16 Prom Traditions That Will Totally Blow Your Mind (2024)

After you get through the stressful (but still super fun!) challenge of coming up with the perfect promposal, it's time to actually get ready for the a night to remember.

Prom is a ton of fun no matter where you go to school — the music, the dancing, the dresses — but every school has different ways of celebrating the big night, and some schools have more unique traditions than others. Here are some of the weirdest things students do for prom. Maybe your school indulges in some of these fun customs, too!

1. Senior only dress code

At some schools, all of the seniors will wear white to prom. Men will wear white tuxes and the ladies will wear white gowns. Of course, that means no underclassmen can be caught dead in the color.

2. Juniors' choice

At a school in Maryland, it's on the juniors to plan prom. They pick the theme and decorate the school gym, sometimes not telling the seniors anything about the night's festivities until they walk into the dance. This leads for an incredible surprise for the seniors, of course.

3. Red carpet entrance

Prom attendees get to feel like celebrities at one school in Setauket, New York where they roll out the carpet for the seniors — literally! Prom-goers walk the red carpet and take pictures as they enter prom. Meanwhile, the entire town comes out to sit on bleachers and watch everyone arrive.

4. Etiquette class

Boys in Newark, Delaware have a lot to learn before they can head to prom. At one all boys school, they spend the day of prom taking etiquette classes and dance lessons. Then, they write letters to their date, which they present at prom. Guess chivalry isn't dead in Delaware.

5. Make an entrance

It's all about topping your follow classmates at one school in Sterling, Kentucky where prom-goers try to make the biggest entrance possible. In the past, attendees have arrived in a hot air balloon, a golf cart, and even an ice cream truck!

6. The Happiest Place on Earth

One California school ends prom the right way: by sending all of their students to Disneyland for the night. The students have the park all to themselves from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. Talk about a memorable night!

16 Prom Traditions That Will Totally Blow Your Mind (1)

7. Post-prom party

Some schools will host a party after prom with food and fun activities. Most are optional, but at some schools attendance is mandatory. If that's the case, though, chances are there will be a ton of fun games and yummy food to keep you occupied all night.

    8. Skipping school the day of prom

    Some schools have prom on a Friday and kids will dip out on classes that day. It's totally understandable, because how are you supposed to get ready for prom if you don't have an entire day? Others schools, however, may make attendance mandatory the day of prom (to avoid this tradition), so make sure you look up your school rules before playing hooky.

    9. Wearing garters

    At some schools girls buy garters (yes, like brides wear at weddings) to wear for prom. They'll get a garter to match their dress and some girls even get them customized with their initials or graduation year. Once prom starts, girls will give their garter to their date to wear around their arm and the date will often keep the garter. The garter tradition stems from the popular wedding tradition of the garter removal. According to BrideBox, this tradition was based on the belief that it is lucky to keep a piece of a bride's gown.

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    10. Prom weekend

    After prom night — or sometimes immediately after prom — students will skip town with their whole squad and head to a house on the beach. It's a fun weekend trip to celebrate the end of the school year where groups of students will rent a hotel room or a house and hang out at the beach.

    11. Wearing your date's tie

    Guys will give their dates their ties to wear — after pictures, of course. Unlike garters, the girls usually have to give them back at the end of the night, so they can be returned to the suit rental store.

    12. Pre-prom pep rally

    Some schools will host a pep rally the day of, or the week before prom to really get students stoked about the dance.

    13. Drawing your prom date from a hat

    Students at Aquin High School from Freeport, Illinois participate in a date-picking tradition that's almost 100 years old, called Prom Draw. JournalStandard.com reports that students volunteer to have their names entered, then the boys draw their date's name and do promposal skits for the girls. The girls are dressed in disguise for the skits, then the boys ask them and they must say yes. Prom Draw was started in the 1920s in order to include local kids from the orphanage in the prom fun. The students vote every year on whether to keep the tradition alive or not.

    14. Prom on a college campus

    Saline High School in Saline, Michigan usually holds their prom at either the University of Michigan or Eastern Michigan University, instead of at the high school itself or a hotel. For Prom 2021, the school wasn't able to host the big night at one of the colleges because of the COVID-19 pandemic, so they decided to have it on their own football field instead.

    15. Partying on a cruise

    For some lucky students, they can have their prom on a cruise ship overlooking the NYC skyline! There are several different cruise lines that specifically cater to prom night. St. Peter's Boys High School in Staten Island, New York celebrated their senior prom on a yacht that traveled through New York Harbor.

    16. A Juniors-only prom

    The prom equivalent in Finland is called Vanhojen tanssit, and it's for the students who are about to be seniors, since they'll be the new leaders of the school. According to Teen Vogue, "the dance is a celebration and the students don formalwear, the goal is to look and act in a dignified manner — socializing and hooking up are hardly priorities."

    16 Prom Traditions That Will Totally Blow Your Mind (2024)


    What are some prom traditions? ›

    One of the most iconic prom traditions is the exchange of corsages and boutonnieres. Corsages are small floral arrangements usually worn on the wrist or pinned to a dress. Boutonnieres are smaller versions worn on the lapel of a tuxedo or suit jacket.

    What actually happens at prom? ›

    Prom night is a custom where high school juniors and seniors dress in formal attire and participate in activities surrounding a dance. Prom activities vary across the United States, but most traditions involve dates, prom dresses, tuxedos, dinner and dancing.

    Why do girls care about prom? ›

    After 4 years of getting compared and adhering to a strict dress code, prom night is the time when you get to express yourself and your style. Students get a platform to enjoy, express themselves with dance, build links with their schoolmates and have a wonderful social event.

    What do girls give their prom date? ›

    If they plan on wearing a cottagecore-inspired prom dress, they'll definitely appreciate a flower corsage and boutonnieres set. You also can't go wrong with jewelry. Get them a pair of dazzling earrings they can use to accessorize their unique prom dress.

    What is not appropriate for prom? ›

    o Prom attire should reflect more a formal family occasion (like a wedding) rather than a night on the town or at a dance club. o Dresses that are too revealing, are skin tight or form-fitting, expose midriffs or cleavage, or are too short in length are not appropriate.

    Is prom for dating? ›

    Even though many individuals might think that you absolutely must have a date before you go to prom, the truth is that you don't necessarily need a date to attend this event. While many people enjoy spending the evening with a date, others love to attend alone or with a group of friends.

    Should I kiss her at prom? ›

    Show her affection.

    Sometimes less is more when it comes to public displays of affection (PDA). Hand holding, hands around the waist, and closed-mouth kisses are fine in moderation. Avoid open-mouthed make out sessions, touching in private areas, licking or biting, and groping.

    Why is prom called prom? ›

    Short for "promenade,” proms are modeled after the debutante balls of high society and have evolved from semi-formal end-of-the-year dances held in school gyms to become a billion-dollar industry encompassing limousines, flowers, photography, special attire and over-the-top invitations.

    Can you go to prom without a girl? ›

    You and your friends might decide you want to crash into prom like a dateless tidal wave, you might not like anyone enough to want a date — you'll just take yourself to prom, thank you very much. Going to prom without a date can be awesome, and a lot of people find that a date slows them down.

    What does prom stand for? ›

    Although prom in its precise definition is short for promenade dance—a formal dance party for high school students held toward the end of the school year—there are several other activities that typically take place on prom night, including group photo sessions, dinners and afterparties.

    Do boys ask girls to prom? ›

    Usually students will go to the prom as a group, with the girls deciding who goes with whom. However, the guy still has to ask, often in spectacular fashion.

    Should girls ask guys to prom? ›

    Overall, the general consensus seemed to be that, despite certain concerns, it doesn't matter who asks whom, as summed up by reality panelist Hailie Higgins of Central Bucks West: “It's wholeheartedly unremarkable if a girl asks a guy to prom … It's no big deal who asks who anymore.”

    What is it called when a girl asks a guy to prom? ›

    A Sadie Hawkins dance or turnabout is a usually informal dance sponsored by a high school, middle school or college, to which the ladies invite the gentlemen to be their dates.

    What is it called when you ask a girl to prom? ›

    You can ask someone to prom by presenting them with flowers and saying "Will you go to prom with me?" but a promposal often involves a little something more, and usually includes a special or elaborate act or presentation that took some thought and time to prepare.

    What is the etiquette for prom? ›

    Girls, be gracious and pleasant in your behavior, allow your date to be a gentleman. Table Manners: Napkin in your lap, elbows off the table, use your silverware from the outside in. Have fun, be safe, and keep your curfew!

    What is the tradition of flowers at prom? ›

    Prom couples may wish to go together to choose the flowers for a custom-made corsage or boutonnière. Traditionally, the male presents a corsage or nosegay to the female as a gift, while the female would provide the boutonnière and pin it on the male's shirt or jacket.

    What do you do at a school prom? ›

    Most often a prom consists of a sit down dinner with three courses, followed by a dance with a DJ or band. Many students will then leave the event to go to an after-party where they can let loose without the more formal aspects of the prom.

    How can I make my prom day special? ›

    Make your prom something your friends will talk about for years to come with these fun ideas!
    1. Go to the prom in a van! ...
    2. Get your date pumped up for the occasion. ...
    3. Get down! ...
    4. Surprise him with a delicious & romantic pre-prom feast! ...
    5. Spend an afternoon together at the tux shop. ...
    6. Bring disposable cameras.
    Mar 5, 2019

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