weight loss. It has shown potential in preventing weight gain, promoting belly fat burning, and reducing fat absorption. Hibiscus could possibly lower cholesterol and triglycerides, too.

Does hibiscus tea affect sleep? ›

Though hibiscus tea is free of caffeine, the sleep inducing effects of hibiscus are due to its anxiolytic and sedative properties. The reduction of stress and anxiety puts your body in a relaxed state, making it easier to fall asleep when the time comes. There will be no tossing and turning after consuming this tea.

Is it better to drink hibiscus tea hot or cold? ›

It normalizes the blood pressure, and digestion, and is great to cleanse the blood from harmful substances. However, drinking hibiscus is still better cold, or warm, temperature not above 40 degrees.

Does hibiscus tea make you urinate more? ›

As a diuretic, hibiscus can make you pee more often.

Hibiscus is a natural diuretic9 , so it promotes urination—especially when consumed as a tea. And though peeing on the regular is great for preventing urinary tract infections, drinking hibiscus tea might make you pee more than you're used to.

What Herb is linked to liver damage? ›

In fact, some common herbs could cause toxic liver disease. Watch out for supplements that contain aloe vera, black cohosh, cascara, chaparral, comfrey, ephedra, or kava.

Is hibiscus tea high in iron? ›

Good source of iron

Hibiscus is a great source of iron, which can help improve energy and focus, boost the immune system, regulate body temperature, and much more. Low iron levels can result in anemia and other health issues. People who menstruate or are over 65 may be at increased risk for low levels of iron.

Is hibiscus tea good for your bladder? ›

A Potent New UTI Intervention

Hibiscus boasts a range of powerful compounds that prevent E. coli from adhering to the urinary tract and bladder wall linings. Both the flower and calyx are abundant in bacteriostatic polyphenols, including flavonoids, sambubiosides, and proanthocyanidins.

Does hibiscus tea clean arteries? ›

Hibiscus tea was found to be both hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic, meaning that it lowers blood-sugar levels and lipid levels in the blood, helping to prevent clogged arteries and lower heart disease risk.

How long before hibiscus tea Lowers blood pressure? ›

Hibiscus tea has been repeatedly shown to lower blood pressure in those with existing high blood pressure. Their blood pressure decreased around 10% systolic and 12% diastolic. The effect may be noticeable after just two weeks.

What are the healing properties of hibiscus tea? ›

Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea
  • 1) Cholesterol. Sipping on hibiscus tea can work wonders when it comes to cutting down on your cholesterol levels. ...
  • 2) Antioxidants. ...
  • 3) Lower Blood Pressure. ...
  • 4) Weight Loss. ...
  • 7) Liver Health. ...
  • 8) Cancer. ...
  • 9) Bacteria. ...
  • 10) Vitamins.
27 Jan 2021

Does hibiscus tea affect estrogen? ›

Studies prove that low estrogen present in the body causes menopause. Therefore, in this case, Hibiscus tea shows estrogenic effects by promoting phytoestrogens which prevent menopause. Therefore, Hibiscus tea is a very effective drink for women suffering from Menstrual cramps and Menopause.

Does hibiscus affect heart rate? ›

Cold Hibiscus beverages acutely lowered the systolic blood pressure significantly by 5.57±10.76 mmHg after 15 min. and lowered the mean blood pressure significantly by 3.43±6.98 (p=0.007) after 30 minutes without significant changes in heart rate or postural changes or reported side effects among adult females.

What kind of tea is best for blood pressure? ›

Some of the best teas for high blood pressure include chamomile, lavender, rose, and hibiscus. These teas are known for their ability to lower blood pressure and improve heart health. You can enjoy any of these teas by steeping them in hot water for a few minutes. Then, simply drink and relax.

What tea has most health benefits? ›

Best for Overall Health: Green Tea

“Green tea is the champ when it comes to offering health benefits,” says Czerwony. “It's the Swiss Army knife of teas.

What is the most healthiest tea to drink? ›

Green Tea. Green tea is often touted as the healthiest tea. It is chock full of polyphenols and antioxidants that help to boost brain and heart health. Green tea is considered one of the least processed true teas as it does not undergo oxidation.

What is the best tea to drink for your heart? ›

Black and green tea are associated with a lower risk of heart attack and stroke, and short-term studies suggest it's good for your blood vessel health.

What is the best tea for arthritis? ›

Tea is one of the best beverages for arthritis patients due to its many health benefits. Green, black and white teas are all rich in anti-inflammatory compounds like polyphenols. Green tea is generally viewed as the most beneficial because of its active ingredient “epigallocatechin-3-gallate” or EGCG.

Does hibiscus tea increase serotonin? ›

The flavonoids in Hibiscus known as Anthocyanadins have been shown to stimulate dopamine, noradrenalin and serotonin production in the brain which in turn acts to reduce anxiety and depression in animal studies.

Is hibiscus tea hard on the kidneys? ›

The antioxidants found in hibiscus not only support a healthy heart, but also protect other important organs of the body. For instance, free radicals can be harmful to the kidneys; however, some studies found that the antioxidants in hibiscus were helpful in restoring and supporting damaged kidneys.

Can hibiscus cause liver damage? ›

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers hibiscus safe when consumed in food. However, it's possible to have an allergic reaction to the plant. In very high doses, hibiscus may cause liver damage.

Can hibiscus tea damage your kidneys? ›

This study reveals that HS tea consumption had no deleterious effects on the kidney. However, further studies may be necessary in understanding the full potentials of HS tea consumption on human health.

What teas cleanse the kidneys? ›

Dandelion tea, red clover, goldenrod, juniper, marshmallow root, burdock root, and nettles. These herbs may act as diuretics, which helps flush out the kidneys and remove excess waste.

Does hibiscus purify blood? ›

Hibiscus is an incredible flower that helps in cleansing the blood and improves the blood circulation in the system. Drink a glass of hibiscus tea or sherbet to naturally purify the blood and boost metabolism.

Is hibiscus tea good for gut health? ›

Hibiscus tea has been traditionally used to improve digestion. It regularizes both urination and bowel movements. Since it has diuretic properties, it is also used to treat constipation, which helps you lose weight and improve the health of your gastrointestinal system and avoid colorectal cancer.

Does hibiscus tea detox the liver? ›

“Both human and animal studies have shown that hibiscus may prevent liver damage. Some showed decreased markers of liver damage and some showed an increased concentration of detoxifying enzymes in the liver,” says Michalczyk.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.