23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (2024)

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Having trouble with yourfinances?

Or perhaps you arelooking for effective advice on how to put your savings to good use?

If you do a quick onlinesearch, you’ll probably notice that a lot of people are now hooked into personal financeplanning. This isn’tsurprising, as it is a proven way to budget and save money.

Here are a few of itsadvantages:

  • Provides a clear view of your financial situation
  • Helps you pay off debts immediately and accordingly
  • Permits you to engage in investment savings
  • Gives you full control over your expenditures and savings
  • Allows you to plan for early retirement
  • Reduces your financial stress and provides you with peace of mind

We’d like to be a partof your journey towards successful personal financial planning and investing,so today we are sharing 23 of the bestpersonal finance and investing podcasts that can help you master the art ofmoney management.

Read on and check out our list!

(Side note: Another positive ​way to improve your life is to read and learn something new every day. A great tool to do this is to join over 1 million others and start your day with the latest FREE, informative news from this website.)

Table of Contents

Best Personal Finance & InvestingPodcasts

1. So Money

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (1)

So Money is a great podcast for beginners in personal finance management. Farnoosh Torabi covers everything from the basics to the most complex questions about money organization—including how to pay off your credit cards, how to handle joint finances, and how to launch and grow a business.

Torabi interviews topbusiness leaders and influencers who have had their fair share of financially struggles.These guests share their journeys and how they were able to manage theirfinances. Some of the show’s most notable guests include Tim Ferriss, GretchenRubin, Seth Godin, and Arianna Huffington.

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2. Afford Anything

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (2)

“You can afford anything, but not everything.” This is what Paula Pant wants us to learn through her Afford Anything podcast. This holds true as long as you know how to make the right decisions when spending your money.

In this podcast, Pantconducts interviews with well-known entrepreneurs, millionaires, earlyretirees, investors, and people who know who to manage their finances right.They share with us how to become better at spending and saving, and how to livea financially independent life.

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3. Money for the Rest of Us

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (3)

There are three basic things that Money for the Rest of Us teaches: how money works, how to invest money, and how to live without worrying too much about it. Hosted by J. David Stein, Money for the Rest of Us is the perfect podcast for beginner investors. It has over 12 million downloads and around 45,000 listeners for each episode.

J. David Stein is amoney manager—a former chief investment strategist and chief portfoliostrategist with the Fund Evaluation Group, LLC. He is also an author, focusingmainly on investment strategies and business economics.

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4. The Dave Ramsey Show

If you want to be entirely debt-free, The Dave Ramsey Show is the place to be. He teaches his listeners how they can become financially stable and successful in life—and the first step is by paying off debts.

Ramsey offers asystematic yet simple method to help you manage your money and take control ofyour expenses. For people who are struggling to make ends meet but searchingfor an effective way to pay their debts off as soon as possible, The DaveRamsey Show is just a few clicks away.

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5. Stacking Benjamins

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (5)

Stacking Benjamins is a fun way to improve your financial literacy. Hosted by Joe Saul-Sehy (Joe) and Josh Bannerman (OG, or the “Other Guy”), this podcast aims to explain money and how it works in a very approachable and interesting manner.

While the hosts seem tomake fun of everything, and always keep things light, you will find that eachepisode is full of life lessons about making and handling money to achievefinancial security.

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6. Smart Passive Income

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (6)

Pat Flynn was anexceptional architect and a devoted employee. He had a thriving career and had decidedthat he would stay with his employer forever. But fate didn’t agree. When theeconomy collapsed in 2008, Flynn was on the verge of disaster. Just a fewmonths before his wedding, he was laid off—and he knew he had to do something.

Smart Passive Income shares everything he learned after that collapse. He shares all his blogging strategies, online business techniques, and unique marketing tips that you can use to thrive in your personal finances. If you want to boost your earning potential and learn more about passive income, Pat Flynn is your guy.

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7. Listen, Money Matters

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (7)

Andrew Fiebert is the man behind Listen, Money Matters (and its website counterpart). He hosts the show together with Matt Giovanisci, and together they teach their listeners how to take control of their money and put it to work. The podcast calls itself “honest and uncensored,” providing actionable tools and strategies to help you achieve your financial goals.

Listen Money Matters waslisted by Business Insider as one of the best podcasts to listen to if you wantto get rich. Forbes reported that is the “hit” podcast, making millennials allover America go crazy about money management.

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8. The BiggerPockets Money

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (8)

The BiggerPockets Money provides you the “education you didn’t get from school” when it comes to money and investing. It won’t teach you how to earn money from scratch. Rather, it will give you tips on how to make more money with what you already have.

This show is hosted byMindy Jensen and Scott Trench. Each week, they host financial experts who sharelife stories and lessons about how they were able to attain financial security.They teach you how to earn more and spend smarter so you can grow your wealth.

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9. ChooseFI

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (9)

ChooseFI is all about financial independence (FI) and freedom. It tackles probable actions and strategies you can take to secure your finances, reduce your expenses, optimize your taxes, and strengthen your passive income streams.

This podcast is hostedby Jonathan Mendonsa and Brad Barrett, who explore the secrets and tactics ofthe FI community that work best to attain maximum financial security.

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10. Planet Money

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (10)

Planet Money is a product of National Public Radio (NPR) and explains what exactly is going on in our economy. It was first launched to report on the 2008 global financial crisis, and then the creators (Alex Blumberg and Adam Davidson) decided to continue it as a podcast.

Planet Money is not justabout managing your personal finances. Since it focuses on economic growth anddecline, it also discusses how you should spend your money wisely in relationto economic changes.

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11. How to Money

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (11)

“Rich living on less money.” When you use the money you have in a “purposeful, thoughtful way” that fits your lifestyle, that is when you start living a wealthy life. This is what Joel and Matt—the hosts and creators of How to Money—believe in.

How to Money is not justabout managing your finances and reducing your expenses. It also tackles thenature of financial organization, which is to prioritize the things that matterthe most. You’re spending money anyway, so why not use it on things that are important.

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12. The Fairer Cents

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (12)

The Fairer Cents is highly recommended for women who want to learn how to manage their finances well. It takes a closer look at why money is such a complicated issue when it comes to women, and discusses the factors that affect women’s struggle against economic inequality.

This podcast is hostedby Kara Perez and Tanja Hester, and is considered one of the best podcasts forwomen by several magazines, such as The Balance, Forbes, and Evening Standard.

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13. The Mad Fientist

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (13)

The Mad Fientist is a financial independence podcast that offers tips and strategies that can help you attain early retirement and financial freedom. It is hosted by Brandon, a.k.a. “Mad Fientist,” who was able to achieve financial independence at the age of 34.

In this blog andpodcast, Brandon shares how he was able to retire early. He does this with thehelp of guests like Scott Trench, Ramit Sethi, and Scott Young.

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14. HerMoney

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (14)

HerMoney aims to help women improve their relationships with money, and seeks to level the playing field among men and women in terms of financial security and power. To this end, it offers quality financial information about how women can manage their money and improve their lives.

Jean Chatzky, the hostof the podcast, is the co-founder and CEO of HerMoney. She is an award-winningmagazine columnist and a bestselling author. With her team, she works toeliminate the discrimination within the financial industry and decipher thefinancial jargon created by men to help all kinds of people understand moneybetter.

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15. Couple Money

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (15)

Elle Martinez created Couple Money to help spouses manage their joint finances, pay their debts faster, and improve their marriages and wealth together. While it is true that money isn’t everything when it comes to love and marriage, Martinez believes that it is still a factor that couples should pay attention to.

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16. Function

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (16)

Function with Anil Dash is powered and operated by Glitch and the VoxMedia Podcast Network. It does not specifically focus on money management or investment, but it explains how technology has evolved and shaped us.

Consequently, this showtackles the technological advancements that have affected our attitude towardsfinancial management, such as money management apps and digital financialplanning.

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17. Beyond Finances

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (17)

Beyond Finances claims to be a podcast that “gives real-life context to practical money rules and the theory of financial advice.” Simply put, it provides tips and strategies (without any sugar-coating) for taking control of your finances and making better spending decisions.

Hosts Eric and Kali Robergebelieve that you can enjoy your life in the present moment while still beingable to strategically plan for your future. You just need to adjust your mindsetand believe that you can become financially successful.

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18. Redefining Wealth

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (18)

Patrice Washington believes that, to be financially secure, you have to “chase purpose, not money.” In the show Redefining Wealth, she emphasizes how personal finance is about more than making wise spending decisions or reducing expenses.

Redefining Wealth isexactly what the title suggests: redefining or changing your perspective aboutwhat “wealth” means. Washington concentrates on helping her listeners findtheir life purpose and fulfillment. From this, physical wealth like money willfollow.

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19. Financial Freedom

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (19)

According to host GrantSabatier, money becomes important only once we realize that it is helping uslive the life we want. He is living proof that financial independence ispossible, as he was able to retire at the age of 30.

In Financial Freedom, Sabatier shares with his listeners how they, too, can seek financial freedom. He interviews notable guests such as James Clear, Travis Shakespeare, and Tony Robbins to provide strategies and techniques about money management and living a purposeful life.

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20. The College Investor

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (20)

The College Investor is an excellent choice for students and recent graduates. It is a daily audio show that focuses on providing tips to get out of student loan debt and start building a wealthy future.

Hosted by RobertFarrington, this podcast answers all your questions related to millennialmoney. Furthermore, it teaches students and young workers how to side hustleand earn extra cash to achieve financial goals.

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21. What Works

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (21)

If you currently own a small business, we recommend listening to What Works, in which host Tara McMullin talks to small business owners about how to run and grow their companies. You will learn how to market your business, manage your sales and operations, develop your products and services, and supervise your team.

If you are a business owner or an entrepreneur, here are more business-focused podcasts to listen to.

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22. The Disciplined Investor

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (22)

The Disciplined Investor podcast is hosted by Andrew Horowitz, a certified financial planner (CPF), and operated by Horowitz & Company, Inc. It aims to provide specific advice on marketing and finance that you can use for profitable investing.

Horowitz believes thatif you want to be an investor, you have to learn and develop the art ofdiscipline. Every week, he interviews investment and finance experts to sharevarious principles that can help people become successful in managing theirfinances.

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23. Radical Personal Finance

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (23)

Host Joshua Sheats aims to teach listeners to live a rich life in the moment while creating a plan for financial independence in 10 years or less. His podcast, Radical Personal Finance, is devoted to providing financial information and actionable techniques to help everyone improve their lifestyle.

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Final Words

Money isn’t everything—butit does still matter. In our modern world, not knowing how to manage your finances can be a major source of unhappiness.

There are tons of financial books and podcasts out there. Some focus on a specific planning process, while others provide a general approach. The shows we have listed above are some of the best in the industry. You can check a few of them and see for yourself which best suits your taste. Who knows? You might beat Sabatier and retire at the age of 28!

If you're in the mood for more podcasts, here are the best self help podcasts to listen to this year.

Finally, if you want another positive ​way to improve your life, then read and learn something new every day. A great tool to do this is to join over 1 million others and start your day with the latest FREE, informative news from this website.

23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (24)
23 Best Personal Finance & Investing Podcasts for 2024 (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.