2023 Color of the Year is bold and bright (2024)

Seattle stylist Darcy Camden has some advice about Viva Magenta. #k5evening

SEATTLE — Darcy Camden of Styled Seattle, is excited about the Pantone Color Institute's newest go-to hue.

"The color of the year 2023 is VIVA MAGENTA! It's like a really energetic, happy pink," Camden said. "Viva Magenta is slightly intimidating, I mean who wants to walk into a room in head to toe bright pink, going ta da! That's not everybody's jam. But if you love it, it really invokes a powerful playfulness."

The color is a blend of red and blue that leans harder into the warm red spectrum. Camden says the color is powerful, creative, and inspiring.

"The great thing about this is if you love this and you want to go out and shop for magenta, it's very easy to find in the stores. It's kind of like shooting fish in a barrel. You could walk in anywhere, any retailer, at any price point, and you're gonna see some bright pink in there," Camden said. "So you could go really dramatically head to toe with this, or if you want to do this in a more subtle way, you can do just a little pop, like a little pocket square."

Camden also emphasized that colors no longer sort along gender lines — so don't assume only women will want to wear this color.

Not ready to commit to such a bright hue?

"Try an accessory," Camden said, showing off a sparkly magenta purse. "Or if you just want to spend five dollars and be on trend — nail polish!"

Expect Viva Magenta to show up in housewares, pillows, even furniture.

"And you're going to see it in marketing you're going to see it in advertising, just all over the place," Camden said.

Look around next time you walk through a mall or flip through a website or magazine, the bright color truly is everywhere, brightening up the coming year.

"The great thing about the color of the year it doesn't matter your age, your budget, your shape, your size, your gender, if you like magenta, there's a way to enjoy it in 2023," Camden said.

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2023 Color of the Year is bold and bright (2024)
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