6 Ways to Make Hotel Guests Happy - hoteliga (2024)

6 Ways to Make Hotel Guests Happy - hoteliga (1)

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  • 6 Ways to Make Hotel Guests Happy

6 Ways to Make Hotel Guests Happy - hoteliga (5)

17 Sep 2020 hotel-management Paisley Hansen

When guests are looking to book a hotel room, they're assaulted by the sheer number of choices available. Through reviews and booking sites, they can see your premises and learn about your services without even leaving their bedroom. There are countless options at all price points, so it's essential that a hotel stands out in order to snag guests from the competition. If you're looking for more ways to make your hotel guests happy, here are some tips to get you started.

  1. Be Reliable
  2. This may sound redundant, but it is truly that important. Nothing is going to irritate a guest faster than realizing they can't connect to the internet, or there's no hot water. Make sure your basic offerings are fully operational, and have a plan in place for when something goes wrong, like a power outage. Have a water heater company in Castaic on speed dial, and get on a first name basis with the guys at the local cable company. When something goes awry, your response will speak volumes to your guests. Don't forget to offer discounts and special perks to make up for the inconvenience.

  3. Free Amenities

    Amenities speak volumes. Sometimes the deciding factor between two hotels is that one has free breakfast, or one has better internet. Some complimentary snacks or bottles of water could be a game changer. Some guests won't mind the slightly higher price tag if it means they get the more comfortable stay, so think about throwing in some fluffy robes or some luxury brand shampoo bottles. If you don't want to spend a ton of cash, something as simple as a warm cookie at the counter sets the tone for a great stay.

  4. Reward Repeat Guests

    If you have repeat guests, you must be doing something right. Now it's time to keep those customers coming back for more. Offer them discounts, send a holiday or birthday card, and learn their names. A good stay at your hotel is fine, but they'll remember that time you upgraded their room free of charge.

  5. Personalize the Experience

    Take a little time at the beginning of your day to see who is checking in and review their data. See if you can greet someone by name or add their name to a little snack pack. Ask a few questions and find out the reason for their stay. If a couple wants to check out the local beach, send some sunscreen and an inflatable beach ball up to their room. If they want to go mountain biking, leave some energy bars and water bottles. Come up with some little gifts for birthdays and anniversaries. It may not seem like much, but guests will appreciate and remember your forward thinking.

  6. Be Aware of Special Needs

    Some guests may need additional resources, which is why it's so important that you keep up with staff training across all areas. Be conscious of any mobility issues guests may encounter on the premises, and be prepared to offer assistance. Does anyone on your staff speak more than one language? Do you know if the local tourist attraction is accessible for wheelchair users?

  7. Know the Area

    You're likely to have a variety of guests pass through your hotel, so it's important that you know your stuff. You should be prepared to tell parents all about the child-friendly activities within different travel times. You should be prepared to talk up local restaurants, and relay the closing times of popular attractions. Know if street parking is available for the local festival or where the best hiking trails are. Guests enjoy the local perspective and love getting the inside scoop. If you can save them some time, give clear directions, get them coupons to the pizza place or tell them when tickets to the museum are half off, they're likely to sing your praises in their reviews because you made their vacation that much better.

Competition may be fierce, but there's something about your hotel that makes your establishment unique from all the others. When you find fun and unique ways to make guests happier and more comfortable, the more likely you are to build a consistent customer base.

Author: Paisley Hansen

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6 Ways to Make Hotel Guests Happy - hoteliga (2024)
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