2022-2023 Gift Tax Rate: What Is It? Who Pays? - NerdWallet (2024)

There are a lot of things to worry about in life, but the gift tax probably isn’t one of them.

What is the gift tax?

Gift tax is a federal tax on transfers of money or property to other people while getting nothing (or less than full value) in return. Few people owe gift tax; the IRS generally isn’t involved unless a gift exceeds $16,000 in 2022 and $17,000 in 2023. Even then, it might only trigger extra paperwork.

Do you pay taxes when you receive a gift?

In most cases, no. Assets you receive as a gift or inheritance typically aren’t taxable income at the federal level. However, if the assets later produce income (perhaps they earn interest or dividends, or you collect rent), that income is likely taxable. IRS Publication 525 has the details. Also, some states have an inheritance tax.

How do I avoid gift tax?

Two things keep the IRS’s hands out of most people's candy dish: the annual exclusion ($16,000 in 2022 and $17,000 in 2023), and the lifetime exclusion ($12.06 million in 2022 and $12.92 million in 2023).

Stay below those and you can be generous under the radar. Go above, and you'll have to fill out a gift tax form when filing returns — but you still might avoid having to pay any gift tax.

Another trick that can help you avoid an unwanted surprise is simply keeping an eye on the calendar. In 2026, the lifetime exclusion amount will revert back to its pre-2018 level of around $5 million (as adjusted for inflation) per individual. You can find more details here.

How the gift tax is calculated and how the annual gift tax exclusion works

  • In 2022, you can give up to $16,000 to someone in a year and generally not have to deal with the IRS about it. In 2023, this threshold is $17,000.

  • If, for example, you give more than $16,000 in cash or assets (for example, stocks, land, a new car) to any one person in 2022, you need to file a gift tax return. That doesn’t mean you have to pay a gift tax. It just means you need to file IRS Form 709 to disclose the gift.

  • The annual exclusion is per recipient; it isn’t the sum total of all your gifts. That means, for example, that you can give $16,000 to your cousin, another $16,000 to a friend, another $16,000 to a neighbor, and so on all in 2022 without having to file a gift tax return.

  • If you’re married, you and your spouse may give away up to $16,000 each without needing to file a gift tax return in 2022. If you want to combine your annual exclusions in order to together gift a donee up to $32,000, you can elect to take advantage of "gift splitting". The IRS has more details here.

  • Gifts between spouses are unlimited and generally don’t trigger a gift tax return. Though, if the spouse isn't a U.S. citizen, special rules may apply. Gifts to nonprofits are charitable donations, not gifts.

  • The person receiving the gift usually doesn't need to report the gift.

2022-2023 Gift Tax Rate: What Is It? Who Pays? - NerdWallet (1)

How the lifetime gift tax exclusion works

  • On top of the $16,000 annual exclusion in 2022, you get a $12.09 million lifetime exclusion in 2022. And because it’s per person, married couples can exclude double that in lifetime gifts. That comes in handy when you’re giving away more than $16,000.

  • “Think about buckets or cups,” says Christopher Picciurro, a certified public accountant and co-founder of accounting and advisory firm Integrated Financial Group in Michigan. Any excess “spills over” into the lifetime exclusion bucket.

  • For example, if you give your brother $50,000 this year, you’ll use up your $16,000 annual exclusion. The bad news is that you’ll need to file a gift tax return, but the good news is that you probably won’t pay a gift tax. Why? Because the extra $34,000 ($50,000 - $16,000) simply counts against your lifetime exclusion. Next year, if you give your brother another $50,000, the same thing happens: you use up your annual exclusion and whittle away another portion of your lifetime exclusion.

  • The gift tax return keeps track of that lifetime exclusion. So if you don't gift anything during your life, then you have your whole lifetime exclusion to use against your estate when you die. Learn more about how estate tax works.

What is the gift tax rate?

If you’re lucky enough and generous enough to use up your exclusions, you may indeed have to pay the gift tax. The rates range from 18% to 40%, and the giver generally pays the tax. There are, of course, exceptions and special rules for calculating the tax, so see the instructions to IRS Form 709 for all the details.

What can trigger a gift tax return

Caring is sharing, but some situations often inadvertently trigger the need to file a gift tax return, pros say.

Spoiling the grandkids with college money

  • If Grandma or Grandpa put, say, $60,000 in a 529 plan for a grandchild, Picciurro gives as an example, that may trigger the gift tax exclusion because it's over the limit.

  • A special rule allows gift givers to spread one-time gifts across five years’ worth of gift tax returns to preserve their lifetime gift exclusion.

Springing for vacations, cars or other stuff

  • If you fork out $40,000 for Junior’s wedding, or just pay for the crazy-expensive honeymoon, get ready to do some paperwork.

  • If you’re paying tuition or medical bills, paying the school or hospital directly can help avoid the gift tax return requirement (see the instructions to IRS Form 709 for details).

Laid-back loans

Lending money to friends and family is usually a bad idea, and the IRS can make it even worse. It considers interest-free loans as gifts. Or if you lend them money and later decide they don't need to repay you, that's also a gift.

Elbowing in on a non-spouse bank account

“Let’s say you live by Grandma, so for convenience, we're going to put you on Grandma's bank account. Guess what just happened?” Picciurro says. “If you're put as a joint [owner] on a bank account with somebody and you have the right to take the money out at any time, essentially Grandma is giving you a gift.”




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2022-2023 Gift Tax Rate: What Is It? Who Pays? - NerdWallet (2024)


Do you have to pay tax on gifted money? ›

You do not pay tax on a cash gift, but you may pay tax on any income that arises from the gift – for example bank interest.

How does the IRS know if I give a gift? ›

Filing Form 709: First, the IRS primarily finds out about gifts if you report them using Form 709. As a requirement, gifts exceeding $15,000 must be reported on this form.

What is the federal gift tax? ›

The gift tax is a federal tax levied on a taxpayer who gives money or property to someone else. The gift tax ranges from 18% to 40%, depending on the size of the gift. 1. The IRS allows a lifetime tax exemption on gifts, which is adjusted yearly to keep pace with inflation.

How much can I gift my daughter in 2022? ›

The gift tax exclusion for 2022 is $16,000 per recipient.

Any gift above the exclusion is subject to taxes, but there are exceptions to that rule we'll talk about a little later. Taxes shouldn't be this complicated.

Who pays gift tax the giver or receiver? ›

The rates range from 18% to 40%, and the giver generally pays the tax. There are, of course, exceptions and special rules for calculating the tax, so see the instructions to IRS Form 709 for all the details.

How much can a person gift without paying taxes? ›

The IRS allows every taxpayer is gift up to $16,000 to an individual recipient in one year. There is no limit to the number of recipients you can give a gift to. There is also a lifetime exemption of $12.06 million.

Who is responsible for filing a gift tax return? ›

Who Must File. In general. If you are a citizen or resident of the United States, you must file a gift tax return (whether or not any tax is ultimately due) in the following situations. If you gave gifts to someone in 2022 totaling more than $16,000 (other than to your spouse), you probably must file Form 709.

How much can you gift 2023? ›

Annual Exclusion per Donee for Year of Gift
Year of GiftAnnual Exclusion per Donee
2013 through 2017$14,000
2018 through 2021$15,000
1 more row

What triggers the gift tax? ›

The gift tax applies to the transfer by gift of any type of property. You make a gift if you give property (including money), or the use of or income from property, without expecting to receive something of at least equal value in return.

Do I have to pay taxes on a $30000 gift? ›

The IRS calls this amount the annual gift tax exclusion. And if a married couple makes a gift from joint property, they can each gift up to the annual exclusion. This means Mom and Dad could give you $30,000 without worrying about paying any gift tax.

How do I avoid gift tax? ›

5 Tips to Avoid Paying Tax on Gifts
  1. Respect the gift tax limit. The best way to avoid paying the gift tax is to stay within the limit set by the IRS. ...
  2. Spread a gift out between years. ...
  3. Provide a gift directly for medical expenses. ...
  4. Provide a gift directly for education expenses. ...
  5. Leverage marriage in giving gifts.

How much can a parent gift a child tax free in 2023? ›

The annual exclusion applies to gifts to each donee. In other words, if you give each of your children $17,000 in 2023, the annual exclusion applies to each gift.

How much money can I receive as a gift without paying taxes 2022? ›

The IRS allows individuals to give away a specific amount of assets or property each year tax-free. In 2022, the annual gift tax exemption is $16,000, meaning a person can give up $16,000 to as many people as he or she wants without having to pay any taxes on the gifts.

Do I have to report money my parents gave me? ›

You most likely won't owe any gift taxes on a gift your parents make to you. Depending on the amount, your parents may need to file a gift tax return. If they give you or any other individual more than $32,000 in 2022 ($16,000 per parent), they will need to file some paperwork.

How do I gift a large sum of money? ›

To do this, you've got to use IRS Form 709 when filing your annual tax return. You need to complete and submit Form 709 for any year that you make a taxable gift. Sending in the form doesn't necessarily mean you'll have to pay anything on the gift — it's just the form you'll need to use to declare the gift.

What is the gift tax on $100 000? ›

Gift tax rates
Value of gift in excess of the annual exclusionTax rate
$20,001 to $40,00022%
$40,001 to $60,00024%
$60,001 to $80,00026%
$80,001 to $100,00028%
8 more rows
1 Dec 2021

Can my parents give me $100 000? ›

Does my child? A: The short answer is NO: you almost certainly will NOT have to pay any gift taxes. Remember, under current law, you can make $11.58 million dollars' worth of gifts in your lifetime without incurring any gift tax liability.

Do people really file gift tax returns? ›

Generally, you will need to file a gift tax return (Form 709) this coming tax season if you gave gifts totaling more than $16,000 to one person, not counting your spouse, in 2022. The $16,000 limit represents this year's annual gift tax exclusion.

What happens if I don't file a gift tax return? ›

If you make a taxable gift to someone else, a gift tax return needs to be filed. If you fail to do this, penalties may apply. If you don't file the gift tax return as you should, you could be responsible for the amount of gift tax due as well as 5% of the amount of that gift for every month that the return is past due.

What will the gift tax exemption be in 2023? ›

2023 annual gift tax exclusion

Every year, the IRS grants an annual gift tax exclusion that allows you to make up to a certain amount of gifts to people without incurring any gift tax. In 2023, that amount is rising to $17,000, up $1,000 from where it was in 2022.

How much can you gift a person tax free in 2023? ›

The gift tax annual exclusion will increase for the second year in a row, rising to $17,000 per recipient in 2023 (up from $16,000 in 2022).

Will the annual gift tax exclusion increase in 2023? ›

By making maximum use of the annual gift tax exclusion, you can pass substantial amounts of assets to loved ones during your lifetime without any gift tax. For 2022, the amount is $16,000 per recipient. In 2023, the amount will increase by $1,000, to $17,000 per recipient.

Does IRS enforce gift tax? ›

Taxable gifts

You only have a gift tax return filing and payment responsibility if you give more than $15,000 to one individual in a year. Although you may be required to pay taxes on gifts over this amount, you won't necessarily be. There is also a lifetime exclusion amount.

Does the recipient of a $15 000 gift have to pay taxes on it? ›

For instance, you can give up to the annual exclusion amount ($16,000 in 2022) to any number of people every year, without facing any gift taxes. Recipients generally never owe income tax on the gifts.

Do I pay taxes on a $25000 gift? ›

The gift tax imposes a tax on large gifts, preventing large transfers of wealth without any tax implications. It is a transfer tax, not an income tax. Ordinary monetary and property gifts are unlikely to be impacted by this tax, since the yearly limit for 2021 is $15,000 per giver and per recipient.

Can my parents give me money to buy a house? ›

Any amount can be gifted for a down payment. But as of 2022, parents can only contribute a collective $32,000 per child to help with a down payment, otherwise, the gift would be subject to a special tax. Other family members have a $16,000 lending limit before they also run into the gift tax.

What is the 7 year rule for gifts? ›

The 7 year rule

No tax is due on any gifts you give if you live for 7 years after giving them - unless the gift is part of a trust. This is known as the 7 year rule. If you die within 7 years of giving a gift and there's Inheritance Tax to pay on it, the amount of tax due after your death depends on when you gave it.

Can my parents gift me 100k tax free? ›

The annual exclusion is the maximum value of gifts you can give to each person. For example, during the 2022 tax year, the law allows you to make an unlimited number of tax-free gifts as long as no one receives more than $16,000.

What is the tax bracket for 2023? ›

The 2023 Income Tax Brackets (Taxes due April 2024)

The 2023 tax year will have the same seven federal tax brackets: 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35% and 37%. Your filing status and taxable income, including wages, will determine the bracket you're in.

Can parents transfer money to child tax free? ›

Even if your parents have income above the basic exemption limit, you'd still be effectively paying lower tax on the investments under their names as per their tax slab. Cash gifts received from a child are exempt from tax and income earned from such investment will not be clubbed to your income for taxation.

Is paying off someone's mortgage considered a gift? ›

There are multiple ways to pay off someone's mortgage, but each of them has specific tax implications for both the giver and the recipient. Since paying someone else's mortgage is considered a gift under tax law, it's a good idea to get comfortable with gift tax laws.

What is the lifetime gift tax exemption? ›

The annual federal gift tax exclusion allows you to give away up to $16,000 each in 2022 to as many people as you wish without those gifts counting against your $12.06 million lifetime exemption. (After 2022, the $16,000 exclusion may be increased for inflation.)

Can my grandparents give me $100 000? ›

You may give each grandchild up to $16,000 a year (in 2022) without having to report the gifts. If you're married, both you and your spouse can make such gifts. For example, a married couple with four grandchildren may give away up to $128,000 a year with no gift tax implications.

How much can I gift to a relative tax free UK 2022? ›

You can give away a total of £3,000 worth of gifts each tax year without them being added to the value of your estate. This is known as your 'annual exemption'. You can give gifts or money up to £3,000 to one person or split the £3,000 between several people.

Can my parents give me 100k UK? ›

You're allowed to gift smaller sums of money, up to £250 a year, to as many people as you want. However, you can't combine this with your annual tax-free gift allowance. This means you can't gift your child £3,000 plus an additional £250, as you may be taxed on anything over £3,000.

Do I need to declare cash gifts to HMRC? ›

Here, the rules are bit simpler – HMRC doesn't count cash gifts as income, so you won't have to pay any income tax on cash gifts received from parents (or grandparents for that matter). However, if you make any income from that gift, even if it's interest earned in a savings account, you may be liable to pay tax on it.

How much money can be legally given to a family member as a gift UK? ›

How much money can you gift? Cash gifts can be a huge financial help for your loved ones, both while you're living and after you've passed away. Everyone is permitted by HMRC to gift £3,000 (tax-free) each tax year, this is known as an annual exemption.

How much can you gift a family member tax free in 2022? ›


What is the best way to gift money to grandchildren? ›

A UGMA custodial account is one of the most flexible and simple ways that you can gift money to grandchildren. A custodial account is an investment vehicle that an adult can set up for a child beneficiary.

How much money can you give to your grandchildren tax free? ›

Annual Exclusion Gifts

For 2022, the annual exclusion amount is $16,000 for individuals and $32,000 for married couples. A couple with two children and three grandchildren would be able to make annual exclusions to each of them for a total $160,000 of tax-free gifts each year.

Can I give my son money for a house deposit? ›

A key requirement for gifting money for a house deposit is that you'll need to include proof of the financial gift. This will be a written declaration stating that the money is a gift and is not expected to be paid back.

How do I give a large amount of money to my family? ›

To do this, you've got to use IRS Form 709 when filing your annual tax return. You need to complete and submit Form 709 for any year that you make a taxable gift. Sending in the form doesn't necessarily mean you'll have to pay anything on the gift — it's just the form you'll need to use to declare the gift.

Do I have to pay inheritance tax on my parents house? ›

There is normally no IHT to pay if you pass on a home, move out and live in another property for seven years.

How does HMRC find out about gifts? ›

HMRC will not be aware per se that a gift has been made. However, the Executor of your will has to complete a form for HMRC, before probate is granted, which outlines the value of the estate for inheritance tax purposes.

Can I gift my house to my children? ›

The most common way to transfer property to your children is through gifting it. This is usually done to ensure they will not have to pay inheritance tax when you die.

Are Christmas cash gifts taxable? ›

What is nominal value? The IRS agents know it when they see it. Cash or gift cards, however, always count as income no matter what the value or how infrequent.

Can my elderly mother gift me money? ›

If you're their parent, you can give them up to £5,000 tax-free. If you're their grandparent, you can give up to £2,500 tax-free.

How much money can be transferred to family member as a gift? ›

Sum of money received without consideration by an individual or HUF is chargeable to tax if the aggregate value of such sum received during the year exceeds Rs. 50,000. aggregate value of gift received during the year and not on the basis of individual gift.

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