50 Quotes About Money - Money Fit (2024)

Table of Contents
Money Talks: Hear What the Famous Have to Say Wisdom on Savings from Todd Christensen Financial Insights from Benjamin Franklin Reflecting on Wealth with Ralph Waldo Emerson Investing in Wisdom with Benjamin Franklin Street Wisdom from Yogi Berra Money Quotes: Benjamin Franklin Money Quotes: George Lorimer Money Quotes: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Money Quotes: Ayn Rand Money Quotes: Eleanor Roosevelt Money Quotes: Franklin D. Roosevelt Money Quotes: Thomas Jefferson Money Quotes: Robert Kiyosaki Money Quotes: Thorton T. Munger Money Quotes: William A. Ward Money Quotes: Alexander Hamilton Money Quotes: Louie Anderson Money Quotes: George Washington Money Quotes: Earl Wilson Money Quotes: Oprah Winfrey Money Quotes: Benjamin Franklin Money Quotes: Groucho Marx Money Quotes: Epictetus Money Quotes: Voltaire Money Quotes: Benjamin Franklin Quotes About Money: Donald Trump Money Quotes: P.T. Barnum Money Quotes: James W. Frick Money Quotes: Pablo Picasso Money Quotes: Charles J. Hare Money Quotes: Eileen & Jon Gallo Money Quotes: Ric Edelman Money Quotes: Bambi Holzer Quotes About Money: Julia Cameron Quotes About Money: Will Rogers Quotes About Money: Nathan W. Morris Quotes About Money: Henry Ford Quotes About Money: Maya Angelou Quotes About Money: Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes About Money: Steve Martin Quotes About Money: Tupac Quotes About Money: Marcus Garvey Quotes About Money: Russell Simons Quotes About Money: Michelle Obama Quotes About Money: Margret Wander Bonanno Quotes About Money: Coco Chanel Quotes About Money: Suze Orman Quotes About Money: Sophia Amoruso Money Quotes: Todd Christensen Quotes About Money: Aristotle Onassis About the Author FAQs
50 Quotes About Money - Money Fit (1)
  • Rick Munster
  • April 5, 2022
  • 4:38 pm

Money Talks: Hear What the Famous Have to Say

Step right into our vibrant collection of 50 hand-picked quotes about money! From the witty remarks of celebrities to the profound insights of authors and artists, we’ve gathered a mix of perspectives that are sure to entertain, inspire, and provoke thought.

As you browse through, you might stumble upon a quote that brings a smile to your face, one that sparks a moment of reflection, or even one that feels like it was penned just for you. It’s a fun exploration of the varied attitudes and opinions people hold about money.

So go ahead, take a leisurely stroll through this garden of words, and see what resonates with you. And don’t hold back if you want to share your thoughts or have a favorite money quote that you didn’t find in our collection. We’re eager to hear from you in the comments section. Happy reading!

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Wisdom on Savings from Todd Christensen

In the words of our very own Todd Christensen, a seasoned Professional Financial Educator:

“Savings is a commitment, not an amount.”

This concise yet powerful statement encourages us to view savings not as a static figure in our bank account, but as a dynamic and ongoing pledge to secure our financial future. It nudges us to cultivate a mindset where we consistently allocate a portion of our income towards savings, fostering financial stability and growth over time.

By adopting this philosophy, we can build a robust financial foundation, where the focus shifts from the accumulation of wealth to the cultivation of a healthy financial habit that stands the test of time.

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Financial Insights from Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and a man of many talents, once cautioned:

“Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.”

This timeless piece of wisdom serves as a metaphorical warning against the dangers of unchecked spending. Just as a small leak can eventually sink a large ship, seemingly insignificant expenses can gradually drain our financial resources. The cumulative effect of these small expenditures can be substantial, potentially leading to financial strain before we even realize the gravity of the situation.

Franklin’s advice encourages us to maintain a vigilant eye on our spending habits, urging us to recognize and address the ‘small leaks’ in our financial ship before they escalate into significant problems. By fostering a mindful approach to spending, we can steer clear of financial pitfalls and navigate toward a more secure and prosperous financial future.

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Reflecting on Wealth with Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson, a prominent American essayist, philosopher, and poet, once penned a profound observation:

“Money often costs too much.”

This succinct statement invites us to ponder the true cost of acquiring wealth. It echoes the sentiment that “time is money,” highlighting the significant investment of time and effort that often accompanies the pursuit of financial gains. These investments, once made, cannot be reclaimed.

Emerson’s quote serves as a gentle reminder to weigh the potential sacrifices against the benefits when striving for financial prosperity. It encourages us to consider whether the pursuit of money is worth the expenditure of our invaluable resources – time and energy. In essence, it nudges us to strike a balance, ensuring that the quest for financial gains does not overshadow the importance of preserving our time and well-being.

By embracing this perspective, we can foster a healthier relationship with money, one that respects the delicate balance between wealth accumulation and the preservation of life’s irreplaceable moments.

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Investing in Wisdom with Benjamin Franklin

Once again drawing from the well of wisdom that is Benjamin Franklin, we find a quote that stands as a testament to the value of education:

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

This insightful remark underscores the unparalleled returns that come from investing in one’s education. Unlike material assets, knowledge is a resource that appreciates over time, continually paying dividends in the form of enhanced skills, deeper understanding, and personal growth.

Franklin’s words encourage us to view education as a lifelong journey, a venture that not only enriches our minds but also equips us with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of the world with discernment and competence. The “interest” accrued from this investment manifests as an ever-expanding reservoir of knowledge and abilities, assets that remain with us throughout our lives, constantly adding value and opening doors to new opportunities.

By embracing a commitment to learning, we set ourselves on a path to personal and professional fulfillment, fostering a future where our well-nourished minds become our greatest assets.

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Street Wisdom from Yogi Berra

Yogi Berra, a legendary baseball player known for his witty and often paradoxical remarks, once humorously noted:

“A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.”

This quirky statement, steeped in Berra’s characteristic humor, offers a candid reflection on the changing value of money in a fluctuating economy. It hints at the erosion of purchasing power over time, where the value of a nickel today might not hold the same weight as a dime in the past.

But Berra’s words are not just a commentary on economic shifts; they also serve as a rallying cry for resilience and ambition. In a world where the goalposts are constantly moving, it encourages us to aim higher, to strive for the ‘dime’ instead of settling for the ‘nickel’. It’s a reminder that, despite the challenges that come with financial progression, a spirit of hard work and determination can propel us forward.

So, instead of lamenting the diminished value of a nickel, we are urged to roll up our sleeves and work towards earning that dime, embodying the grit and perseverance that life often demands. It’s a call to action, inspiring us to adapt and thrive in a constantly evolving economic landscape.

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Money Quotes: Benjamin Franklin

From the father of finance, Benjamin Franklin. He gives a brief account of money and happiness. From this we say, aspire to do your best but don’t let money be what drives you.

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Money Quotes: George Lorimer

Wise words from George Lorimer. Money can bring you financial security and instant recreation but remember to pause and enjoy the priceless moments that money is not a part of.

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Money Quotes: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

From Johann Wolfgang. (Awesome name by the way.) Be mindful of your finances. Don’t just be responsible when you are out of money and out of time.

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Money Quotes: Ayn Rand

Ayn makes a good point about money is a tool to take you anywhere in life, but it all depends on how you use your money. Or… more importantly, how you budget your income.

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Money Quotes: Eleanor Roosevelt

From Eleanor Roosevelt, don’t let money be the most important thing in life. Having friends, family, and purpose… Is more valuable than any amount of financial wealth.

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Money Quotes: Franklin D. Roosevelt

Another reminder from the Roosevelt’s. Money won’t make you happy. Your achievements and the fruits of your labors will be the foundation of your happiness.

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Money Quotes: Thomas Jefferson

Sometimes it’s impossible to avoid going into debt when it comes to buying necessities like a home or a car, however, there should never be a reason to go into debt for things you don’t need.

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Money Quotes: Robert Kiyosaki

The words of a successful philanthropist. If you lose all the money you make, then you did not make any money at all. Invest with due diligence and make your money work for you.

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Money Quotes: Thorton T. Munger

Saving is a learning process, that’s what Thorton T. Munger dictates in this quote. There is a lot more to gain than money when you dedicate a portion of your hard-earned income to a savings account.

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Money Quotes: William A. Ward

A little bit of “before” can do a person a lot of good. That includes managing your financial responsibility. Before you go into debt for any reason, take a moment to think twice about the consequences of doing so.

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Money Quotes: Alexander Hamilton

Staying out of debt is what Alexander Hamilton considers to be sound policy. Meaning if you want to succeed, don’t let debt be your ball and chain. Always make it your priority to pay off any debt before it becomes too much to bear.

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Money Quotes: Louie Anderson

It’s too easy to get into debt, and it’s too difficult to get out of it. One of the biggest lies you’ll tell yourself is how easily you’ll pay off a loan before you borrow.

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Money Quotes: George Washington

We can’t stress this enough. Don’t take out a loan to pay off another loan, it’s one of the worst things you can do in any financial situation.

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Money Quotes: Earl Wilson

Too many couples spend too many years in debts they don’t need. Use your first years of marriage to pay off debt. Don’t let interest be the third wheel that rules your financial life.

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Money Quotes: Oprah Winfrey

Oprah speaks about the importance of good friends and good relationships. Surround yourself with people who don’t care about the luxuries you have but rather enjoy the company you provide.

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Money Quotes: Benjamin Franklin

One of the simplest lessons from Benjamin Franklin. If you spend your money as soon as you earn it, you did not earn it. When you save your money, that’s when you truly have earned it.

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Money Quotes: Groucho Marx

This quote is more of a warning rather than advice. Our advice? Don’t let money rule your life, don’t let what you purchase control who you are. You need to be the one in charge, not money.

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Money Quotes: Epictetus

The Greek Philosopher Epictetus reveals the importance of expelling wants from your life. Find joy in what you have and who you are, and you’ll be wealthier than any tycoon.

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Money Quotes: Voltaire

Voltaire warns of the dangers of a money-centered life. Greed only breeds more greed, and if you seek money then you will be a slave to money. Financial responsibility is the real way to be rich.

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Money Quotes: Benjamin Franklin

What good is a $10 belt that breaks in a month? What value is there in a budget haircut from a beginner? Big savings have no value if the end product has no use.

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Quotes About Money: Donald Trump

Politics aside, it is important to think twice before any investment. Especially if it’s one you don’t need. Don’t miss good opportunities but be smart with your money!

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Money Quotes: P.T. Barnum

The thrill of spending is short-lived. Being proud of the savings you worked for will always be better for your life. It takes effort and discipline, but financial responsibility always pays well at the end of the day.

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Money Quotes: James W. Frick

Take a look at your receipt from last month. Go a step further and break it down into categories. Find out what you prioritize and ask yourself if you think a change is in order.

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Money Quotes: Pablo Picasso

Picasso sought humility but saw the value in financial security. The money you worked for will always have more value than the money you are given. Never look down on someone who has less. Instead, ask yourself if you are a humble enough person.

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Money Quotes: Charles J. Hare

Finding value without the necessity of luxury or entitlement will free you from the burden of seeking approval from your peers and the rest of society. Don’t let commercialism rule your tastes.

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Money Quotes: Eileen & Jon Gallo

Though children shouldn’t need to learn the importance of taxes, bills, and insurance premiums. They ought to have a grasp on the importance of basic fiscal responsibility, like saving.

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Money Quotes: Ric Edelman

It’s easy to blame something you feel is out of your control. Income is always the scapegoat to excuse debt. There’s so much one can do with any form of income. It just takes discipline.

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Money Quotes: Bambi Holzer

Going into a grocery store with a list of what you need is a good example. Going into the same grocery store without a list and an empty stomach is a recipe for the reactive mode Bambi mentions.

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Quotes About Money: Julia Cameron

A wonderfully worded quote detailing the importance of doing what we love as it affects our overall quality of life, money included.

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Quotes About Money: Will Rogers

An iconic quote by Will Rogers takes on the ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ type of spending behavior that keeps so many people either locked in debt or unable to adequately save money.

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Quotes About Money: Nathan W. Morris

Borrowing money often leads to borrowing more money and can drastically impact your overall financial health not only in the short term but well into the future.

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Quotes About Money: Henry Ford

While we’re certainly not advocating a revolution we do find this quote still relevant to this day. The truth is, decades later, many Americans still struggle with understanding how banking and finance work.

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Quotes About Money: Maya Angelou

Maya beautifully states why doing something we love, and giving it our best effort, will demand that others take notice.

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Quotes About Money: Martin Luther King Jr.

Don’t worship riches. Working hard and earning a better income is just fine but it’s when you only work hard to make money. Let your efforts be your reward.

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Quotes About Money: Steve Martin

Not sure what to say here… don’t waste your money but hey, if a $300 pair of socks works within your budget and it makes you happy. Then by all means!

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Quotes About Money: Tupac

Money and Resources can do a lot of good for the world. Make sure you find ways to dedicate even a small portion of your income to those in need.

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Quotes About Money: Marcus Garvey

Money isn’t what leads to success, it’s often a result of it. Work hard and do your best in whatever passion or career you pursue. Be proud of what you’ve done, and be ambitious to do more.

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Quotes About Money: Russell Simons

Financial literacy means understanding how money and personal finance work. Everyone deserves an even footing in this subject. Financial Happiness is part of the American Dream.

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Quotes About Money: Michelle Obama

Life shouldn’t be about the pursuit of money. There’s no real happiness there. Helping others is a source of real joy.

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Quotes About Money: Margret Wander Bonanno

You can have money, but without any time to spend or use it, do you really have any money at all? Time is the most valuable commodity.

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Quotes About Money: Coco Chanel

Many people have money. But the rich will never even have to think about how much they have. Perhaps that’s what it means to be rich.

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Quotes About Money: Suze Orman

You don’t need money to have happiness. Financial security and control of your personal income are important. But you need to master the ability to enjoy the company of yourself. That’s where happiness exists.

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Quotes About Money: Sophia Amoruso

Probably should not have picked such a pretty pair of pumps for the picture. BUT! Having money saved for a rainy day will always be better than being broke with a nice pair of shoes.

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Money Quotes: Todd Christensen

Waiting to save whatever is left at the end of the month never works. Instead, commit to contributing to your savings at the beginning of the month, and your spending will naturally adapt to the remaining cash in your account.

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Quotes About Money: Aristotle Onassis

While it appeared he had all the money in the world, Aristotle knew what matters most, and it wasn’t money.

Did we miss one of your favorite quotes about money? Follow us on Twitter and let us know what your favorite quotes about money are. We may add it to our next update with even more famous quotes about money!

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About the Author

50 Quotes About Money - Money Fit (52)

Rick Munster

Rick Munster is a personal finance expert and author with over 21 years of experience in the credit counseling industry. He currently serves on the board of directors for the Financial Counseling Association of America and has written over 200 articles on personal finance. Rick's expertise has been recognized by several prominent online organizations, which have quoted him on issues related to credit counseling, debt management, and financial education. With more than 20 years of experience at Money Fit, a non-profit credit counseling organization, Rick has established himself as a trusted authority in the field of personal finance.

Visit Rick Munster's Page

50 Quotes About Money - Money Fit (2024)


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It's not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you and how many generations you keep it for.” “The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it in your back pocket.” “You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.”

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By Adela Belin
  • Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. ...
  • A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart. ( ...
  • I love money. ...
  • It's not the employer who pays the wages. ...
  • Empty pockets never held anyone back. ...
  • Before you speak, listen. ...
  • It doesn't matter about money; having it, not having it.
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10 Financial Proverbs that are Still True Today
  • Never spend money before you have it. ...
  • Spending is quick; earning is slow. ...
  • A fool and his money are soon parted. ...
  • Creditors have better memories than debtors. ...
  • Rather go to bed supperless than rise in debt. ...
  • If you buy what you don't need, you steal from yourself.
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  • “Money is power, and you ought to be reasonably ambitious to have it.” — ...
  • “Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. ...
  • “When you realize money is your divine heritage, you should persist in claiming it.” — ...
  • “Successful people make money.
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Rockefeller was asked how much money was enough, he replied: "A little bit more." If you're looking to make a little bit more on your investments, here are places to find extra cash.

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Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much. We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse. Wealth belongs to the person who enjoys it and not to the one who keeps it. It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.

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According to Einstein, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn't … pays it.” At first this quote might seem like a bit of an exaggeration but the math behind it shows that it is not.

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"Follow the money" is a catchphrase popularized by the 1976 docudrama film All the President's Men, which suggests political corruption can be brought to light by examining money transfers between parties.

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Knowledge is true wealth, wisdom is true riches. Your wealth is not defined by your capacity to accumulate, rather by your capacity to give away.

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Money is loyal and just. The more you revere it, the more it reveres you back. The more you protect it, the more it protects you back. You respect money and it respects you too in return.

What is an inspirational quote for money saving? ›

Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving”. – Warren Buffett. American business magnate, Warren Buffet is synonymous with successful investing.

What is a quote in money? ›

What Is a Quote? A quote is the last price at which an asset traded; it is the most recent price that a buyer and seller agreed upon and at which some amount of the asset was transacted.

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Top 100 Money Quotes of All Time
  • Too many people spend money they earned..to buy things they don't want..to impress people that they don't like. – ...
  • A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart. – ...
  • Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants. –
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The reason I've been able to be so financially successful is my focus has never, ever for one minute been money.” Money is created by finding a way to bring more value to other people.

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Quote by Mark Twain: “The lack of money is the root of all evil.

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A money motto is a saying or phrase that represents your beliefs around money. It is a guiding principle that represents how you interact with your money.

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Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.” “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest– and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.”

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