6 Methods to Recycle Blog Posts to Expand Readership (2024)

6 Methods to Recycle Blog Posts to Expand Readership (1)

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Recycling is important, isn’t it? Though most of us aren’t going to chain ourselves to the base of an old oak tree in protest of its removal, generally speaking, people are happy to get involved in some sort of community-driven recycling program.

Sure, we’re not willing to go out of our way to build a cooperative raft from leftover Pepsi bottles or anything quite so extreme, but if it’s simple and effective, we’ll knock it out of the park.

Now for the random, content marketing tie-in – believe it or not, in a roundabout way, recycling old blog postsis somewhat similar.

No, it’s not as important as ensuring that dolphin snouts aren’t getting caught in plastic six pack rings, but the reusing of older blog content is still a worthwhile endeavor for content marketing experts.

Yup, I went there.

So, if you’re tired of old, out-of-date blog posts collecting digital dust in the darkest corner of your blog, do something about it. In fact, when done properly, not only are you able to gain experience with different content types, but your blog will start to drum up a bit of new readership.

A few things to keep in mind before getting started

There’s this idea out there that if an evergreen blog post (must be evergreen, by the way) performed well in the past, it will do so again when put to good use. Obviously, this is a safe bet.

That said, I tend to take things a step further – regardless of whether or not a post did well, it can be reprocessed for digital audiences. The big kicker? It’s got to be of the highest quality. If it sounds like a press release, you’re not going about things in the right way.

6 Methods to Recycle Blog Posts to Expand Readership (2)


Anything else simply won’t suffice.

Seriously, why wouldn’t you give things a second shot? Essentially, by so doing, you’re killing two birds with one stone – a post gets a second shot at blog promotion and you’re doing all you can to grow your current audience.

What more can you really ask for?

6 Effective Ways to Recycle Long-Forgotten Blog Material

Alas, it’s time for the good stuff – the actual things you can do as a content marketer to milk each of your blog posts for the marketing value that they should innately provide.

Admittedly, with this kind of project, there’s bound to be a bit of trial and error involved, so don’t get frustrated should a specific method not produce mind-boggling results.

Just because one of the following tactics fails to work, doesn’t mean the whole lot is bad. Experiment and, in no time at all, you’ll have a good idea as to what works for your blog’s niche.

1.Original social images

You’ve heard it before and, more than likely, you’ll hear it a few more times before your career as a content marketer kicks the proverbial bucket – social images lead to substantially more user engagement. Doesn’t matter if it’s Facebook, LinkedIn or Pinterest, if you include an intriguing image with a post, more clicks are bound to take place.

Take Twitter, for example. If you took the time to conduct a survey for an older blogging project, create a simple graphic outlining the study’s more interesting findings, add the piece’s link at the end of some well-crafted social copy and send it out for your followers to enjoy.

Get creative with this and include seasonal events, societal happenings or influential quotes to create even more awesome social images – all referencing your blog’s original piece as the authoritative source, of course.

6 Methods to Recycle Blog Posts to Expand Readership (3)

(Source:Style Estate)

Needless to say, though each social platform brings with it a unique set of norms and mores, all across the board, this is an awesome way to recycle past posts.

2. Video tutorials on YouTube

At this point, video marketing is about as trendy as it gets.

So popular is the use of audiovisual content that, this year, online video now accounts for 50 percent of all mobile web traffic. Seeing as how video is as big as it’s ever been, you need to make it an integral part of your repurposing efforts.

6 Methods to Recycle Blog Posts to Expand Readership (4)

(Source:Nail Guitar)

However, this might not work for every kind of evergreen post you’ve got tightly tucked away in your editorial archives. When converting aging blog posts into helpful content videos, stick with those of a how-to or step-by-step nature.

Not only will they perform better on YouTube or Vimeo, but you won’t chew up so much time producing the video copy.

3.Clickable LinkedIn articles

If you’re not regularly pushing content through your personal LinkedIn page, you might need to have your head checked. No joke – LinkedIn, even from an SEO perspective, is about as good as a publishing platform gets with both impressive domain and page authority scores.

By way of repurposing older blog pieces though LinkedIn, not only can you attract new niche readers, but you’ll do wonders for your professional reputation.

6 Methods to Recycle Blog Posts to Expand Readership (5)

(Source:Dr. Travis Bradberry)

You don’t need me to tell you how important it is to be widely considered one of those “Thought Leaders” in today’s day and age. LinkedIn is great for doing just that.

Even better, this doesn’t have to be a lengthy activity.

Simply start with an evergreen post you’d run months earlier and summarize its content in a LinkedIn post. After you’ve highlighted some of the original post’s finer points and added a few images and screenshots to spice things up, link back to the article on your website.

4.SlideShare presentations

PowerPoint? Too old. Prezi? Too complex. SlideShare? Just right.

No, this isn’t a second installment of the timeless classic, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” Moreover, it’s yet another killer way to transform old blog posts into exciting material for mass consumption and widespread appeal.

With upwards of 60 million active users and 17 percent of B2B marketers using the image-sharing outlet for marketing purposes, you should too.

(Source:Artillery Marketing)

Don’t have the time to create a full-blown presentation? No worries – simply find an infographic you’d created in the past to accompany a post’s written text and upload it to SlideShare. The program automatically detects that it’s an infographic and files it accordingly.

5.Informative answers via Q&A sites

Q&A sites are awesome. If you haven’t given them a whirl, repent and get to work.

What was once a social sliver dominated by Yahoo! Answers is now currently bigger than it’s ever been before, thanks to the likes of Quora.

To work your blogging magic on Quora or a similar site, create an account and start following topics of which you’re fairly knowledgeable – in other words, the very thing your blog is dedicated to covering.

Do a bit of browsing and once you’ve found a user question that can be accurately answered by one of your older posts, hop on and provide a well-constructed response.

6 Methods to Recycle Blog Posts to Expand Readership (6)


Only, instead of using purely the information you’ve managed to store in your brain’s hippocampus, cite the aforementioned blog post as a source with a well-placed backlink.

6.Webinars, podcasts and Google+ Hangouts

Relax, Google+ isn’t as dead as some so-called “marketing experts” claim it is. Honestly, the best part of the social channel comes from the Hangouts feature.

Says Kristel Cuenta of Search Engine Journal, “Google+ hangouts present an incredible follower-building opportunity for marketers and professionals because it lets you show your expertise through live discussion/Q&A.”

Furthermore, webinars and podcasts–built directly off of your past blogging brilliance – are two additional content forms that users love to engage with.

(Source:One Man’s Blog)

Admittedly, they’re harder to produce, but take the time and effort to create something worthwhile, and you’ll have already distanced your blog from lazier competitors.

Sooner rather than later, make it happen

As the above subheading indicates, the best time to start with the repurposing of your blog’s content was yesterday. Don’t delay. Blogging is an important part of the overall content marketing blueprint.

There’s some urgency with this stuff.

Also, one last tidbit before signing off—feel free to use some creative crossover to really take your repurposing game to the next level. If you see it best to create a SlideShare presentation and then subsequently run it on LinkedIn or Twitter, that’s perfectly fine.

Listen, don’t get me wrong—I’m not saying that the repurposing of your blog content is as important as making certain that lions like the late Cecil can roam the Sub-Saharan desert without stepping on trash.

Why? Well, it just isn’t. In fact, it pales in comparison. Yet, as far as digital marketing is concerned, using old blog content to further build a digital audience is nothing short of essential

So, make it happen.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Whatever the case, hop on down to the comments section below and share your thoughts and feelings. Rest assured, once an engagement has taken place, in no time at all, I’ll make certain to keep the conversation going as best I know how.

Guest Author: Lucas Miller is the Founder ofEchelon Copy. When not writing, editing or running, he’s working tirelessly to perfect what he claims is the “World’s Greatest Pompadour.” Additionally, for what it’s worth, his editorial works have been featured on Social Media Today, Business2Community, Ragan’s PR Daily, Spin Sucks and many other top-tier PR publications.

6 Methods to Recycle Blog Posts to Expand Readership (7)

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6 Methods to Recycle Blog Posts to Expand Readership (2024)


6 Methods to Recycle Blog Posts to Expand Readership? ›

One of the ways you can repurpose your blog content is by transforming its information into a script. You can turn the content into a script for YouTube, podcasting, LinkedIn, or Facebook video. You can then reshare on social media.

How do I recycle blog posts? ›

10 great ways to recycle blog content
  1. Expand a popular blog post into a two-parter. ...
  2. Compile your best evergreen content on a designated page. ...
  3. Promote old evergreen content on social media. ...
  4. Promote your blog content in a newsletter. ...
  5. Feature older blog content in roundup posts.
Mar 3, 2023

How to grow blog readership? ›

How to Get Blog Readership
  1. Determine your blog audience.
  2. Create content that attracts blog readers.
  3. Optimize posts to increase blog traffic.
  4. Convert blog readers to blog subscribers.
  5. Promote your blog to attract new readers.

How to repurpose blog posts? ›

8 Ways to Reuse Old Blog Posts
  1. Turn One Blog Post Into Multiple Posts. I know, I know. ...
  2. Change Up The Format. ...
  3. Breathe Some Fresh Life Into It. ...
  4. Create an eBook. ...
  5. Republish Your Blog Posts. ...
  6. Use Tidbits for Social Media. ...
  7. Create Newsworthy Newsletters. ...
  8. Create a List Post.
Feb 1, 2023

How do I get people to read my blog? ›

How to get more readers for your blog posts.
  1. 1 Craft catchy headlines. ...
  2. 2 Create compelling blog posts consistently. ...
  3. 3 Use call-to-action. ...
  4. 4 Get more readers with a Thunderclap Campaign. ...
  5. 5 Guest post on other blogs. ...
  6. 6 Promote your content on social media sites. ...
  7. 7 Personalize your blog post. ...
  8. 8 Comment on other blogs.

How to effectively repurpose content? ›

Here's a content repurposing framework to help you do it right.
  1. Identify Content Repurposing Opportunities. Your high-performing evergreen content is great for repurposing. ...
  2. Choose the Right Format and Platform for the Piece. ...
  3. Determine Your Target Audience. ...
  4. Optimize the Content for Your Chosen Format and Platform.
Dec 5, 2023

How to repurpose other people's content? ›

How to Use Content That Isn't Yours
  1. Keep it 100% legal. ...
  2. Get an informal OK. ...
  3. Don't ask, but do provide credit and links. ...
  4. Subscribe to stock-image platforms. ...
  5. Use Creative Commons content. ...
  6. Honor takedown requests. ...
  7. Protect your original content. ...
  8. Conclusion.
Jan 26, 2016

How do you build readership? ›

How To Build Your Readership As A Writer
  1. Writing for other people/publications. ...
  2. Optimize your bio. ...
  3. Optimize your website. ...
  4. Understand different mediums. ...
  5. Define a purpose for everything you do. ...
  6. Create relationships. ...
  7. Engage with your current followers. ...
  8. 10% writing, 90% marketing.

How do you amplify a blog? ›

10 Ways to Amplify Your Blog Content
  1. Link to Your Blog in Emails. ...
  2. Write Shareable Snippets & Install Social Icons. ...
  3. Quote Experts. ...
  4. Notify the Others You've Mentioned in your Blog. ...
  5. Submit your Blog Links to Reputable Directories. ...
  6. Contribute to other Publications. ...
  7. Develop Personas for your Target Audiences. ...
  8. Turn Blogs into Images.

What is blog repurposing? ›

Repurposing content is keeping the crux of a piece's idea and adapting it for other social media channels. For example, you distill high-performing old blog posts into Instagram carousel posts. At Buffer, we regularly repurpose content — and one of our core strategies is turning our blogs into social media posts.

Should I archive old blog posts? ›

Consider Archiving if the Content Is…

If you have a blog detailing a program, service, or event that no longer exists or has changed substantially, that content no longer serves the reader. The same is true for any blog post that doesn't agree with your organization's mission and values or contains expired content.

How do you get people to read your content? ›

How to Create Content People Want to Read
  1. Focus your topic. The first step to writing engaging content is selecting a focused topic that's relevant and interesting to your audience. ...
  2. Fulfill the promise of your headline. ...
  3. Write simply and clearly. ...
  4. Write concisely. ...
  5. Break it up. ...
  6. Consider design. ...
  7. Make it accessible.
Apr 18, 2019

Should I delete old blog posts? ›

New and excellent content is given priority by search engines like Google. Your site's SEO can be enhanced by removing old or low-quality posts, as this will focus search engine visibility on the most valuable and relevant content. Consequently, the search engine rankings of your website may improve.

Should you keep old blog posts? ›

Whether your old posts contain outdated information or not, it's important to update or rewrite them from time to time to keep them fresh. That's because Google takes into account the freshness of an article when ranking your content. In general, it will prioritize newer posts over older posts.

Is it okay to delete blog posts? ›

If the post is no longer relevant or provides no value to your readers, deleting it can help keep your blog organized and focused on high-quality content. It can also improve your search engine rankings by removing outdated or low-quality content.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.