4.Who/what is most to blame for Gatsby’s death, and why? (2024)

4.Who/what is most to blame for Gatsby’s death, and why?




Jacob Fetzer

5/2/2014 04:54:58 am

I believe that Daisy is to blame for Gatsby’s death. I believe this because She fell for Tom, after Gatsby already loved her. She didn’t wait for Gatsby to come back, and then she tried to get back with him. This causes a lot of problems between Tom and Gatsby, and Daisy won’t leave Tom. This may not directly cause Myrtle to get hit, but without all of this happening, Gatsby would have lived. Some may have argued that Tom, or Wilson are to blame but I believe that it is Daisy’s fault. If Daisy would have waited for Gatsby to get back from War, I think this story would have a much happier ending.



12/8/2014 10:25:33 pm

How could you expect anyone to wait like that? It was cruel of Gatsby to make Daisy feel like she should have waited. So due to all of that I feel that Gatsby is most responsible for his own death,because if he would have gone to Daisy with a clean and open mind none of what happened may not have happened at all.
But that is one of the main themes of the story, recklessness, which also shows that he could be the most reckless character on the book



12/8/2014 10:27:32 pm

*In the book :p haha

kayla pigott

12/6/2020 01:05:13 pm

But it's even stated in the book "Her voice was full of money" (Talking about Daisy). And when she cried over his clothes, not because she was happy to be with Gatsby, she was crying over pure satisfactory of his materials. Daisy is a materialist at heart and would never actually leave Tom. Jay's money wasn't set in stone liek Tom's was. That's why she didn't wait for Gatsby-because she was only in it for the money. Its prevalent in the whole book! In the setting before they all leave and Myrtle gets hit by Daisy, she breaks down because she realizes Gatsby is serious about her leaving Tom and she never wanted to do that. SHe was never going to actually wait for Gatsby, because she never fit in the social status she was intending to marry. "She wanted her life shaped now. immediately-and the decision must be made by some force-of love, of MONEY, of unquestionable practicality-that was close at hand. That force took shape in the middle of spring with the arrival of Tom Buchanan." (Fitzgerald, 151)
While I do believe Daisy had some part in it, by leading Gatbsy on during and after his return from the war. It wasnt entierly her fault. Tom had alittle, telling Wilson it wasn't him, Wilson actaully killing Gatsby, but I think it's mostly Gatsby's fault. His head was stuck in the clouds and his death was inevatible. He cause problems of butting into everyons lives and trying to take Daisy away from Tom when she didnt want to. Not to mention the fact that he took the blame. If they had stopped when Daisy hit Myrtle and explained the situation (or drove home and told Tom Daisy hit her) Daisy might have gotten away fine (because Tom wasn't going to leave his white, rich wife for Myrtle ever either) or maybe she would have just gotten away with a broken nose. It's a little bit of everyone's fault, but Gatsby is the most to blame.


Sergey June

5/3/2014 02:48:55 am

I believe that Tom is to blame for Gatsbys death. He is most to blame because he finds out that Gatsby loves Daisy. This makes Tom mad. Even though it was Daisy that hit Myrtle with his car, Tom blames Gatsby because Gatsby made Tom lose both of his lovers in a short time. Tom does this out of rage. He never liked Gatsby to begin with. The accident gave him a perfect opportunity to take out Gatsby. Ever since he met Gatsby he was trying to figure out the truth. Tom knew something was going on with daisy and Gatsby. Some people say that Wilson or daisy is to blame but it was Tom. He’s the one that told Wilson that it was Gatsby. Tom knew that Wilson would take great measures to make his pain go away. So he told him it was Gatsby. I think that Tom couldn’t say it was daisy because he didn’t want for her to get in more trouble and didn’t want to lose her completely. It was only way to get rid of Gatsby by blaming him for the death. Plus tom didn’t want the affair to go public and made it sound like it was Gatsby that had the affair with Myrtle. Tom made Gatsby go out with a bad name and no one knew the truth expect Nick. .


Erin Shaffer

5/4/2014 07:25:06 am

I do believe that Tom did many revengeful things out of rage, but ultimately it is Daisy's fault of Gatsby's death. Tom assumed that Gatsby was driving the car that hit Myrtle, but in reality it was Daisy, his own wife, who hit her. Tom would not have done anything out of rage if it wasn't for Daisy. Daisy fell in love with Gatsby again, and through her own actions caused all the trouble that followed. She loved Gatsby but didn't have the guts to leave Tom, but was able to let him see through her feelings. She manipulated people and she did things that were cause of Gatsby's death. She could have prevented Gatsby's death by admitting to Tom that she hit Myrtle.


Sergey June

5/6/2014 01:47:17 am

Yes, I agree with you. Tom did do it out of revenge and out of rage, and yes Daisy hit Myrtle but Tom is to blame for Gatsbys death. Tom was extremely mad that Gatsby stole Daisy away from him and that Myrtle was going away. He was losing the women he loved and the only way to keep Daisy was blame Gatsby on the murder. Tom saw it as an chance to get back at Gatsby. This made Toms life a little better since he got Daisy back. Gatsbys death was not called for because he didn’t do anything.


10/22/2015 09:45:08 am



10/26/2016 09:24:29 am

Still lit

Ethan Scott Aldinger the 1st

5/5/2014 01:51:59 am

I believe that it Gatsby’s fault for his own death. He stirred so many things up with and made an enemy with Tom. But there was a lot of contributors to the whole event. Gatsby shouldn’t have gone after a married Daisy. Daisy shouldn’t have cheated but neither should have Tom. Along with Myrtle. The only people that I believe that aren’t to blame are Nick, Jordan, and Wilson. Tom shouldn’t have told Tom it was Gatsby but Daisy should have spoke up and taken the blame. She should have also stopped the car. But Wilson shouldn’t have been beating Myrtle because she would have never ran into the road, so then Gatsby wouldn’t have been blamed, and then nobody would have died. So technically its Wilsons fault for Gatsby.


Randy James Hardy Jr. the 1st

5/6/2014 01:42:49 am

I completely disagree with you saying it is Gatsby’s fault but I completely agree with you saying it is Wilson’s fault. Let’s be honest with ourselves who pulled the trigger? Exactly Wilson. Lets not oversimplify the situation by saying he did it or she did it. It was WILSONS fault. So it is Wilson’s fault that Gatsby died. If we had gun control back then this would have never happened and Gatsby would still be alive. We should have gotten rid of guns since the beginning of time. Therefore it is Wilson’s fault. End of story. That is it. I am done.

Jacob Fetzer

5/8/2014 12:48:52 am

while I do agree with you, Ethan, It is still my opinion that Gatsby's death could have been avoided if Daisy would have stayed true to her man. But she didn't. While Gatsby was off selflessly defending our country, she turned his back on the man that loved him the most. She went for Tom because he was rich and accepted into the family. Daisy really only loved Tom for a little while, so she tried getting back with Gatsby, which lead to fighting and ultimately, lead to poor Jay Gatsby's death. If there hadn't been the fighting, Jay Gatsby would not have been going so fast and when Mrytle ran out into the road, Gatsby would have had time to slow down. If Myrtle never got hit, then Wilson would have had no reason to kill Gatsby. So it is still my belief that Daisy is to blame for Jay Gatsby's death.

Tyler Zeafla

5/5/2014 11:34:45 am

I think that Gatsby was responsibe for his own death. He made things so much harder when he went back after Daisy. He needed to learn to let things go and move on. So he is to be held responsible for his own actions, even if they caused his death. He had to know that sturring things up would make a huge difference in the people around him. So in a round about way he is to blame for his own death.


Dillon Ford

5/14/2014 04:40:19 am

I believe that Tom is to blame Gatsby’s death. I blame him because Tom finds out that Gatsby and Daisy have a thing. That made Tom angry even though it was Daisy who hit Myrtle with the car. Tom blames Gatsby because he lost both of his women nearly at the same time and this angered Tom. He never did like Gatsby at all. This incident made it easy for Tom to get back at Gatsby. Tom has always been wondering about what is true about Gatsby. Tom knew that Gatsby and Daisy had a thing and he didn’t like that. Some people say that Wilson or daisy is to blame but it was Tom. He’s the one that told Wilson that it was Gatsby. Tom knew that Wilson would do something to Gatsby so he went ahead and told him so Gatsby would also feel the pain. I think that Tom couldn’t say it was daisy because he didn’t want for her to get in more trouble and didn’t want to lose her completely. It was the only way to get rid of Gatsby so Tom blamed him and not her for the death. Also Tom didn’t want the public to know that he had an affair with Myrtle so he made it sound like that Gatsby had one with her. Tom made Gatsby die with a bad name and no one would know the truth.


richard cady

5/14/2014 04:43:11 am

I believe it was daisy’s fault let’s be honest woman are crazy, they get into people’s (GUYS) heads. If Gatsby never met her and fell in love with her this all would have never happened. She was clearly only with him cause of money. It is still my opinion that Gatsby's death could have been avoided if Daisy would have stayed true to her man. But she didn't. While Gatsby was off selflessly defending our country, she turned her back on the man that loved her the most. But I can also say it was Gatsby because he fell in love hard for her. He didn’t think and let her drive. After she killed that woman, the man thought it was Gatsby who killed her. In my opinion because tom told the woman’s husband it was Gatsby. So in all honesty it a big circle and its all around Gatsby everyone has a part in the reasoning of his death. Tom does, the old daisy duke, and the man who actually shot him. Nobody actually loved him. In my opinion Gatsby would have been killed sooner or later anyway. But in the end the man who actually killed him was the reasoning why Gatsby was killed.



3/30/2017 10:27:45 am

She didn't originally fall in love with him because of money though. I do agree it was stupid of him to fall in love with her, but without that there's no plot. She fell in love with Gatsby when he was a military man, and she didn't know his financial status. He was actually poor as dirt back when he met her, and tried to get her back with his newfound funds, when he should've just let go and moved on. I think Gatsby was to blame for his own demise in this whole situation because if we go back to the very start of the chain of events he is the one who wanted to contact and meet with Daisy again. He could've left well enough alone and he wouldn't have been in the situation he was in where he was murdered. Gatsby acts like no one has ever gotten over an ex or someone who is romantically unavailable before, and he believes that his life "has to keep going straight up". It's his own idealism that kills him.



5/14/2014 04:50:30 am

I believe that Tom is to blame for Gatsbys death. My reason being is that once he found out that Myrtle, the woman he was having an affair with got run over, he became extremly emotional. When a witness of the car crash said it was a yellow car that had hit her, Mrytles husband became furious and came running after Tom accusing him of her death. Tom sat him down and explained to him that he had just come in from New York, and that he drives a blue car, so it was impossible for him to be the one who killed Myrtle. Tom also spoke the cops before that he didn’t even know who Myrtle was. Tom told her husband that Jay Gatsby drives a yellow car. That is when he comes to the conclusion that maybe it was Gatsby who had been fooling around with Myrtle, and that is why she is dead, Tom agreed to it, knowing that he is blaming this on Gatsby when it was really him who had been the one messing with Myrtle. George, Myrtles husband comes to Gatsbys house unexpectedly and shoots Gatsby to where he falls right into the pool. George then turns the gun on himself, and commits suicide. That is why I believe that Tom is responsible for Gatsbys death. Gatsby was just trying to ignite old love, Tom got jealous even though he shouldn’t have been too upset because he was cheating on Daisy himself. To save himself he lied to Myrtles husband when he knew the truth. He is selfish and wants everything to go his way, and because of that Gatsby got killed.


Dustin Hopkins

5/14/2014 04:51:08 am

I believe that Daisy was the reason for Gatsby’s death. She loved two different men and nothing good comes out of loving two separate men. If she would have had more commitment to one of them then the other man would back off and realize she has no more feelings for him. But no, she showed both men that she had some feeling for the both of them. Daisy should of stood up to the both of them and said that she needed some time to think and figure out who she loves. Everyone in the book was some what blamed for Gatsby’s death but I still believe that if Daisy made up her mind and showed some courage by telling one of the men how she really felt all of this would have been avoided. I think this because if she told Tom that she loves him only then Gatsby would have backed off and realized that she doesn’t love him anymore and that she’s not like she was five years ago. The car accident would have been avoided also because Daisy wouldn’t have been riding along with Gatsby and he would have known that Daisy has no such feeling for him. Tom and her relationship would have been less confusing too but that doesn’t mean that Daisy would have to tell Tom that she didn’t ever love Gatsby because she did… five years ago. Five years ago she did have feelings for him but when he left and didn’t talk things changed and she needed another man in her life.


Dianna Weaver

5/14/2014 04:53:47 am

I believe that Gatsby is responsible for his own death. If he wouldn’t have tried to pull Daisy back to him, he wouldn’t have gotten in a position for anything bad to happen. Gatsby should’ve stayed out of a relationship with Daisy. It wasn’t right for him to mess with her and Tom’s relationship. He should’ve moved on and just let things as they were. Even though Tom was the one to lie to Wilson after Myrtle’s death, Gatsby should not have instigated him to the point of anger that he had hit. Gatsby should’ve let Daisy make her own choices that day rather than choosing himself for her and causing the arguments. If Gatsby insisted on having Daisy in his life he should’ve handled it much more maturely. He fought for her and made it obvious right in front of Tom, Nick, and Jordan which resulted in him and tom yelling back and forth fighting over who she loved more. He also should’ve handled it more maturely by letting Daisy speak for herself during the argument so that the truth could finally come out. He stressed out everyone in the room beyond a breaking point, including himself. Because of the stress, everyone said things they may or may not have meant. Gatsby should’ve listened to Nick when he told him to leave it go because you can’t repeat the past.


Kelly Reynolds

5/14/2014 04:57:54 am

I believe that it is Tom’s and Daisy’s fault for Gatsby’s death. I think it is Tom’s fault because after Daisy hit myrtle Tom showed up and Wilson was blaming him for killing her because Tom was there earlier to get gas with the same car. And Tom was just so hurt and heartbroken from losing his girl on the side and daisy being in love with Gatsby. Tom was mad at Gatsby so I think Tom thought it would be the perfect time to get back at him and Tom did not want to get blamed for it so Tom told him that it was Jay Gatsby’s car and then Wilson said maybe that’s who was sneaking around with Myrtle and Tom said probably, even though it was him running around with her. He didn’t want to get caught so that got him off the hook with cheating with Myrtle. That made Wilson want to kill him even more to think about him having an affair with his wife. Tom also said this because he never liked him and wanted to get back at him for stealing Daisy away from him. I think that it is also Daisy’s fault because she was the one driving the car not Gatsby and she let everyone believe that he was driving instead of taking the blame for her own actions because she was afraid to get in trouble. It was tom and daisy’s fault because they both lied to cover their own butts.



5/14/2014 04:58:42 am

Who do you think Is mostly to blame for the death of Jay gatsby? I think that that Daisy Buchanan is because she is the reason why Myrtle got killed and that is the only reason that George wilson killed Jay Gatsby because he thought it was him that was drivinng the car because it was his, but it was actually daisy Buchanan driving. I also think that Tom Buchanan had a little to do with it because he said to George Wilson “that was Jay Gatsbys car and he is a horrible person and a horrible person like him should not go unpunished”. Also Myrtle should have never ran into the middle of the street when there were cars coming. Daisey Buchanan in my oppinion is the reason to mostly blame on the death of Jay Gatsy because I think that she was trying to find a way out. The reason why I think she was trying to find a way out is she didn’t know what to do anynmore because she had found out all the things about Jay Gatsby. And she was driving the car when it all happened and if she would have been paying attention to the road Myrtle would have never been kiled. When Jay Gatsby told Daisy Buchanan” not to worry about it and that he would have taken care of it” if Daisy Buchanan just would of actually came out and told everyone then Jay Gatsby would have never been shot because George Wilson was under the impression that Jay Gatsby was the one actually driving the car not Daisy Buchanan. That is who I think is mostly to blame and is responsible for the death of The Great Jay Gatsby.


Rylan Sexy beast Whitmyer

5/14/2014 11:47:11 pm

I believe that Daisy is to blame for Gatsby death. He changed once he began seeing daisy and she was nothing but bad news for him. Daisy was in love with two men and she couldn"t choose who she wanted.



5/19/2014 04:04:10 am

This is who I think was responsible for Gatsby death. I think that Tom was at fault for Gatsby death. Yes, Gatsby did fool around with Daisy but he did love her first and she did still love him. Tom was arrogant and thought of himself to highly. It was Tom's fault that Jay got killed. Tom went and messed around with Myrtle. If Tom didn't mess around with her then maybe Myrtle wouldn't be dead right now. Tom got into Myrtles head and that's what caused her to run out into the road. Because tom stopped for gas Myrtle saw Tom driving Gatsby car and when they came back Myrtle ran out in front of the car to get "Tom" to pick her up. Also Tom lied to Wilson about who killed Myrtle. Daisy was driving the car and hit Myrtle. This who I think was at fault for Gatsby’s death.



5/20/2014 12:31:39 am

I think that Tom is most to blame for Gatsby’s death. Tom always gets his way. He is rich, co*cky, and treats people like he is god and they are low. In the beginning the story there were two couples which started out as Myrtle and her husband George and then Daisy and her husband Tom. Then Tom had started cheating on Daisy with Myrtle. But this was not the first time. Tom used his status to use women. It happened on their honeymoon and it probably happened multiple times after that. But the main part of the story deals with the relationship with Myrtle. After Myrtle had died from the car crash Tom told George that Gatsby was responsible for Myrtle’s death because George had a feeling that something was going on between Gatsby and Myrtle. And then Tom had told him that there was something going on between them. So George believed Tom so George goes to Gatsby’s house and ends up shooting him to wear he is standing on the ladder and then ends up falling in the pool. Then he points the gun back at himself and ends up killing himself. That is why I believe that Tom is the reason why Gatsby was killed. If it wasn’t for Tom selfish ways, Gatsby would still be alive. All Gatsby wanted to do was reunite the love him and Daisy shared. Since Tom was so selfish about Daisy Gatsby is dead. I don’t understand why Tom cared too much anyway because he was having an affair on her.


Sadie Brown

5/23/2014 12:01:18 am

I believe that Tom and Daisy are to blame for Gatsby's death. After finding out about Gatsby's and Daisy's affair Tom had felt rage and anger twords Gatsby. After the incident at the hotel in New York Tom had been driving home with Nick and Daisy's good friend to find that his mistress had been killed. Not only was she killed by a hit and run, she had been killed by Gatsby's car. Tom had felt hatred and wanted him dead, knowing the hurt that myrtles husband had felt he had told him about Gatsby and where he lived. Encouraging myrtles husband for not only his own revenge but toms as well. Daisy is also to blame because she was the one to kill myrtle because she had know that was toms mistress. She had wanted her gone so that tom and her could have a normal life with out any affairs.


Brandon P.

2/20/2015 09:44:00 am

Myrtle's death is the direct cause for the death of Gatsby. If she did not try to escape from her husband and appear to recognize the car, Mr. Wilson wouldn't have killed Gatsby, thinking that it was him who Myrtle was with. Although we do not know much about Myrtle and she doesn't appear much in the book, she is the cause of all of the chaos.



10/10/2016 10:23:05 am

Tom and Daisy was playing with everybody's emotions and they are the reasons gatsby is dead. Daisy was being extraed out when she didn't wait for gatsby to return from war to her and so she went being thirsty and a gold digger crawling to tom and tom took advantage of that and when gatsby cane trying to get his woman back tom got mad because they had something real first and bow hes got gatsbys leftovers. Its all really twisted.


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4.Who/what is most to blame for Gatsby’s death, and why? (2024)


Who is most to blame for Gatsby's death? ›

Tom Buchanan

In this story, one may argue that Tom is the most responsible for Gatsby's demise. Even though he was not responsible for pulling the trigger, his deeds resulted in Gatsby's murder. Tom accuses Gatsby of Myrtle's death to her Husband instead of Daisy (Persson, 2019).

Who is to blame for Gatsby's death and why? ›

Gatsby was murdered by Wilson, because he thought that Gatsby was the one that hit his wife and killed her. Tom is a main contributor to Gatsby's death because Myrtle was his mistress. Tom was the one that suggested he drive Gatsby's car to town with Jordan and Nick.

Why is Gatsby responsible for Gatsby's death? ›

Gatsby no longer thinks of his own needs but Daisy's. In fact, he was willing to take blame for Daisy's actions when she ran over Myrtle. Due to him taking blame he was killed by Myrtle's husband having Gatsby physically destroyed by fantasy.

Why is Nick to blame for Gatsby's death? ›

After the death of Jay, Nick hides the secret of Myrtle's death from Tom, but displays his disappointment toward Tom. If Nick had told anyone that Daisy was driving the car, George would not have shot Gatsby. Nick Carraway's wrong decision that was not to tell anyone Daisy ran over Myrtle has led the Gatsby's death.

Is Daisy the most responsible for Gatsby's death? ›

In the end, Jay Gatsby is wrongfully killed for a crime that he did not commit. Many factors contributed to the death of Gatsby, but Daisy holds the most responsibility for his death.

Who is responsible for Gatsby's death quizlet? ›

George Wilson actually pulled the trigger and shot Gatsby. But Tom and Daisy both contributed to his death.

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