3 Simple Fundraising Metrics for Nonprofits (and How to Calculate Them) - MarketSmart (2024)

3 Simple Fundraising Metrics for Nonprofits (and How to Calculate Them) - MarketSmart (1)

Zach Shefska
March 04, 2020

Zach Shefska is Chief Operating Officer at MarketSmart. Outside of the office, you'll find Zach behind either a pottery wheel or flight controls of a Piper PA-28 airplane.

Google search “fundraising metrics” and you’ll find plenty ofblog posts and articles. In fact, you’ll come across too many. Itcan be overwhelming to figure out what fundraising metrics your nonprofit should track and measure. No two websites seem to offer the same suggestions, making it difficult to know what’s really worthwhile.

Fortunately, the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) hascome to the rescue (sort of).

Back in 2003 the AFP FEP (Fundraising Effectiveness Project) publisheda “Glossary of Terms” for its members and the public. (Some of us here at the MarketSmart even played a role in helping revise some of thedefinitions!) The document serves to ensure clarity and consistency across a variety of categories, terms, formulas, and most importantly fundraising metrics.

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The glossary of terms is awesome because it establisheswhich fundraising metrics really matter. The downside is that the documentdoesn’t specifywhich of the 68 fundraising metrics are most crucial to track.

Although our focus is on helping fundraisers qualify, cultivate, and prioritize major and legacy gift prospects, we do have a lot of experience measuring key fundraising metrics. A few years ago we put together a team to create the 100% free Fundraising Report Card, and from that experience we learned a lot about fundraising metrics.

Let’s focus on 3 simple fundraising metricsyou can calculate on your own and should be measuring at your nonprofit. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing many hats at asmall nonprofit, or the Chief Development Officer at a big organization. These are the 3key metrics you should always have on hand.

Let’s get started!

Annual Overall Rate of Growth in Donations (%)

AFP FEPdefinition

Net of gains and losses in giving from last year (divided by) Total value of gifts received last year

Why measure it

It’s safe to assume that growing revenue (donations) is a high priority for your organization. When it comes to fundraising metrics, annual rate of growth will most obviously show whether you’re succeeding in increasing donations or not.

Our friends at the AFP have laid out a straightforwarddefinition. Net change (which could be a gain or loss), divided by the value of all donations received in the previous year.

This metric is most frequently associated with the annual Giving USA report. You may recall seeing headlines from this year that read, “Donations declined 1.7% adjusted for inflation…”

That is annual donation growth rate, and it is a crucial metric for all nonprofits to measure. Tracking changes in annual growth rate can inform strategic decisions and help you and your team set realistic fundraising goals each year.

How to calculate

To calculate annual donation growth rate you need two numbers: total donation revenue from this year (x), and the total donation revenue from last year (y). Simply subtract this year’s total from last, then divide that number by this year’s total and multiply by 100.

$latex rate = \frac{x-y}{y}\cdot 100 &s=4$

Analyzing several years of data will help you find trends and patterns in your database. And, it may be useful to segment the growth rate by giving level. This way you’ll have a more complete view of your organization’s fundraising efforts at each level.

Visualize it

3 Simple Fundraising Metrics for Nonprofits (and How to Calculate Them) - MarketSmart (2)

After calculating your donation growth rate, you should graph it. Computers are great at reading lines of data in a spreadsheet, but for most of us humans, visual representations are much easier to interpret.

In the past graphing required extensive Excel knowledge, and usually meant a whole day spent working with pivot tables and spreadsheets. Oh, how times have changed!

One of the great things about MarketSmart’s free Fundraising Report Card is that it comes with built-in donation and donor growth rate charting. Simply upload your data file and you’ll see your annual growth rate.

Annual Average Gift ($)

AFP FEPdefinition

Total dollars received (divided by) Total number of gifts received (times) 100

Why measure it

Spotting trends in average gift size can speak volumes to the state of your organization’s fundraising health and strategy. Think of a for-profit business — let’s say a coffee shop. Instead of calculating average gift per donor, this business wouldcalculate average transaction amountper costumer.

The shopmaysell items other than coffee. They might offer sandwiches or salads. Why? To increase the average transaction amount per costumer.Their strategy may include adding these other options, which would increase transaction size. If that’s their strategy, they’ll want to be able to measure if it’s working or not!

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The same principle applies at your nonprofit. You can employ similar tactics to boost your average contribution amount. Maybe it’s something as simple as adding an extra checkbox to an online donation form, “Would you like to increase your gift by 5% to help with overhead expenses?”

Measuring annual average gift amount will help you understand who your donors are and how they give. Plus, you can easily measure average gift size on a per campaign or per donor segment basis.

How to calculate

To calculate average gift amount you only need two numbers: Total donation revenue and total gifts received. Just divide donation revenue (x) by the number of gifts (y) and you have average gift size. Simple, right?

$latex avg = \frac{x}{y} &s=4$

You can take it a step further and calculate the change in annual average gift amount. Simply take this year’s average gift amount (a), subtract it from last year’s amount (b), divide by this year’s amount and multiply by 100.

$latex change = \frac{a-b}{a}\cdot 100 &s=4$

Visualize it

3 Simple Fundraising Metrics for Nonprofits (and How to Calculate Them) - MarketSmart (3)

Spotting trends in average gift size is pretty easy to do in a spreadsheet, but it never hurts to look at it graphically as well. When plotting average gift amount, you’ll want to use a line chart — and hopefully, the line is moving up and to the right! Your x axis should represent a period of time, while your y axis shows the average amount of each gift.

Plateauing, or decreasing average gift amounts become obvious to see when viewing them in a graph. For example, in this graph you can easily see the organization increased average gift amount in the long run, but has recently experienced some stagnation and decline.

Donor Lifetime Value ($)

3 Simple Fundraising Metrics for Nonprofits (and How to Calculate Them) - MarketSmart (4)

AFP FEPdefinition

Average annual giving by a donor (times) Estimated donor lifetime (years)

Why measure it

Another crucial metric all fundraising teams should calculate is donor lifetime value. This metric has it’s roots in the for-profit sector, and for good reason. Companies use this metric in conjunction with customer acquisition cost to calculate their profitability, and nonprofits can apply the same logic to fundraising.

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Donor lifetime value is a more comprehensive metric than average gift amount. Average gift amount only takes into account the size of a donation, whereas lifetime value considers how long a donor stays with your organization, and how frequently they contribute as well.

Lifetime value (or LTV), is a prediction of how much money you can expect to receive from a donor before they churn (stop giving). This metric can help you and your team make important decisions about how much to spend to acquire and retain donors.

How to calculate

Calculating LTV is simple, but it relies on a few other metrics that can be tricky to calculate. You’ll need donor lifespan, average donation amount, and frequency of donation.

The formula looks something like:

LTV = Lifespan × Average donation amount × (Total # of donations ÷ Total # of donors)

Pulling this information from your database might be difficult, but it’s worth the hassle. Once you know your LTV, you can set your donor acquisition cost and be more savvy with your marketing expenses.

Visualize it

3 Simple Fundraising Metrics for Nonprofits (and How to Calculate Them) - MarketSmart (5)

Graphing donor LTV is unbelievably important. Looking at year-to-year changes in lifetime value can greatly alter your fundraising strategy.

Just like with average gift, visualize LTV with a line chart. It becomes overwhelmingly clear which direction your organization is going when you plot your lifetime value numbers. If you’re interested in learning more about how to incorporate donor lifetime value in your fundraising strategy, I highly recommend reading the free Metrics That Matter eBook.

These 3 metrics barely scratch the surface when it comes to fundraising analytics, but they are a good place to start.

If youwant to see how your organization’s metrics measure up, you can drag and drop your data today into MarketSmart’s 100% free Fundraising Report Card. You’ll instantly get insights into your Growth Rate, LTV and more in just a few clicks. Or,If you’re interested in learning how to calculate more metrics on your own take a look at our Fundraising Report Card Help Center for formulas and tips.

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3 Simple Fundraising Metrics for Nonprofits (and How to Calculate Them) - MarketSmart (7)

Veronica Escobedo

2 years ago

Great post! I am taking a marketing class and one of the assignments is to post in a marketing blog and that is how I found this blog. I am working in a group project and we are doing a marketing plan for a nonprofit organization. I am wondering what will be the best way to present results, would it be better to use tables or graphs? I see you mentioned that visual representations are easier to interpret, but which format is stronger?



Greg Warner

2 years ago

Reply to Veronica Escobedo

It really depends, Veronica, on what you are trying to convey. Some ideas can be more easily interpreted with charts and others with graphs.


3 Simple Fundraising Metrics for Nonprofits (and How to Calculate Them) - MarketSmart (2024)


What are fundraising metrics? ›

Fundraising metrics are key performance indicators (KPIs) that nonprofits or charitable organizations use to measure factors related to donations and donors. When selecting metrics to measure, those working on a fundraising campaign focused on ones related to their overall goal.

How do you measure fundraising success? ›

Use these eight indicators to gauge your fundraising success:
  1. Return on Investment (ROI) ...
  2. Growth Rate. ...
  3. Retention Rate. ...
  4. Average Gift Amount. ...
  5. Average Fundraising Amount. ...
  6. Team Fundraising Success. ...
  7. Conversion Rate. ...
  8. Return on Mission (ROM)

How are fundraising costs calculated? ›

The Basic Formula

Many nonprofits calculate CPDR by simply dividing expenses by revenue. For example, if you spent $25,000 on fundraising expenses, which include everything from staffing costs to marketing—activities and you raised $100,000, then your CPDR is 25,000/100,000 = . 25, or 25 cents per dollar raised.

What are the three main metrics? ›

Here are the three metrics every business needs to know.
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV) What is every new customer worth over the lifetime of their relationship with your business? ...
  • Cost of customer acquisition (CAC) What does it cost to acquire new customers? ...
  • Gross margin.
10 Apr 2015

What are the 4 types of metrics? ›

To measure software delivery performance, more and more organizations are defaulting to the four key metrics as defined by the DORA research program: change lead time, deployment frequency, mean time to restore (MTTR) and change fail percentage.

What is the 80/20 rule in fundraising? ›

In fundraising, the Pareto Principle, or 80/20 rule, means focusing more of your effort and resources on the 20% of people who are most likely to give you 80% of your future revenue.

What are KPIs for nonprofits? ›

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a nonprofit (or another type of organization) is achieving its key organizational objectives. Therefore, organizations use key performance indicators at multiple levels to evaluate their success in reaching targets.

What are the three most important elements of a fundraising appeal? ›

Table of Contents
  • Move your donors with empathy.
  • Connect donations to donors.
  • Use a donation deadline to create a sense of urgency.
12 Jan 2021

What is a good fundraising ratio for nonprofits? ›

According to Charity Navigator, nonprofits should spend less than 10% on fundraising spending. Charity Navigator also promotes healthy spending on activities because nonprofits that spend less than a third of their budgets on program expenses are likely to be failing to meet their missions.

How do you calculate fundraising ROI? ›

Another way to calculate event ROI is dividing the total revenue by the total event cost. The resulting number is expressed in pounds e.g. £2.50 was generated for every £1 invested. Using these easy calculations, you can set out at the start of planning your event what you hope to achieve in terms of ROI.

How do you determine fair market value of donated items? ›

The IRS defines FMV as the price that property would sell for on the open market. (A donor can't claim a deduction for the contribution of services.) For example, if a donor contributes used clothes, the FMV would be the price that typical buyers actually pay for clothes of the same age, condition, style and use.

How do you calculate growth rate of donations? ›

You'll find your donor growth rate by subtracting the number of donors last year from the number of donors this year. Then, divide the resulting number by the number of donors last year. Next, you'll take that number and multiply it by 100 to get a percentage.

How is CAC calculated in marketing? ›

How is cost per acquisition calculated? To calculate cost per acquisition, simply take the entire cost of marketing over a given period of time and divide it by the total number of new customers in that same time period.

What are key metrics example? ›

Here are a few examples of key marketing metrics: Lead Conversion Rate - the percentage of website visitors who are captured as leads. Average Time on Page - average amount of time a user spends on a single website page.

What are the 7 metrics? ›

CVH metrics were defined according to the American Heart Association Life's Simple 7 metrics based on smoking, diet, physical activity, body mass index, blood pressure, total cholesterol, and fasting glucose.

What are the six metrics? ›

These metrics can help businesses increase efficiency and improve the quality of their products.
Here is a list of common six sigma metrics, with an explanation of each metric:
  • Defect rate. ...
  • Process cycle time. ...
  • Lead time. ...
  • Process measurement. ...
  • Process capability. ...
  • Rolled throughput yield. ...
  • X-bar.
29 Sept 2021

What are the 4 most common metric units? ›

In the metric system of measurement, the most common units of distance are millimeters, centimeters, meters, and kilometers.

What is the rule of thirds in fundraising? ›

The Rule of Thirds states: A campaign is likely to reach its goal if the largest gift equals 10% or more of the goal and it, along with the next nine gifts, total one-third of the goal… AND the next 90 gifts equal one-third of the goal.

What is an acceptable cost of fundraising? ›

Average Cost to Raise One Dollar

Capital Campaigns $0.05 to $0.10 per dollar raised. Corporations and Foundations (Grant Writing) $0.20 per dollar raised. Direct Mail Acquisition (with a 1% or better rate of return) $ 1.25 to $1.50 per dollar raised.

What is the 80 2 rule? ›

The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. In other words, a small percentage of causes have an outsized effect. This concept is important to understand because it can help you identify which initiatives to prioritize so you can make the most impact.

What are the 4 main KPIs? ›

Anyway, the four KPIs that always come out of these workshops are:
  • Customer Satisfaction,
  • Internal Process Quality,
  • Employee Satisfaction, and.
  • Financial Performance Index.
25 Sept 2013

What are the 5 smart criteria to be met by the KPIs? ›

The acronym “SMART KPI” stands for “Key Performance Indicators” which are “Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.” SMART KPIs are measurable metrics used to assess employee and company performance.

What is benchmarking in fundraising? ›

Benchmarking is a data-driven management tool that can be particularly valuable to nonprofit organizations across sectors. Benchmarking involves comparing a current data set to historical data sets or data from industry peer organizations.

What is the most critical component of fundraising? ›

Building a culture of philanthropy is the most important and dynamic program element fundraising professionals should do on a daily basis. As your organizational culture matures, your job becomes easier.

What are the key components of fundraising? ›

7 Elements of a Foolproof Fundraising Plan
  • Develop an engaging campaign theme. ...
  • Use data to define and predict progress. ...
  • Break down where revenue comes from and how it'll be used. ...
  • Plan to acquire new donors. ...
  • Get creative! ...
  • Have an online giving strategy. ...
  • Determine your expected costs and their ROI.
20 Nov 2019

What are the top five most important considerations in fundraising for nonprofit organizations? ›

Tangible Tips for Non-Profits: Five Fundraising Considerations
  • Principle #1: Price Point.
  • Principle #2: Target Audience.
  • Principle #3: Bang For Your Buck.
  • Principle #4: Reuse Your Resources.
  • Principle #5: Get Good Data.

What is a typical fundraiser percentage? ›

Typically, fundraising consultants charge a commission for services based on a percentage of the total amount of money raised, and the commission rate will range from 10 percent on amounts in excess of $100,000 to percentages as high as 50 percent for amounts under $1,000.

What is a reasonable fundraising goal? ›

A common fundraising goal is to nurture and expand awareness for the cause, project, or brand that you are raising money for. Increasing awareness will multiply the number of people that will help and engage with your new fundraiser.

What are the six pillars of fund sources? ›

The six pillars are: (1) Organizational Structure, (2) Resources, (3) Information Collection and Dissemination, (4) Rapid Assessment Process, (5) Access to Influence, and (6) Outreach.

What is SWOT analysis in fundraising? ›

A SWOT Analysisis a useful technique for understanding your Strengths and Weaknesses, and for identifying both the Opportunities open to you and the Threats you face. Usedin a fundraising context, it helps youcarve a sustainable niche in your market in terms of your fundraising activities.

What are the 3 types of donation? ›

The four different types are: living donation, deceased donation, tissue donation and pediatric donation.
  • Living donation. ...
  • Deceased donation. ...
  • Tissue donation. ...
  • Pediatric donation. ...
  • The importance of all types of organ, eye and tissue donation.
28 Jul 2021

How do you calculate ROI for dummies? ›

Return on investment (ROI) is calculated by dividing the profit earned on an investment by the cost of that investment. For instance, an investment with a profit of $100 and a cost of $100 would have an ROI of 1, or 100% when expressed as a percentage.

How do you calculate ROI for marketing events? ›

To calculate event ROI, all you have to do is subtract the total cost of your conference or event from the total revenue generated from sales then divide it by the total cost of the event. After this, you'll notice the number is shown as a percentage.

How do you calculate ROI on a marketing campaign? ›

You take the sales growth from that business or product line, subtract the marketing costs, and then divide by the marketing cost. So, if sales grew by $1,000 and the marketing campaign cost $100, then the simple ROI is 900%. (($1000-$100) / $100) = 900%.

What is the formula in finding the fair market value *? ›

The fair market value of a public company's stock can be calculated by averaging its highest selling price and the lowest selling price in one trading day.

How do you calculate average donations? ›

To calculate average gift amount you only need two numbers: Total donation revenue and total gifts received. Just divide donation revenue (x) by the number of gifts (y) and you have average gift size. Simple, right?

What is the rule of 70 growth rate? ›

The number of years it takes for a country's economy to double in size is equal to 70 divided by the growth rate, in percent. For example, if an economy grows at 1% per year, it will take 70 / 1 = 70 years for the size of that economy to double.

How do nonprofits measure success? ›

A nonprofit uses internal comparison to measure success and, most often, compares its current statistics to those of previous years to determine if it met its goals of increased fundraising and greater numbers of people assisted.

How do you calculate growth rate manually? ›

To calculate the CAGR of an investment:
  1. Divide the value of an investment at the end of the period by its value at the beginning of that period.
  2. Raise the result to an exponent of one divided by the number of years.
  3. Subtract one from the subsequent result.
  4. Multiply by 100 to convert the answer into a percentage.

How do you calculate CLV and CAC? ›

A simple formula for calculating CLV is this: “Annual revenue per customer times customer relationship in years minus customer acquisition cost.”

What is ROAS marketing? ›

The definition of ROAS

Return on ad spend (ROAS) is an important key performance indicator (KPI) in online and mobile marketing. It refers to the amount of revenue that is earned for every dollar spent on a campaign.

Is CAC a marketing metric? ›

A company's CAC is the total sales and marketing cost required to earn a new customer over a specific period. Businesses use this metric to determine their profitability because it compares the amount of money they spend on attracting customers against the number of customers they actually gained.

What are examples of metrics? ›

Examples of Metrics

Key financial statement metrics include sales, earnings before interest and tax (EBIT), net income, earnings per share, margins, efficiency ratios, liquidity ratios, leverage ratios, and rates of return. Each of these metrics provides a different insight into the operational efficiency of a company.

What are the 5 metrics of category growth? ›

The growth metrics you definitely want to analyze include:
  • Revenue Generation.
  • Cost Per Lead.
  • Cost Per Customer (CPC) Acquisition.
  • Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)
  • Retention.
  • Upsells.
  • Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)
  • Conversion Rates.
2 Aug 2019

What are the 4 base metric units? ›

As shown in Table 1, base units include the meter (m), the kilogram (kg), the kelvin (K), the second (s), the ampere (A), the candela (cd), and the mole (mol).

What would the top three metrics to monitor? ›

The 3 Most Important Online Marketing Metrics to Monitor
  • Conversion rate and goal completion. If you're investing time and money in building a site and expanding your web presence, be sure you're getting something of value in return. ...
  • Backlink profile. ...
  • Visitor engagement.
29 Aug 2012

What are the 5 most important metrics for performance of the product? ›

The most important key metrics for measuring the performance of a product are as follows:
  • Conversion Rate.
  • Customer Growth Rate.
  • Churn.
  • Cost per Acquisition.
  • Customer Lifetime Value.
  • NPS.
  • Active Trials.
  • Session Length.
31 May 2022

What is an example of a basic metric? ›

For example, millimeters, centimeters, meters, and kilometers are the metric units of the measurement of length. Grams and kilograms are the units for measuring weight. Look at the table given below to understand all the metric system units used for different purposes.

What are the 4 P's of category management? ›

The four P's of category management are: product, price, placement, and promotion.

What are the top 3 most important metrics for a potential winning product that can potentially get us a lot of sales? ›

Some of the most valuable sales metrics include:
  • Total revenue.
  • Average revenue per account (ARPA)
  • Percentage of revenue from new vs. existing customers.
  • Win rate.
  • Year-over-year growth.
  • Lifetime value (LTV)
  • Net promoter score (NPS)
  • Quota attainment.

What are the 4 points for growth strategy? ›

The four growth strategies

These are Product, Placement, Promotion and Price. Where the Four Ps focus on audiences, channels & pricing, the Ansoff Matrix is more effective for a broader view of markets and uses the older Four P framework within each of the 4 Ansoff quadrants.

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