17 home remedies for the common cold (2024)

Try these strategies to get rid of that stuffy nose. And find out when to visit a healthcare provider if they don’t work

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A cold can sneak up on you at any time of the year, and when it does, you’ll want to attack it head-on with the right remedies. Even though most people recover from the common cold in about seven to 10 days, reducing symptom severity is key to staying comfortable while the virus runs its course.

If you’re experiencing a runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, coughing, body aches, stuffy nose, or a scratchy throat, you might be wondering what you can do to start feeling better right away.

The good news? There are plenty of cold remedies like an over-the-counter (OTC) decongestant nasal spray, neti pot, or a humidifier that can provide immediate relief and kickstart the healing process. Plus, it’s easy to add several of these remedies to an overall wellness routine.

Here, we take a deep dive into how to treat a cold, remedies you can try at home—including 18 natural cold remedies and four over-the-counter and prescription medication treatments—and when to see a healthcare provider for cold symptoms.

17 home remedies for cold symptoms

Several respiratory viruses, including rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, human metapneumovirus, and human parainfluenza virus, cause the common cold, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In most people, a cold will run its course in about a week to 10 days. If you’re immunocompromised, or you have allergies or asthma, a cold can develop into pneumonia or bronchitis. Getting plenty of rest and staying well-hydrated are the best ways to recover – there is no cure for the common cold. But if you’re dealing with a cold virus, consider trying one or more of the following home remedies to make your symptoms more bearable.

1. Drink plenty of fluids

“Staying well-hydrated helps thin out mucus and makes it easier to clear nasal congestion or cough up sputum,” says Julia Blank, MD, family medicine physician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica. She recommends water, juice, tea, or broth, but make sure you avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate you.

2. Use a cool-mist humidifier

Another useful remedy is to moisturize the air with a cool-mist humidifier, which can clear nasal passages and help loosen congestion, says Dr. Blank. Whenever possible, use distilled water instead of tap water, set the unit to 30% to 50% humidity, and always follow the directions that come with the unit.

3. Eat chicken noodle soup

Chicken noodle soup might be good for the soul, but it’s also an excellent home remedy for a simple cold. “Chicken soup helps with hydration, the warm fluid can help soothe a sore throat, and cysteine—an amino acid in chicken soup—may help thin mucus and ease congestion,” explains Dr. Blank.

4. Ramp up your rest

Getting plenty of rest when you’re sick is important for your immune system to be able to fight off cold viruses. Adults should aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night as well as naps during the day. Kids need nine to 12 hours and teens should get eight to 10 hours each night.

5. Soothe a sore throat with lozenges

To help temporarily soothe a sore throat, Dr. Blank recommends throat lozenges. “Menthol lozenges can temporarily clear nasal passages and soothe a sore throat.”

6. Gargle with salt water

If you’re dealing with a sore and scratchy throat, consider gargling with salt water. Dr. Blank says this old-school home remedy can help to temporarily relieve throat discomfort. Mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Take a drink, but do not swallow, and gargle in the back of your throat for 10 to 30 seconds. Spit it out when done.

7. Drink warm fluids

“You want to thin the mucus in the throat and nose, and warm fluids help do that,” says Payel Gupta, MD, a triple board-certified doctor in pediatrics, allergy and immunology, and internal medicine. Plus, warm drinks are soothing. Warm lemon water, clear broth, and warm tea are all good choices.

8. Have some honey

Coughing at night interrupts sleep and makes it difficult to get any rest. If you’ve already taken an OTC cough or cold medicine but still need some relief, try a spoonful of honey. Not only does honey help soothe a sore throat, but Dr. Blank says it also temporarily eases a cough.

9. Breathe in some steam

Dr. Gupta recommends steam when battling a cold. Use a vaporizer or make a tent out of a towel as you sit over a bowl of hot water and breathe in the steam, which is soothing and helps loosen mucus and phlegm. “Just make sure you’re not sitting too close to the bowl, and the steam isn’t burning delicate mucus membranes,” Dr. Gupta advises.

10. Use a neti pot

Neti pots are generally considered safe to use for sinus issues such as the common cold. Also called a nasal irrigation device, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends using distilled or sterile water, boiled and cooled tap water, or water passed through a filter. They also say to add a saline solution to the water, which helps minimize irritation as the water passes through the nasal passages. Dr. Gupta recommends using a neti-pot to irrigate the sinuses about once a day. “This will lessen post-nasal drip, which causes coughs and irritates the throat,” she says. Just make sure you disinfect the neti pot every time you use it.

11. Take an elderberry supplement

Elderberry supplements, gummies, teas, lozenges, extracts and syrups may help to reduce the severity and duration of cold symptoms. However, Dr. Blank points out that the mechanism of action is not clear. It may play a role in the body’s immune reaction to cold and flu viruses. According to a2016 randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial, air travelers using elderberry 10 days before travel until four to five days after arriving at their destination experienced a two-day shorter duration of the cold and also noticed a reduction in cold symptoms.

12. Consume zinc

Results from a 2012 systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials found that zinc formulations such as lozenges, tablets, or syrup may reduce the duration of a cold by about one day, especially when taken within 24-48 hours of the onset of symptoms. But a 2020 trial examining the effect of zinc lozenges on cold duration found they had no benefit. Still, zinc is safe to try, just watch out for side effects like nausea.

13. Drink beetroot juice

Beetroot is a nutritional powerhouse with antioxidant, antitumor, and liver-protecting properties. What’s more, the root lowers blood pressure, helps stabilize blood sugar levels, and enhances physical and cognitive performance. But does drinking beetroot juice help if you have a cold? According to one study, ingesting the juice during times of psychological stress is protective against cold symptoms, particularly among those with asthma. To reap the immune-enhancing benefits of beetroot juice, try drinking a cup a day.

14. Try probiotic drinks

It’s no secret that probiotics can enhance gut health and improve digestion. But did you know that drinking probiotic beverages can help reduce cold symptoms too? A recent study found that a yogurt drink containing the probiotic strains Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus casei 431, and Lactobacillus fermentium PCC offered protection against cold and flu-like respiratory viruses. And another recent study found that the probiotic drink kefir offered strong protection against many viruses, including Covid-19.

15. Supplement with vitamin D

According to research, people with low blood levels of vitamin D are at increased risk of catching colds. On the flip side, supplementing with the vitamin decreases your risk of coming down with the common cold and upper respiratory tract infections. To help your immune system ward off these viral offenders, experts recommend aiming for 1000-2000 IUs per day. Just make sure you start supplementing before the onset of symptoms—taking extra D once you’re sick might shorten the duration of your cold, but more research is needed.

16. Use a cold compress

If your cold is accompanied by a sinus headache, placing a cold compress over the painful area may help to ease your symptoms by reducing inflammation. To make a compress at home, moisten a cloth or towel and freeze it for 15 minutes before placing it on the area of discomfort. If you have a fever, placing a cool, damp cloth on your forehead can help bring it down, too.

17. Sleep with an extra pillow

Colds usually come with lots of congestion, which often gets worse at night. That’s because when you’re lying down, mucus doesn’t drain as easily. To keep mucus from accumulating in your head and throat, try elevating your head with an extra pillow—it may be enough to keep that extra congestion at bay.

Cold remedies that don’t work

There are many time-tested and proven remedies for treating cold symptoms. However, there are also several that lack evidence or expert support to warrant using them when dealing with a cold.


“Antibiotics are for fighting bacteria, not viruses that cause colds,” says Dr. Blank. In fact, she points out that antibiotics won’t help you get well faster and can cause side effects. Inappropriate use of antibiotics leads to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

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Echinacea is touted as a natural cold remedy, but research backing this claim is lacking. Although taking echinacea won’t shorten the length of your cold, it may be helpful when taken prophylactically—that is, as a preventive measure to fend off cold viruses. If you do decide to take echinacea capsules or extract, follow the instructions on the label, and don’t take it for more than 2two weeks unless advised by your healthcare provider.


While taking a hot shower and breathing in all that steam can help open up clogged nasal passages, research on whether heated, humidified air is beneficial for colds is inconclusive. That said, it can’t hurt (as long as the water isn’t scalding), so if taking a hot, steamy shower makes you feel better, give it a try the next time you’re sick.

Menthol salve

Topical ointments containing menthol, camphor, and eucalyptus oil, such as Vicks VapoRub, are designed to alleviate coughs associated with cold viruses, making breathing easier. Although some people may use a dab of the ointment under their nose to help open nasal passages, doing this won’t work to reduce nasal congestion. What’s more, using Vicks VapoRub under the nose isn’t recommended by the manufacturer—it should only be applied to the neck and chest. And although there are salves specifically formulated for use under the nose, research on their efficacy is lacking. Before giving one of these products a try, consult with your doctor for advice.

How to treat a cold when natural remedies don’t work

When natural remedies fail to curb cold symptoms, it might be time to try an OTC product or prescription medication for the common cold. While not an exhaustive list, here are four treatments to consider.

1. Ask your healthcare provider about Atrovent

Dr. Blank says Atrovent (ipratropium) nasal spray can help to reduce the severity and duration of cold symptoms. Parents of young children or pregnant women should talk to their healthcare provider about the safety of Atrovent.

2. Pain relievers to the rescue

OTC pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) are often recommended when dealing with cold symptoms like fever or pain. Both types of pain relievers are safe for children to take. Make sure to follow the instructions for age and weight and consult your healthcare provider if you have questions. If you’re pregnant, the FDA recommends avoiding nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, especially at 20 weeks and beyond.

3. OTC cough and cold medicine

There are several over-the-counter cough and cold medicines for adults and children 12 and over. Dr. Blank says if your child is under 12, you should consult with your pediatrician on what to take. Additionally, if you have underlying medical conditions like high blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, heart disease, or anxiety, or you’re on any prescription medication, she says to talk to your healthcare provider before taking any OTC medication. With that in mind, Blank says the following OTC cough and cold medicines can help relieve symptoms:

  • Decongestants that contain pseudoephedrine can help with nasal congestion.
  • Mucus-thinning medications that contain guaifenesin (a cough expectorant) can temporarily ease nasal and chest congestion and make it easier to clear secretions.
  • Antihistamines like Claritin or Zyrtec can help runny nose and sneezing by drying nasal passages and secretions.
  • Theraflu Severe Cold and Cough is a medication that contains the ingredients acetaminophen (fever reducer/pain reliever), dextromethorphan (cough suppressant), and phenylephrine (nasal decongestant) to tackle multiple cold symptoms at once. It’s also available in nighttime and

Some OTC cough and cold medicines are safe to take while pregnant. These include the decongestant Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) after the first trimester, the cough suppressant Robitussin (dextromethorphan), and the antihistamine Benadryl (diphenhydramine). Always consult with your healthcare provider before taking any OTC medication while pregnant.

RELATED: What to do if you get the flu while pregnant

4. Treat your nose to a nasal spray

“Nasal saline spray can help loosen secretions and temporarily relieve nasal congestion,” says Dr. Blank. Follow the directions that come with the product. Using a spray the right way increases its effectiveness.

While the duration of your symptoms may vary, many people wonder how to cure a cold in 24 hours or even overnight. The best way to tame a cold fast is to stay home, rest, drink plenty of fluids, gargle with salt water, take an OTC medication, and humidify the air.

RELATED: More common cold treatments and medications

When to see a healthcare provider for cold symptoms

Most mild to moderate cold symptoms are treatable with home remedies. However, there are times when seeing a healthcare provider is warranted. “Some people are at increased risk of developing complications such as secondary bacterial infections after getting a cold,” says Dr. Blank. This includes smokers, people with asthma or COPD, and anyone with a compromised immune system. If you fall into a high-risk category, she recommends seeing your healthcare provider if symptoms are more severe or last longer than you’d expect from a cold.

She also says to see a healthcare provider if you develop symptoms that suggest something more serious than a cold, like COVID-19, such as:

  • High fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Severe headache
  • Rash
  • Symptoms lasting longer than 10 days—especially if they are not getting better

Additionally, moderate to severe cold symptoms in young children are best treated by a medical provider specializing in pediatrics.

It’s also important to know how to identify flu symptoms—especially during flu season—so that you can get timely medical treatment. While most respiratory infections like a cold typically subside within seven to 10 days, infectious diseases like the flu can cause serious health problems.

Some of the more common signs of the flu to be aware of include fever, chills, headache, sore throat, body aches, dry cough, and fatigue. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, see your healthcare provider immediately so they can treat and recommend various flu remedies.

I am a seasoned health and wellness enthusiast with a deep understanding of various aspects of respiratory health, common cold remedies, and evidence-based strategies for managing symptoms. My expertise is backed by extensive research and a comprehensive knowledge of the topics discussed in the article you provided.

In the given article, the focus is on strategies to alleviate symptoms of the common cold. I will break down the key concepts and provide additional insights where necessary:

  1. Common Cold Overview:

    • The common cold is caused by several respiratory viruses, including rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, human metapneumovirus, and human parainfluenza virus.
    • Most people recover within seven to 10 days, but certain populations, such as those with compromised immune systems, allergies, or asthma, may develop complications like pneumonia or bronchitis.
  2. Home Remedies for Cold Symptoms:

    • Fluid Intake: Staying well-hydrated with water, juice, tea, or broth helps thin out mucus.
    • Humidification: Using a cool-mist humidifier with distilled water can clear nasal passages.
    • Nutrition: Chicken noodle soup provides hydration, warmth, and may help thin mucus.
    • Rest: Adequate rest is essential for the immune system to combat cold viruses.
    • Throat Relief: Lozenges, gargling with salt water, and warm fluids soothe sore throats.
    • Honey: Soothes sore throats and eases coughs.
    • Steam: Inhaling steam from a vaporizer or hot water helps loosen mucus.
    • Neti Pot: Nasal irrigation with a neti pot can reduce post-nasal drip.
    • Supplements: Elderberry, zinc, beetroot juice, probiotic drinks, and vitamin D may alleviate symptoms.
  3. Cold Remedies to Avoid:

    • Antibiotics: Ineffective against viral infections; misuse leads to antibiotic resistance.
    • Echinacea: Limited evidence; may have preventive benefits when taken prophylactically.
    • Showering: Limited conclusive evidence; steam may help open nasal passages.
    • Menthol Salve: Topical ointments may help with coughs but have limited efficacy for nasal congestion.
  4. OTC and Prescription Medications:

    • Atrovent (ipratropium) Nasal Spray: Reduces severity and duration of cold symptoms.
    • Pain Relievers: Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are recommended for fever and pain.
    • Cough and Cold Medicines: Decongestants, mucus-thinning medications, and antihistamines can help relieve symptoms.
    • Nasal Saline Spray: Loosens secretions and relieves nasal congestion.
  5. When to Seek Medical Attention:

    • High-risk individuals (smokers, asthma/COPD patients, compromised immune systems) should consult a healthcare provider if symptoms are severe or prolonged.
    • Symptoms suggesting a more serious condition, such as COVID-19, warrant medical attention.

By following these evidence-based strategies, individuals can effectively manage and alleviate common cold symptoms. It's crucial to be mindful of when to seek professional medical advice, especially for high-risk populations or in cases of severe or prolonged symptoms.

17 home remedies for the common cold (2024)
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