5 Surprising Reasons Why Good Podcasts Fail to Get Noticed - Copyblogger (2024)

All businesses are in the media business, whether or not they acknowledge it (or like it).

The Internet has rapidly changed how customers discover, research, and interact with companies.

You are no longer in business to sell products or services; you are in business to find your audience, create useful content that draws them to you, and then create products or services that benefit them.

You can achieve this through the intimate nature of on-demand audio content — or as they’re commonly known, podcasts. This is why Copyblogger Media is betting big on podcasting.

Whether you are trying to build a thriving personal brand or create a business bigger than just yourself, it is essential to understand what makes a podcast get the attention it deserves.

Of course, this is not as easy as it sounds. It never is. And even smart podcasters make avoidable mistakes.

After creating podcasts myself and helping countless others do the same, I have discovered five common mistakes that hinder the growth and potential of promising podcasts.

Here are the five reasons that good podcasts fail to reach a wider audience and get the attention they deserve.

Reason #1: A lack of unique positioning

Prior to launching a podcast, you need to consume as many podcasts as you can within your market. Doing so will enable you to figure out your unique position.

Even the biggest markets have holes in them where you can enter in a unique way. It is from this place that you can build and grow an audience of raving fans.

Think about the end result you want your listener to get. If that end result is unique, then you have the potential for a winning show.

Now work back from this unique result. Develop a podcast that will take your listener from where she is now to this end result.

You don’t necessarily need to narrow your focus, either. You’ll just need to perform more research in order to position your show within a bigger market.

Reason #2: Failing to develop your authentic voice

Creating a show that’s a natural extension of your personality is essential to getting noticed and building an audience.

Authenticity is so rare these days, yet it’s something that audiences crave.

Contrary to what you might think, it’s harder to be yourself and find your voice behind the microphone than it is to copy other podcasters.

The radio DJs and podcasters who stand out in our minds are those with unique voices — not the timbre or sound of their voices, though those can be contributing factors. I am talking about the authenticity of their voices.

How do you find your voice?

If you have yet to record even one episode, then do that right away — and delete it. Yes, delete it.

Now that we have that out of the way, record another episode and send it to five of your closest friends or family members. The reason for this is not to get feedback, but simply to overcome any fears or anxieties you may have about other people hearing your show.

In order for you to find your voice, you need to be comfortable behind the mic. This takes practice, patience, and many deleted recordings.

Only after achieving a reasonable level of comfort, can you begin to find your voice.

Reason #3: Inconsistency

When you decide on a publishing schedule for your podcast, you need to stick to it.

When you tell your audience that you will be publishing a new episode every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, you need to follow through on that promise.

Podcast listeners have many options. If they expect a new episode from you on a certain day and it’s not there, they’ll move on to another podcast. Once a listener moves on to another show, it’s more difficult to win him back as a member of your audience.

While there are definite benefits to publishing frequently, it’s imperative that you not over-commit and under-deliver to your audience. Weigh the benefits of different publishing schedules, make an educated decision about how frequently you should publish, and then stick to it.

When deciding on your publishing schedule, keep in mind that it will take more work than you expect to properly produce a podcast.

Reason #4: Not enough momentum

The only time you can be included in the New & Noteworthy category on iTunes is within the first eight weeks after launching your podcast. This distinction on iTunes can get you in front of a lot of new listeners very quickly, but only if you launch with enough momentum.

Apple does not disclose the algorithms it uses to rank and feature podcasts, but we can make an educated guess about the variables that impact rankings — subscribers, downloads, and ratings and reviews.

You need to ensure that your launch plan focuses solely on increasing each of these three variables from the day of the launch, and doesn’t let up until your eight weeks is complete.

Another part of launching your podcast properly is the three-episode rule.

If you want to launch with maximum impact, you need three episodes published the day your podcast goes live on iTunes. This helps your podcast’s rankings in several ways.

Podcast listeners want to have more than one episode to listen to before they commit to a new show, so give them three.

Because it’s hard to make an impact on a listener after only a single episode, a new listener may have forgotten about you by the time your next episode goes live.

If a listener sees three episodes versus one, he’s more likely to automatically subscribe to your feed to download all three episodes. There’s less incentive to subscribe when there’s only one episode.

Subscribing is a positive action in iTunes and it also triggers another positive action, which is the downloading of not just a single episode, but three episodes from each subscriber.

More subscribers means more downloads, and more downloads means better rankings.

This leads us to the final, and related, reason good podcasts fail to get noticed.

Reason #5: Weak reviews and ratings

Yes, it can be difficult to get a lot of five-star ratings when you are just getting started, especially if you don’t have an existing audience.

Consider this: Why is it that the President goes into a voting booth and votes for herself or himself, but podcasters rarely leave themselves a rating and review?

Although it won’t directly change your rankings, it seems like a tough sell to your friends, family, and listeners if you are not even willing to leave yourself a review.

After leaving your own review, you need to reach out to every single person you know, on social media and in real life. Every single person.

Now is not the time to be shy; now is the time for getting everyone to spend three minutes of their time to help you and your podcast.

After you have reached out to everyone you know, it’s time to add a call to action to your episodes. At the end of each episode, state a single call to action and make it a request for ratings and reviews.

Listeners also tend to respond well if you read their reviews on air. This acknowledgment of your listeners’ feedback encourages other listeners to leave reviews as well.

A growing podcast landscape

The number of podcast listeners is growing rapidly and so is the competition amongst podcasters. This fact is not meant to scare you away from starting a podcast, though.

In fact, my goal is that it will do the opposite and encourage you to not only start a podcast but start a podcast the right way.

Podcasting is a lot of work, whether or not it’s done correctly. Put in the extra bit of work it takes to do it right by ensuring that you don’t make any of these five mistakes.

Are you ready to start a podcast?

Do you want to build a remarkable podcast audience?

Then you need to deliver a remarkable audience experience.

And we want to teach you how, for free.

Join The Showrunner email list today and immediately start receiving our free content series The 4 Essential Elements of a Remarkable Podcast, plus you’ll get information about The Showrunner Podcasting Course and other useful updates.

Image source: Bruno Marinho via Unsplash.

5 Surprising Reasons Why Good Podcasts Fail to Get Noticed - Copyblogger (2024)


What causes a podcast to fail? ›

The problem might be with the topic of your podcast, your reaction to your current audience, or you do not know who your target listeners are. Lack of feedback to the audience is how podcasts fail.

What are the biggest mistakes podcasters make? ›

One of the most common mistakes podcast creators make is recording without proper soundproofing. This can lead to a number of problems, including echo and background noise. Even if you have a great microphone, recording in an untreated room can make your audio sound poor.

How do you get your podcast noticed? ›

Here's a quick recap:
  1. Build an email list or outreach list before your podcast launches. ...
  2. Record 3-5 podcast episodes before you launch.
  3. Pick a launch date. ...
  4. Create assets like images, clips, and shareable quotes.
  5. Launch day!
  6. Message your list to ask them to listen and review.
  7. Keep publishing new episodes consistently.
Mar 19, 2023

What makes a podcast successful? ›

10 Tips For Building A Successful Podcast
  1. Use The 'Other People's Audience' Strategy. ...
  2. Add Short-Form Videos To Engage The Audience. ...
  3. Release Episodes Regularly. ...
  4. Be Relatable. ...
  5. Be Flexible Enough To Consider New Ideas. ...
  6. Prioritize Quality. ...
  7. Promote Your Podcast. ...
  8. Keep The Episode Length Concise And Entertaining.
Mar 27, 2023

What stops people from starting a podcast? ›

In this article, you'll find seven challenges that shouldn't stop you from starting a podcast, from imposter syndrome to fear of success.
  • Imposter Syndrome. ...
  • “Failing” Your First Recording Attempt. ...
  • Feeling Unsure About Your Chosen Topic. ...
  • Disliking the Sound of Your Voice. ...
  • Comparing Yourself to Other Podcasters.
Jun 8, 2020

What are the pros and cons of podcasting? ›

Anyone who needs to see or hear them can stream the files or download them to a computer, smartphone or media player for listening or viewing.
  • Advantage: Convenience. ...
  • Disadvantage: Accessibility. ...
  • Advantage: Easy. ...
  • Disadvantage: Loss of Control. ...
  • Finding an Audience.

What are the challenges of podcasters? ›

Challenges of podcasting

You need to invest time and resources in finding, producing, and consuming quality podcasts that are relevant, engaging, and informative. You also need to deal with technical issues, such as sound quality, editing, hosting, and distribution.

How to ruin your reputation podcast? ›

For the risk takers, rule breakers and unconventional thinkers who aren't afraid to shake up the status quo in order to live their lives in their own unique ways. My guests are unapologetically living lives that differ completely from what was expected of them.

How do I attract more podcast listeners? ›

6 Tips to Increase Podcast Listeners
  1. Create a Podcast trailer.
  2. Use Call to Actions.
  3. Promote your Podcast on social media.
  4. Repurpose your Podcast content.
  5. Podcast SEO.
  6. Invite guests and star as a guest.

Is it hard to make a podcast successful? ›

Tips for Creating Successful Podcasts

Podcasts take a lot of time and effort, so don't be discouraged if you've created your dream podcast, but no one's listening yet. There are many things to learn—and most of those lessons come through trial and error.

What is the most important thing in a podcast? ›

What makes a good podcast?
  • Focus on a central idea. Every podcast has something it's trying to convey to an audience. ...
  • Play to an audience. The audience is king. ...
  • Regular schedules. This might seem painfully obvious, but it's also one of the most important. ...
  • Show Structures. ...
  • Authenticity.
Apr 29, 2019

How do you tell if your podcast is doing well? ›

Here's a list of eight methods you might use to measure the success of your podcast:
  1. Number of listeners. ...
  2. Number of downloads per episode. ...
  3. Sponsors and advertisem*nts. ...
  4. Audience and critic reviews. ...
  5. Website and social media traffic. ...
  6. Engagement with promotional materials. ...
  7. Networking and referrals. ...
  8. Recycled content.
Jun 24, 2022

What makes a podcast unique? ›

Podcasts are a unique form of media because people use them both to learn and to be entertained, according to The Canadian Podcast Listener 2020, which has released a sneak preview of some of its findings. The research says that the attentive, lean-in audience for podcasts is great for advertisers.

What makes a podcast reliable? ›

Well-Structured and Planned Out Episodes

You know what they say about failing to prepare. Putting a rough episode plan together can make all the difference between a good podcast, and one full of awkward blunders. Maintaining a solid, consistent structure throughout your episodes is key to keeping audiences engaged.

What is the negative effect of podcast? ›

In excess, podcasts can distract you from your work and social connections and even impede your ability to learn and remember. Keep reading to dig in to the research about what happens in your brain when you listen to podcasts and discover the best way to enjoy your favorite podcasts with no downsides.

What is the key features of podcast? ›

12 Elements Of A Good Podcast
  • Appeal to Audience. Appealing to your audience means knowing what they want. ...
  • A Catchy Name. What's in a name? ...
  • Intriguing Summaries. ...
  • Interesting Content. ...
  • Structure. ...
  • High-Quality Equipment. ...
  • Effective Marketing.

Why do people stop podcasting? ›

People quit podcasting all the time, for loads of different reasons. Quitting because of a lack of time, lack of resources or simply life getting in the way are all things we see every day running a podcast hosting platform. The thing is, podcasting, like anything, is a commitment that takes time to work at.

Why do podcasts suddenly stop? ›

Podcast stops playing Android

Sometimes when you are playing music on your Android phone, and the screen locks, it's due to an issue with your battery saving mode. If you go into your phone and check the settings, you can select your Battery Manager, and set your power plan to Performance.

Who mostly listens to podcasts? ›

While older generations also tune in, the main group consuming podcasts is the age group of 12 to 34 year-olds.

Is a podcast a side hustle? ›

From paid ads and sponsorships to premium episodes and listener donations, there are many ways to earn an income from your podcast. So if you're looking to pivot your business or you want a little side hustle income while you're at home, it's a great time to get in on the podcast action.

What are three uses of podcasting? ›

They can be used to convey instructional information from the teacher or trainer, motivational stories, and auditory case studies. Podcasts can also be used by the learners as artifacts and evidence of learning; for example, a student might prepare a brief podcast as a summary of a concept in lieu of writing an essay.

How do you judge the quality of a podcast? ›

How do I analyze or evaluate a podcast?
  1. What type of podcast is this? This is important to consider because: ...
  2. Balance. A podcast, like a news story, should balance both sides of an argument in order to minimize bias. ...
  3. Bias. A podcast should be neutral. ...
  4. Subjectivity. ...
  5. Opinion. ...
  6. Representation, Ethics, and Credibility.
Sep 21, 2022

What is a good podcast like something was wrong? ›

For relationship stories comparable to ones shared in “Something Was Wrong,” check out “It Doesn't End Here,” “I Survived,” “Fool Me Twice,” and “Who the (Bleep) Did I Marry?” If you're looking for unexpected stories, where all episodes aren't necessarily discussing abusive relationships, tune into podcasts like “What ...

How do I make my podcast not boring? ›

What are some tactics we can use to make our podcast “not boring?” Activate the listeners' mirror neurons, so they feel like they're there as it's happening. Create a layered sound environment like the places that your topic explores. Humanize your topic, with characters, goals, and conflict.

What do podcast listeners want? ›

46% of podcast listeners say they prefer listening to podcasts with video, according to a Morning Consult survey. Among the reasons why: “to see facial expressions and reactions from the hosts and guests”, and “to better focus on the podcast”.

How many listeners do you need for a successful podcast? ›

It helps, and highly increases your chances if you have at least 1,000 listeners. Monetizing at a level of 1,000 listeners, 5,000 listeners, or even 10,000 listeners per episode is all possible but requires a different approach at each level. But it is extremely motivating and encouraging.

What makes a podcast engaging? ›

How To Create Interesting Podcast Episodes
  1. Talk about things you're interested in. ...
  2. Focus on your target audience. ...
  3. Tell lots of stories. ...
  4. Help your audience take the next step. ...
  5. Ask your listeners questions and report their responses. ...
  6. Stay on topic and don't wander too much. ...
  7. Invite unique experts onto your show.

How long before a podcast is successful? ›

Your podcast can make money between six to 12 months with the right strategy. Yes! But while businesses have only just added podcasting to their marketing channels, you're going to organize some targeted marketing to shorten the time to monetizing your podcast.

Are podcasts hard to grow? ›

Starting a podcast is hard—but building it is, arguably, even harder. It can be frustrating to put in time and effort creating high-quality recordings and putting them out in the ether, just to hear crickets in response. That's why you need a solid, step-by-step plan for growing your podcast audience organically.

What is the best day to publish a podcast? ›

Research suggests that Wednesday, Tuesdays, and Thursdays (in that specific order) are the best days for podcast episodes to be released. However, it all depends on your personal schedule and that of your target audience's.

What are good hooks for podcast? ›

10 Ways to Hook Your Listeners With a Good Podcast Intro
  • Write All Your Ideas Down. ...
  • Set the Tone for Your Show. ...
  • Avoid too Much Information in Your Podcast Intro. ...
  • Hook Listeners with Music. ...
  • Briefly Mention Your Title & What You'll Discuss. ...
  • Read Out Your Podcast Intro. ...
  • Paint a Mental Image. ...
  • Discuss Relatable Content.
Aug 24, 2018

What is the structure of a good podcast? ›

Get these three elements right, and you've got yourself the perfect podcast structure. The beginning is where you've got to hook people into your episode, and the middle is for the main content of your show. The end is where you remind listeners exactly what they've gained and where they should go from here.

What is the average life of a podcast? ›

The average podcast lifespan of 174 days is based on shows that were indexable in November 2018.

What makes a successful podcast host? ›

Great podcast hosts know how to progress their episodes and keep their listeners engaged like great storytellers. You never want to sound foolish, especially when you're talking to a podcast guest, so never walk into recording unprepared.

Do people listen to podcasts anymore? ›

5. 62% of Americans aged 12 and over have listened to a podcast in 2022, up from 57% in 2021. Podcasts might have once been something of a niche interest, but daily, weekly, and monthly podcast listeners are increasing, and the podcast industry contains a truly enormous range of interests and ideas.

Are people still listening to podcasts? ›

Podcasting is an increasingly popular pastime in the U.S with 79 percent of respondents being aware of the format, while over 82 million people listened to podcasts in 2021. This number is estimated to rise even further, reaching over 100 million listeners in 2024.

Why podcasts are still popular? ›

Over the years, podcasting has traditionally been dominated by the big names who could afford the production costs. That started to change as broadcasting tools became more affordable, making it easier for niche content creators to get their podcasts out there.

What is the success rate of a podcast? ›

Tracking the duration of a listen is the most accurate way to find out how many people finish an episode. The average completion rate is 60%. It means that if you have 100 listeners, only 60 of them will finish the episode. The number can be lower for some shows and higher for others.

How long are the most successful podcasts? ›

The most popular podcasts are between 20 to 40 minutes long.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.