7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (2024)

Nestled in Alaska’s permafrost Interior, Fairbanks, Alaska is an adventurous community that attracts visitors from all over the world. While it is not the typical mountainous scenery that most people imagine when traveling to Alaska, Fairbanks has its own share of breathtaking scenery and miles of wild and untouched nature. It is also where I called home for almost two years. While being stationed at Eielson AFB was not without it’s hardships (hello, -50 degree weather), it also allowed me the opportunity to explore and discover both the popular tourist destinations in the area, and those that are favored by the locals when the tourism season comes to a close. Here are a few of the best things to do in Fairbanks Alaska that you don’t want to miss!



  1. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (2)dcvaughan says

    I have wanted to go to Alaska FOR FOREVER!!! I am hoping my fiance and I can make the trip in Summer 2018. We have put it off for four years!!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (3)Christina says

      You should definitely come if you can! It is absolutely beautiful, you won’t regret it!


  2. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (4)Cathy Mini says

    When I went to Alaska this summer, I sadly only had one night in fairbanks and didn’t even have time to explore. I’ll have to keep these in mind for our next trip!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (5)Christina says

      I’ve noticed that a lot with the cruise ships, they don’t seem to spend enough time here. Hopefully on your next trip you’ll have a chance to do some more exploring!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (7)Christina says

      Thank you, I’m so glad you liked it!


  3. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (8)missairportsandpassports says

    These are all great suggestions. I’m going to miss the Northern Lights when I visit Iceland in May, but I hope to catch them when I visit Alaska. So cool that you were able to see reindeer!! I’ve recently added this to my list.


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (9)Christina says

      Thank you! There are lots of reindeer up here, I was pretty surprised! I think the Northern Lights will be the number one thing I miss when we leave Alaska. I hope you are able to catch them while you are here!


  4. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (10)Rimsha says

    Alaska has been on my bucket list for AGES. I want to visit even more now after reading your post. And the things to do look awesome! Not a kid anymore but would love to pay Santa Claus house a visit hehe


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (11)Christina says

      I hope you made it or are closer to your trip now! Not going to lie, I actually liked going to the Santa Claus House, but we usually saved it for after the summertime when it wasn’t packed with tourists! 🙂


  5. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (12)Chelsea says

    It looks absolutely gorgeous. Alaska is on my list to visit one day and experience the Northern Lights.


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (13)Christina says

      That’s an awesome goal, you will not be disappointed! The Northern Lights were incredible, even after two years of living there, they never got old when they lit up the sky!


  6. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (14)It's Megan says

    Okay I already wanted to visit Alaska, and this just amplified that! Santa Claus House!!?


  7. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (16)thecuriouscowgirl says

    I’ve never been to Alaska….but your pictures are completely fabulous, and you have inspired me to plan a trip!!!!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (17)Christina says

      Thank you so much, I’m so happy to hear that! Alaska has so much to offer, it really is an incredible experience!


  8. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (18)Nathan Anderson says

    That Alaskan Salmon Bake place sounds like exactly my cup of tea — I’m willing to splurge a bit on food, as it’s one of my favorite things in the world 🙂

    I love those shots of Denali National Park as well! Did you manage to do any hiking there?


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (19)Christina says

      Thanks so much! We hiked along Savage River at Mile 15 several times. It’s right before an area known for grizzly activity. We did see several sheep, moose, and a herd of caribou. However, we never made it farther because the bus tours are pretty lengthy (some 8 hours round-trip) and my daughter was 2-3 years old at the time. When the kids are a little older, it would be great to go back in and explore deeper. I would love to see some Denali wolves!


  9. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (20)kristen says

    my in-laws just got back from an alaskan vacation and I have the ultimate travel envy! Your post just made me want to go even more!! Looks like such a fun trip!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (21)Christina says

      That’s so awesome, I bet they can give you some great tips too! I hope you make it up there, it is really an amazing experience!


  10. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (22)Chelsea R. says

    Wow, this looks like an incredible place to visit some day!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (23)Christina says

      It definitely is! If you have the chance to make it someday, I highly recommend it!


  11. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (24)savvysouthernchic says

    That’s an amazing list of things to do! My hubby wants to go somewhere cold, so maybe we should consider this.


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (25)Christina says

      Fairbanks was named the coldest city in the U.S., so it doesn’t get any better than that! However, I realized after living there that a lot of people don’t realize how hot it gets there in the summer, particularly Fairbanks. I watched the city go from 90 degrees in the summer (no air conditioning) to -50 a few months later that winter, so it can be pretty extreme!


  12. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (26)Rosemary says

    I really didn’t know much about Fairbanks Alaska before reading your indepth article. Good to know the state bird is the “mosquito.” Not fun for me. The natural beauty is spectacular. What a great adventure you are having in Alaska.


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (27)Christina says

      I’m glad to hear you learned some new things! The mosquitos were pretty awful, but the thermocell is a lifesaver. Plus the portable ones you can take with you anywhere you go so it comes in handy a lot!


  13. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (28)Jennifer Penas says

    Alaska has always been on our list of places to visit! Oh what I wouldn’t give to see those Northern lights! Great photos and places to visit!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (29)Christina says

      I can definitely understand that appeal to visit Alaska. The Northern Lights are incredible to witness, it will have been well worth the wait when you make it up there!


  14. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (30)healthyfitcouple.com says

    Alaska is so beautiful! We have been wanting to take an Alaska cruise.


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (31)Christina says

      We never did a cruise, but it seems like such a great way to travel around the state! Fairbanks is landlocked but a lot of the cruise ships have buses that drop guests off in Fairbanks to explore as one of the stops. Plus it allows you to see the awesome whales and marine life Alaska has as well.


  15. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (32)confettiandbliss says

    I have goose bumps on my arms after reading your fabulous post and viewing all of these gorgeous images of Alaska. This destination has been on my bucket list for sooo long. I really hope I can travel there soon. My heart is filled with wanderlust!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (33)Christina says

      That is such a sweet compliment, thank you! There is so much to see in Alaska, I’m sure you will not be disappointed when you make it up there!


  16. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (34)Patricia @ Grab a Plate says

    What fabulous photos! I would love to visit one day (and see the Northern Lights — how amazing)!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (35)Christina says

      Thank you! The Northern Lights were probably my favorite thing about living in Alaska, followed by close to 24 hours of daylight in the summer. It was difficult getting used to darkness in the summertime after we moved away!


  17. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (36)Renée ♥ says

    Years ago when my kids where young, we drove up AlCan one year from Oregon and stopped in Fairbanks. It was such a lovely town, and I wish we could have spent more time there. The girls Loved the Santa House! The highlight of our visit though was when got to visit with a lady who had sled dog pups – that was a real memory maker!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (37)Christina says

      That’s quite a roadtrip, but really beautiful from what I’ve heard! Those are some amazing memories! The sled dogs and their puppies are awesome. We didn’t make it to the Iditarod, even when it changed to start in Fairbanks, and I’m kicking myself for that now!


  18. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (38)Kasey Ma says

    SOOOOO beautiful! I want to visit Alaska so bad. I want to go with my whole family, but it’s so hard to coordinate with everyone.

    Kasey Ma


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (39)Christina says

      I agree it can be difficult to get everyone together. Maybe a cruise would work well for your family in the future. I hope you get the chance to visit someday either way!


  19. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (40)Amanda Kruse says

    Alaska is at the top of my bucket list! It’s so beautiful!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (41)Christina says

      Yes, it is! I love how different it is too. Fairbanks is on permafrost and mostly flat, but down in Anchorage you’re right on the water with mountains in the background.


  20. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (42)Diana Tidswell says

    Wow, such a nice place to visit and I am glad that you tried to do a lot of things in this place. I will def add this to my bucket list and hope to be there soon!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (43)Christina says

      I love hearing that! We lived there for 2 years and I still don’t think we got to see everything that we could in our time there, although we did try!


  21. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (44)No Compass Necessary says

    Great pictures! What an amazing place to be. We went on a cruise to Alaska 10 years ago!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (45)Christina says

      That’s awesome! I’ve heard great things about the cruises in Alaska. I think next time we go back to visit that might be the way to go!


  22. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (46)Jen says

    You had me at Northern Lights! Alaska seems to have so much natural beauty right here in the US, I’m going to bump it up on my bucket list!


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (47)Christina says

      That’s awesome! I heard they had an amazing lights show last night across the state. It’s definitely worth checking out!


  23. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (48)Brittany Nicole says

    I haven’t been to Fairbanks since I was about 10 years old (18 years, holy smokes!) but I remember it being very beautiful! xo, Brittany Nicole | http://www.theblistblog.com


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (49)Christina says

      That’s so great that you had the opportunity to go there, even if you were younger! I’m sure a lot has changed since then but part of the beauty of Alaska is that the majority of the wild has been left untouched!


  24. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (50)Julia Renfroe says

    I see it next week! I can’t wait! So very excited


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (51)Christina says

      That’s so exciting! You’re going at a great time too as far as your chances to catch the lights. Hope you have an amazing trip!


  25. 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (52)Barbara says

    Since I read you can’t take ThermaCell on the airplanes due to the butane, where can you buy these in Alaska?


    • 7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (53)Christina says

      Hi Barbara, great question! If you are heading to Fairbanks, I’d recommend checking out REI, in Anchorage, Sportman’s Warehouse may carry them. You may also find them at Walmart, Fred Meyer, or Bass Pro. I hope that helps!



  1. […] It always seems like that first year just flies by. His birthday came right after our move from Fairbanks, Alaska down to the Emerald Coast in Florida. We had just closed on our first home and his daddy returned […]


  2. […] Things to Do in Fairbanks, Alaska […]


  3. […] You can read more about our adventures in Alaska here. […]


  4. […] Things to Do in Fairbanks, Alaska […]


  5. […] Heading to Fairbanks? Read these 7 amazing and unique things to do in Fairbanks, Alaska. […]


  6. […] Things to Do in Fairbanks, Alaska […]


  7. […] I visited most of them, except for Fairbanks! So if you’re planning a trip to this region, here’s a great post on amazing and unique things to do in Fairbanks. […]


  8. […] Heading to Fairbanks? Read these 7 amazing and unique things to do in Fairbanks, Alaska. […]


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7 Amazing and Unique Things to Do in Fairbanks Alaska (2024)


What is unique about Fairbanks Alaska? ›

About Fairbanks (Tanana Athabascan: Ch'elaat'uudze Yekh)

At 65 degrees north latitude, Fairbanks is renowned for the northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis, the midnight sun, and sunsets and sunrises that last forever.

What unusual thing happens in Fairbanks Alaska every summer? ›

Annually on June 21st

With Fairbanks a mere 150 miles south of the Arctic Circle, the sun is just beginning to set in the North as the game of baseball gets underway and, at its conclusion some three hours later, the sun begins to rise again - also in the North. It is a phenomenon ever so rare.

How do I spend a day in Fairbanks, Alaska? ›

Or, you can explore on your own on a stand-up paddleboard, kayak, or canoe. Stroll through the historical downtown along the Chena Riverwalk that passes Riverfront Theatre, Fairbanks Curling Club, and Pioneer Park—Alaska's only historical theme park. Here, you can visit museums, Gold Rush buildings, and a carousel.

What food is Fairbanks known for? ›

Many restaurants use local produce, meat and fish in their recipes. Try reindeer sausage or grilled Alaskan salmon alongside home-grown Yukon gold potatoes and sweet baby carrots. Fairbanks is also home to six craft breweries, four distilleries and multiple coffee roasters.

What is unique thing in Alaska? ›

Glaciers. Alaska has an estimated 100,000 glaciers, ranging from tiny cirque glaciers to huge valley glaciers. There are more active glaciers and ice fields in Alaska than in the rest of the inhabited world. The largest glacier is the Malaspina at 850 square miles.

What's the coldest it's ever been in Fairbanks Alaska? ›

The coldest temperature ever recorded in Fairbanks is 66 degrees below zero. Below is a map of locations that have fallen to 70 degrees below zero or colder in their recorded history. One state in the Lower 48 qualifies – Montana. The coldest temperature recorded in Alaska is 80 degrees below zero.

Does it ever get warm in Fairbanks Alaska? ›

While weather in Alaska can sometimes be a bit unpredictable, the summer season (mid-June through mid-August) is usually the mildest and warmest time of our year, especially in the Interior, where temperatures can reach well above 80°F / 27°C and when it is not uncommon to see temperatures reach 90°F / 33° C in ...

Does it get dark in Fairbanks in July? ›

Here in Fairbanks there are 70 straight days of civil twilight—from May 17 to July 27. Continuous, pure sunlight 24/7 for 70 days— imagine that.

Is Fairbanks Alaska cheap? ›

Fairbanks, Alaska's cost of living is 23% higher than the national average.

How many days is enough in Fairbanks, Alaska? ›

With almost endless daylight during the summer months and fantastic northern lights displays during the winter, Fairbanks dazzles visitors all year round. With two days, you'll have plenty of time to see the top sights and also enjoy an outdoor excursion or two.

Is downtown Fairbanks walkable? ›

Fairbanks Community Museum

Downtown Fairbanks is easily walkable. The central part of 2nd Avenue, complete with 1950s throwback Mecca Bar, is essentially the main drag.

What is the most eaten food in Alaska? ›

Fish, oysters and crab are among its most popular catches, and thanks to strict sustainability regulations, Alaskan seafood is some of the freshest in the world. Throw in an array of game meats and dishes originally eaten for survival by the first Alaskan Natives, and you've got quite the diverse culinary scene.

What fruit is Alaska known for? ›

lingonberry ranked the highest! Alaska's berries are better! antioxidants in Alaska's blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, lingonberries, and a basket of other wild fruits Alaskans commonly gather as late summer cools.

What is the number one food in Alaska? ›

Few foods are so deeply connected to Alaska as seafood. Fresh salmon, flaky halibut, and monster king crab draw a lot of attention, and rightly so. Whether steamed, seared or as sushi, this is as fresh as it gets.

Why is Fairbanks called the Golden Heart of Alaska? ›

Discover one of the many reasons Fairbanks is called the “Golden Heart City.” Although Fairbanks has evolved over the last century it continues to embrace its colorful gold rush roots and still has operating gold mines to this day. See the largest public display of gold in the state at the university's museum.

Is Fairbanks the coldest place in Alaska? ›

1. Fairbanks, Alaska. With a minimum average temperature of about minus 17 degrees Fahrenheit, Fairbanks takes the cake as the coldest city in the U.S. The northernmost major city in Alaska, Fairbanks has seen record cold temperatures reaching minus 66 degrees in the past.

Why do people move to Fairbanks Alaska? ›

Known as the "Golden Heart City," Fairbanks Alaska boasts diverse culture, rich history, a thriving population and economy, and plenty to explore! In the summer, go adventure in the land of the midnight sun. In the winter, take in breathtaking views of the aurora dancing in the night sky.

Why is Fairbanks important? ›

As the northern terminus of the Alaska and Richardson highways and the Alaska Railroad and as the southern terminus of the Steese and Elliott highways, Fairbanks is the main supply centre for the booming oil business; it was the construction headquarters for the pipeline.

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Name: Tish Haag

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