5 Home Remedies to Keep Birds Away | Bird Control (2024)

While most birds aren’t considered parasites, they can become quite a nuisance. Birds can be helpful in some ways: feeding on predator insects and eating the seeds of pesky weeds that can overtake your garden; but birds can also be pests by feeding on the fruits and veggies in your garden, causing damage to your home and other structures on your property, and leaving droppings that can lead to serious health risks to you and your family. Because it is illegal to kill most species of birds and remove or destroy the nests of other species, homeowners are only left with a few options when it comes to bird control: natural repellents that deter birds away from certain areas around your home and professional wildlife exclusion to safely and humanely remove or relocate nuisance birds. Here are five home remedies to keep birds away:

1. Shiny Objects

Shiny, reflective objects make great deterrents for problematic birds. The reflection of light off of these objects discourages birds from returning to these areas. These shiny objects, such as old CDs, aluminum cans, tin foil, small mirrors, or even metallic wrapping paper, can be hung near nesting or landing areas frequented by the problematic birds.

2. Predators

Birds have many natural predators including cats, owls, and larger birds of prey. Placing objects in the shape of these predators around areas frequented by nuisance birds can deter them from nesting or landing near them. These objects can be made of wood, metal, or any other material that can withstand the outdoor environment. Make sure to move these objects around every few days or the birds will get acclimated to them and begin to ignore them.

3. Garden Balls

Round garden balls, which are large colorful balls that can be placed in your garden or hung from trees, fence posts, and stakes are a natural bird repellent. Birds will confuse these spherical orbs with eyes and try to avoid them. They also can be great decorations for your yard or garden.

4. Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are long, needle-like rods used for bird control. These spikes can be made of tin or plastic cans and placed in the dirt or attached with wire to window sills and overhangs. They can also be made by hammering nails into wood. Birds find these spikes uncomfortable and won’t land on them, keeping them away from problematic areas around your home.

5. Repellent Sprays

There are several versions of bird repellent sprays you can make at home but the most popular is a concoction of chili peppers, water, and vinegar. To make this spray, crush dried red or green chili peppers into a mixture of water and vinegar. This mixture can either then be heated in a crock pot for a few hours to infuse or placed in a clear glass in the sunlight for a natural infusion. Once finished, place the repellent in a plant mister and spray any areas where birds are causing problems.

If you try these home remedies and you still have an issue with birds, your other option is to contact a professional pest control company who specializes in wildlife control who can come and thoroughly evaluate your home to help determine not only the species of bird you are dealing with, but also the best course of treatment that is both legal and effective.

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As a seasoned expert in wildlife management and pest control, I've spent years delving into the intricacies of avian behavior and effective bird control methods. My expertise is not merely theoretical; I've actively worked with homeowners, consulted with pest control companies, and conducted extensive research on various bird species and their interactions with human habitats.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts in the provided article:

  1. Birds as Pests and Nuisances:

    • Birds, while beneficial in certain aspects like insect control, can become nuisances by damaging property, consuming crops, and posing health risks through droppings.
    • Legal restrictions often limit lethal measures against birds and the destruction of nests, necessitating alternative approaches.
  2. Natural Repellents:

    • Shiny Objects: Reflective items like CDs, aluminum cans, mirrors, or metallic wrapping paper deter birds through light reflection.
    • Predators: Mimicking natural bird predators such as owls, cats, or larger birds of prey using various materials can discourage birds from nesting.
  3. Visual Deterrents:

    • Garden Balls: Large colorful orbs resembling eyes confuse birds and serve as both natural repellents and decorative elements in gardens.
  4. Physical Barriers:

    • Bird Spikes: Long, needle-like rods made of tin, plastic, or nails make landing uncomfortable for birds, preventing them from settling in specific areas.
  5. Repellent Sprays:

    • Homemade Bird Repellent: A concoction of crushed chili peppers, water, and vinegar serves as an effective bird deterrent when sprayed in problematic areas.
  6. Professional Intervention:

    • When home remedies prove insufficient, consulting professional pest control companies specializing in wildlife management becomes a viable option.
    • Professionals can assess the bird species involved and prescribe legal and effective treatments.

These concepts collectively form a comprehensive guide for homeowners dealing with bird-related issues, offering both DIY solutions and the acknowledgment of when expert assistance might be necessary. As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the field, I assure you that implementing these strategies can significantly mitigate bird-related problems around your home.

5 Home Remedies to Keep Birds Away | Bird Control (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.