17 Mortgage Broker Marketing Ideas For More Clients (2024)

If you’re wondering how to generate mortgage leads for your business, look no further!

We’ve been helping mortgage brokers grow their businesses with qualified leads for 22 years…

So here are 17 mortgage marketing strategies you can use right away!

1. Become “THE” mortgage broker by creating name recognition

Having an attractive logo professionally designedfor your mortgage broker marketing is important for 2 reasons:

  • It helps you look like a professional trustworthy business
  • It creates name recognition

Both of which amount to more leads and clients!

Something like this:

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Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes for a moment…

You found your dream home — a For Sale By Owner — but you need to finance it, and FAST! (This home is a steal!)

You google mortgage brokers in your town…

One has a website that looks like it’s from 1999 — ugly, hard to navigate, and just a text “logo.”

Another one has a snazzy modern website with a legit-looking, well-designed logo.

Like this:

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Which one are you more likely to call??

The one that LOOKS legitimate and seems like a business you can trust to get the job done!

And good news:

Getting your logo and practice designed to look polished and professional doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg.


You can get your logo designed AND then put it on multiple promotional items to easily (and inexpensively) boost your business’s branding.

Check out these crazy low prices:

Those prices are DEFINITELY worth it forconstant branding that keeps your name out there!

Remember to use your logo in your email signature, too —

It’s a FREE way to remind prospects and current clients of your brand, image, and any promotional offers you may be running.

DON’T skip this step in your mortgage broker marketing plan, or you risk the rest of your marketing not looking as professional as it could—

Which means you may not see as many leads!

2. Reach 77% of mobile users by programming your # in smartphones

Don’t expect clients to remember to save your business’s phone # in their mobile contacts —

Encourage them to do it while in your office!

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According to data from Pew Research Center, 77% of U.S. adults use smartphones…

So it makes sense to encourage your clients to program your # in their smartphone (while they’re sitting in your office), AND share it with friends and family with just a tap of a button. (Encourage them to do that, too!)

Onto the next tip!

3. Use this time-tested marketing tool to generate up to $20,000 in revenue

One of the easiest ways to promote your practice, services, and amazing special offer is by mailing postcards.

Yes, even in our digital age, postcards remain one of the best mortgage broker marketing strategies!

Just check out these statistics:

  • Direct mail’s response rate is750%more than email
  • Just personalizing your mortgage direct mail (by printing the recipient’s name on it) can boost response by135%
  • 93%of people ages 25-34 have responded to direct mail — 88% respond within 6 months!

I think you’d be surprised at how effective postcards can be in generating truly qualified leads who turn into long-term revenue for your practice…

But like I mentioned in #3, you can easily use mortgage postcards to market to your very own clientele and generate latent income there!

Take this campaign for example:

This Minnesota mortgage broker mailed postcards to their current client base.

They listened to our advice and mailed their mortgage postcards twice (once is usually not enough!).

Here’s their design:

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They ended up receiving:

  • 125 responses from their mailing
  • $20,000 in revenue
  • An ROI of 1,170%!

And that’s just from mailing to their very own client list!!

You can read their full case study here.

Lead generation for mortgage brokers — using mortgage direct mail — typically starts with a super-targeted mailing list.

In fact, you can buy a mailing list that targets prospects with these shared characteristics, so you’re only mailing to people who are MOST likely to do business with you:

  • Household income of $50,000+
  • A certain home value
  • Foreclosure status
  • And of course, you can target people who live near your location!

But if you buy a mailing list for your campaign, make sure whoever sells it to you guarantees at LEAST 90% deliverability of your postcards…

Otherwise, you’ll drown in undelivered mail — a TOTAL waste of postage (and marketing) $$$!

You can check out PostcardMania’s mailing list services here (which includes 1,000 FREE contacts!)

4. Capture some of the 95% leads visiting your website

Your website isn’t just a fancy place for your prospects to visit you online…

Factually: it’s a MAJOR part of how to generate mortgage leads.

Consider this:

95%of your prospects will visit your website before making any decision to buy from you (or not).

95% is basically almost ALL.

So your website must immediately communicate the following:

  • Who you are
  • Which services you provide
  • That you’re a real (credible) business
  • And how to contact you (such as, for your special offer!)

FREE report: 128 special offers already PROVEN to grow businesses like yours!

Take a look at this website:

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Here’s what I love about this website:

First, the professional logo big and bold up front:

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And their phone number easy-to-see in the upper right-hand corner (where I recommend it always goes):

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And one of my favorite parts is the giveaway (special offer) to get pre-approved for a loan fast:

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But honestly…

This website could be improved. I recommend all websites have lead-capture forms, like this one example here:

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If your website isn’t designed with a mortgage broker marketing mindset, you are losing leads right now that you’re already paying to generate.

FREE report: 16 website mistakes that wreck your revenue (plus, how to fix ‘em!)

If you want your website done with an expert hand, our website design services start at an extremelyaffordable $495.

And while we’re on the subject of websites…

5. Avoid losing 96% of hard-earned leads with pop-up forms on your website

You’ve gone to the trouble and expense to generate a lead with your mortgage direct mail campaign (or even mortgage broker marketing flyers). Again, MAJORITY (about 95%) of those people are headed straight for your website.

But 96% of those visitors are not yet ready to become a customer, according toKissmetrics.

So what then?

They leave your website and go on with their lives…

But when they’re ready to call someone for loan assistance, will they remember YOU?

Maybe — or maybe not.

To maximize your mortgage advertising dollars, you need to capture the identity of those interested prospects so you can follow up with them, keeping your business top of mind so when they need you…

They remember you!


With that lead capture form I mentioned above in #6.

Like this one:

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An effective lead capture form works by offering your visitor something useful — a FREE loan consultation or pre-approval, for example — in exchange for their email address.

To take lead capture forms one step further (for more leads, I mean!), you can use a pop-up.

Pop-ups are simply lead capture forms that literally pop up at a timed moment, with the intention to attract online prospects to give you their contact information.

I’m sure you’ve seen these…

On PostcardMania website, here’s one we use:

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Most websites have pop-up plugins you can use (OR if you have a web guy handling your website, ask him/her to get one going for you)!

Once you have their email address for either your lead capture form or pop-up, you can email prospects with more special offers and updates regularly!


The LESS information you ask for, themorelikely people are to fill out your form.

Most people are pretty willing to share their email address — their phone number is a different story!

Save time and generate more leads using the Catch-That-Lead Tool — watch the video here.

6. Nail your Google listing to generate FREE leads from Google

Register for a FREEGoogle Business Profile account. It’s how you’ll update your Google listing for your practice, meaning…


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Your Google Business Profile listing is like your own personal Google profile for your business. It’s also what’s shown to people who find you through Google Maps.

Your Google listing can (and should) show pictures of your business plus all information googlers want to see right off the bat. This information gets pulled from data you enter in your Google Business Profile account.

So you need to make sure you have this data entered correctly, specifically:

  • Your business’s actual name
  • Address (Google will verify it)
  • Phone number
  • Hours of operation
  • Category of your business.

You’ll also manage and respond to any Google reviews directlyfromyour Google Business Profile account — more on why that’s important later.

Again, make sure you keep ALL your contact information updated in your Google Business Profile account sinceinaccurateinformation about you will actually prevent Google from bringing up your business in searches. Meaning, your business may end up showing upLESSin Google searches —

Which is NOT what we want considering Google is the #1-used search engine in the U.S!

So if your address OR hours change (like for holidays) make sure to update it in Google Business Profile.

Another benefit to keeping your business’s information totally up-to-date is you’ll be found easier on Google Maps!

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If someone uses Google Maps to search for alocalmortgage broker, your correct and updated information on the internet (including Google Business Profile) will enable your rankingin Google Mapsto be higher than those who just didn’t take the time.

So make sure your business’s contact information is correct onthesewebsites too:

  • Yelp
  • Facebook
  • Other social media accounts
  • YP.com
  • Citysearch

Plus, Google Maps results show up even BEFORE organic results…

Meaning, prospects see Google Maps results FIRST when they search on Google.


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The first organic listing for a mortgage broker in the above search comesAFTERthose Google Maps results.

Remember that Google LOVES consistency, so just keep your practice’s information updated across anywhere it’s listed online and work on getting lots of positive reviews too, which is up next:

7. Use Google reviews as 90%trust and act on them

When prospects see positive reviews, they’re 90% more likely to trust and buy from you.

Plus, people aremore likely to clickon a business’s website when its Google reviews are positive, meaning those golden star ratings you see!


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It’s like Google has trained us to recognize that stars = ratings, and the more, the better!

So the game becomes:

Get LOTS of 4- and 5-star reviews of your business online!

Here are some ways to do that:

  • Have your staff tell clients they’d appreciate a review
  • Make sure clients know HOW to leave a Google review
  • Add a link in your email signature
  • Send gentle email hints that you’d appreciate a review

FYI, it’s against Google’s policy to outright solicit reviews from clients, so one way to add the Google review request in your email signature is like this:

“Have feedback about our service? Leave a review!”

FREE report: How to get more positive Google reviews to promote your business

When you’re done helping a client, tell them you’d appreciate a review online if they’ve enjoyed your service.


You also want to take the time to RESPOND to negative reviews.

When you spot a negative review online, make sure to comment on it and respond with a sincere apology and offer to remedy whatever occurred that was dissatisfactory with their experience.

The last thing you need is a disgruntled former customer bad-mouthing your business.

So handle the review well, and they could turn into a happy client!


Even if the client can’t be satisfied no matter what you offer or do, your response online will at least show other consumers that you care enough to communicate and try to help.

In fact:

30%of consumers will look at how you handle negative reviewsonlinebeforedeciding whether to try out your business — or not.

So pay attention to your reviews! Others rely on them, and your business’s image does, too!

8. Attract 75% more of your potential customers with Google pay-per-click ads

A crazy 93% of online experiences start with a search engine, but only 75% of those people will scroll past the first page of results, according toHubSpot.

With Google pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, your mortgage loan ads appear abovethe organic listings when people search for your services.


If you do PPC ads, your prospects will see your mortgage loan ads FIRST on Google!

Here’s what I mean:

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What’s extra great about PPC is that you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

But —

What’s not so great is that it’s complicated, and you can easily waste money on unqualified clicks (when people click on your mortgage loan ads so you have to pay, but they’re not qualified leads who are likely to turn into new clients).

With PPC ads, you bid on keywords, like “local mortgage broker” or “best mortgage broker.” Google AdWords (Google’s PPC platform) will suggest a bid for you, but you can actually bid however much you want.

Your cost per click is determined by many factors — your bid being just one — such as:

  • How relevant Google thinks your website is to your targeted keyword
  • “Dwell time” on your website (how long visitors stay there once they click on your ad)
  • Your conversion rate (how many visitors take your desired action, such as filling out your lead capture form)

I know…

It’s complicated.

FREE report: How to do Pay-Per-Click yourself (and not waste money)

When you’re first starting out with PPC, I recommend setting a budget (say, $15 a day) and playing around with your ads to see what gets the best results.


The most clicks isn’t necessarily the best result. You PAY for each click (hence the name PAY-PER-CLICK). You want to make sure those clicks are converting into real leads!


Managing a PPC campaign can feel like a full-time job — but as a business owner, you already have one (or 5)!

It’s probably worth it to hire a PPC professional to do it for you.

You can use PostcardMania’sPPC management services here.

9. Reach 79% of potential clients on Facebook

Facebook marketing for mortgage brokers is more popular than ever, and for good reason.

According toPew Research:

  • 79% of online Americans are on Facebook
  • That’s 68% of ALL Americans
  • 75% of them go on the siteeveryday

In other words:

It’s a huge opportunity, even for how to generate mortgage leads.


Many business pages’ organic reach (that’s how many people you can reach for free) has declined sharply.For some, it’s as low as 2 PERCENT, and taking into account Facebook’s January 2018 newsfeed changes, you can pretty much say “good-bye!” to your page’s posts being seen by your prospects for free.

Which means you have to pay up for Facebook ads, like this one:

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I recommend running Facebook adsat the same timeyou’re mailing your mortgage direct marketing campaign.

In fact:

You can MATCH your Facebook ad’s special offeranddesign with that of your direct mail campaign.

Like this:

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That’s the postcard.

And here’s the matching Facebook ad:

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So your prospects see ONE cohesive marketing message whether they receive your mortgage direct mail piece OR see your mortgage loan ads on Facebook.

In fact — if your prospects see ANY of your mortgage marketing strategies, by seeing your mortgage postcards in their mailboxes and Facebook ads online, they’ll assume you’re the #1 business of your kind!

This tight coordination of mortgage broker marketing gives your prospects the idea that your business is everywhere…

It’s calledEverywhere Small Business. With it, your practice can simultaneously target prospects with:

  • Direct mail
  • Google ads (across thousands & thousands of internet websites)
  • AND Facebook ads.

And YOU don’t have to do anything.

Essentially your mortgage broker marketing will be shown EVERYWHERE your prospects already spend their time, generating the following:

  • Calls to your business (that we track for you)
  • Clicks to your website (we track these too!)
  • Millions of online impressions (eyes on YOUR ads)
  • EssentiallyMORE leadswith ZERO effort from you.

Watch theEverywhere Small Business videoto see howexactlythis program can increase your marketing exponentially.

10. Improve your Google ranking with search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engines work largely by finding websites which match the keywords your prospects searchwith.

So if your prospects enter “[Your City] mortgage broker” (aka, “Jacksonville mortgage broker”), your website will rank higher in Google to the degree that your website pages have the keywords “Jacksonville mortgage broker” in them (as well as other factors that are more complicated that we won’t get into detail on here).

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To get your website found on Google, your website’s data must be accurate and filled with keywords your prospects use to find business just like yours.

Make a list of these keywords usingGoogle’s free keyword planner tool, and have your website designer (even if that’s you!) use them on the pages of your website —

  • Your homepage
  • Your About Us page
  • Pages that describe your services

But it’s NOTonlykeywords you need…

Here are some tips to increase your website’s SEO:

  • Each page’s title (learn about page titleshere) should be different
  • Homepage’s page title should have your business type, plus your city & state
  • Your contact data (on your contact page) must be correct
  • Your business’s data must be referenced (cited) on other popular web pages
  • You should have and use a freeGoogle Business Profile

SEO is NOT a one-shot deal — much like mortgage broker marketing in general. The helpfulness of your blog plus the quality of your online content and website design will increasingly play a more important role in how fast you get found on Google.

Beware of any company that claims to guarantee to get your website to #1 on Google in a short amount of time.

SEO is acontinualprocess since Google and its algorithms (formulas) change all the time. That’s why getting reviews (#9) and making sure your website is set up tocapture leads(#7) is 100% worth your time (and it’s less complicated too!).

11. Host (and promote) a seminar or luncheon

Chances are, you have many loans up your sleeves that most don’t know about.

And while hosting an event or educational seminar may not be a new concept, I do want to impress upon your importance of PROMOTING it heavily.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Designate an educational seminar on 3 little-known loans for first-time home buyers
  • Export your current prospect AND client base
  • That’s a mailing list!
  • Purchase an additional mailing list (maybe even one of realtors!)
  • Design a postcard to draw direct mail recipients to attend your seminar
  • Mail your postcards at LEAST 3 times
  • Fill up your seminar!

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This may sound too easy, but the trick is mailing repetitively. DON’T assume a one-shot mailing will do the job…

Your prospects need to see your marketing again and again in order for them to remember it and RESPOND!

And when your seminar is over, it’s not over!

Because let’s face it:

Some prospects at your event will not close no matter how great a speaker you are…

So I recommend you collect their email addresses so you can follow up using email marketing after the event is done.

Continually emailing someone who’s already expressed some level of interest in your service will eventually help them close as sales.

FREE report: 4 simple steps to 98% more sales using automated email marketing

Stayed tuned, I talk more about email marketing in #20!

12. Attract up to 56% more clients by distributing mortgage broker marketing flyers

According to theData & Marketing Association, 56% of consumers trust print marketing more than other marketing mediums, which is part of why mortgage postcards can generate up to $11,500 in revenue

But guess what:

Mortgage broker marketing flyers, business cards, and brochures work too!

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They’re extremely affordable. If you’re a brand new business trying to figure out how to get new clients, flyers are a good place to start.

If you’re not the creative type, you can find free templates online — Pinterest and Envato have tons of them — that you can customize for your own mortgage advertising. (Don’t forget to include your professional logo from #1!)

To get your flyers and other printed marketing out, you can:

  • Pay someone to pass them out for you
  • Or create and put a marketing kit in your car.

When you’re on the road or running errands, you’ll always have stash of marketing items you can give out.

13. Reach out to other similar businesses and form partnerships

You want to spread your business’s name outside your brick-and-mortar walls and become known by other organizations who could send you…


Here are some easy partnerships you should make:

  • Insurance agents
  • Realtors
  • Real estate investors
  • Title companies
  • Attorneys
  • CPAs
  • Tax preparation specialists
  • Builders/construction companies
  • Banks
  • Business licensing businesses
  • County Clerk’s Office

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Find out what you could offer the above organizations in exchange for their trust and referrals. Maybe you could even offer to give their staff a luncheon so they’re more educated on financing options for investing in property!


Ask if you can submit a useful piece of information (or article) to their website, newsletter, or church bulletin, such as how to understand loan options and pre-qualification factors.

14. Use your blog to generate 4.5X more leads

Think a blog is optional?

Whether you’re a new or seasoned mortgage broker, a blog is a must in today’s digital space!

Here’s why:

Publishing helpful articles on your blog can actually generate up to 4.5 times MORE leads than businesses whodon’tutilize this free marketing resource, according toHubspot.

Need ideas to make your blog useful to prospects?

Listen to your current clients.

And answer these questions:

  • What do they need help with?
  • What questions do they typically have?
  • What helpful content can you write about that will prove you’re the BEST?

This should be easy for you given your profession relies on understanding different types of information!


When you arm your marketing plan with helpful content that you feature on your website’s blog, you’ll have a better chance of ranking on Google.


By using keywords.

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Makea list of keywordsthat your prospects may use when googling for a mortgage brokerage (just like yours), and include those keywords in both your blog and website pages.

When a prospect googles for a mortgage broker like you, Google will more likely suggest your website if keywords used on your website mirror what your prospect entered into Google.

15. Always keep communication open with your clients

Failing to stay in touch with existing clients is an extraordinarily costly mistake.

The biggest asset your company has, along with its staff, is its existing customer base — people who’ve already given you their ultimate vote of confidence:

Their time and money!


Existing clients are not only a source forcurrentbusiness, but also for referrals.

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So it’s VERY important you keep in touch with clients because they could generate MORE business for you!

One way to keep in touch with existing clients is by sending them a monthly email newsletter.

You can feature almost anything in your newsletter, but here are some ideas:

  • Current specials or rate reductions
  • Promotions
  • New team additions
  • New changes to your business
  • New services you’re adding
  • And how you help the community.

FREE report: 8 easy ways to turn your email newsletter into a MUST read

I also recommend you do this:

Motivate your staff to be extra friendly to clients when they see them. I know this seems like a no-brainer, but a simple smile and “hello” to clients sitting in your waiting area goes a LONG way in positioning your business as one who cares and loves helping others.


People love to buy from (and refer to) whom they LIKE and admire.

You can also mail personal, handwritten letters to clients. If your assistant or receptionist has extra time, personal letters to clients sends a message like:

“We truly value you as a client. THANK YOU!”

Not a bad communication to receive in the mail, right?

Or, we can mail postcards that are personalized with clients’ first names for you — to save time…

Like this example:

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16. Close up to 80% more sales by automatically following up with leads

Here’s the deal:

Even the best mortgage lead generation companies will simplynotclose 100% of the leads on the first attempt. And neither will your BEST sales person.

Makes sense, right?

Take this:

Let’s say you receive an email from someone directly from the contact form on your website.

This person’s reached out to you with some level of interest —

That’s a lead!

They’ve asked you if they can buy a home with horrible credit. You reply that there are options, but ideally, you need more information, so you’re offering the a complimentary consultation to figure out their options.



You email them, maybe call them (if they provided a phone number)…

And still no word back.

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So, no client yet.

Now what?

NOW you follow up with them!

But instead of emailing and calling them every day, you can use email marketing toautomaticallyfollow up with this lead for you to save time.

In a free email marketing software, such as MailChimp for example, you can set up a simple campaign to automatically email leads so that you’recontinuallyreaching out to them.

Also called an “email drip campaign,” it works in marketing by sending out emails on a predetermined schedule to prospects in a list that you create.

FREE report: Easily automate your email marketing to close up to 80% MORE sales

Instead of you remembering tomanuallyemail prospects on a set schedule, have youremail marketing system do it for you.

Plus, you can use this same email marketing tool to send out monthly newsletters to your customers, making them feel like you care to keep them updated on things like:

  • Special deals you’re running
  • New services you’re now offering
  • Help you’ve provided the local community
  • Pictures of your team

The idea is that the more prospects are followed up withconsistently, the more likely they’ll remember YOU (vs. your competition)…

And when someoneremembersyou, they’re MUCH more likely to BUY from you when the time comes.

If you want a done-for-you email marketing solution, you can use PostcardMania’semail marketing services.

17. Track your results like the most effective mortgage marketing ninja

Only TRACKING will show you which lead generation for mortgage brokers factually create leads (and sales) for your business.

So — HOW do you track?

A new caller sheetis one way! Give one to your receptionist so they help you track where exactly leads come from when they call in.

Another way:

Google Analytics — afree tool from Googlethat tracks the following:

  • Who visits your website
  • Where they’re from
  • What pages they visit
  • How long they stay there
  • And WAY more!

FREE report: Easily set up Google Analytics on your website for website tracking

Here’s one way to use data from Google Analytics:

Let’s say you mail out 10,000 postcards with a mortgage direct mail campaign, and you check your Google Analytics account and notice 1,000 people visited your website with 200 people landing and spending 1-3 minutes on your “About Us” page.

But… maybe only 25 people made it to your contact page to actually contact you and become real leads for your business.

Here’s an idea:

Why not put a pop-up or lead capture form on that “About Us” page tocapture more of the leadswho read all about you and turn them into tangible leads you can actually call!



The most important metric to track?

Return on investment (ROI)!

The ultimate measurement of your marketing is how much sales it generates for your business.

Your response could even seem mediocre…

But your ROI could be HIGH.

Here’s what I mean, by example:

CTC Financial had a very attractive message for their prospective clients:

They could help them avoid foreclosure by lowering their monthly payments!

So they decided to mail mortgage postcards…

Here is their design:

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That sinking image of a house really speaks to homeowners in trouble!

They received 10 responses from their mortgage direct marketing…

Which translated into $11,500 in revenue for them!

Now 10 responses doesn’t sound like much…

But $11,500 definitely amounts to a successful campaign!

So you can see how tracking your marketing is SO important

It tells you where you should reinvest your money! (And in CTC Financial’s case, it’s postcards!)

Okay, I’m preaching to the choir at this point! YOU know the importance of investing correctly!

Want to see some real-life examples of insurance marketing campaigns?

Here are a few of our clients’ successes (with mailing list strategies):


17 Mortgage Broker Marketing Ideas For More Clients (30)

RESPONSE: Closed 2 Loans and 6-7 are in the works!

MAILING LIST: Provided 2000 records – FHA loan holders

MAILING SCHEDULE: Mailed 3 times to same list – 2 weeks apart (6k cards total)


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RESPONSE: These mailings generated 5 loans. The first two loans paid for the campaign and the other three are profit – and they are still getting calls!

MAILING LIST: Purchased 5,000 records – First mortgage amount $150,000+, first mortgage date, second mortgage amount $1,000+, LTV range <90%, select zip codes

MAILING SCHEDULE: 2,500 every week for six weeks – ultimately hitting their list a total of 3 times in 6 weeks


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RESPONSE: “I average 20 calls/e-mails for every 1200 card mailing – typically resulting in 5 closed transactions!”

MAILING LIST: Customer database – previously closed clients

MAILING SCHEDULE: Ship cards to customer – mails as necessary


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RESPONSE: I average about a 1% response rate – the campaign pays for itself plus I made some additional money.

MAILING LIST: Purchased 2k records – income $40k+, home value $100k+ MAILING SCHEDULE: 2k 3x – monthly to the same list


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RESPONSE: “I have over 30 calls already and have 3 loans already and working on several others. Response has been great and everyone seems to love the postcard.”

MAILING LIST: Purchased 6k records – loan amount $200k-$417k, purchase date 1/1/2001-12/31/2009


So there you have it: 17 of the most effective mortgage marketing ideas to grow your business starting now!

I hope you’re feeling inspired! For even more ideas on lead generation for mortgage brokers, check out thesepostcard designs proven to work!

And if you have questions about anything mentioned here, such as marketing withEverywhere Small Business, leave a comment or you can email me atJoy.Gendusa@PostcardMania.com.

Want to start a mortgage direct mail campaign? Call one of my experts at 800-628-1804 — the consultation is 100% FREE!



17 Mortgage Broker Marketing Ideas For More Clients (2024)


17 Mortgage Broker Marketing Ideas For More Clients? ›

A website showcasing informative and interesting content such as blogs, reviews, and testimonials of past successful investments can emphasize a broker's expertise and reputation. Success in the mortgage industry is often reliant on your reputation as a broker and your brokerage's brand recognition.

How to get more clients as a mortgage broker? ›

  1. Ask for Reviews and Testimonials. There is so much white noise out there in the financial services industry, especially in the mortgage broker market. ...
  2. Get Referrals From Social Media. ...
  3. Create and Maintain Excellent Customer Relations. ...
  4. Community Projects. ...
  5. Form the Right Partnerships. ...
  6. Newsletters With Regular Updates.
Feb 27, 2023

How do you promote a mortgage broker? ›

A website showcasing informative and interesting content such as blogs, reviews, and testimonials of past successful investments can emphasize a broker's expertise and reputation. Success in the mortgage industry is often reliant on your reputation as a broker and your brokerage's brand recognition.

How do brokers attract customers? ›

All in all, brokerage marketing involves advertising a broker's services to get more customers. This can include online ads, social media posts, and educational content. By doing this, brokers can stand out in a competitive market and grow their businesses.

How do brokers get clients? ›

10 strategies for finding clients
  1. Contact those in your personal life. ...
  2. Meet new people. ...
  3. Develop a professional online identity. ...
  4. Optimize your customer relationship management system. ...
  5. Define your marketing strategy. ...
  6. Automate your processes. ...
  7. Host events for prospects. ...
  8. Create a niche.
Feb 13, 2024

How to attract loan customers? ›

Here are a few ways personal loan agents can use to increase their sales:
  1. Build a Strong Online Presence. ...
  2. Establish a Niche. ...
  3. Leverage Referrals and Word-of-Mouth. ...
  4. Improve Your Communication Skills. ...
  5. Stay Updated On Loan Products. ...
  6. Provide Exceptional Customer Service. ...
  7. Use Technology to Your Advantage. ...
  8. Develop a Sales Funnel.
Jan 4, 2024

How do mortgage brokers earn most of their interest? ›

A mortgage broker may be compensated through a combination of fees paid from borrowers and commissions that are paid out by the lending institutions who want them to originate loans. The costs vary greatly but a mortgage broker generally earns between 1% and 3% of the total loan amount.

What not to say to a mortgage broker? ›

10 Things Not To Say To Your Mortgage Broker | Loan Approval
  • 1) Anything untruthful.
  • 2) What's the most I can borrow?
  • 3) I forgot to pay that bill again.
  • 4) Check out my new credit cards.
  • 5) Which credit card ISN'T maxed out?
  • 6) Changing jobs annually is my specialty.
Mar 10, 2023

Is mortgage broker a good side hustle? ›

A career as a part-time mortgage broker can be fulfilling for financially inclined professionals. This career is also flexible, as it allows you to complete your tasks as a broker while pursuing other interests.

How to prospect as an MLO? ›

5 strategies loan officers use to attract more business
  1. Spread the word. If you want to gain new business, the first step is to know with whom you should connect. ...
  2. Sell yourself. ...
  3. Refer a friend. ...
  4. Find out more about the customer. ...
  5. Drive for results.

How do I market myself as an agent? ›

How to Market Yourself as a REALTOR
  1. Generate a Strong Online Presence as a Real Estate Expert. ...
  2. Combine Online Marketing with Postcards for Maximum Effectiveness. ...
  3. Build a Website and Blog. ...
  4. Be Present On Social Media. ...
  5. Use SEO Optimization to Drive Organic Traffic to Your Website. ...
  6. Buy Ads on Google for Quick Traffic.

Where do mortgage brokers advertise? ›

At Mortgage Broker Media, we design and build paid advertising campaigns for mortgage brokers through Google, Bing, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to provide instant lead generation. "Mortgage Broker Media had an instant impact with lead generation from day one.

How do brokers get leads? ›

A few real estate lead generation strategies for how to get leads in real estate include the following:
  1. Be active across social media. ...
  2. Create email marketing campaigns. ...
  3. Develop a brand. ...
  4. Form local connections. ...
  5. Build strategic partnerships. ...
  6. Traditional advertising. ...
  7. Build credibility with PR.

What role does a mortgage broker play? ›

A mortgage broker is a go-between who matches borrowers with mortgage lenders. If you're buying a home or refinancing, a broker can help you find the best mortgage for your needs. They work with everyone involved in the lending process, including real estate agents, underwriters and closing agents.

Where do mortgage brokers get leads from? ›

Leads as a Mortgage Advisor can be hard to come by. Often, they rely on referrals and repeat business from existing clients to source new business. Generating new clients can be tricky but it is essential if you want a successful career in the industry.

How to get first client as a mortgage agent? ›

Redrock wants you to hit the ground running, so here are three tips for getting those early clients in your mortgage broker career.
  1. Let your family and friends know you have become a mortgage broker. ...
  2. Utilise social media in your mortgage broker career. ...
  3. Get out into the community make your mortgage industry expertise known.

How does MLO get clients? ›

Create informative and engaging videos that address common questions and concerns that potential clients may have. Share your videos on social media platforms and your website to reach a wider audience. Use video testimonials from satisfied clients to showcase your credibility and build trust with potential clients.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.