20 signs the guy who dumped you actually wants you back (ultimate list) - Love Connection (2024)

Getting dumped is never a fun experience, and a part of us always holds onto the hope of getting back together at some point.

Well, that might not just stay a wish! Here are 20 signs that the guy who dumped you actually wants you back!

1) He shows up at places that you frequently visit

The first sign that a guy who dumped you wants you back is when he shows up at places he knows you frequently visit.

Maybe he’s been to your place of work, your favorite museum, and even the grocery store you always go to!

You see, if it happens frequently, this is most likely no coincidence.

He’ll show up at places he knows you frequently visit and says hi to you.

And if he’s not saying hi, he’ll be giving you long meaningful glances that make you feel like he’s trying to get back together with you.

The thing is, he might be too shy to ask you to hang out, so he is trying to make it happen “naturally” by “bumping into each other”.

2) He is stalking your social media

The most common sign that the guy who dumped you wants to come back is if he is stalking your social media accounts.

If he is following you, liking all your posts, and watching all your stories, it’s probably a sign that he still wants to make up for what he did.

Of course, he might also just be feeling sad, and seeing your face makes him feel better, who knows?

3) You bring out his inner hero

Another sign your ex wants you back is when you bring out his inner hero.

You see, guys love it when they can be someone’s hero.

There’s a new theory in the relationship world that’s causing quite a stir – it’s called the hero instinct.

Coined by relationship expert James Bauer, this fascinating concept finally explains how men really think and feel in relationships.

And it’s something most women have never even heard of.

According to James Bauer, men don’t actually need a lot to feel content in their relationships. To most people’s surprise, it has nothing to do with sex.

You see, men have innate drivers. These are natural responses that they’re not even aware of. But when a woman comes along and triggers them, it causes a powerful response.

The result is a man who loves harder, commits wholeheartedly, and truly dedicates himself to the relationship.

So, how can you trigger your man’s hero instinct?

Well, you certainly don’t need to act like a damsel in distress or buy him a cape. It’s quite simple, actually.

All you have to do is give your man certain signals that make him feel needed in the relationship. These allow him to step to the plate and feel fulfilled in his role as your partner.

And these signals are revealed in this simple and genuine video by James Bauer.

The truth is, once you understand how the hero instinct works, there’s no telling what heights your relationship can reach.

So if you want to give your man what he truly wants from you, make sure to check out James Bauer’s excellent video. In it, he reveals the exact texts and phrases you can use straight away.

Here’s a link to the free video again.

4) He contacts you frequently

Another sign that the guy who dumped you wants to get back together with you is when he keeps texting and calling you.

If he’s doing this, it’s usually a sign that he wants to talk to you.

All it takes is for him to say something like “I miss talking to you” or “I have something important I want to tell you”, and if he does, then there is a good chance that things will work out between the two of you.

He might be reaching out to check in on your well-being, offer condolences, ask for help for something or simply want to make sure you’re doing okay.

It’s true, sometimes these things are concealed by a proper “reason” for contacting you, but think about it:

Is the thing he’s asking you something any of his friends could have helped him with?

Then there is a good chance that he wanted to talk to you but just didn’t have the courage to ask you out.

Of course, when he sends you cheesy texts or flirty songs, you will already know he wants you.

5) He asks you to hang out

Another sign that the guy who dumped you wants to come back is if he asks you out.

If he does, it’s a good sign that he still has feelings for you.

He might have problems asking you out, so he might try to ask you in different ways.

For example, if he asks if you want to go on a walk with him or go to a nearby coffee shop, it might be because he wants to talk about something important with you.

This is not a coincidence.

You see, if:

  • He’s been busy lately, but it seems like he genuinely wants to see you again.
  • He asks you to hang out more and he seems interested in what you have to say.
  • He seems interested in your feelings and is willing to listen to you.

Then chances are really good that he wants to get back together with you.

6) He invites you to his house

If he asks you over to his house, it’s a sign that he still has strong feelings for you.

He doesn’t want to do anything inappropriate, so he will not just ask you over unless he has something important to talk about.

It’s very common for people who have broken up with their significant other but still have feelings for them to ask them over to their houses.

This is because it gives him a chance to get close and spend time with the person that they care about without the pressure of spending time in public.

This is a great opportunity for him to tell you how much he misses being around you and how much he wants to get back together with you.

I mentioned this fascinating concept earlier: the hero instinct. When a man’s inner hero is triggered, he’s more likely to want to get back together with his ex.

Just by knowing the right things to say to him, you’ll open a part of him that no woman has ever reached before.

And the easiest way to do so is by watching this free video by James Bauer. In it, he’ll reveal simple phrases and texts you can use to make your man truly yours.

7) He sends you a message saying that he misses you

20 signs the guy who dumped you actually wants you back (ultimate list) - Love Connection (1)

This is an obvious one, but if he sends you a message like this, it means that he still cares about you and misses spending time with you.

This is because if he didn’t care about you anymore, then he wouldn’t have sent this message at all.

It’s true that people who have recently broken up sometimes send messages to their exes telling them how much they miss them, but there is a difference between someone who is just sad and someone who actually wants to get back together.

If this happens to you, it’s definitely a good sign that the person still has feelings for you.

8) He can’t stop asking friends about you

Another sign your ex-boyfriend wants to get back together is that he can’t stop asking friends about you.

He’s probably trying to find out if you’re still single, or if you’ve moved on.

If he can’t stop asking friends about you, it’s likely that he misses you a lot and wants to apologize.

He might also be trying to get in touch with you through social media.

While it’s not ideal, it’s something that he has to do in order to try and make up for what he did.

So: if your friends keep telling you that he is asking about you, something is up!

9) He wants to get back together but doesn’t know how to tell you

If your ex-boyfriend still has feelings for you, he might try and get back with you without actually asking you.

This can be really hard to read, especially if you’re not used to seeing your ex-boyfriend in a vulnerable position.

However, this is not a bad thing! It’s actually a very good sign that he still cares about you and misses being with you.

He might start calling or texting you more often than usual, or he might invite you over for dinner.

He might also try and spend more time with you by doing things like going out for lunch or watching movies together.

10) He is asking about your life a lot

The first sign that the guy who dumped you actually wants you back is his willingness to ask about your life.

He doesn’t just want to talk about sports or work, but about your feelings, your feelings about him, and what happened.

Maybe he will reach out to you all week.

You see, he probably misses your presence in his life and at the same time wants to find out if you are still single.

So, if you notice that he is asking a lot about your life, don’t be surprised – it’s actually a good sign!

11) He’s incredibly nice to you

Another sign the guy who dumped you wants you back is that he is incredibly nice to you.

It’s easy to tell if a guy is being nice because he wants something from you – but this isn’t the case with this sign.

If he is nice to you, it means that he still has feelings for you and cares about you.

He might start taking care of your needs, offering his help when you need it, or just being incredibly kind and considerate.

This isn’t something that a guy does if he doesn’t want to get back together with his ex-girlfriend!

He’s too scared to tell you anything because he thinks it will ruin your friendship (or worse: yours and his relationship)… but he still wants you back.

If your ex-boyfriend is too scared to tell you that he wants to get back together, it’s because he knows how much pain his decision caused you and how hard it was for you to move on.

He doesn’t want to do anything that will ruin your friendship or ruin his relationship with you.

However, he still misses being with you! This is why he will try and find a way to get back together with you – without actually telling you what he’s doing!

12) He apologizes for the breakup

There’s a good chance that the guy who dumped you is sorry for the breakup.

He might be trying to make up for what he’s done, and he might be looking for ways to make things right.

One way he might be doing that is by reaching out to you in different ways, and he might be thinking of doing something romantic again.

If he apologizes for the breakup, he’s probably trying to get back together with you!

13) He asks you to go out on a date

One of the best signs that your ex-boyfriend wants you back is when he asks you out on a date (obviously).

He could be asking you out in person or over text – it doesn’t matter, because what matters is that he asked!

If your ex-boyfriend wants to get back together with you, this is one of the first steps that he will take.

14) He is nostalgic and talks about happy memories together

The first sign that the guy who dumped you actually wants to see you again is that he is nostalgic.

He talks about happy memories together, which shows that he misses the past and wants to connect with you again.

He might even talk about the future and what it could be like if you two got back together.

If your ex-boyfriend is thinking about these things, then he wants to get back together with you!

15) He compliments you a lot and flirts with you

20 signs the guy who dumped you actually wants you back (ultimate list) - Love Connection (2)

If he’s dumped you and wants you back, he might be trying to make up for it.

He’ll compliment you constantly and flirts with you, trying to show that he still cares.

And if you’re not interested in him anymore, he might try to show that he cares by taking the initiative to reach out to you.

He might even try to get back together with you!

To do this, you only need to change the emotions he associates with you and makes him picture what a brand new relationship with you would look like.

In his excellent short video, James Bauer gives you a step-by-step method for women who want to change the way their ex feels about them.

He reveals the texts you can send and things you can say that will trigger deep feelings inside him.

Because once you paint a new picture about what your life together could be like, you could end up creating the relationship you’ve always dreamt of.

Watch his excellent free video here.

16) He is willing to break up with his new girlfriend

The guy who dumped you might be trying to get back together with you, but that doesn’t mean that he’s single.

In fact, he might be in a serious relationship with someone else.

A man who wants his girlfriend back is willing to do anything it takes to make it happen.

He is even willing to break up with his new girlfriend and start a new relationship with you.

This is what your ex-boyfriend might do if he’s trying to get back together with you.

17) He tries to get you to break up with your new boyfriend

On a similar note, another sign your ex-boyfriend wants you back is he might try to get you to break up with your new boyfriend.

He might try to do this by being overly possessive and jealous.

Or he might try to end things between you and your new boyfriend by telling lies about him or trying to make him look bad.

This is a sign that your ex-boyfriend wants to get back together with you.

18) He tries to meet up with you and talk in person

If your ex-boyfriend wants to get back together with you, he might try to meet up with you and talk in person.

After all, talking on the phone or over text can only take things so far – it’s not the same as talking in person!

He might even invite you out for a cup of coffee, lunch, or dinner if he’s desperate.

This is one of the best signs that your ex-boyfriend wants to get back together with you.

He is trying to show you that he wants to be with you and that he really cares about what happens between you and him.

Simply put, he is trying to show you that he wants to get back together with you.

19) He tries to make you jealous

If your ex-boyfriend wants you back, he might try to make you jealous.

Even if he’s not in a relationship with someone else, he will still try to get you jealous by telling you about the other girls he’s dating.

Or maybe he’ll show off pictures of him and his new girlfriend together.

This is one of the clearest signs that your ex-boyfriend wants to get back together with you.

He wants to make you jealous because he wants you back.

20) He tries to get close to you

If your ex-boyfriend wants you back, he might try to get close to you.

This can be hard for him if you’re in a new relationship with someone else.

But he might still try anyway – especially if he’s really desperate!

He might try to be around you as much as possible or even invite you out for coffee or lunch.

He might also try to get close to other people that are important in your life, like your friends and family members.

This is one of the clearest signs that your ex-boyfriend wants to get back together with you.

He wants to be around you and get close to you because he misses you and wants to be with you again.

What should you do?

If you’re in this situation and your ex-boyfriend (who dumped you) wants you back, it is up to you to decide what happens next.

How are you feeling? Do you even want him back? How do you feel about being back with him?

If you want to get back together with your ex-boyfriend, there are things that you can do to make this happen.

I touched on the hero instinct earlier – it’s the perfect remedy for the situation you’re facing.


Because once a man’s hero instinct is triggered, he’ll only have eyes for you. You’ll reach a part of him that no woman has ever managed to reach before.

And in return, he’ll be compelled to commit to you and love you like he’s never loved another woman.

So if you’re ready to take that plunge and reach new heights in your relationship, make sure to check out relationship expert James Bauer’s invaluable advice.

Click here to watch the excellent free video.

Can a relationship coach help you too?

If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to a relationship coach.

I know this from personal experience…

A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track.

If you haven’t heard of Relationship Hero before, it’s a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations.

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The above link will give you $50 off your first session - an exclusive offer for Love Connection readers.

20 signs the guy who dumped you actually wants you back (ultimate list) - Love Connection (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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