2021 Fixed Index Annuity Guide: Suze Orman and Annuity - Mintco Financial (2024)

2021 Fixed Index Annuity Guide: Suze Orman and Annuity

Financial guru Suze Orman used to be a financial advisor and has a history in the industry.

She has direct experience in a way that some other notable financial personalities don’t.

She may be a bit in-your-face about her opinions, but what does she think about fixed index annuities?

Does Suze Orman like annuities?

Orman said she believes “we will come to another harder time financially in the market” and that interest rates will continue to stay low for a long time.

So, if you are looking for guaranteed income, you may want to consider anincome annuity, she said.

They are essentially a locked-in payment you receive every month in retirement from an insurance company for a set number of years.

You can either pay a lump sum up front before your retirement, or pay in through your 401(k) or IRA.

What is an FIA?

A fixed index annuity gives you more performance risk than a fixed annuity however more potential return.

It has less performance risk than a variable annuity but also less potential return.

It is also known as an equity indexed annuity, but the name is not appropriate as you are not actually invested in specific equity products.

As its name implies, a fixed index annuity is a type of fixed annuity in which the interest rate is determined in part by reference to an investment-based index such as the S&P 500 Composite Stock Price Index which is a collection of 500 stocks intended to represent a broad segment of the market.

As interest is credited, the interest earnings are locked in to the account value and the account will not participate in any future market downturns.

Because of this reference to an index, the annuity offers the ability to earn credited interest resulting from a rising financial market while at the same time providing the security and guarantees similar to those associated with traditional fixed annuities.

Is it better to buy an annuity from a bank or an insurance company?

Let’s start with the different options you have for the purchase of an annuity.

All annuities are sold by life insurance companies, whether you buy yours from the bank, a brokerage house or a local advisor.

The only difference is the number of choices that are available to you.

If you walk into your local bank to discuss annuities, they will be limited to one, maybe two life insurance companies.

Consulting with an independent advisor locally will allow that advisor to go out and find thebest possible productto meet your goals.

There are more than 800 life insurance companies in the United States, each with their own unique products, so make sure you can review all the products that can meet your goals.

What is Income Value in an Annuity Contract?

The income value is what the life insurance company will use to determine your lifetime income.

How does an annuity work?

Annuitiesare easier to understand if you look at them as life insurance upside down.

With life insurance, we pay in small amounts and when we die, someone gets a large amount.

With an annuity, we pay the life insurance company a large amount, and they pay us small amounts for as long as we live.

It’s a safe way to ensure you never run out of income.

When the life insurance company is going to pay you a lifetime income, it’s going to calculate your first payment based on your income value, so the higher the income value, the better.

If you invested $100,000 and got a 20 percent income value bonus, you’d have $100,000 in real money and $120,000 in your income value.

If the life insurance company says your first payout will be 5 percent, you would much rather have 5 percent of $120,000, or $6,000, than you would 5 percent of $100,000, or $5,000.

How to buy an annuity?

There’sa lot to considerwhen you buy an annuity.

You should consider the strength of the insurance company.

To help, you can find ratings by agencies such asMoody’s,Standard & Poor’sorA.M. Best.

Then you need to consider the timeline for when you’ll need to begin taking the income, what the investment options are, the costs associated with owning the account, the amount of risk the annuity has and other features, including some that may offer assistance with nursing home costs.

What are the fees for annuities? 2021 Fixed Index Annuity Guide: Suze Orman and Annuity

You also need to think about the fees.

The commissions that agents earn vary greatly by product.

If you’re purchasing a variable annuity, commissions are part of your fees and are continuously paid to your agent for the life of the contract.

Variable annuities pay your agent similarly to a brokerage account.

If you’re looking to protect your assets with afixed or fixed indexed annuity,commissions are paid to the agent by the life insurance company with their own dollars, and they are paid one time.

For example, if you put $100,000 into an account, the agent gets their commission from the company, and you still have $100,000.

You are not responsible for paying the agent anything, whereas with a variable annuity, your ongoing fees directly help compensate your agent.

When you are making a decision to invest in an annuity, make sure the agentdiscloses all of the feesin writing.

If you are looking to invest with risk into a variable annuity, those fees will be buried in the prospectus.

You can always call the company directly and ask them to disclose to you over the phone their mortality and administration fees, rider fees and sub account fees.

You won’t see most of these fees on your statement.

If you’re avariable annuity owner,you are probably paying fees in the range of 3 to 5 percent.

If you are purchasing a fixed or fixed indexed annuity, those fees should be told to you directly by the agent and they should be in the disclosure statements you sign when making the purchase.

Fees on these types of products usually range anywhere from 0.00 to 1.5 percent annually.

Should I buy a fixed Index Annuity?

They are the only product offering a guaranteed income for life.

Some will use part of their pension pot to buy an annuity, providing enough guaranteed income to cover retirement essentials, leaving the rest invested in drawdown to be used flexibly as and when required.

When deciding whether to buy an annuity, think about these questions:

  1. How much are my expected living expenses?
    What is my expected income; include Social Security and any additional pensions?
    3. Is there an expected shortfall between myanticipated retirement income and expenses?
    4. Do I have the option to annuitize an existing 401(k) or 403(b)?
    5. What is the size of my expected nest egg at retirement? Will the income from my portfolio be enough to supplement my income streams?
    6. Do I want the security of knowing I have a lump sum or regular income payments in retirement?

After evaluating your answers to the above questions, you’re better able to decide the answer to “Should I invest in an annuity?”

In general, if you have a shortfall between projected income and expenses in retirement, you may want to investigate an annuity.

Additionally, if you would be happier with an additional income stream and either don’t have enough money in investments to add to your income for your entire expectedretirement, then you might answer “yes” to the question, “Should I invest in an annuity?”

The great thing about fixed indexed annuities is that they are a reliable retirement planning vehicle appropriate for people in a different stages of life.

It’s unlikely to be best to buy an annuity when you’re still working, but when you finally retire permanently a combination of secure income to cover the essentials and drawdown for the nice-to-haves is a solid approach.

However, there are a few rules of thumb to follow when thinking about purchasing a fixed indexed annuity.

Of course, always speak with your retirement planning professional to see what makes most sense for you and your family.

  • Mid-40s to mid-50s is a great time for many people to consider purchasing a fixed indexed annuity. Keeping a portion of your retirement pie protected is often important for those approaching retirement age in the next 10-15 years. Knowing that you could have some guaranteed annual income from an annuity in retirement gives you the peace of mind to pursue additional growth investments and take care of family obligations.
  • In your mid 50s-60s, you’re more likely to be looking for safe options—you can’t necessarily afford to take the risks you previously could since it will be difficult to recover massive hits to your portfolio. Indexed annuities are extremely popular with this age group because of option of guaranteed lifetime income these products can offer.

Unlike some other retirement savings vehicles, there is no limit to how much money you can put into a fixed indexed annuity or certain age at which you’re eligible to buy a fixed indexed annuity.

In an era where many are looking for peace of mind and protection, it’s worth thinking about when considering if a fixed indexed annuity may be right for you.

Can you lose money in a fixed index annuity?

With a fixed indexed annuity, your money is not invested in the market, but it provides the potential to earn interest linked to an index. So your account value will never be credited less than zero if the index decreases. Plus your account value can grow if the index increases.

Would I have the flexibility to access my money if I need it?

Fixed indexed annuities are designed to be used as long term conservative investments that can act as the anchor to a financial plan. However, if you need to withdraw money, you can. Keep in mind, however, that depending on how much you take out and when, you may incur penalties and/or fees. These can vary by product and state.

Is there a death benefit with a fixed indexed annuity?

Yes. Fixed indexed annuities offer a built-in death benefit for your loved ones that enable you to leave a legacy if you pass away. Depending on the product, there are a variety of options for beneficiaries which may include payment of a lump sum, regular income payments, deferral of receiving the death benefit, or taking over ownership of the annuity contract.

How will a fixed indexed annuity affect my taxes?

Annuities are tax deferred investment vehicles. You pay no taxes on any interest you earn until you make a withdrawal, so more of your money stays invested, any interest credited can continue to compound, and your assets may accumulate faster than with taxable investments like CDs.

Mintco Financial Team of Independent Advisors

2021 Fixed Index Annuity Guide: Suze Orman and Annuity

Suze Ormanhas been singing the praises of indexed annuities as a way to shield your retirement nest egg from market volatility for some time.

In her 2001 book, “The Road to Wealth,” Suze Orman tells readers that “if you don’t want to take risk but still want to play the stock market, a good index annuity might be right for you.”

“In my world, annuities really sell for four things and the acronym is PILL.

P stands for principal protection.

I stands for income for life.

L stands for legacy, and the other L stands for long-term care.

If you don’t need to fall for one or more of those issues, then you do not need an annuity, period,” says Michael Minter, managing partner of Mintco Financial.

Not everyone wants the same strategy and that is okay. That is why you work with an advisor to make a plan that suits your needs.

Give us a call and we can help you to decide if an Annuity is right for you and point you out in the right direction.

We have helped many clients all over the country towards their financial planning. Simple and Easy.

We can be reached online, phone and we do remote meetings through skype.



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How Fixed Index Annuities Empower Women’s Financial Futures – YouTube

2021 Fixed Index Annuity Guide: Suze Orman and Annuity - Mintco Financial (2024)


Why does Suze Orman not like annuities? ›

Suze: It's because again, an annuity is a contract with an insurance company. Suze: And annuities, all annuities are tax deferred, meaning you do not pay taxes on it while the money is in there. But when you do go to take it out, you will pay ordinary income tax on any amount of money that you take out.

How much does a $50,000 annuity pay per month? ›

A straight fixed annuity is the easiest type of annuity to calculate a payment from. This is because fixed annuities work like bonds. If you use $50,000 to buy a fixed annuity paying 5% per year, for example, you'll earn $2,500 annually or about $208.33 per month.

Is a fixed indexed annuity a good idea for seniors? ›

Some people find fixed annuities to be a smart choice after maxing out IRA and 401(k) retirement contributions because they offer a guaranteed specific rate for a set period time. But this reliability can mean your money isn't very accessible and that earnings potential is limited.

Why annuities are a poor investment choice? ›

Why are annuities a poor investment choice? Annuities can be a bad choice for some people—they have higher fees and less flexibility than some savings options. And depending on the type you choose, your heirs may get nothing after you die even if far less was paid out than you had contributed.

What is the bad side of annuities? ›

However, they can come with high annual fees, early withdrawal penalties and may not provide inheritance for heirs. The suitability of an annuity as an investment depends on individual financial goals, risk tolerance and retirement plans.

Why retirees don t like annuities? ›

Annuities can offer unique advantages, providing a reliable source of income, product flexibility, tax benefits and a potential hedge against inflation. However, their drawbacks include overwhelming complexity, fees, lack of liquidity and tax penalties for early withdrawals.

Should a 70 year old buy an annuity? ›

Most financial advisors will tell you that the best age for starting an income annuity is between 70 and 75, which allows for the maximum payout. However, only you can decide when it's time for a guaranteed stream of income.

How much does a $300,000 annuity pay per month? ›

Here's how much income a $300,000 fixed annuity might pay per month: $3,517 if you choose single life only, which allows you to receive income for life but does not offer a death benefit to your beneficiaries.

How much does a $200 000 annuity pay per month? ›

According to Blueprint Income, the average monthly payouts for men aged 60 to 75 investing in a $200,000 annuity could range from about $14,000 to $20,000 per year — $1,167 to $1,667 per month. For women, however, those rates drop to a range of $13,710 to $19,076, or $1,143 to $1,590 monthly.

What is the downside of a fixed index annuity? ›

Fixed Index Annuity Disadvantages:

Early withdrawal penalties or surrender charges for large withdrawals prior to maturity or when withdrawing in excess of the 10% annual surrender-free portion. Ordinary income tax owed on earnings during the withdrawal or income payout stage.

Can a fixed index annuity lose value? ›

Can I lose money in a fixed or index annuity? You cannot directly lose your principal in a fixed or index annuity. The point of these instruments is to protect your principal at the cost of gains that might be lower than the market.

Who should not buy an annuity? ›

So, if you have experience and success managing your funds on your own and can convert your assets into an income, there is no reason to buy an annuity. 2. Don't buy an annuity if you're sure you have enough money to meet your income needs during retirement (no matter how long you may live).

What are the worst annuities? ›

Here are two examples.
  • Single premium immediate annuities (SPIAs) can turn out to have been a bad choice if you experience a sudden decline in life expectancy. ...
  • Indexed annuities have performance caps that limit your returns when the market does well.

What is the harsh truth about annuities? ›

Your money may be tied up for life. After-tax annuities can't be undone – once the money is in an annuity structure, it remains in an annuity structure. If you need or want to exit a bad or ugly annuity, you can roll it over to a less expensive annuity if you no longer have surrender penalties.

Has anyone ever lost money in an annuity? ›

The short answer is yes, while most types of annuities can provide a safe haven in volatile markets, in specific circ*mstances they can lose money. Annuities can be a safe option for people saving for retirement and looking for guaranteed income once retirement begins.

Why are financial advisors pushing annuities? ›

With an annuity—especially a fixed annuity—they know what their monthly income will be (and can budget accordingly). This saves them the task of managing their retirement portfolio, a plus for those who worry they aren't capable of managing their own portfolio.

Why do financial advisors not like annuities? ›

‌They don't want their army of advisors pushing Immediate Annuities, Deferred Income Annuities, QLACs, and Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts. Why? You can't charge a fee on those, and those are irrevocable lifetime income products, which means that money in the firm's eyes is gone.

What does AARP say about annuities? ›

For annuities with lifetime payouts, the payment contains part principal, which isn't taxed, and part earnings, which are taxed. For those set to last a certain time — say, 10 years — the earnings and interest are paid first, and you pay taxes on those.

Why is buying an annuity a mistake? ›

Burdensome Fees

Some annuities can come with exponentially higher fees than other investment vehicles. Annuities can have sales commissions, administrative charges and investment expenses. In addition, sales agents might not discuss an itemized list of fees upfront, obfuscating how much the contract will cost.

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