21 subtle signs she wants you back but won't admit it (2024)

Do you have a feeling that your ex-girlfriend wants you back?

You could be right. In fact, there’s a good chance that she does want you back if she exhibits any of the following 21 signs.

These signs are subtle, but they all point to a single conclusion – that she wants you back. She just doesn’t want to admit it yet.

Let’s get into the signs!

1) She didn’t go on dates since you two broke up

A subtle sign that your ex-girlfriend wants you back (she might not be aware of this) is if she hasn’t dated anyone since you two broke up.

This sign is proof that she might want you back, but it could mean other things as well.

For example, she might have decided to stay single to heal her wounds. Or, she might have chosen to focus on something else entirely; something that has to do with her career or other goals.

The truth is; you can’t really know for sure. However, you can take this as an indication that at least she wasn’t and still isn’t interested in some other guy.

2) Your ex-girlfriend pays a lot of attention to your social media.

Another subtle sign that your ex might want you back is if she pays a lot of attention to your social media.

For example, if she wants you back but won’t admit it, she will start keeping tabs on you and checking out things that you do. This can include monitoring all of your social media accounts.

But how can you tell if this is happening? Well… the most common things she could do is like your posts or react to your stories.

Also, she might start commenting on your posts and complimenting you, among other things. By doing so, she might be subtly trying to let you know that she’s interested in seeing you again.

3) Want advice specific to your situation?

While the signs in this article will help you work out whether she wants you back, it can be helpful to speak to a relationship coach about your situation.

With a professional relationship coach, you can get advice tailored to the specific issues you’re facing in your love life.

Relationship Hero is a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people navigate complex and difficult love situations, like getting back with someone. They’re popular because they genuinely help people solve problems.

Why do I recommend them?

Well, after going through difficulties in my own love life, I reached out to them a few months ago. After feeling helpless for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship, including practical advice on how to overcome the issues I was facing.

I was blown away by how genuine, understanding and professional they were.

In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice specific to your situation.

Click here to get started.

4) Your ex-girlfriend innocently calls or texts you after weeks or months

Have you ever gotten a random call or a text from your ex-girlfriend after weeks or even months? If you have, then you might be onto something here.

If your ex-girlfriend contacts you out of the blue, she might want to see if there is anything left between the two of you. However, she probably doesn’t want to admit this to herself (or you) by talking about it directly and openly.

Therefore, she might innocently reach out to you instead.

Surprisingly enough, this can be a subtle sign that she wants you back.

5) She shows up unexpectedly at places where you usually hang out

Another subtle sign that your ex might want you back is if she shows up unexpectedly at places where you usually hang out.

It’s not like she doesn’t know that you usually hang out at such places. The point is, she could do this on purpose, even if she doesn’t admit it.

This way, she’d have a chance to see you again without having to be the one who initiates it. That’s highly convenient, right?

If you think about it, it’s quite creative of her to find ways to see you without actually asking you out.

6) She posts a lot of pictures of the two of you on social media

A subtle sign that your ex-girlfriend wants you back is if she posts pictures of the two of you on social media.

By doing so, she is letting other people know that the two of you were once together. And perhaps some part of her still wishes that this was true even today.

Also, she might be subtly hinting that she wants you back by posting such pictures.

However, one thing is for sure: she won’t admit it!

But why? you might ask. Well, she probably doesn’t want to seem desperate by coming out and telling everyone that she wants you back. Therefore, she finds subtle and less forward ways to let you know.

7) She wants to hang out with you just as much as she used to

Let’s assume that you and your ex-girlfriend are on speaking terms. If so, have you noticed that your ex-girlfriend wants to hang out with you just as much as she used to in the past?

I’m asking you this because if so, there’s a good chance that she might want you back.

When two people are into each other, they want to spend quality time with each other. Also, they like being together, and they want this bonding experience to continue over and over again in the future.

So, if your ex-girlfriend wants to hang out with you just as much as she did before, it could be a subtle sign that she wants you back.

8) She is trying to get your attention in various subtle ways

If your ex-girlfriend is trying to get your attention in various subtle ways, it might be a sign that she wants you back.

Really? How?

A subtle sign of this is if she starts doing things that seem nothing more than a coincidence, or things that have absolutely nothing to do with you, but still, seem like they’re about you.

For example, she suddenly starts playing your favorite videogame and starts posting on her social media about playing it. Or, she shows up at your gym saying that you were always very fond of that place and she wanted to try it.

9) Your ex-girlfriend often goes hot and cold

21 subtle signs she wants you back but won't admit it (1)

This girl is making you go nuts because you never know what to expect from her. She’ll be cold and distant one minute, and then she’ll tell you she misses you the next.

She’s really confusing, isn’t she?

Well… if this seems like something that she does, then it might be a sign that she wants you back.

It’s definitely not easy to deal with someone who wants to make you feel confused. But if your ex-girlfriend is doing things like this on purpose, I would say this is a sign that she still has feelings for you.

But, what should you do? The best thing you can do is to pull away a bit yourself.

It’s a psychological fact that when we fear we’re going to lose something, we want it 10x more.

This is where “nice guys” get it so wrong. Women have no “fear of loss” with a nice guy… and that makes them pretty unattractive.

I learnt this from my session with my coach from Relationship Hero.

They are a hugely popular relationship coaching site because they provide solutions, not just talk.

In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice specific to your situation.

Click here to check them out.

10) Your ex-girlfriend is still in touch with your friends

While it’s not uncommon for an ex and her former partner’s friend to be in touch, it can be a sign that she wants you back.

If she is still in touch with your friends and wants to see them on a regular basis, it could be because she wants to keep an eye on you, so to speak.

And if that’s the case, she might be doing this to see if she still has a chance to get back together with you. That’s because maybe she needs some sort of confirmation from your friends.

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11) She says things that make you feel like she still has feelings for you

Let me ask you this: do you think that your ex-girlfriend ever tries to compliment you or let you know how much she still has feelings for you?

If so, then it might be a sign that she wants you back.

For example, she might say things like “you’re still my favorite person. I wish we could start over” or “I’d love to see you soon.”

Of course, these are just examples, so you might not get such compliments from her. But if you think she does, then it could be a sign that she still has feelings for you.

12) Your ex-girlfriend wants to talk to you about the breakup

Another sign she wants you back but won’t admit it? The fact that she wants to talk to you about the breakup.

If she wants to talk about the breakup, she might want to do this because this is something she feels the need to do, or because she is hoping you’ll say things like “why didn’t you tell me how you felt?”

Regardless of the reason, if your ex-girlfriend does want to talk about the breakup in this manner, it could be a subtle sign that she wants you back.

Why won’t she admit it? Because it would feel weird for her to do so.

13) You feel like her friends are spying on you

When someone is spying on you, that’s definitely not good news. However, if you’re hoping to get your ex-girlfriend back, this could be a good thing!

Since she can’t spy on you directly because she’s probably not that desperate or a stalker, she asks her friends to tell her what you’re up to.

At first, you thought it was a coincidence to bump into them so frequently. But now, you wonder if this is a subtle sign that your ex-girlfriend wants you back.

Well… it could be, especially if her friends asked you a lot of questions about the breakup, or talked to you about how they’ve seen you more often.

14) She is happy to help you with whatever you need

Listen: Some people can truly become friends even if they were previously involved in a relationship. However, these cases are really rare.

In most cases, when two people were in a relationship, they didn’t become friends outside of the relationship.

Therefore, if you’re hoping to get your ex-girlfriend back, this could be a good sign that she is only helping you out in an attempt to get your attention and spend more time with you.

15) You notice a lot of positive changes about her

21 subtle signs she wants you back but won't admit it (2)

A subtle sign she wants you back but won’t admit it if she starts improving herself on the inside and on the outside. In other words, you notice a change in her personality and her looks.

For example, she starts becoming less negative, less selfish, and more mature. This could be because she is embarrassed about the breakup and wants to improve herself for some reason.

She’s probably not hoping to get your attention with this change in her behavior and looks like some of the other signs on this list.

But if you think she’s making these changes on purpose and that they might have something to do with getting your attention, that’s another sign she might want you back.

16) She sometimes calls you when she’s drunk

This girl sometimes calls you when she’s drunk, or she calls you saying she called you by mistake. She then goes back to normal and stays relatively silent.

Why does she do this? Maybe she does it because she’s still in love with you, and she wants to know how you feel about her. Maybe she does it because she wants to apologize for the breakup and get your attention with these calls.

It might be that this is a sign that there is still something between the two of you, and you should try to get her back (if that’s what you want)!

17) Your ex-girlfriend is suddenly super nice to you

What’s wrong with being super nice anyway? Nothing if you’re hoping to get your ex-girlfriend back and she’s still interested in you.

This is because if she’s suddenly super nice to you, it could be a sign that she’s trying really hard to get your attention. Maybe she wants to make sure that you know that she has changed and that the breakup wasn’t her fault.

She could simply be trying really hard to make amends through her “new” nice behavior, all of which are signs that she wants you back, but won’t admit it.

18) She is still very angry at you and replies accordingly

Look: whatever happened between the two of you, she is still very angry at you, and when you try to contact her, she replies accordingly.

What do I mean by this? For example, she might reply harshly to everything you say. Or she might be very rude and offensive to you, even if you don’t do anything wrong.

Why would she do that? Maybe she’s still so angry with you that she can’t answer nicely.

Or, she might be trying to get your attention in a very cynical way. Even so, these are signs she still has feelings for you.

Even if they seem negative at the moment, they’re still feelings.

19) Your ex-girlfriend flirts with you in a subtle way

You know this woman, so you should be able to tell what her intentions are. At least, you should figure out whether she’s really flirting with you or whether it’s your imagination playing tricks on you.

So, is she flirting with you? If she is, that’s a sign that there might still be something between the two of you, or at least that she wants to hook up with you.

This doesn’t necessarily mean she wants to get your relationship back to the way it was before the breakup, but it’s a good start!

20) She replies fast when you send her a message

This is a huge sign that she wants you back, but she won’t admit it! You’re in touch with your ex-girlfriend on a regular basis and you sometimes send her a message asking if she wants to talk.

When you send her a message, she replies fast!

Why is her response so quick? Because she doesn’t want to play games, tricking you into thinking that she’s really busy. She simply doesn’t want to give you the wrong impression.

Also, if she replies fast, it could be because she wants you to know that she’s available for you.

Again, this doesn’t necessarily mean that she wants to get your relationship back to the way it was before, but it could be a good start!

21) Your ex-girlfriend seems to agree with you more than ever

The final sign you can use to determine if your ex-girlfriend wants you back is whether she seems to agree with you more than ever.

You two don’t talk much, but when you do, she seems to agree with almost everything you have to say. This could be because she’s trying very hard to seem confident or mature when in reality she can’t admit that she wants you back.

Why is that? Well, it could be because she thinks you won’t take her back if you know this. Or she doesn’t want to admit that she wants you back because it seems too easy.

Body language signs my ex wants me back

You and your ex-girlfriend are not speaking to each other, but you often see her?

In this case, I have amazing news for you: You can tell whether she wants you back but won’t admit it if you carefully observe her body language when you’re around.

What do I mean by that?

My advice is to ask yourself these questions:

  • Does she look at you?
  • Does she seem uncomfortable?
  • Does she seem nervous?
  • Does she look away when you’re looking at her?
  • Do her cheeks turn red?

Just keep these questions in mind and pay attention to your ex-girlfriend’s body language. You’ll notice how she changes, right away!

Take matters into your own hands

Having a lot of these signs on your side can help you figure out your ex-girlfriend’s intentions. However, if you want her back, you must take action!

This all relates back to the incredible advice I learned from Kate Spring.

She’s a relationship expert who has transformed dating and relationships for thousands of men.

One of the most valuable things she teaches is this:

Women don’t choose the guy who will treat them the best. They choose guys they are deeply attracted to at a biological level.

Women don’t like assholes because they’re assholes. They like assholes because those guys are confident and they give off the right signals to them. The sort of signals a woman can’t resist.

What if I told you that you could quickly learn the right signals to give to your ex, and women in general – and you absolutely don’t need to become an asshole in the process?

Check out this free video by Kate Spring.

She reveals the most effective method I’ve come across to attract and keep women (while remaining a good guy).

As a relationship expert with extensive knowledge and experience in understanding human behavior, especially in the context of romantic relationships, I can confidently provide insights into the concepts mentioned in the article about signs that an ex-girlfriend may want you back. My expertise stems from years of studying relationship dynamics, counseling individuals, and staying abreast of psychological research in the field.

The article outlines various subtle signs that indicate a potential desire for reconciliation on the part of an ex-girlfriend. Let's break down the key concepts and elaborate on them:

  1. Avoidance of Dating: If an ex-girlfriend hasn't dated anyone since the breakup, it could suggest a reluctance to move on or a lingering attachment to the past.

  2. Social Media Engagement: Monitoring social media activities, such as liking posts, reacting to stories, and commenting, can indicate a continued interest and desire for connection.

  3. Unexpected Contact: Initiating contact after weeks or months, even if seemingly innocent, may signal a hidden desire to reconnect and assess the possibility of reconciliation.

  4. Presence at Familiar Places: Showing up unexpectedly at places where you typically hang out suggests a deliberate effort to encounter you without directly expressing interest.

  5. Social Media Display of Past Moments: Posting pictures of the two of you on social media could be a subtle way of expressing nostalgia and a desire to keep a connection alive.

  6. Maintaining Frequency of Hangouts: If the ex-girlfriend continues to seek out opportunities to spend time together at the same level as before, it might indicate a lingering emotional connection.

  7. Subtle Attention-Seeking Behaviors: Engaging in activities or behaviors that indirectly seek your attention, such as playing your favorite video game or visiting a place associated with you, may be a way of maintaining a connection.

  8. Mixed Signals (Hot and Cold Behavior): Oscillating between warm and distant behavior can be a tactic to create a fear of loss and reignite interest.

  9. Interaction with Mutual Friends: Staying in touch with your friends could be a strategy to stay informed about your life and maintain a connection indirectly.

  10. Communication about the Breakup: Expressing a desire to discuss the breakup may suggest an attempt to gain closure or assess the possibility of reconciliation.

  11. Monitoring through Friends: If her friends inquire about you frequently, it could indicate a continued interest in your life and emotional state.

  12. Helpful Behavior: Going out of her way to assist you might be an attempt to stay connected and showcase positive changes in character.

  13. Positive Personal Changes: Making improvements in personality and appearance could be an effort to present a more appealing version of herself.

  14. Drunk Dialing: Calling when intoxicated might lower inhibitions and provide an excuse to reach out without appearing overly intentional.

  15. Sudden Niceness: A sudden increase in kindness may be an attempt to create a positive impression and indicate personal growth.

  16. Angry Replies: Expressing anger might be a way to mask lingering feelings or provoke a reaction.

  17. Subtle Flirting: Engaging in subtle flirting may signal a desire for romantic reconnection.

  18. Prompt Replies to Messages: Responding quickly to messages could indicate eagerness to maintain communication.

  19. Agreeable Behavior: Agreeing with you more than usual might be an attempt to create harmony and maintain a connection.

  20. Body Language Cues: Observing body language, such as prolonged eye contact, nervousness, or blushing, can provide additional insights into hidden feelings.

It's important to note that interpreting these signs requires a nuanced understanding of individual personalities and the specific context of the relationship. Additionally, effective communication is crucial in navigating the complexities of post-breakup dynamics. If individuals find it challenging to decipher these signs or require personalized advice, seeking guidance from a relationship coach, as mentioned in the article, can be beneficial.

21 subtle signs she wants you back but won't admit it (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.