23 Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People (2024)


Cheap, thrifty people can teach us amazing lessons on money. Thrifty people are families, singles and couples who have this saving, frugal living thing mapped out and understood.

What Is Thrifty?

Thrifty by definition is using money and other resources carefully, thought out and not being wasteful. Living a simple frugal life.

Thrifty People

They are people who pass on the extras and live below their means so they can afford to live like no one else. I am sure you know the people I’m talking about. The ones that seem to have this frugal living thing figured out.

23 Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People (3)

Thrifty Money Saving Lessons

Thrifty people can make a meal from the leftover contents in the fridge that tastes amazing. Their grocery bill always comes in under budget. They live without some of what we feel are life’s essentials and they seem perfectly happy. What is their secret?


What is a thrifty persons secret to saving money? Frugal living and being money savvy. Which means a thrifty person is happy to live below their means to save money.

Frugal Living

Frugal living is about living well, making smart money choices, saving money, choosing options that support the thrifty mindset of living well on less.

How To Live Frugally

When people choose to live frugally they choose to go without so they can have more. Meaning they may choose to follow a frugal living tip or one of the thrifty living lessons below to save more money. Opting to go without one thing so they can afford more of another.

Frugal Living Tips

Following a frugal living lifestyle and including frugal living tips in your day to day life can help you crush your debt and save more money.

Related Frugal Tips:

  • 75 Super Frugal Tips To Help Cut Your Household Expenses
  • 21 Things We Stopped Buying To Save Money
  • 7 Money Saving Starbucks Hacks
  • 50 No Spend Fun Activities For Girls Weekend

Frugal Household

A frugal household is one that maintains a frugal lifestyle, understands simple living and consists of a frugal home.

Must Haves Of A Frugal Home

23 Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People (4)23 Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People (5)

23 Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People (6)23 Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People (7)

23 Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People (8)23 Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People (9)

23 Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People (10)23 Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People (11)

Thrifty Living

Below you will find some amazing tips to help you stress less about money, decrease your debt and put more cash back into your wallet. The Thrifty Guide is full of more money saving frugal tips and thrifty living lifestyle ideas.

Thrifty Spending

Thrifty people, frugal people and cheap people all have one thing in common, they love to save money. More commonly referred to as thrifty spending or frugal spending. Meaning they shop smart, shop sales, bulk buy and look for discounts.

Thrifty Budget

Frugal and thrifty people alike set up and follow a monthly budget. Some may use cash envelopes as well to ensure they stick to their budget. You can learn more about budgeting with the Total Money Makeover.

Extreme Frugal

Some thrifty people may be super thrifty or extremely frugal in their efforts to save money and may go beyond the common frugal lifestyle. Learn more about how to be extremely frugal and save more money.

How To Be Extremely Frugal

Being extremely frugal is about taking frugality to the next step. We all know someone who is super thrifty and extremely frugal being able to live very well on very little. Checkout these 42 extreme frugal tips that the super thrifty, super savvy and extremely frugal individual uses to save tons of money.

Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People:

Frugal Budgeting

Thrifty, frugal and people who easily save money know how to and regularly use a budget. Some may view a budget as a restraint financially but in reality it gives you lots of opportunity. A budget ensures you are making your money work for you.

Get Out Of Debt

Thrifty people know the value of being debt free and aim for achieving this level of financial freedom. If you are currently paying debt off monthly or weekly think about all the extra money you will have once those debts are gone.

Don’t Buy It Till You Can Afford It

Shiny object syndrome, we all want it now. You can come up with 30 reasons as to why having it now can validate the extra costs, the interest and etc.

Frugal individuals can fall into this common situation but they know if they wait and save the money a few things will happen. They will probably pay less for it. They will enjoy it more. And they will probably find a better deal.

Grow Your Own Food

This is an amazing thrifty way to save money that thrifty and frugal people alike enjoy. Growing your own food is a great way to save money on groceries, it is also a great way to spend time outdoors. Something so simple as growing tomatoes and salad greens can help you save money.

Home Cooking

Skip the drive thru and the pre-made meals and enjoy some home cooking. Thrifty individuals know the value in a home cooked meal.

Gathering the family around the table and enjoying a cooked from scratch meal. Something so simple as soup and sandwiches can save you money, fill your tummy and provide time for family conversation.

Meal Planning

If you struggle in the meal preparation department and cooking dinner makes you nervous investing in a meal plan may help you serve up dinner stress free.

A meal plan is exactly that a plan that provides meals, recipes and grocery shopping lists. You could also create a simple cheap meal plan out of the dinner meals your family enjoys eating. For example soup and sandwiches, chicken dinners, pastas, taco night and etc.

Related Meal Ideas:

  • 30+ Mason Jar Meals

Use Cash Envelopes

It’s really easy to place your purchases on plastic and charge up the credit cards without really knowing what you’re spending or what is left in your bank account.

Cash envelopes is a simple system thrifty people use when paying in cash. Paying in cash allows you to relate physical dollar values with goods. The cash envelope system divides up your budgeted cash between groceries, entertainment and etc.

You only spend the allocated money in each envelope without dipping into other areas. This system is designed to help keep your spending and budget in check.

Don’t Be House Poor

Bigger is better, we need more rooms for all our stuff. Frugal people know that working just to pay for your home is not a way to live.

Downsizing, living in a home that suits your needs and your finances is important. It is easy to want a bigger, nicer home but before you make the purchase make sure you can afford it even when things go wrong.

Cheap Entertainment

Family entertainment and date nights don’t need to break the bank. Simple is always better. Checkout these great frugal date ideas and frugal family fun ideas.

Be Money Smart

Use a list, know your budget, look for deals and ways to cut costs where you can. The Grocery Budget Workshop is an amazing resource for money saving tips and tricks. Thrifty people know how to save a dollar.

Related Thrifty Living Posts:

  • 275 Ways To Cut Your Household Expenses
  • 7 Amazing Crochet Patterns For Beginners
  • 21 Things We Stopped Doing To Save Money

Use It, Mend It, Re-Purpose It

Something those that have lived before us know so well. Use it up, mend it and re-purpose it until it is no more. Hand me downs are a prime example or flour sack dresses and pillow cases. Extreme frugal living at it’s best.

Choose Simple

Simple living is a thrifty persons best friend. Living with in your means and aiming for a zero waste lifestyle.

Use Coupons, Apps And Other Ways To Save Money

Free money is the best way to save. You can find coupons in your weekly newspaper and at your local grocery store. If you shop online the best money saving app is Rakuten. Try Rakuten today and receive $10 as a free gift.

Freebies And Deals

Thrifty people never pass up a good deal. Online barter sites, social media share sites, online buy and sell sites are all great places to find good deals. Freebies can also be found in these locations.


Knowing when to shut down, unplug and walk away from your electronics and social media is important to. Smart people know the value in down time, enjoying real time with people. Power down and enjoy real time.

Do It Yourself

Doing things yourself is a great way to save money. DIY household cleaners can save you a ton of money and they are chemical free. DIY decor hacks are great to.

Thrifty people know how to do the research and do minor and major DIY home repairs. Learn how to use hand tools and if you feel confident try to do a few minor repairs yourself. It could save you a ton of money and time.

Save For A Rainy Day

Setting up an emergency fund or rainy day fund is important it gives you that little bit of back up in case something goes wrong. The car breaks down or the fridge stops working or an unexpected trip to the doctor. Set your goal for $1000 and add to it as you can. Reserve this money for emergencies.

Work Hard And Apply Your Skills

Thrifty people know the value in hard work and working smart. They know that sitting around hoping for the right opportunity won’t bring results. Applying your skills and creating your opportunity will.

Leverage What You Have

Embrace your skills and leverage them. If you’re a great baker, create a side business. If you have a spare room or suite maybe an Airbnb rental opportunity are for you. Leverage what you have to get ahead.

Be Content, Enjoy A Simple Life

Thrifty and frugal people alike are content with what they have. They have no problem living below their means, keeping things simple and enjoying minimalism.

Skip The Extras And Make Do

In the spirit of minimalism and living simply thrifty people will opt to skip the extras to make do and stay within the budget and goals.

For example maybe skipping dinner out this week in return for a great home cooked meal and tickets to a family event. It’s about finding balance in the budget for life events.

Stop Trying To Keeping Up With The Joneses

In today’s society it’s all about keeping up with the neighbors, your friends Instagram feed, celebrities and more. Stop keeping up and start enjoying what you have.

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

The grass may look greener on the other side but it may be full of debt and rough edges. Stop comparing your reality to what you think someone else has. Thrive for betterment in your situation and happiness.

♥ More About Saving & Simplicity

Welcome! I am so glad you are here I am Cynthia, primary frugal mom blogger at Saving & Simplicity.

Where you will find frugal, money saving posts and articles along with DIY projects, cheap & easy recipes and so much more.


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Updated June 20, 2023

23 Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People (16)

23 Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People

23 Money Saving Lessons From Thrifty People (2024)


How to be thrifty and save money? ›

Ten Frugal Habits to Save Money
  1. Track Spending.
  2. Automate Your Savings.
  3. Save Loose Change.
  4. Compare Prices & Comparison Shop.
  5. Avoid Spending Triggers.
  6. Shop Second Hand.
  7. Save Windfall Income & Use a Spending Rule of Thumb.
  8. Institute a Waiting Period.

Is being thrifty a good thing? ›

Being frugal is not a bad thing. It only becomes an issue when it is taken to the extreme. I believe that everyone should have some sort of "frugality" as a part of their life, but you must be smart about it.

How to live extremely frugally? ›

12 Tips for Frugal Living
  1. Choose quality over quantity. ...
  2. Prioritize value over price. ...
  3. Use credit wisely. ...
  4. Declutter regularly. ...
  5. Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  6. Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  7. Be a savvy consumer. ...
  8. Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

What is an example of a frugal person? ›

For example, a frugal person may find that canceling a cable TV subscription saves money without impacting life in a negative way, making it worth doing. But the same person might splurge on something else they love, such as gardening or woodworking, because they don't mind spending on what matters most.

What is a thrifty lifestyle? ›

Thrifty Definition:

Being thrifty also means being sparing in regard to money and not living excessively. Using money and other resources carefully rather than wastefully. There is a unique quality to thrifty people, they are typically more willing to sacrifice time in order to save money.

How to live a thrifty lifestyle? ›

15 Frugal Living Tips
  1. Tip 1: Differentiate between Luxury Spending vs Necessary Expenses. ‍ ...
  2. Tip 2: Make Cuts in Your Spending. ...
  3. Tip 3: Cap Your Spending. ...
  4. Tip 4: Keep Receipts and Track Spending. ...
  5. Tip 5: Think Twice Before You Buy. ...
  6. Tip 6: Learn How to Bargain. ...
  7. Tip 7: Reuse and Recycle. ...
  8. Tip 8: Find Thrifted Furniture.
Jan 19, 2024

What is the negative of thrifty? ›

Frugal and thrifty have positive meanings. They are usually used for someone who is careful about how he/she spends money and lives simply and economically. Miser and stingy have negative connotations and they refer to someone who is reluctant to spend money, no matter what the circ*mstances.

What is a negative word for thrifty? ›

un thrifty (adjective as in improvident) Weak matches. extravagant heedless imprudent inconsiderate lavish negligent prodigal profligate profuse reckless shiftless shortsighted thoughtless thriftless uneconomical unthrifty wasteful. un thrifty (adjective as in wasteful) Strongest matches.

What is a thrifty personality? ›

adjective. If you say that someone is thrifty, you are praising them for saving money, not buying unnecessary things, and not wasting things. [approval]

How to stop being a cheapskate? ›

  1. Acknowledge Your Inner Cheapskate. ...
  2. Admit how spending makes you feel. ...
  3. Face Your Fears. ...
  4. Celebrate Good Spending. ...
  5. Set Non-financial Goals. ...
  6. Set a Saving Budget (and Don't Go Over It) ...
  7. Set a Spending Budget (and Don't Go Under It)
Oct 4, 2016

What personality type is frugal? ›

Budgets, savings accounts, and retirement plans take priority over impulse purchases for the dutiful Sentinels. Defenders (ISFJ) (69%) were the most likely personality type to identify as frugal, followed closely by their Thinking-type counterparts, the Logisticians (ISTJ) (67%).

Is being frugal attractive? ›

In fact, 92 percent of Americans find frugality to be an attractive quality in a partner.

Which culture is the most frugal? ›

The results by continent are as below:

Most frugal country in Asia: Singapore. Most frugal country in Europe: Ireland. Most frugal country in Oceania: Australia. Most frugal country in North America: Canada.

How do you become a thrifty person? ›

What are some tips for being frugal?
  1. Create a budget and stick to it. Being frugal begins with this tip. ...
  2. Shop around for the best deals. Buy what you need from the first store you see, but don't just go to the first one you see. ...
  3. Buy used instead of new. ...
  4. Make your own stuff. ...
  5. Repurpose and recycle. ...
  6. Be patient.
Aug 22, 2023

What makes a person thrifty? ›

Being thrifty means being careful of your money and how you spend it. Think twice before you spend, but if you must shop, hitting the sales and using coupons are good ways to be thrifty.

What does it mean to be thrifty saving? ›

sparing, frugal, thrifty, economical mean careful in the use of one's money or resources.

How to save 10k in a year? ›

6 steps to save $10,000 in a year
  1. Evaluate income and expenses. To make room for saving, you'll need a meticulous budget that outlines all your sources of income and all your expenditures. ...
  2. Make an actionable savings plan. ...
  3. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  4. Increase your income. ...
  5. Avoid new debt. ...
  6. Invest wisely.
Apr 2, 2024

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.