2024 AIG Burial Insurance Review - Pros & Cons (2024)

If you review the three life insurance options from AIG, you may be disappointed 66% of the time.

AIG offers three whole life insurance plan options to pay for final expenses.

Two of their options force you into a year waiting period, and the other option has first-day coverage with higher pricing than its competitors.

We recommend never buying an AIG burial insurance policy for burial, cremation, final expenses, or funeral funds without checking for better options.

Table of Contents

Click any topic below to navigate to specific sections:

  • How It Works
  • Other Benefits
  • Getting Approved
  • Pricing Examples
  • Company Overview
  • Before You Buy
  • Top 10 Questions

What to Ask Before Buying AIG Burial Insurance

What Are My Policy Options With AIG?

Be aware that AIG Life Insurance changed its name to Corebridge Financial in 2022. Your AIG policy is valid with Corebridge Financial as long as you keep your current payments.

Since this name change is fairly recent, we will use the AIG name through this article, but understand that everything we say about AIG also pertains to Corebridge financial.

They offer three whole life insurance plans for people aged 50 to 85.

SimpliNow Legacy Max – First-Day Coverage Plan

  • First-day coverage – protection starts on the first day.
  • No medical exam – you only need to answer a few health questions
  • Coverage amount available – $5,000 – $35,000
  • Permanent whole life insurance that lasts until the age of 121 years old
  • Builds cash value that you can borrow against
  • Fixed pricing that never increases
  • Coverage that never decreases
  • Available riders:
    • Nursing home confinement
    • Terminal illness
    • Accidental death benefit rider
  • Limited-pay feature – you will not have to pay your premium if you reach the maximum payment age between 90 and 95. Maximum payment age is determined by gender, age, and face amount.

SimpliNow Legacy – Graded Benefit Plan

  • 2-year waiting period
  • If you answer “Yes” to select health questions, you will be forced into this plan
  • Permanent whole life insurance that lasts until the age of 121 years old
  • Builds cash value that you can borrow against
  • Fixed pricing that never increases
  • Coverage that never decreases
  • Coverage amount available: $5,000 – $25,000
  • 100% death benefit if you die from an accident
  • 110% of the premium will be paid if you die during the first two years from natural or medical-related death.

Guaranteed Issue Whole Life Insurance

  • 2-year waiting period
  • No medical exam and no health questions
  • Permanent whole life insurance that lasts until the age of 121 years old
  • Builds cash value that you can borrow against
  • Fixed pricing that never increases
  • Coverage that never decreases
  • Coverage amount available: $5,000 – $25,000
  • Available riders:
    • Chronic illness rider
    • Terminal illness rider

Does AIG Have Any Hidden “Fine Print” In Their Policy?

The SimpliNow Legacy Graded Plan and their Guaranteed Issue Whole Life Insurance both have 2-year waiting periods.

“The AIG Guaranteed Issue Whole Life policy referenced offers a limited death benefit in the first two years of the policy. Should death occur in the first two years, a death benefit will be equal to 110% of the premiums paid. In the event of suicide, the death benefit is limited to a refund of premiums only.”

Who would ever accept a 2-year waiting period and expensive pricing when you could get inexpensively priced 1st-day coverage elsewhere?

You are advised to avoid these plans, and there are better coverage options from other companies with better benefits than these two graded plans.

If you die from a natural cause in the first two years with these plans, your beneficiary will only get your previously paid premiums back, plus an extra 10%. They will only pay 100% if you die from an accident.

There is also no coverage for suicide in the first two years either (this is standard with all life insurance policies).

What Are The Pros & Cons Of AIGBurial Insurance?

1st Day Coverage Plan


  • No Medical Exam
  • Lifetime Coverage
  • First-day Coverage
  • Easy Phone Approval
  • Accelerated Living Benefits


  • Strict underwriting
  • Expensive Premium
  • Limited death benefit
  • Premium may exceed coverage

Graded & Guaranteed Issue Plans


  • Easy Application
  • Lifetime Coverage
  • Guaranteed Death Benefit
  • Significant Health Issues Accepted


  • Low Coverage Limits
  • Super Expensive Rates
  • Not Available In All States
  • Mandatory 2-Year Waiting period

Are There Any Riders Or Other Benefits With AIG Burial Insurance?

Riders & Add-Ons

Depending on the plan an agent puts you in, you may have other riders included.

  • Terminal Illness Rider: Death benefit can be accessed if the insured is diagnosed with a terminal illness resulting in death in 12 months or less.
  • Nursing Home Confinement Rider: Death benefit can also be accessed if the insured is continuously confined in a nursing home and expected to be confined until death.
  • Chronic Illness Rider – Access up to 25% death benefit when insured is diagnosed with chronic illness.
  • Limited-Pay Feature – you will not have to pay additional premiums and your coverage will remain in-force until age 100 when you reach your maximum payment age. Maximum payment age is determined by gender, face amount and age.
  • Policy Loans: You can borrow up to 100% of your cash value. This is tax-free. Loans reduce your cash value amount and are subtracted from your death benefit. The interest on policy loans varies by state.

How Do I Get Approved By AIG?

AIG’s 1st-day coverage life insurance will ask if you’ve had health issues in the last 12, 24, or 36 months.

Application Questions

If the proposed insured answers yes to any of the following questions, the proposed insurance is not eligible for any coverage.

  1. Is the Proposed Insured currently bedridden or confined to any hospital facility or skilled nursing facility; or receiving or been advised to receive care in a nursing home, hospice care, or home health care?
  2. Is the Proposed Insured receiving assistance with activities of daily living, including eating, bathing, toileting, or dressing due to a chronic or debilitating condition?
  3. Does the Proposed Insured require any of the following due to a debilitating condition: wheelchair, electric scooter,
    or oxygen equipment to assist breathing (excluding use for sleep apnea)?
  4. Has the Proposed Inured been diagnosed by a licensed member of the medical profession with a terminal illness or terminal condition that is expected to result in death within 12 months or less?
  5. Has the Proposed Insured been diagnosed with brain aneurysm or transient ischemic attack (TIA) in the past 6 months, or
    EVER had recurrent episodes of TIA (more than once)?
  6. Is the Proposed Insured currently incarcerated in a prison or jail?

Has the proposed insurance EVER been diagnosed as having , been treated for, or consulted a licensed member of the medical profession of any of the following:

  1. Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, Huntington’s Disease, Sickle Cell Anemia, Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS), Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), Mental Incapacity, Cirrhosis, Quadriplegia or Paraplegia
  2. HIV infection AIDS or AIDS-Related Complex (ARC)
  3. Advanced or End Stage Renal Disease or in need of Dialysis
  4. Bone Marrow, Organ Transplant or Lymphoma
  5. Metastatic or Recurrent Cancer of the same type (Stage III or Stage IV cancer)
  6. Amputation due to diabetic complications or a hospitalization in the past 24 months due to diabetes
  7. Heart Failure or Defibrillator device implanted
  8. Suicide attempt

In the last 12 months has the Proposed Insured:

  1. Been diagnosed or treated for, or consulted a licensed member of the medical profession for stroke, or EVER had a stroke AND Diabetes and/or Coronary Artery Disease?
  2. Been advised by a licensed member of the medical profession to have a surgical operation, diagnostic testing other than for routine screening purposes or for those related to HIV/AIDS, treatment, hospitalization, or other procedure which has not been done or for which results are not known?

In the LAST 24 MONTHS has the proposed insured:

  1. Been diagnosed or treated for, or consulted a licensed member of the medical profession for the following types of cancer: Brain, Carcinoid or Neuroendocrine Tumor, Esophageal, Head or Neck, Leukemia, Liver, Lung, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, Ovarian, Pancreas, Sarcoma, Small Intestine, Stomach?
  2. Been convicted of, or plead guilty or no contest to, driving while impaired, intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
  3. Used narcotics (other than marijuana) such as amphetamines, hallucinogens, heroin, or cocaine without a prescription from a licensed member of the medical profession?
  4. Been hospitalized MORE THAN ONCE for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Emphysema or Chronic Bronchitis (Chronic Cough)?
  5. Been convicted of, or plead guilty or no contest to, a felony?

In the LAST 36 MONTHS, have you been:
1. Been hospitalized for Schizophrenia or a Psychotic event?

When Should I Not Consider AIGBurial Insurance?

If you have Schizophrenia or have had a psychotic event in the last 36 months, DO NOT apply for AIG whole life insurance. You are better off going with the 1st-day coverage plans that we have available with other companies we work with.

Also, their guaranteed issue and graded plans will stick a consumer with a 2-year waiting period. We can help you avoid that if you will allow us to help you.

Does AIGBurial InsuranceHave A Same Day Approval Process?

Applying for AIG burial insurance is easy, and you can apply through a voice signature or email signature. But perhaps you should take a breath and do a little more price-checking before you go with AIG.

If you are open to looking at other insurance companies with better rates, we can offer you some help!

Here is how we help current AIG burial insurance clients get better coverage:

  • We compare all the best companies to get the lowest pricing
  • We then review all application questions to verify your eligibility
  • We review all the “fine print” to make sure you get the policy you need
  • We find companies that allow you to choose your ideal beneficiary
  • We provide you with a Funeral & Estate planning guide for your last wishes
  • We always make sure you get a paper copy of your policy upon approval

Does AIGOffer A Phone Approval?

AIG has an electronic submission process for all life insurance policies.

If you need help from us, we have an easy application process; getting approved is about a 15-minutes over the phone.

How Can I Get AIGBurial Insurance Pricing?

AIG’s pricing is based primarily on your age, health, gender, face amount, and state you live in at the time of application.


This pricing is for illustration purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Your premium will depend on your age, gender, face amount or coverage, health, and the state you live.

Fill the quote form below to get accurate pricing.

Common AIGCompany Questions

What Is AIG’s Operational History?

AIG or American International Group, Inc. is an American multinational insurance company with more than 90 million customers worldwide. AIG traced its beginnings to 1919, and AIG continues to grow its business and operations domestically and internationally.

On September 2022, AIG was rebranded and now goes by the business name of Corebridge Financial.

Corebridge now handles the company’s life insurance and retirement accounts from the former AIG insurance company.

The different subsidiaries of AIG include:

  • AIG American General Life Insurance Company
  • AIG Life and Retirement Company
  • The Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company (VALIC)
  • AIG Global Real Estate
  • AIG Property Casualty

Corebridge Financial, Inc

175 Water St
New York City, NY 10038
Customer Service: (800) 225-5244

Contact Info

Email: ToServe@aig.com
Website: https://www.corebridgefinancial.com/

What Is AIG ’s Financial Rating?

AIG Life received the following rating from different rating agencies:

  • A.M. Best – A (excellent)
  • Fitch – A – (stable)
  • Moodys – Baa2 (stable)
  • Standard & Poor’s – A+ (Strong)
  • Better Business Bureau – A+

These ratings indicate the financial strength of the company and its ability to pay claims on time.

Does AIGHave Any Consumer Complaints?

Most AIG consumer complaints are regarding poor customer service.

The average 2021 rating, according to J.D. Powers, is 776. AIG received a rating of 729 in 2022.

The rating agency called Consumer Affairs gives AIG Life Insurance 3.2 out of 5 stars. Most customers complained about poor customer service on payments and claims processing.

What Should You Know Before Buying AIGBurial Insurance?

What is AIG’s Sales Process?

AIG is both a “Captive Carrier” and a “Non-Captive Carrier,” so the policy you buy directly from AIG is the same policy you would buy from someone like Funeral Funds of America.

They sell their insurance exclusively through AIG Direct. However, Independent agencies like Funeral Funds of America can sell AIG final expense insurance products. Whichever way you choose to apply, the price will be the same.

Beware: Some agencies only sell one product and never tell you about other companies’ lower rates.

Informed buyers know that almost alllife insurance companiesoffer better coverage and rates than AIG, and most come with no waiting period.

Funeral Funds of America has full access to all AIG products if we want to sell them.

AIG is expensive for significant health issues, so it’s rarely your best choice in most cases.

Are Any Health Conditions Not Accepted By AIG?

These health issues will only qualify for SimpliNow Legacy graded plan:

  • Aortic aneurysm
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Bladder cancer
  • Bone cancer
  • Brain aneurysm
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Chronic atrial fibrillation
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Diabetes with 8.7 to 9.9 A1C level
  • Hepatitis B
  • Lupus
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Schizophrenia
  • Scleroderma
  • Substance abuse
  • Unintentional weight loss in excess of 10 lbs.

These health issues will only qualify for a guaranteed issue life insurance:

  • Activities Of Daily Living (ADLs)
  • Alzheimer’s or Dementia
  • AIDs, HIV, ARC
  • Current Cancer
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Dementia
  • Dialysis
  • Diabetic Amputation
  • End-stage Renal Disease
  • Hospice
  • Nursing Home Confinement
  • Organ or Tissue Transplant
  • Oxygen Use
  • Terminal Illness

How Can I Get Pricing Help Today?

Use our quoting software below to see how AIG pricing compares to other companies.

  • $10,000 to 15,000 is often appropriate for burial needs
  • $3,000 to $7,000 is often appropriate for cremation needs

Top 10 Questions

Is AIG insurance still in business?American International Group, Inc is now operating under Corebridge Financial.
Is AIG now Corebridge Financial?AIG Life & Retirement is now Corebridge Financial starting September 15, 2022.
What is another name for AIG?AIG, or American International Group, Inc., is now called Corebridge Financial. Corebridge is now responsible for the company’s life insurance and retirement portfolio.
Does AIG have life insurance?AIG offers term life, permanent life, and final expense insurance.
Does AIG pay out?AIG has an A (Excellent) AM Best financial rating. The company has a good record of paying claims.
How long does it take AIG to pay life insurance claim?AIG typically pays life insurance claims within 7 to 10 business days after you provide all the needed information and documents.
Does AIG offer living benefits?SimpliNow Legacy Max and Guaranteed Issue whole life insurance both offer living benefits.
Can I cancel my AIG life insurance?You can cancel your AIG life insurance by calling their toll-free customer service or messaging their AIG portal to request cancellation.
Where do I send my AIG claims?You can send your AIG claims to the Report Death Claim page https://www.corebridgefinancial.com/support/report-death-claim
What type of insurance is AIG?AIG is a global insurance organization providing property casualty insurance, life insurance, retirement solutions, and other financial services.
2024 AIG Burial Insurance Review - Pros & Cons (2024)


What are the disadvantages of burial insurance? ›

Potential Disadvantages of Burial Insurance

Limited Coverage: Burial insurance policies typically have lower coverage amounts than traditional life insurance, which may not be sufficient for other financial obligations or to provide ongoing support for your dependents.

What is the best company to get burial insurance? ›

Our top five picks for the best burial insurance companies include:
  • Ethos: Our top pick.
  • Fidelity: Our pick for accidental death coverage.
  • Mutual of Omaha: Our pick for accelerated death benefits.
  • State Farm: Our pick for customer satisfaction.
  • New York Life: Our pick for permanent life coverage.
May 10, 2024

Is burial insurance worth buying? ›

Purchasing a burial insurance policy (or a small life insurance policy designed to cover final expenses) can help prevent the passing of any substantial debt to surviving family members. In addition, a more robust whole or term life insurance policy can help you provide financial support to aging parents or siblings.

Does AIG have a good reputation? ›

AIG is a well-established insurance group with a long history and global presence. The company offers a diverse range of insurance products to cater to various customer needs. AIG's financial strength and solid ratings from agencies like Standard & Poor's and Moody's provide reassurance of its stability.

What does burial insurance not cover? ›

Unlike traditional term, whole life, and universal life policies, burial insurance is specifically designed to cover one-time and short-term expenses. It isn't meant to replace income or cover large expenses like purchasing a home or paying for college. It isn't a type of retirement plan or investment either.

What are the pitfalls of funeral plans? ›

Prepaid funeral plan cons
  • Could cost more if you live in a less expensive area or funeral costs go down.
  • Doesn't cover all costs such as the wake, flowers, memorial, embalming.
  • Some funeral plans have limitations such as the location and time of the cremation.
  • It may restrict your choice of funeral director.
Jan 1, 2024

When should you get burial insurance? ›

Coverage is typically available for those between the ages of 50 and 85. One of the benefits of burial insurance is that it doesn't require a medical exam to qualify. Depending on the type of policy you pursue, even those without health insurance or who have a pre-existing condition can usually obtain a policy.

How much insurance do you get for $9.95 a month? ›

The coverage you get per 995 unit varies by your age and gender. In short, the older you are or if you're male, the less coverage you get. For example, a 68-year-old male gets $762 in life insurance coverage per $9.95 unit. A 68-year-old female would get $1,112 in coverage.

How fast does burial insurance pay out? ›

Q: How long does it take to receive a payout for burial insurance? A: While every situation is different and timing can vary, many insurance companies will typically payout the burial insurance 14-60 days following a claim.

What are the two types of burial insurance? ›

There are two basic kinds of funeral insurance: standard and pre-need. Both will help you plan and set aside the funds for all of your final arrangements.

Does burial insurance build cash value? ›

Burial insurance is a cash policy, which means it builds a cash value over time. Burial insurance can be purchased for small amounts, such as $5,000 and $10,000, while other term or whole life insurance may require substantially larger minimum coverage.

Are prepaid burial policies a good idea? ›

It's for people who want to spare their loved ones from having to make decisions and experience financial stress while grieving. But some experts say these types of plans may end up costing you more than you would pay for an average funeral after fees and other charges have been calculated.

What is the weakness of AIG? ›

Weaknesses. Regulatory and Compliance Risks: As a global entity, AIG is subject to a complex web of regulations across different jurisdictions.

What caused the downfall of AIG? ›

How Did AIG Fail? One of the biggest problems with credit default swaps had to do with their lack of oversight. No one really knew what was bundled inside these packages of debt—not even the executives at AIG.

What was the AIG scandal? ›

The AIG bonus payments controversy began in March 2009, when it was publicly disclosed that the American International Group (AIG) insurance corporation was going to pay approximately $218 million (~$301 million in 2023) in bonus payments to employees of its financial services division.

What happens with burial insurance when someone dies? ›

Burial insurance is designed to cover the costs your loved ones will face in the event of your death, but there are no restrictions on how the payout can be used. Your beneficiaries might choose to use your burial insurance payout for: Funeral arrangements, including viewing and service.

Are funeral plans risky? ›

Financial Risks: There's always a possibility that the funeral home might go out of business. Keep in mind that there isn't much regulatory oversight for prepaid funerals.

How long does it take for burial insurance to pay out? ›

Q: How long does it take to receive a payout for burial insurance? A: While every situation is different and timing can vary, many insurance companies will typically payout the burial insurance 14-60 days following a claim.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

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