21 Money Mindset Coaching Tips to Transform Your Wealth in 30 Days (2024)

Table of Contents
Key Takeaways: How Does Money Mindset Coaching Work? 1. Unearth Your Money Blocks The Truth Behind Your Money Story The Power of Unconscious Beliefs 2. Embrace an Abundant Money Mindset Shifting from Scarcity to Abundance Visualization Exercises: A Practical Tool 3. Cultivate Positive Money Relationships Attitudes Towards Money The Goal of Money Mindset Coaching 4. Implement Money Mindset Affirmations The Law of Attraction and Money Building a Rich Brain 5. Rewrite Your Financial Script Coaching Program: A Step Process The Dream Life Blueprint 6. Create Your Wealth Map Practical Tools for Financial Growth 7. Address Non-Necessary Cookies The Power of Personal Decision The Peace of Mind Factor 8. Break Free from Negative Patterns The Coaching Industry’s Role Deep-Rooted Beliefs and Financial Matters Financial Well-Being as a Priority The Role of a Financial Advisor 9. Embrace Financial Products That Serve You The Money Mindset Book Club The Money Mindset Journey Blog 10. Recognize the Money Mindset Shift Relationships With Money Evolving The Skilled Money Mindset Coach 11. Set and Achieve Your Dream Life Goals Life Of Abundance: A Step Process Practical Tools for Manifesting Abundance 12. Overcome Income Plateaus The Power of Professional Growth The Non-Necessary Cookies of Professional Life 13. Harness the Power of Peace Of Mind Negative Patterns in Professional Settings From Scarcity to Abundance in Business 14. Engage in Practical Exercises for Financial Fitness The Basic Functionalities of Wealth Building The Coaching Industry’s Wealth of Resources 15. Dive Deep into Your Deep-Rooted Beliefs Financial Frequency: Tuning into Prosperity Financial Matters: More Than Just Money 16. Consult a Financial Advisor for Stability The Crucial Aspect of Financial Planning Financial Products That Align With Your Goals The Money Mindset Shift in Action 17. Celebrate Your Financial Growth The Importance of Recognizing Milestones The Role of Affirmations in Financial Success 18. Build a Community of Support The Power of Group Coaching The Journey to Financial Freedom 19. Implement Daily Money Mindset Practices The Role of Routine in Financial Stability The Impact of Daily Decisions 20. Educate Yourself Continuously The Importance of Financial Literacy Leveraging Resources for Learning 21. Seek Out New Opportunities for Growth The Role of Networking in Financial Growth Embracing Change for Financial Evolution Conclusion: Your Money Mindset Transformation FAQs

Imagine us sitting down with a cozy cup of coffee, chatting about a little secret that could change everything.

It’s called money mindset coaching, and it’s not just about the dollars in your bank account—it’s about the dreams in your heart.

In this article, I put together a practical 30-day challenge where we’ll gently unravel those old stories you’ve been telling yourself about money and weave a new narrative.

This is all about growth, abundance, and joy. Ready to begin this journey together?

Key Takeaways: How Does Money Mindset Coaching Work?

Money mindset coaching works by diving deep into our subconscious minds, challenging and reshaping our beliefs around money. It’s about fostering an abundant mindset, combatting the scarcity mindset that so often holds us back. But beware, without awareness, negative patterns can persist, and emotions around money can remain tangled, leaving us feeling stuck.

1. Unearth Your Money Blocks

Have you ever considered that the biggest obstacle to your wealth might be your own thoughts? Your current money mindset, filled with unconscious beliefs and abundance blocks, could be the invisible wall between you and your dream life. A skilled money mindset coach, or a certified self-hypnosis program, can help you identify and dismantle these blocks.

The Truth Behind Your Money Story

Your money story is a narrative woven from past experiences and emotions around wealth. It’s crucial to acknowledge and understand this story to rewrite it. Have you noticed how your financial decisions are influenced by your past?

The Power of Unconscious Beliefs

Our subconscious minds harbor beliefs about money that shape our daily life. Unconscious beliefs can be like hidden scripts, directing our financial lives without us even realizing it. What scripts have you been following without questioning?

Take this short quiz learn more about your blocking beliefs.

2. Embrace an Abundant Money Mindset

We often hear about the need for an abundant mindset, but what does it really mean? It’s about seeing life as a glass half full, recognizing opportunities for growth, and believing in your financial potential. It’s a solid foundation for personal and professional growth.

Shifting from Scarcity to Abundance

The shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundant one is profound. It’s like moving from a drought-stricken land to a lush oasis where opportunities for growth are abundant. What does an oasis of financial abundance look like to you?

Visualization Exercises: A Practical Tool

Visualization exercises are practical tools that can help cement your new money mindset. Imagine your life of abundance in vivid detail, and let those images guide your actions. Have you tried visualizing your financial goals?

Learn how to build your vision board here.

3. Cultivate Positive Money Relationships

Your relationships with money are like any other relationships—they require attention and care. A healthier relationship with wealth opens the door to peace of mind and financial stability. Are you nurturing your financial relationships?

Attitudes Towards Money

Our attitudes towards wealth can either propel us forward or hold us back. A negative money mindset can lead to income plateaus, while a positive one can elevate us to new heights. What’s your attitude saying about your financial future?

The Goal of Money Mindset Coaching

The ultimate goal of money mindset coaching is not just to improve your bank balance but to enhance your entire life. A skilled wealth mindset coach guides you towards a richer, more fulfilling life. For this purpose, it’s key you understand how money and energy are pretty much the same thing.

4. Implement Money Mindset Affirmations

Money mindset affirmations are short, powerful statements that can help you shift your financial frequency. They’re not just feel-good phrases; they’re tools for rewiring your brain towards financial well-being. What affirmations will you choose?

The Law of Attraction and Money

The law of attraction suggests that like attracts like, and this holds true for money as well. Positive affirmations can attract the wealth and prosperity you desire. Have you experienced the law of attraction in action?

Building a Rich Brain

Developing a rich brain is about more than just financial knowledge. It’s about cultivating the right mindset and affirmations to attract wealth. Are you ready to uncover the naked truth on attracting wealth?

5. Rewrite Your Financial Script

Your financial script, the deep-rooted beliefs you hold about money, dictates much of your financial reality. By rewriting this script, you open yourself to new possibilities and a healthier relationship with wealth. What does your current script look like?

Coaching Program: A Step Process

A coaching program can offer a step process to systematically address and transform your money mindsets. It’s a journey of personal decision, where each step builds upon the last towards financial freedom.

The Dream Life Blueprint

Your dream life is not just a fantasy; it can be your reality with the right mindset and tools. Money mindset coaching provides practical exercises to help you build the blueprint for your dream life.

6. Create Your Wealth Map

A wealth map is a strategic plan for your financial journey. It’s not just about the destination but also about the milestones along the way. With financial coaching, you can create a map that’s tailored to your unique path. Are you ready to chart your course?

Practical Tools for Financial Growth

Financial growth requires practical tools and strategies. From budgeting to investing, these tools form the basic functionalities of a solid financial plan. What tools are you using to grow your wealth?

For further exploration and assistance, here’s our guide to the secrets to creating wealth.

7. Address Non-Necessary Cookies

In the context of wealth mindset, non-necessary cookies represent the extraneous spending and habits that don’t serve your financial goals. Identifying and addressing these can lead to a more focused and intentional financial life. What non-necessary cookies are in your life?

The Power of Personal Decision

Every personal decision you make, from the small daily choices to the big life-changing ones, impacts your financial potential. Money mindset coaching helps you make decisions aligned with your goals. What decisions will you make today?

The Peace of Mind Factor

Achieving peace of mind is a crucial aspect of financial stability. It’s about more than numbers; it’s about feeling secure and confident in your financial matters.

Here’s a great money meditation audio (free download) to help you achieve the peace of mind you need about your finances.

8. Break Free from Negative Patterns

Negative patterns, especially negative thought patterns about money, can be deeply ingrained. Breaking free from these patterns is a key part of transitioning from scarcity to abundance. What negative patterns are you ready to let go of?

The Coaching Industry’s Role

The coaching industry offers a wealth of knowledge and support for those looking to change their financial frequency. With the right coaching programme, you can overcome negative patterns and embrace a new financial mindset. Are you tapping into this resource?

Deep-Rooted Beliefs and Financial Matters

Deep-rooted beliefs can have a profound impact on our financial matters. Money mindset coaching helps to unearth and transform these beliefs, leading to a healthier financial frequency. What deep-rooted beliefs might be influencing your financial decisions?

Financial Well-Being as a Priority

Financial well-being should be a priority, not an afterthought. It’s about more than just making ends meet; it’s about thriving. A coaching programme can be a crucial aspect in achieving this. How are you prioritizing your financial well-being?

The Role of a Financial Advisor

While a money mindset coach focuses on your beliefs and behaviors, a financial advisor can complement this by helping with practical financial planning. Together, they can form a powerful team for your financial stability.

9. Embrace Financial Products That Serve You

Financial products can be tools that help you achieve your wealth goals, but only if they align with your financial plan and mindset. It’s important to choose products that serve your objectives.

The Money Mindset Book Club

Reading is a powerful tool for mindset growth. Consider joining a money mindset book club, where you can learn from experts and discuss concepts with peers. What’s the last abundance mindset book you read? Here’s a great resource from bestselling author Dr.Joe Vitale that changed my life.

The Money Mindset Journey Blog

Follow a money mindset journey blog for insights and stories from those who have walked the path before you. Their experiences can provide valuable lessons and inspiration. Have you found a blog that resonates with you?

10. Recognize the Money Mindset Shift

A money mindset shift is often subtle but profound. You may notice changes in your attitudes towards wealth, your financial decisions, and even your sense of abundance. Celebrate these shifts as milestones on your journey. Can you identify any recent shifts in your mindset?

Relationships With Money Evolving

As your abundance mindset evolves, so will your relationships with money. A healthier relationship means less stress and more confidence in your financial decisions. How have your relationships with wealth changed recently?

The Skilled Money Mindset Coach

A skilled money mindset coach is not just a teacher but a partner in your journey. They provide the support and accountability you need to make lasting changes. What qualities would you look for in a coach?

Here’s a great free resource I’d recommend you to start with.

11. Set and Achieve Your Dream Life Goals

Your dream life is within reach, and setting clear goals is the first step to achieving it. Money mindset coaching can help you clarify these goals and create a plan to reach them. What are your dream life goals?

Life Of Abundance: A Step Process

Creating a life of abundance is a step process, one that involves both mindset and action. Each step you take builds upon the last, leading you closer to your dream life. What steps are you currently taking?

Practical Tools for Manifesting Abundance

There are practical tools available that can help you manifest abundance, from visualization exercises to affirmations. These tools can be powerful allies on your journey. They’re both extremely powerful, just pick the tool you feel more comfortable with.

12. Overcome Income Plateaus

Income plateaus can be frustrating, but they’re often a sign that it’s time to level up your mindset and strategies. Money mindset coaching can help you break through these plateaus and continue your financial growth. Are you ready to break through your current plateau?

The Power of Professional Growth

Professional growth is often tied to financial growth. As you expand your skills and knowledge, you open up new opportunities for income and advancement. How are you investing in your professional growth?

The Non-Necessary Cookies of Professional Life

Just as in your personal finances, your professional life may have non-necessary cookies—activities or commitments that don’t serve your growth. Identifying and addressing these can lead to more focused and effective professional development.

13. Harness the Power of Peace Of Mind

Peace of mind is perhaps the most valuable currency. It allows you to make clear, confident financial decisions and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Money mindset coaching helps you achieve this state. How much peace of mind do you currently have regarding your finances?

Negative Patterns in Professional Settings

Negative patterns aren’t limited to personal finance; they can also manifest in professional settings. Recognizing and addressing these patterns is key to your overall financial and professional well-being. Are there any negative patterns you’ve noticed at work?

From Scarcity to Abundance in Business

The journey from scarcity to abundance isn’t just personal; it applies to business as well. By adopting an abundant mindset, you can transform the way you approach your business and unlock new levels of success. How does abundance show up in your business practices?

Here’s a great free audio I’d recommend you to start with.

14. Engage in Practical Exercises for Financial Fitness

Just like physical fitness, financial fitness requires regular, practical exercises. These can range from budgeting to strategic planning to investing in your education. Money mindset coaching can guide you through these exercises. What’s your financial fitness routine?

The Basic Functionalities of Wealth Building

Understanding the basic functionalities of wealth building is essential. This includes knowing how to manage your money, invest wisely, and plan for the future. Are you familiar with these basic functionalities?

The Coaching Industry’s Wealth of Resources

The coaching industry offers a wealth of resources for those looking to build wealth and improve their financial fitness. From coaching programmes to seminars to online courses, there’s something for everyone. Have you explored these resources?

15. Dive Deep into Your Deep-Rooted Beliefs

Your deep-rooted beliefs about money may be the most significant barrier to your financial success. Money mindset coaching can help you dive deep and address these beliefs head-on. What beliefs are you ready to challenge?

Financial Frequency: Tuning into Prosperity

Your financial frequency is like a radio station—tune it to the right frequency, and you’ll attract prosperity. Money mindset coaching can help you find and maintain this frequency. What station are you tuned into?

Financial Matters: More Than Just Money

Financial matters encompass more than just money; they include your values, goals, and vision for your life. Aligning your financial decisions with these deeper aspects can lead to more meaningful success. What matters most to you financially?

16. Consult a Financial Advisor for Stability

For long-term financial stability, consulting a financial advisor can be a wise move. They can provide expertise and guidance that complements the work you do with a money mindset coach. When was the last time you consulted a financial advisor?

The Crucial Aspect of Financial Planning

Financial planning is a crucial aspect of achieving financial stability. It’s about more than just saving money; it’s about creating a plan that supports your life goals. How robust is your financial plan?

Financial Products That Align With Your Goals

Choosing financial products that align with your goals is essential. Whether it’s insurance, investments, or savings accounts, make sure they’re working for you, not against you. What financial products are you currently using that truly align with your dream life?

The Money Mindset Shift in Action

When you experience an abundance mindset shift, you’ll notice changes in how you view and use financial products. They become tools to support your vision, not just expenses or investments. Have you felt this shift yet?

17. Celebrate Your Financial Growth

Celebrating your financial growth is a key part of maintaining a positive money mindset. It reinforces your success and motivates you to continue on your path. What recent financial successes can you celebrate today?

The Importance of Recognizing Milestones

Recognizing milestones on your financial journey gives you a sense of progress and achievement. It’s important to acknowledge these moments, no matter how small they may seem. What milestones have you reached recently?

The Role of Affirmations in Financial Success

Affirmations can play a significant role in your financial success by keeping your mindset focused and positive. Repeat affirmations that resonate with your financial goals to help manifest them into reality. What affirmations are you using to fuel your financial growth?

18. Build a Community of Support

Building a community of support with others who share your financial goals and values can be incredibly empowering. Share your journey, learn from others, and build relationships that support your financial growth. Who is in your financial support community?

The Power of Group Coaching

Group coaching can offer a sense of community and shared learning that individual coaching may not provide. Consider joining a group coaching program to connect with others on similar financial paths. Have you thought about the benefits of group coaching?

The Journey to Financial Freedom

The journey to financial freedom is not a solo venture. It’s enriched by the experiences and wisdom of others. By sharing your journey, you can inspire and be inspired. What does financial freedom mean to you?

19. Implement Daily Money Mindset Practices

Daily money mindset practices can help you maintain focus and continue to cultivate a positive relationship with money. Incorporate practices like journaling, reviewing your goals, or reading financial literature into your routine. What daily practices will you commit to?

The Role of Routine in Financial Stability

Establishing a routine around your financial activities can lead to greater financial stability. It creates a structure that supports your financial goals and keeps you on track. What does your financial routine look like?

The Impact of Daily Decisions

The impact of daily decisions on your financial well-being cannot be overstated. Each choice, no matter how small, contributes to your overall financial picture. Are you making daily decisions that align with your financial goals?

20. Educate Yourself Continuously

Continuous education is key to maintaining a growth-oriented money mindset. Stay informed about financial trends, new tools, and strategies to enhance your financial knowledge. What are you doing to educate yourself financially?

The Importance of Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is the foundation of a strong money mindset. Understanding the basics of money management, investing, and the economy empowers you to make informed decisions. How are you improving your financial literacy?

Leveraging Resources for Learning

There are countless resources available for financial learning, from books to online courses to workshops. Leveraging these resources can accelerate your financial education and growth. What resources have you found most helpful?

21. Seek Out New Opportunities for Growth

Always be on the lookout for new opportunities for growth, both personally and financially. Money mindset coaching can help you identify these opportunities and give you the confidence to pursue them. What new opportunities are you exploring?

The Role of Networking in Financial Growth

Networking can open doors to new financial opportunities and relationships. It’s about more than just meeting people; it’s about connecting with those who can help you grow. How are you using networking to enhance your financial life?

Embracing Change for Financial Evolution

Embracing change is essential for financial evolution. As you grow and your goals shift, be open to adapting your financial strategies. How comfortable are you with change when it comes to your finances?

Conclusion: Your Money Mindset Transformation

You’ve explored 21 steps to transform your wealth in just 30 days through money mindset coaching. Remember, this journey is ongoing, and each step you take builds upon the last. Keep these tips in mind, stay committed to your growth, and watch as your financial life transforms before your eyes.

Keep the momentum of your money mindset transformation going. Continue to challenge your beliefs, celebrate your successes, and seek out new opportunities. How will you maintain your positive money mindset?

Your journey with wealth and personal growth is never truly finished. It’s a continuous process of learning, evolving, and expanding your financial potential. What’s the next step on your journey?

Remember, transforming your wealth with money mindset coaching is not just about the numbers in your bank account—it’s about cultivating a life of abundance, peace of mind, and financial freedom. Embrace the journey, and let your newfound knowledge guide you to the life you’ve always imagined.

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21 Money Mindset Coaching Tips to Transform Your Wealth in 30 Days (2024)


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Six Steps to Creating a Positive Money Mindset
  1. Forgive Your Past Financial Mistakes. No one is perfect. ...
  2. Understand Your Thoughts and Emotions Surrounding Money. ...
  3. Realize That Comparing Yourself to Others is a Losing Game. ...
  4. Work on Forming Good Habits. ...
  5. Create a Budget That Brings You Joy. ...
  6. Remember to be Thankful.

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How To Develop a Millionaire Mindset and Get Rich
  1. Cultivate a Growth Mindset. ...
  2. Set Clear Goals. ...
  3. Invest in Education. ...
  4. Embrace Calculated Risks. ...
  5. Develop Multiple Income Streams. ...
  6. Live Below Your Means. ...
  7. Network With Like-minded Individuals. ...
  8. Stay Positive and Persistent.
Oct 6, 2023

What is the money mindset program? ›

The Money Mindset Course is a self-study training program for women. It's a step-by-step guide designed to help you create a new relationship to money, a relationship that puts you in control.

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Talane's Top 10 Tips to Create a Wealthy Mindset and Attract True Wealth
  1. Eliminate All The Petty Annoyances That You Have Been Putting Up With. ...
  2. Respect Your Money. ...
  3. Plug the Money Drains. ...
  4. Create a Vacuum. ...
  5. Put in Place a Daily Pleasure. ...
  6. Strengthen Your Strengths; Delegate the Rest. ...
  7. Do Something that Energizes You.

How can I rewire my brain for money? ›

6 steps to rewire bad money habits
  1. Identify your triggers. Let's say you've developed a shopping vice. ...
  2. Stop the physical repetition. Habits are reinforced by repetition. ...
  3. Consider a spending fast. ...
  4. Practice mindfulness. ...
  5. Envision the bigger goal. ...
  6. Work with a professional.

How to attract money in life? ›

Attracting more money into your life always begins with knowing exactly what it is you want. Specifically, you need to outline what it is you want to achieve financially. However, it's not enough just knowing what you want, you also need to outline how you will achieve these financial goals.

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Billionaires trust their instincts and know when to seize opportunities. They think big, take calculated risks, and refuse to let their creative imagination be hindered by others' opinions. Rather than listening to nay-sayers, their independent thinking and reliance on their judgment propel them to sustained success.

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Focus on your goals

Make a habit of thinking about what you want to achieve. (On average, forming a habit takes 66 days.) Once you have your goals in mind, write them down and keep them where you'll see them often. They'll always be there to remind you what you're working for, even on tough days.

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How To Get Rich
  1. Start saving early.
  2. Avoid unnecessary spending and debt.
  3. Save 15% or more of every paycheck.
  4. Increase the money that you earn.
  5. Resist the desire to spend more as you make more money.
  6. Work with a financial professional with the expertise and experience to keep you on track.
Apr 11, 2024

How to be money-minded? ›

Check out the full suite of activities below.
  1. Know yourself. discover your attitude to money. ...
  2. Spend wisely. identify needs, wants and spending leaks. ...
  3. Clarify your goal. set smart goals. ...
  4. Plan your spending. get started with budgeting. ...
  5. Bank Smart. ...
  6. Avoid dangerous debt. ...
  7. Watch out for credit cards. ...
  8. Plan for your future.

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Master your money mindset
  1. Step 1: Reflect on your financial perspective. ...
  2. Step 2: Adopt a positive money mindset. ...
  3. Step 3: Shift your mindset to save money. ...
  4. Step 4: Monitor your spending. ...
  5. Step 5: Commit to changing your money habits.

How to make money mentality? ›

Let's review five mindset shifts that you need to make to become a money-making machine and take your business to the next level:
  1. Believe that you can make money. ...
  2. Focus on value, not money. ...
  3. Embrace failure. ...
  4. Think big. ...
  5. Invest in yourself.
Jan 19, 2024

How to build wealth fast? ›

Max out a Roth IRA each year, if applicable. Set it up for automatic withdraws from your checking account if possible. Put additional money into your 401(k), or start putting cash into taxable accounts. By saving at least 20% or more of your income each year, you'll begin aggressively compounding your wealth.

How to train your mind to be wealthy? ›

  1. 6 Steps to Train Your Brain to Make Money. Wealth Wisdom Ink. ...
  2. Step 1: Set a Clear Goal. Let's start by setting a very clear financial goal. ...
  3. Step 2: Accept the idea of sacrifice. ...
  4. Step 3: Create a Detailed Plan. ...
  5. Step 4: Set a Deadline. ...
  6. Step 5: Turn your plan into a personal statement. ...
  7. Step 6: Rehearse with Strong Belief.
Sep 9, 2023

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  1. Watch, Listen, or Read Up on Financial Topics.
  2. Take a Finance Course.
  3. Hit the Books Again.
  4. Talk to Financial Services Pros.
  5. Ready for More?
  6. An Evolving Industry.
  7. Where's the Best Place Online to Start Learning About Finance?
  8. What Areas of Finance Should I Learn About?

How can I set my mind to make money? ›

Here are some tips to get you into that money-making mindset:
  1. Believe that you can make money. ...
  2. Be proactive in your approach to making money. ...
  3. Take action and put your plans into motion. ...
  4. Stay focused on your goals and don't give up. ...
  5. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem.
Nov 1, 2022

How is your money mindset formed? ›

Our money mindset is shaped by a complex interplay of factors, including upbringing, cultural influences, past experiences, and personal beliefs. These factors combine to create a set of attitudes and beliefs about money that guide our financial decisions. Your money mindset is usually established early in life.

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4 Tricks to Change Your Attitude Toward Saving Money
  1. Give Your Saving Accounts Nicknames. If you look at your savings account and get excited, you're probably unique. ...
  2. Paint a Powerful Mental Picture. ...
  3. Reward Yourself for Savings Successes. ...
  4. Leverage Easy Opportunities. ...
  5. Get the Latest Financial Tips.
Feb 14, 2023

How do I reset my mindset? ›

Resetting your mindset towards happiness and success
  1. Practice positive affirmations: ...
  2. Practice gratitude: ...
  3. Focus on your dream and work hard towards what you really want. ...
  4. Judge less: ...
  5. Be yourself and stay true to yourself: ...
  6. Find joy in small victories:

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.