6 Tips For Recruiting Teams To Your Brokerage (2024)

6 Tips For Recruiting Teams To Your Brokerage (1)

Recruiting teams to your brokerage is very different from recruiting individual agents which means you are going to need a whole new marketing strategy.

Are you wondering what perks make teams desperate to come aboard?

Do you want to know how to build the most respected reputation in town?

Do you want a passive approach to scaling your brokerage? You’ve come to the right place! Embrace these six tips for recruiting teams to your brokerage and impact more people than you ever dreamed.

The first step in any successful campaign is deciding exactly who you are going to target and then go to work dissecting them. The profile you create of your targeted team avatar should include key metrics like:

  • Their strengths and weaknesses as they pertain to your unique value proposition (USP)

  • Their emotional hot buttons a.k.a. the triggers that make them buy

  • Their internal and external false beliefs about what your brokerage has to offer

  • Their vision for the future of their team and the individual members of their team

  • A picture that represents the typical team you’re after that allows you to deepen your connection with them

Let’s say that you’re targeting up-and-coming teams from the Millennial Generation because they have the eyes and ears and trust of Millennial buyers and sellers. You need to consider the psychosocial factors that have impacted their lives and now drive their buying decisions.

For example,

  • They spent half their childhoods without the internet or social media and half with it.

  • They were the first generation to experience digital advertising from an early age conditioning them for mistrust

  • They experienced 9/11, the war on terrorism, and Columbine which deepened their mistrust of the government, large corporations, and the media

You can use these points to develop the hooks you need and value propositions that will convert like crazy. When all else fails, ask yourself: If I was a part of a team like that, what ONE THING would a broker need to say or offer to me to make it IMPOSSIBLE for me to be with any other brokerage?

One of the biggest stressors for brokers is the never-ending list of things and people demanding their time. The best way to simplify your life, streamline your business, and blow teams away with your abilities is to plug funnels into your business everywhere you can. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Sales & Lead Generation

The best way to recruit teams to your brokerage by blowing them away with your lead generation is to build, buy, or collect a suite of sales funnels and templates. You can use the funnels to attract the teams, generate leads you can give to them, or generate leads for them directly. In fact, you should already have the type of sales funnel your targets’ need and want the most so you can make it a part of your value proposition.


Recruiting used to take hundreds of hours a month but that time is cut to a small fraction when you offer systems and tools that help the teams you’re targeting to recruit more agents to their team. Again, sales funnels will work for this.


Training is a critical priority for teams right now and membership platforms are the best way to save yourself thousands of hours as a broker. With even a simple 1-day membership site, every agent can log in to get training on the topics that matter most, and you can even outsource and crowdsource the content!

Another leading struggle among agents, brokers, and teams alike is their online reputation management and overall web presence. To reach the top of Google and achieve necessary social proof, everyone must be vigilant in collecting reviews and testimonials. However, many fall short because they are uncomfortable asking for them or don’t know how to launch a reputation management campaign that automatically collects testimonials and feedback and either posts the positive review or alerts you to an opportunity to make things right and improve. In addition to clients, ask referral partners, contributors and JV partners, colleagues, and anyone that can contribute to the idea that you can and should be trusted by strangers.

Webinars, when properly executed, are one of the most powerful ways, aside from live events, to scale your brokerage by attracting teams. Create webinars surrounding your targets’ most irritating challenges and how they relate to your brokerage’s proprietary way of doing things and your phone will be ringing off the hook. Just remember, webinars are for teaching people what they need to know but they don’t learn the ins and outs until they sign on. That is the secret to converting with a webinar.

Starting either a YouTube show or Podcast (or both) is one of the most impactful ways to scale both your reputation and your brokerage. Create a show that targets teams and speak to topics that will resonate the most with the specific types of teams you’re hoping to attract. Then interview guests that share your target audience and leverage their list to grow your own. Imagine the whiplash your competitors will feel as you scale at lightning speed without needing any paid advertising!

More than ever, agents are eager to work with a broker that sees things from their perspective, as well as that of their clients. They long to feel the type of loyalty generations of yesteryear felt from their employers. They want to feel heard, supported, recognized, encouraged and important. Begin and end each day by imagining what it would be like to walk in the shoes of one of your agents and you will naturally develop a deeper bond and sense of loyalty through empathy that will attract other teams emphatically.

Recruiting teams is not really all that different than signing a new buyer or seller client; when you provide overwhelming value that can’t be found anywhere else and treat people the way they deserve, you win every time.

Posted on 02/08/2022 at 02:33 AM

6 Tips For Recruiting Teams To Your Brokerage (2024)


6 Tips For Recruiting Teams To Your Brokerage? ›

I'd say the most important things to consider are going to be the splits offered, the back-end technology, and internal referral network.

What is the most important thing in a brokerage? ›

I'd say the most important things to consider are going to be the splits offered, the back-end technology, and internal referral network.

What are three important things you will look for when choosing a broker? ›

Choosing the right online broker requires some due diligence to get the most for your money.
  1. Step 1: Know Your Needs. ...
  2. Step 2: Narrow the Field. ...
  3. Step 3: Figure Out the Fees. ...
  4. Step 4: Test the Broker's Platform. ...
  5. Step 5: How Well Does the Stock Broker Educate Its Clients? ...
  6. Step 6: Ease of Depositing and Withdrawing Funds.

What makes a brokerage successful? ›

Successful brokers are excellent communicators, actively listening to their client's needs and negotiating skillfully to secure the best deals. They leverage real estate finance, technology, and their network to enhance client satisfaction.

What not to tell a broker? ›

Here are the 7 most important things to not tell your realtor when selling.
  • What you think your home is worth. ...
  • Your need to sell quickly. ...
  • Plans for upgrades before selling. ...
  • Non-mandatory legal information about your property. ...
  • You're okay with an inflated history of dual agency. ...
  • Your lowest acceptable selling price.
Apr 12, 2024

What percentage do most brokers take from agents? ›

A common commission split gives 60% to the agent and 40% to the broker, but the split could be 50/50, 60/40, 70/30, or whatever ratio is agreed by the agent and the broker. It is common for more experienced and top-producing agents to receive a larger percentage of the commission.

What is important to brokers? ›

A deep understanding of the market is critical for a business broker to be successful. A broker with a strong understanding of the market will be able to accurately assess the value of a business, find the right buyer and negotiate the best possible terms.

What are 2 benefits to using a brokerage? ›

Pros of Brokerage Accounts
  • Allow Easy Diversification. Brokerage accounts give you the freedom to allocate your investments based on your financial goals and risk tolerance. ...
  • Relatively Liquid. ...
  • Easy to Open. ...
  • No Required Minimum Distributions. ...
  • No Contribution Limits. ...
  • Accounts Are Typically Insured.
Sep 16, 2023

Why a broker is better than an agent? ›

The main difference between an agent and broker is the number of responsibilities they're able to take on. A broker can do everything an agent can do, but they have the added responsibility of making sure all real estate transactions are lawful, all paperwork is accurately completed and all finances are accounted for.

How to be a good broker? ›

7 Habits of Successful Brokers
  1. Habit 1: Communicate Effectively. ...
  2. Habit 2: Stay Organized at Work and at Home. ...
  3. Habit 3: Make Business Planning a Daily Activity. ...
  4. Habit 4: Always Ask. ...
  5. Habit 5: Follow Up, Follow Up, Follow Up. ...
  6. Habit 6: Taking Care of Your Body. ...
  7. Habit 7: Treat Clients With Respect and Warmth.
Dec 15, 2022

What type of broker makes the most money? ›

High Paying Brokerage Professional Jobs
  • Broker. Salary range: $45,000-$131,500 per year. ...
  • Commodity Broker. Salary range: $97,500-$112,500 per year. ...
  • Energy Broker. Salary range: $60,500-$78,000 per year. ...
  • Associate Broker. Salary range: $44,000-$73,500 per year. ...
  • Stock Broker. ...
  • Broker Assistant. ...
  • Brokerage Clerk.

How can I be a good introducing broker? ›

Steps to Becoming a Successful Introducing Broker
  1. 1) Finding a Reputable Broker Partner. ...
  2. 2) Providing Hands-On Support to Referred Clients.
  3. 3) Promoting Your Introducing Broker Business. ...
  4. 4) Building a Referral Network and Community.
  5. 5) Maximizing Your Income as an Established IB.
Jan 3, 2024

How can a brokerage fail? ›

Sometimes brokerage firms fail due to impropriety or through no fault of their own, but often client assets are safe.

How to make a good broker business? ›

Ensure compliance with all financial regulations and industry standards. Build a Team Hire experienced professionals with expertise in broking and finance. Train your team on regulatory requirements and company policies. Marketing and Networking Develop a marketing strategy to attract clients.

What is a good brokerage percentage? ›

The standard commission for full-service brokers today is between 1% to 2% of a client's managed assets. For example, Tim wants to purchase 100 shares of Company A at $40 per share.

How do stock brokers find clients? ›

Add these to your tried and true arsenal and you'll be building a powerful book of business in no time.
  1. Talk to other brokers in your market and surrounding markets. ...
  2. Spend the time to define and refine your target client. ...
  3. Tap into vendors across the commercial real estate industry. ...
  4. Send a newsletter. ...
  5. Publish your work.
Jan 4, 2021

How do brokers get leads? ›

A few real estate lead generation strategies for how to get leads in real estate include the following:
  1. Be active across social media. ...
  2. Create email marketing campaigns. ...
  3. Develop a brand. ...
  4. Form local connections. ...
  5. Build strategic partnerships. ...
  6. Traditional advertising. ...
  7. Build credibility with PR.

How do I market myself as a listing agent? ›

How to Market Yourself as a REALTOR
  1. Generate a Strong Online Presence as a Real Estate Expert. ...
  2. Combine Online Marketing with Postcards for Maximum Effectiveness. ...
  3. Build a Website and Blog. ...
  4. Be Present On Social Media. ...
  5. Use SEO Optimization to Drive Organic Traffic to Your Website. ...
  6. Buy Ads on Google for Quick Traffic.

How do you get brokerage commission? ›

Typically, it is a percentage of the total trade value that is charged as brokerage. Brokers levy this fee over and above the original trade value and deduct it from a trader's portfolio. Such monetary outgo could be substantial depending on the scale of the trade.

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

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Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.