25 Perfect Messages to Write on a Flower Card for the Girl You Like - Tosaylib (2024)

What better way to show your love and affection to the girl you like than with flowers? When you finally choose the perfect flowers, you need to decide on what to write on a flower card for a girl you like.

Start by thinking about the relationship you share. This should give you a good idea of what to write on a flower card for her.

What you include on a note to your wife/partner/girlfriend will be different from what to write on a flower card for a girl you’re currently chasing. It’s because you already have a relationship, and you can be as cheesy or as intimate as you like.

Before we get to exactly what to write on a flower card for a girl you like, let’s talk about why sending flowers is a great idea.

Why sending flowers is the perfect way to show your affection for someone special

25 Perfect Messages to Write on a Flower Card for the Girl You Like - Tosaylib (1)

For as long as anyone can remember, flowers have been perfect for showing affection towards someone special. Women especially love to receive flowers as a gift.

A bunch of flowers is a beautiful gift that works for pretty much any budget. There are also tons of options to choose from, and the different selections have their own unique meanings.

Flowers are great for brightening up her space, and every time she sees them, she will be reminded of you. They’ll also help with her mood, especially if this is a stressful period in her life.

Flowers are also great for expressing your emotions, especially if you’re not the best at expressing your feelings in words. All in all, flowers are perfect for showing your affection towards that special lady in your life.

7 notes on a flower card for your wife/partner

Getting married or being in a long-term relationship is no reason to let go of all the romance that made you fall for each other in the first place. If anything, you should be doing even more than before to keep the romance ball rolling.

Flowers are great for telling your wife/partner that you love her so much. Here are a few ideas on what to write on a flower card for a girl you like:

01“You are the sunshine in my life, and I am these flowers. Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am now.”

Sunshine is a key component for plants to live and thrive. Sending this note lets her know that she is important in your life, and you need her so you can thrive.

25 Perfect Messages to Write on a Flower Card for the Girl You Like - Tosaylib (2)

02“Every day I wake up, I’m thankful I get to spend the rest of my life with a woman like you.”

This is a message you can send when you want to remind your wife/partner that you’re still in love with her, and you’re happily married.

03“If you promise to never stop loving me, then I’ll promise that my love will continue to grow stronger.”

Use this when you want to let your wife/partner know that you’re in it for the long haul.

04“Even after all these years, you’re still the last person I think about when I lay my head to rest, and the first person I think about when I wake up.”

This is a good way to let your wife know that your love is still very strong, and she is the most important person in your life.

25 Perfect Messages to Write on a Flower Card for the Girl You Like - Tosaylib (3)

05“Each rose represents each year you’ve filled my life with love and happiness. If I had the chance to do it again, I’d marry you in a heartbeat.”

If you use this message, make sure the number of roses you give her corresponds with your time together. So, if you’ve been together for 7 years, you have to give her 7 roses for this to make sense.

06“You are the love of my life and the reason I strive to be better than I was yesterday. Thank you for being you.”

Use this when your wife/partner is your motivation and voice of reason. It shows appreciation for all she does.

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07“Enjoy these flowers today, because tonight, there will be fireworks!”

This is a cheeky message you can send to your wife/partner when you have something sexy planned for the evening. It gets her excited, and she’ll be thinking all day about what is to come.

25 Perfect Messages to Write on a Flower Card for the Girl You Like - Tosaylib (4)

What to write on a flower card for a girl you like when she’s your girlfriend

Your girlfriend is an important person in your life, so it’s important to show that you care. Flowers are great for putting a smile on her face and keeping her happy.

The note you attach to the card can make her feel even more special. Here are a few ideas of what to write on a flower card for a girl you like when she’s your girlfriend.

08“Like these flowers, I know that under the right conditions, our relationship will continue to flourish and blossom into something special.”

Use this when you see a future with your girlfriend, and you want her to know that you are on the path to making a promise for forever.

25 Perfect Messages to Write on a Flower Card for the Girl You Like - Tosaylib (5)

09“You’re a real head-turner and the type of girl that makes me want to stop and smell the roses. I’m so lucky you decided to give me a chance.”

This says that she is beautiful and has made an impact on your life. It also says that you are happy to have her and cherish everything she does.

10“To my soulmate, my lover and the star of my life, being with you is like a dream come true.”

This is good to use when you’ve been chasing her for a while, and now you can finally call her your girlfriend.

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11“I know things may not be perfect all the time, but as long as you’re by my side, all is not lost.”

It is good to use this when you are having a rough patch in your life or your relationship, and you want her to know that you’ll never give up on making things work.

12“Our love is a journey with a rocky beginning, but I know the end will be paradise. I can’t wait to make you my life partner.”

This flower card message will make her smile because it says that you see a future with her.

25 Perfect Messages to Write on a Flower Card for the Girl You Like - Tosaylib (6)

13“Enjoy these flowers just because…just because you’re the best girlfriend a guy could ask for.”

This is a good message to send when you randomly decide to send her flowers because you love her.

14“A beautiful bouquet for a beautiful lady.”

This message is short and sweet and does the job when you are sending flowers randomly rather than on a special occasion.

25 Perfect Messages to Write on a Flower Card for the Girl You Like - Tosaylib (7)

15“You are my happiness and my go-to lady. Thank you for being what I’ve always needed.”

Use this when you want to let her know she means a lot to you, and that you will always need her in your life.

What to write on a flower card for the girl you are chasing after

If you think it’s time to finally make your move on the girl you’ve been chasing, flowers are a great place to start. On their own, they say a lot about how you feel, but when a message is attached, it seals the deal and makes them all the more special.

If you want to show her that she is special and important to you, this is what to write on a flower card for a girl you like:

16“Roses are red, violets are blue, I may fail at poetry, but I’d never fail at being the right guy for you.”

This is a light-hearted message you can use when you know you don’t have the right words to say, but you want to make it clear that you like her.

17“If you were a flower, I’d always pick you.”

Use this when you want her to know that she is the apple of your eye or the only girl you want.

25 Perfect Messages to Write on a Flower Card for the Girl You Like - Tosaylib (8)

18“I never believed in love at first sight, but you changed my mind when I met you that night.”

It is good to use this when you want to let her know about these new feelings you’re experiencing for her.

19“You are a magnificent woman, and I have no words to describe how beautiful you truly are.”

Use this when you think she knows that you like her, but you can’t figure out the right thing to say. This gives her a good enough idea, and if she likes you back, she’ll say what is necessary.

20“If I had a girl like you, I’d feel like I was winning the lottery every day.”

This is good to use when you think the girl is out of your league, and you’d treat her like a queen if you ever got a chance with her.

25 Perfect Messages to Write on a Flower Card for the Girl You Like - Tosaylib (9)

21“When I see you, it’s like the entire world stands still. The words can’t come out of my mouth and the butterflies do somersaults in my stomach.”

Use this when you just want to let her know that you have a crush on her or really like her.

22“You have the most amazing smile. I hope these flowers make it appear.”

This simple message is a way to compliment her and let her know that you sent the flowers to make her happy.

25 Perfect Messages to Write on a Flower Card for the Girl You Like - Tosaylib (10)

23“I hope my crush has a great day.”

Use this when you’ve never revealed to her that you have a crush. This is a good way to announce it without revealing all your cards.

24“If we were together, I’d send you flowers every day.”

Flowers are a great symbol of love and affection. When you say this, it means you will always show her how important and special she is to you.

25“I like you, do you like me too? Tick yes or no.”

When you send this message, include two checkboxes for her to tick. This is a cheesy way to ask her if she likes you back, but it shows her a softer side of you, and it’s highly likely it will make her smile.

25 Perfect Messages to Write on a Flower Card for the Girl You Like - Tosaylib (11)


When you send flowers to a woman, whether she’s yours or a crush, attaching a cute message will make her feel even more special. Now that you know what to write on a flower card for a girl you like, it’s time to send them off and hope she likes them as much as you like/love her!

25 Perfect Messages to Write on a Flower Card for the Girl You Like - Tosaylib (2024)


What to say when you give flowers to a girl? ›

If you are personally giving her flowers, tell her what the flowers are for when you are handing the bouquet to her. An example: 'Happy birthday, hope you like the flowers'. Or 'I just want to tell you how much I enjoyed getting to know you..”

What do you write on a card with flowers just because? ›

'Just Because' Messages for Flowers
  1. “We're your biggest fans.” ...
  2. “Because it's Wednesday.” ...
  3. “Thank you for being you.” ...
  4. “I was thinking of you today.” ...
  5. “A little birdy told me these were your favorite flowers.” ...
  6. “I saw this, and it made me think of you.” ...
  7. “I hope this brightens your new home.” ...
  8. “Hope this brightens your day.”
28 Apr 2022

How do you make a flower girl feel special? ›

Ask her with a special proposal

A flower girl will feel oh so special when you pop the question in a special way: maybe during a nice breakfast together, or with a little gift such as some flowers or pearls or a book.

How to impress a girl by message? ›

10 Ways to Keep a Girl Interested over Text
  1. Give her a compliment.
  2. Ask open-ended questions.
  3. Follow up on something she told you about.
  4. Tell her a cool story.
  5. Ask her deep questions about herself.
  6. Create an inside joke with her.
  7. Start a fun debate.
  8. Text pics of what you're up to.

What is a good flower quote? ›

"Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul." "Don't let the tall weeds cast a shadow on the beautiful flowers in your garden." "To me, flowers are happiness." "Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature."

What message to put in flowers? ›

Put a smile on the recipients' face with one of these flower card messages: I hope these flowers brighten your day! When you see these blooms, remember I'm thinking of you! Sending joy your way today!

Do flowers make a girl feel special? ›

Flowers make women feel special

Women love getting flowers because they make women feel special. When women receive a bouquet of beautiful blooms, they know that someone cares about them and thinks about them. Women appreciate the effort and will genuinely love receiving flowers on any occasion!

Should I send flowers to a girl I like? ›

There is nothing wrong with sending flowers to someone toward whom you have romantic feelings. However, unless you are fairly sure that your crush reciprocates these feelings, sending flowers can create an awkward situation.

How do you express love with flowers? ›

Here are five flowers that can express our emotions in ways that words alone cannot:
  1. You're elegant. This is best said with the delicate, daisy-like aster. ...
  2. You're adorable. Say this with a white camellia. ...
  3. I admire you. This is best expressed with a red carnation. ...
  4. I appreciate you. ...
  5. I love you forever.
25 Jun 2020

What is a good gift message? ›

Congratulations Gift Messages

Congratulations - you did it! Congratulations and best wishes! Congratulations from the whole bunch! Congratulations on one of your best moments!

What can I write on a card to brighten someone's day? ›

Positive Messages To Brighten Someone's Day
  • “Thanks for being my friend!”
  • “Thank you for making my mornings easier and my days more worthwhile. ...
  • “You look radiant and full of life today.”
  • “You are my best friend. ...
  • “Just wanted to send you a smile today.”
  • “This is a hug from me to you, to let you know I am thinking of you.
3 Sept 2021

What flower symbolizes a crush? ›

Gardenias. If you have a crush on someone, giving them a bouquet of white gardenias is one way to reveal your secret love. Gloxinia.

What is the best flower to give to your crush? ›

Symbolising sweetness, appreciation, and admiration, the pink rose offers a more lighthearted message than the red rose, making it a more subtle way to show you're interested. Other pink flowers, such as carnations, lilies, peonies, and gemini are also excellent choices.

What is the best flower to give a girl? ›

Top 6 Flowers to Give a Girl This Summer
  • Lilies. Since white lilies are such popular flowers, giving them to a girl as a gift is one of the kindest things you can do. ...
  • Roses. It is impossible to make a mistake when presenting roses, regardless of the color. ...
  • Daffodils. ...
  • Carnations. ...
  • Tulips. ...
  • Sunflowers.
21 Jul 2022

How can I attract a girl with words? ›

How to Impress a Girl with Words
  1. 1 "Spending time with you is my favorite part of the day."
  2. 2 “You look ravishing tonight.”
  3. 3 “My heart stopped when you walked in. ...
  4. 4 “You're beautiful inside and out.”
  5. 5 “You're such an amazing catch.”
  6. 6 “You've got me hooked. ...
  7. 7 “You're insanely inspiring.”
  8. 8 “You always make me smile.

How to make her fall in love with me? ›

How To Make a Girl Fall For You: 20 Simple Strategies
  1. Work on yourself & have your own life. ...
  2. Be optimistic. ...
  3. Keep the conversation going. ...
  4. Respect her as an equal. ...
  5. Be her friend and make it fun. ...
  6. Be anything but clingy. ...
  7. Take it slow – things will fall in place. ...
  8. Don't make yourself too available.
23 Apr 2018

How do you make her heart melt with words? ›

Romantic Text Messages to Melt Her Heart
  1. I need you to always have it at the back of your mind that I will always love you.
  2. Life offers many roads to choose from. ...
  3. You are my warmth in my coldest hours, always there to keep my heart and soul company. ...
  4. You take my breath away every time I see you!

What is a beautiful flower sentence? ›

Examples from the Collins Corpus

There was a garden with two white statues and beautiful bright flowers. (2015) I had no idea that these beautiful pink flowers were so dangerous. A beautiful wild flower that is easy to ignore because it is so common is the dandelion. (2010)

What is flower short note? ›

A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants (plants of the division Angiospermae). The biological function of a flower is to facilitate reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs.

What a beautiful flower is it make simple sentence? ›

Answer. Answer: it is very beautiful flower.

What is a flower blessing? ›

Flower blessings are a unique ritual offering, inspired by the healing power of flowers, angel wash ceremonies, and a body altar ritual learned from a dear friend Luna Dietrich.

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Quotes by Famous People
  • The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. - ...
  • The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. - ...
  • Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. ...
  • If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor. -
2 Nov 2022

What are some beautiful sayings? ›

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you don't celebrate those, they can pass you by.

What is a simple sentence of flower? ›

Noun We planted flowers in the garden. He sent her a bouquet of flowers. He wore a single flower in his lapel.

How to impress a girl with flowers? ›

Give Her Flowers on a Regular Day

Surprise her with the most beautiful bouquet when she gets home after a long day's work. For the woman you love, you do not need special days to make her feel loved. Often, this heartfelt gesture proves that you are constantly thinking about her and wanted her to know that.

What flower represents true love? ›

Then a bouquet of red tulips is the perfect romantic gesture. This favourite spring flower in a bold shade of red is said to symbolise true love.

Which gift can impress a girl? ›

Gifts for Girlfriend Online - FNP
Gift TypesGift Ideas For Girlfriend
GiftsRings, Earrings, Necklaces N Pendants, wallets
FlowersRoses, Lilies, Orchids, Flower Bouquet, Flower basket
CakesStrawberry Cake, Truffle Cake, Red Velvet cake
ChocolatesDark Chocolates, Milk Chocolates, sugar free chocolates

What flowers cheer someone up? ›


The unmistakable vibrancy of sunflowers are known to exude positive energy and these are the perfect flowers to cheer someone up because it symbolises joy, adoration, constancy, and loyalty.

Is sending flowers to a girl too much? ›

The truth is, you can send flowers all the time. Flowers often have the largest impact if sent in the spur of the moment. Your girl will cherish them all the more because a spontaneous bouquet shows she is on your mind.

What feelings do flowers bring? ›

Flowers have a long-term positive effect on moods.

Study participants reported feeling less depressed, anxious and agitated after receiving flowers, and demonstrated a higher sense of enjoyment and life satisfaction.

What flower means I will love you forever? ›

Admired for its sweet scent and trailing vines of pink and orange flowers, the honeysuckle symbolizes devoted and everlasting love.

Do girls like flowers as an apology? ›

Giving flowers is a sweet gesture and can break the ice for your apology. If you want to be more sincere, you should consider writing them a heartfelt note to include with the flowers. They will be sure to cherish this gift for a long time.

Which flower says I like you? ›

Roses. Of course, the list of romantic flowers would be incomplete without this one. The red roses symbolize love, romance, perfection, and beauty. A classic red rose bouquet is best to enchant your beloved and enhance the romance in your relationship.

What is a flower meaning deep love? ›

While pink carnations are a common Mother's Day flower (they symbolize a mother's undying love), red carnations represent admiration, deep love, and affection.

What flowers to confess love? ›


Chrysanthemum is also the most popular flower in the world after Rose. So, if you like someone and want to confess your feelings for that person, send him or her a bouquet of red chrysanthemums that symbolize pure love on this Valentine's Day.

How do you express love gifts? ›

Without a doubt, personalised gifts are memorable for the receiver. So the next time you look for a gift for someone special, make sure it is personalised. A personalised pendant or bracelet that creates an everlasting affection as it allows you to express your love.

What is the greatest gift quote? ›

Quotes The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Because when you give your time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back.

What do you write in a special card for someone? ›

Here are a few examples.
  1. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness.
  2. Best wishes on your wonderful new journey together.
  3. Thank you for letting us share such a special day with you.
  4. Thanks for the free booze! Best wishes on a long and happy marriage.
  5. Congrats and welcome to the family.
2 Sept 2019

What to write in a card to someone you care about? ›

In fact, it's pretty much an automatic feel-good message.
  1. “I've been thinking about you.”
  2. “You've been on my mind a lot lately.”
  3. “Thinking of you always makes my day.”
  4. “Just wanted to send some happy thoughts your way today.”
13 Jul 2018

How do you write a nice message in a card? ›

How to write a heartfelt personal note
  1. Open it up. Start with “dear” or even “dearest.” Or try “hi” or “hello” or the old-school charm of “greetings.” Add the recipient's name and you're off!
  2. Say why you're writing. ...
  3. Go on a bit. ...
  4. Reaffirm your relationship. ...
  5. Say it again. ...
  6. Finish strong.
19 Mar 2021

Is it OK to give flowers to a girl you like? ›

There is nothing wrong with sending flowers to someone toward whom you have romantic feelings. However, unless you are fairly sure that your crush reciprocates these feelings, sending flowers can create an awkward situation.

What flower to give to your crush? ›

Symbolising sweetness, appreciation, and admiration, the pink rose offers a more lighthearted message than the red rose, making it a more subtle way to show you're interested. Other pink flowers, such as carnations, lilies, peonies, and gemini are also excellent choices.

What is a good sentence for flowers? ›

"That plant has pink flowers in the summer." "She always gets flowers on her birthday." "He sent her flowers for Mother's Day." "The flowers haven't appeared yet."

What flower best represents a woman? ›

Lilies. Lilies capture the essence of femininity, making them a glorious and wonderfully fragrant pick for Women's Day. They most commonly mean devotion or purity, though meaning can vary by type of lily, culture, and color.

What flowers mean attraction? ›

These colorful, swirly flowers, also called "buttercups," symbolize charm, attraction, and radiance. Give a bouquet of these beauties and you'll be letting the recipient know: "I am dazzled by your charms," according to Teleflora. Named for their star-shaped flower head, asters represent love, charm, and sensitivity.

What kind of sentence is a lovely flower? ›

Exclamatory sentences:

How beautiful the flower is! This kind of sentence must have a note of exclamation (!)

What is a good sentence for beautiful? ›

She was a very beautiful woman. To me he is the most beautiful child in the world. New England is beautiful. It was a beautiful morning.

How can I write beautiful sentence? ›

6 Tips for Writing Good Sentences
  1. Keep it simple. Long sentences or overly complex sentences don't necessarily make sophisticated sentence writing. ...
  2. Use concrete rhetoric. ...
  3. Employ parallelism. ...
  4. Mind your grammar. ...
  5. Properly punctuate. ...
  6. Practice writing.
28 Jan 2022

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