17 Creative Ways To Save Money Online (2024)

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17 Creative Ways To Save Money Online (1)

As unemployment spikes to 14.7% (and counting) in the United States, people are searching for creative ways to save money. The COVID-19 pandemic may serve as a wakeup call, considering only 41% of Americans admitted to having $1,000 available for an emergency—and that study was before COVID-19 arrived!

If your financial situation has changed recently or you are simply using your time at home to discover more ways to save money online, we have you covered. Here are 17 ways to save hundreds (maybe thousands!) of dollars and get that savings account to where it needs to be.

1. Budget

A financial plan without a budget is akin to a workout plan, well, without a plan. Monitoring inflows and outflows are the starting point to any fiscal responsibility. Services like Digit can help users save more money where it counts and pay off debt faster. The app syncs to users’ checking accounts and prioritizes goals accordingly. Sign up with Digit to get your budget on track.

2. Save What You Can

Rather than hitting the coffee shop for a $4 mocha or grabbing a bottle of water for $1 whenever you’re thirsty, do it yourself. Isn’t that what the millennial generation is all about? If you were to enjoy that $4 coffee every day, that would cost $28 per week, or $1,460 over the course of a year. Add in five bottles of water to stay hydrated and that’s an extra $35 weekly, or $1,825 annually. Brewing at home and filling up a reusable bottle could save over $3,000 per year.

3. Review Your Subscriptions

We all fall prey to impulsively buying a subscription to something that seemed like a great idea at the time but has since become irrelevant. Maybe it’s that stack of fitness magazines you’ve been collecting or the second gym membership you forgot you had.

If you relate to this, Trim can help you out. Trim will review your spending habits and help you identify all of your subscriptions, utility bills, old store credit cards, and more and immediately eliminate or reduce what you now deem unnecessary. Sign up with an account today!

4. Enjoy a Staycation

With the country still under strict travel restrictions, the spring or even summer vacation this year might have to be in the backyard. That could be an automatic savings of approximately $4,500 for a family of four. That should be enough for a week of topnotch BBQ’s with plenty of money left to spare.

17 Creative Ways To Save Money Online (4)

If you want some amazing staycation ideas, read our article 9 Staycation Ideas For When You Can’t Leave Home!

5. Shop With Rakuten

Did you know you can get cashback for shopping at your favorite stores? And I’m not just referring to your rewards credit card.

Shopping with Rakuten (formerly known as Ebates) is one of the most creative ways to save money. With over 1.4 billion members worldwide, they have created a platform geared towards growing gross transaction value and lowering transaction costs. You can pick up coupons and cashback deals at many of your favorite stores online or offline.

Sign up for a free Rakuten account and get cash back with every purchase. Use my link here to get an additional $5!

6. Listen to Music and Podcasts for Free

With services like Amazon Prime, there are literally millions of songs and podcasts to listen to for free. Paying extra to avoid the occasional ad might fall into one of the unnecessary subscriptions we already mentioned above.

7. Stream TV

The list grows every month of providers offering television and movies on demand, including Amazon Prime. With most people getting their news straight from their phones, traditional television is being reserved for sports or other live events. Consider reviewing your television subscriptions and streaming services to see which offer the best value for what you want to watch.

8. Use Coupons

Everyone loves a good deal, and conversely, no one enjoys finding out they were ripped off. Online shoppers can capture the same joy of clipping coupons every week before hitting the grocery store by using Honey.

Honey offers discount codes to thousands of retailers, assuring shoppers they’re getting the lowest price. When you use Honey, it automatically searches all available coupon codes available online and applies the one that saves you the most money. All you have to do is sign up for a free account, check Honey when you shop, and save!

9. Pay Off Your Student Loans, Or Don’t

On March 27, 2020 President Trump signed into law the CARES Act, a part of which offers student loan borrowers relief. Payments will stop from March 13–September 30 this year and will not accrue interest during this period.

Borrowers may reallocate this newfound extra money towards higher interest rate debt such as credit cards. Or if the borrower is debt-free and has healthy savings in their bank account, they may continue to pay down their student loans. 100% of payments will go towards principal during this time.

10. Don’t Give the Kids Your Credit Card

This may sound like common sense, but if you want to save money you can’t spend it. that includes your kids! With the rise of ultra-popular online gaming (such as Fortnite), millions of children are playing “free” games more than ever during social distancing.

However, most of the games have in-game purchases to upgrade their characters, skip levels, or obtain other little perks at an actual monetary cost. Saving mom or dad’s credit card info on the account for a one-time purchase has led to many a kid splurging on extras.

11. Use WiFi

Most phone packages today come with internet. Taking advantage of that is one of the many creative ways you can save money. Using a secure WiFi network in your home or office is an easy way to avoid racking up extra data charges on your cell phone.

Remember to check that you’re connected to WiFi periodically. We’ve all had that time we turned WiFi off when in public, only to forget for the next two weeks that we’ve been operating at home using expensive cell data by accident.

17 Creative Ways To Save Money Online (7)

12. Clear Your Cookies

Ever notice how you search one item of interest and then suddenly you are bombarded by similar products for weeks to come? It’s as if those ads on Facebook are reading your mind.

Well, they sort of are. Social media sites like Facebook and Instagram use cookies to personalize the ads you see. You can avoid this, as well as dynamic pricing, by periodically clearing your history and cookies. This way, you will appear as a first-time visitor to the websites you want to shop at.

On the flip side, leaving items in your cart will sometimes trigger sellers to send you discounts and other offers to incentivize you to complete your purchase.

13. Use Google Alerts

Rather than impulsively buying items, exercise some patience to secure that great deal. Anyone can set up Google Alerts to be notified on a topic of your choice. For instance, a user can set an alert for a particular product and a corresponding price, which will then provide notifications with links when it becomes available.

Similarly, Honey offers alerts on sites like Amazon so you can make sure you don’t overpay for the items you want. You can select items on Amazon to track how the price changes in the weeks to come, and Honey will notify you when the price drops. Don’t miss out on all creative ways to save money with Honey!

14. Join Online Store Loyalty Programs

It may seem like a nuisance to take the added ten minutes to complete a survey or profile after you’ve shopped at a store, but it can save you money down the line. Customer loyalty is at the core of any successful company’s mission. One way that brands build loyalty is through offering savings programs.

Signing up for those monthly emails can give you great discounts unavailable to others. Just be careful with the ones that ask you to sign up for their store credit card, as those are the type of subscriptions that can become costly over time.

15. Never Pay for Shipping

There’s really no reason to pay for shipping in 2020. Since Amazon Prime has seemingly taken over the world, other retail giants have fought back with their own free shipping options.

17 Creative Ways To Save Money Online (8)

Even smaller retailers that still have shipping costs often offer a “Pick Up in Store” option. It may behoove bargain shoppers to take that five-minute drive to avoid unnecessary costs.

Lastly, many of these sites offer a “Subscribe and Save” feature. If there’s a particular item, say toilet paper, that you know you’ll need regularly, consider a recurring delivery to score a better deal.

16. Decide When To Shop

Every item has its season. Commerce may have become more internet-driven over the past decade, but consumer behavior is still the same. The famous Black Friday sales have been replaced with Cyber Monday, for example. There are many other bargains you can take advantage of that are all based on the time of your shopping.

17. Consolidate Your Online Banking

Many young couples are averse to merging their financial accounts. Doing this often creates a less organized financial plan. Additionally, several institutions still incorporate added fees if bank accounts are not of an adequate amount. Consider consolidating accounts to avoid extra annoying fees.

Use some of your time online to implement these 17 creative ways to save money. Take control of your finances today!

17 Creative Ways To Save Money Online (9)

Please subscribe to “The Kuderna Podcast” on any podcast apps and YouTube, or pick up a copy of Millennial Millionaire–A Guide to Become a Millionaire by 30 for more insight.

Bryan M. Kuderna, CFP®, RICP®, LUTCF is the host of The Kuderna Podcast, author of Millennial Millionaire, and founder of Kuderna Financial Team, an NJ-based financial services firm.

17 Creative Ways To Save Money Online (2024)


How can I save $1000 in 30 days? ›

11 Easy Ways to Save $1,000 in 30 Days
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Automate Your Savings. ...
  3. Create a Savings Bingo Sheet. ...
  4. Negotiate Your Bills. ...
  5. Separate Wants From Needs. ...
  6. Plan Your Meals. ...
  7. Buy Generic Brands. ...
  8. Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions.
Sep 26, 2023

How to save 20k in a year? ›

Best Ways to Save $20k in One Year
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Start an Emergency Fund. ...
  3. Share a Car. ...
  4. Find Better Insurance Rates. ...
  5. Open a High Yield Savings Account. ...
  6. Automate Your Savings. ...
  7. Avoid Lifestyle Creep. ...
  8. Eliminate (Unused) Recurring Expenses.
Jun 2, 2024

How to live on less money? ›

These seven tips may be able to help.
  1. Understand your current financial habits. Not sure how to start spending less? ...
  2. Create an effective budget and stick to it. ...
  3. Look for ways to reduce spending. ...
  4. Set financial goals for future success. ...
  5. Save for emergencies or major purchases. ...
  6. Pay down debt. ...
  7. Stay aware of lifestyle creep.

What is the fastest way to save money? ›

Canceling unnecessary subscriptions and automating your savings are a couple of simple ways to save money quickly. Switching banks, opening a short-term CD, and signing up for rewards programs can also help you save money. Making a budget and eliminating a spending habit each day can help lead to long-term savings.

Can I save $10,000 in 3 months? ›

So, if you want to save $10,000 in three months, you need to save at least $3,333.33 per month. Of course, the more you save each month, the sooner you'll reach your goal. But it's important to be realistic about how much you can set aside.

How to save $5,000 ASAP? ›

How to Save $5000 in 3 Months [2024]
  1. Create a Budget and Plan.
  2. Pick up a Side Hustle.
  3. Sell Things Around Your Home.
  4. Refinance Debts.
  5. Cut Unnecessary Expenses.
  6. Reduce Living Expenses.
  7. Try an Envelope Savings Challenge.
  8. Use Cash Back Apps.
Jun 3, 2024

Is 20k a year poverty? ›

Pew Research considers middle class to be $56,000 to $156,000 for families of three. Thus, a family of three on $20,000 is not middle-class; it's actually below the poverty level. While an individual on $20,000 a year is not below the poverty line, they are still not considered middle-class.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

Those will become part of your budget. The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How much a week to save 10k? ›

“To save $10,000 in a year, you need to save approximately $833 per month,” he said. “Having a monthly target makes the goal more manageable and trackable.” If a monthly goal still feels unmanageable, try breaking it down by week. If you want to save $10,000 in a year, you would have to set aside about $193 per week.

How can a poor person save money? ›

Start a separate savings account and deposit a small amount regularly, even if it's just a few dollars. Set up automatic transfers to your savings account on payday to ensure consistent contributions. Allocate a specific amount of cash for discretionary spending each month and use only that money.

How to be super cheap? ›

12 Tips for Frugal Living
  1. Choose quality over quantity. ...
  2. Prioritize value over price. ...
  3. Use credit wisely. ...
  4. Declutter regularly. ...
  5. Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  6. Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  7. Be a savvy consumer. ...
  8. Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

How to survive on very low income? ›

Here are a few other tips and tricks for surviving on a low income:
  1. Look for free and low-cost activities. ...
  2. Ask for a raise. ...
  3. Start a side hustle. ...
  4. Replace costly habits with inexpensive ones. ...
  5. Plan sequenced reward opportunities. ...
  6. Create accountability. ...
  7. Seek out low-cost alternatives to your hobbies.
Sep 14, 2022

How to save $1,000 ASAP? ›

Financial expert Dave Ramsey has a lot of ideas on the subject, and here are some of the most practical ways to save your first $1,000 quickly.
  1. Cancel Subscriptions. ...
  2. Bring Your Own Lunch. ...
  3. Avoid Coffee Out. ...
  4. Re-Sell Old Items. ...
  5. Shop at Cheaper Grocery Stores With Rewards Programs. ...
  6. Buy Generic. ...
  7. Join a Carpool.
Dec 28, 2023

How to save money when you are broke? ›

Jaspreet Singh: 10 Ways To Save Money When You're Broke
  1. Quit Using Credit Cards. ...
  2. Cook More at Home. ...
  3. Plan Your Meals. ...
  4. Get Smarter About Free Stuff. ...
  5. Switch Your Provider. ...
  6. Visit Your Library. ...
  7. Look Into Refinancing Your Loans. ...
  8. See Which Perks You're Eligible For.
Oct 14, 2023

How to make money in an hour? ›

Here are a few ways you can potentially earn extra cash in just one hour.
  1. Sell the old stuff. You know that old stuff you've got lying around, collecting dust? ...
  2. Share your opinion. ...
  3. Quick freelance tasks. ...
  4. Write away. ...
  5. Be a virtual assistant. ...
  6. Social media promotion. ...
  7. Food delivery. ...
  8. Package delivery.
Feb 23, 2024

Is it realistic to save $1000 a month? ›

Determining an appropriate savings amount depends on your financial goals, income, expenses, and individual circ*mstances. While saving £1,000 a month is a commendable goal, it's crucial to balance saving and meeting your current financial needs.

How to save $1,000 in 52 weeks? ›

Match each week's savings amount with the number of the week in your challenge. In other words, you'll save $1 the first week, $2 the second week, $3 the third week, and so on until you put away $52 in week 52.

How long does it take to save $1000? ›

Breaking down the amount you need to save in shorter intervals can help you make concrete changes to your monthly budget and make the end goal more tangible. If you wanted to save $1,000 in three months, for example, you'd need to save roughly $84 per week.

How to save $5,000 with the 52 week money Challenge? ›

Here are a few more ways to save $5,000 by the end of 2023:
  1. Save $96.16 every week.
  2. Save $192.31 every two weeks.
  3. Save $416.67 every month.
  4. Save $1,250 every quarter.
  5. Save $2,500 every six months.
Jan 5, 2023

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.