15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (2024)

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (1)

Bambi isn’t so cute when he’s chomping away at half your backyard and demolishing your vegetable garden. Deer can be a huge nuisance for homeowners, but choosing any of the 15 best deer-resistant plants for your landscape will make sure deer find their snacks elsewhere.

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • 15 best plants to deter deer
    • 1. Barrenwort
    • 2. Bee balm
    • 3. Bleeding heart
    • 4. Boxwood
    • 5. Butterfly bush
    • 6. Chives
    • 7. Daffodils
    • 8. Foxglove
    • 9. Iris
    • 10. Lamb’s ear
    • 11. Marigolds
    • 12. Oregano
    • 13. Peony
    • 14. Purple coneflower
    • 15. Russian sage
  • Why are deer attracted to your yard?
  • FAQ about deer

15 best plants to deter deer

By incorporating a few of these flowers and plants along fences, near driveways, and at the edges of flower beds, you can repel deer from snacking on your lawn. If you have a prized garden feature, surround it with deer-resistant plants to protect it from wandering mouths.

1. Barrenwort

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (2)

Barrenwort is a low-growing perennial often used as groundcover. Its leaves have deep veins and are a bronze color in spring, turning olive green by fall. Soft pink flowers with petals that drape down bloom in the spring.

Barrenwort is highly deer-resistant and easy to grow. It tolerates drought and average soils but thrives in fertile ground covered by partial shade. It spreads via rhizomes to cover large swaths of ground once established. Plant it around water features or along fences.

Plant type: Groundcover

USDA hardiness zones: 5-8

Sunlight needs: Partial sun to full shade

Water needs: Medium

Soil preferences: Well-draining, rich

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: 6-12 inches

2. Bee balm

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (3)

Bee balm’s showy, eccentric blooms are a crowd favorite for people and pollinators in the neighborhood. It’s a native plant, so it’s better adapted to the environment and requires less maintenance.

Although bees and butterflies can’t get enough of bee balm’s nectar, deer don’t like the strong smell. Even better, mosquitoes avoid it, too. All you need to do to ensure your bee balm thrives is give it plenty of direct sunlight.

Plant type: Flower

USDA hardiness zones: 4-9

Sunlight needs: Full sun to part shade (prefers more sun)

Water needs: Medium

Soil preferences: Loamy, clay, sandy

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: 4 feet

3. Bleeding heart

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (4)

Bleeding heart is a vine known by many names: glory bower, bagflower, and glory tree, to name a few. Its primary name comes from the stunning flowers. From the center of a heart-shaped, white calyx, a ruby-red corolla emerges like a drop of blood.

To maximize this vine’s potential, wind it through a trellis or your fence. The structure will encourage growth and provide a deer-resistant barrier at the border of your landscape. Since it hails from a tropical environment, it appreciates some shade and humidity.

Plant type: Vine

USDA hardiness zones: 2-9

Sunlight needs: Partial shade to full shade

Water needs: Medium

Soil preferences: Rich, moist, slightly acidic, or neutral

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: 10-15 feet tall

4. Boxwood

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (5)

Boxwood is a great addition to a deer-proof garden, thanks to its strong scent. Boxwood is among the most versatile evergreens, available in numerous shapes and sizes. Once established, boxwood is quite drought-tolerant and only needs extra watering during dry weather.

Mainly grown for their foliage, their lance-shaped leaves grow either a darker blue-green or a paler green color and grow small yellow-green flowers in the spring.

Proceed with caution if you have pets or children. Boxwood bushes contain a toxic alkaloid that is dangerous to animals and people, and contact with the sap can irritate the skin. This toxin is what repels deer, so keep that in mind.

Plant type: Shrub

USDA hardiness zones: 4-8

Sunlight needs: Partial shade

Water needs: High when first planted, low once established

Soil preferences: Well-drained soil

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: 1-20 feet

5. Butterfly bush

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (6)

They may be irresistible to butterflies, but these perennial plants are also deer-resistant shrubs. Butterfly bush blooms all season long, from early summer to early fall. Its impressive clusters of floral spikes bloom in various colors, so its colorful spray of purple, pink, lavender, blue, yellow, or white flowers and green foliage will look amazing in your garden.

Butterfly bush can be super invasive, so you must dead-head the blooms or consider planting sterile hybrids.

Plant type: Shrub

USDA hardiness zones: 5-10

Sunlight needs: Full sun

Water needs: Low

Soil preferences: Well-drained, acidic soil

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: 7-18 inches

6. Chives

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (7)

Chives are a secret weapon for your kitchen and one of the best deer repellent plants out there. Their strong scent turns away deer as well as smaller invaders like aphids and Japanese beetles.

Other culinary herb options for repelling deer include onions, leeks, dill, mint, and fennel. Save basil and parsley for the grocery store, though, because deer like to snack on those.

Plant type: Herb

USDA hardiness zones: 3-10

Sunlight needs: Full sun

Water needs: Medium — make sure it doesn’t dry out around the root zone

Soil preferences: Well-draining and rich, but be careful of over-fertilizing

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: 10-15 inches

7. Daffodils

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (8)

Daffodils are an iconic perennial in the United States. Their yellow, star-shaped blooms bring an explosion of sunshine to your garden border. And they’re not just nice to look at. Daffodils contain an alkaloid called lycorine that’s toxic to deer and rabbits.

This is a hardy plant that doesn’t need much fuss, so long as you make sure it’s not sitting in soggy soil. Plant the bulbs in the fall before the ground freezes, and by spring, you’ll have beautiful flowers you can cut and bring into your kitchen for some cheer.

Plant type: Flower

USDA hardiness zones: 4-8

Sunlight needs: Full sun or partial sun

Water needs: Medium, but low in the summer (they go dormant and prefer to be drier)

Soil preferences: Rich, well-drained

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: 6-30 inches

8. Foxglove

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (9)

With tall, slender stems covered in brightly speckled trumpet-shaped flowers, foxglove is poisonous, so deer stay far away from it. Despite its toxicity, it is a friend to pollinators like honeybees and hummingbirds, and it looks lovely against a fence or building.

Foxglove self-seeds, so it can become invasive if you don’t dead-head it after it’s done flowering. This perennial blooms in late spring to mid summer.

Plant type: Flower

USDA hardiness zones: 4-9

Sunlight needs: Full sun to partial shade

Water needs: Medium

Soil preferences: Well-drained and loamy

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: 3-5 feet

9. Iris

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (10)

Like its namesake, the Greek goddess who got around via rainbow, irises come in every color. You can spot an iris by its three outer hanging petals surrounding three inner upright petals. Blooms start in early summer.

Irises need good air circulation, so plant them a minimum of 16 to 18 inches apart and make sure the ground around them is free from weeds and debris. Be careful not to plant them too deeply in the ground; the rhizome should be slightly exposed at the top.

Plant type: Flower

USDA hardiness zones: 3-9

Sunlight needs: Full sun to partial sun

Water needs: Medium

Soil preferences: Loamy, average, well-draining

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: 1-3 feet

10. Lamb’s ear

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (11)

This plant’s wooly leaves are as soft as velvet, just like a real lamb’s ear. They have a silvery green color and produce conal spikes of pink or purple flowers. While deer and rabbits don’t like lamb’s ear, bees and hummingbirds will happily feast on its nectar.

Lamb’s ear doesn’t like sitting in moist soil. Wait to water until it’s significantly dry. If you live in an area with lots of rain, plant it beneath a tree or overhang, and make sure your pot or soil has good drainage.

Plant type: Flower

USDA hardiness zones: 4-8

Sunlight needs: Full sun to partial shade

Water needs: Low

Soil preferences: Poor or rich, well-draining

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: 6 inches to 2 feet

11. Marigolds

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (12)

The golden yellow tones of marigolds are like little sunsets you can look at all the time. These pops of color with carnation-like flowers are relatively easy to care for and can survive intense heat and poor soil.

Marigolds are a powerhouse for pest control. They make a great companion plant for crops like cucumbers, strawberries, and onions that are threatened by harmful nematodes (microscopic worms).

Plant type: Flower

USDA hardiness zones: 2-11

Sunlight needs: Full sun to partial shade

Water needs: Medium

Soil preferences: Loamy, rich

Duration: Annual

Mature height: 6 inches to 3 feet

12. Oregano

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (13)

Oregano is a great addition because not only will it help protect your flower bed from hungry deer, but it’s also a key ingredient to Friday night pasta. A relatively easy plant to grow, oregano is a good herb for a beginner gardener. If you have a friend with an oregano plant, you can grow your own from a cutting.

Greek oregano (the most common type) has small, gray-green leaves that produce purple or white buds in the summer. You can grow it as a container plant or even let it spread as edible groundcover. In cooler climates (zone 5-7), though, oregano may need to be moved inside to survive the winter.

Plant type: Herb

USDA hardiness zones: 5-12

Sunlight needs: Full sun to partial sun

Water needs: Medium

Soil preferences: Average, well-draining

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: 6 inches to 2 feet

13. Peony

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (14)

With large, fragrant blooms from late spring to early summer, peonies are tough, reliable, long-lived, and deer-proof. These flowers are a favorite for cottage gardens and spring borders. Their highly fragrant, fluffy blooms come in shades of white, yellow, coral, pink, and red, and the strong scent keeps deer and rabbits away.

Peonies are varied, with scents that come in spicy, citrusy, or sweet. Some varieties grow as a tree, intersectional, or as a bush. Make sure you place them exactly where you want them. Once they are established, they are difficult to transplant because of how deeply planted the root system becomes.

Plant type: Shrub

USDA hardiness zones: 2-8

Sunlight needs: Full sun to partial shade

Water needs: Low

Soil preferences: Well-drained soil

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: 1-3 feet

14. Purple coneflower

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (15)

Purple coneflower, also known as Echinacea, is a garden favorite deer-resistant perennial due to its brightly colored purple blooms. Coneflowers have smooth stems, with rough, scattered leaves and long drooping petals resting on spiny, drooping centers.

Perfect for small gardens, they bloom in mid to late summer and sometimes re-blooms in the fall. Similar to a black-eyed Susan, purple coneflower is a great plant for birds and pollinators, but its strong scent and spiny center make it unappealing to deer.

Plant type: Flower

USDA hardiness zones: 3-9

Sunlight needs: Full sun

Water needs: Low once established

Soil preferences: Moist, well-drained soil

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: 5 feet

15. Russian sage

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (16)

Russian sage adds an elegant brush of lavender to your landscape. The clusters of bluish-purple blooms cover tall spikes as high as 4 feet. The fragrance of the flowers keeps deer at bay while attracting bees and hummingbirds.

Because this plant prefers a dry environment, it’s a perfect addition to a xeriscape (a form of landscaping designed to conserve water). Space them 2 to 3 feet apart to give them room to grow. Skip the mulch for this plant and go for gravel instead.

Plant type: Herb

USDA hardiness zones: 5-10

Sunlight needs: Full sun

Water needs: Low

Soil preferences: Average, well-draining

Duration: Perennial

Mature height: Between 2 and 4 feet

Why are deer attracted to your yard?

The main reason deer show up uninvited is because you’re growing something they like to nibble on. Most edible plants, especially those found in vegetable gardens (including lettuce, beans, peas, and strawberries), are prime targets for hungry deer, but they don’t stop there.

Below are several plants that attract deer:


  • Daylilies
  • Roses
  • Geraniums
  • Clover
  • Sunflowers
  • Hosta
  • Pansies

Shrubs and trees

  • Blackberry
  • Juniper
  • Hawthorn
  • Flowering dogwood
  • Rhododendrons
  • Fruit trees

You can still include these in your landscape, but place them closer to your house and surround them with a barrier of deer-resistant plants.Other ways to keep deer from eating your plants include strong smells, like soap or repellent sprays, and physical barriers, like deer fences or row covers.

The other reason deer come to visit is for water. They’ll sip from ponds, trenches, birdbaths, and kiddie pools. Cover what you can so deer aren’t tempted. For ponds and birdbaths, surround them with fragrant perennials that deer don’t like.

FAQ about deer

Where do deer live?

White-tailed deer are commonly found all over the U.S. except for in Utah, Nevada, and California. These creatures live in all kinds of environments, from farmlands to mountains to the suburbs.

What kinds of problems do deer cause?

A single adult deer can eat up to 2,000 lbs. of vegetable matter annually. If you have any hopes of growing a robust garden, defending it against deer damage is key. Deer are also one of the highest transmitters of ticks carrying Lyme disease, which is dangerous for both humans and pets.

Are deer dangerous?

Deer are usually timid, but they can be provoked under certain conditions. It’s important not to make them feel threatened, especially if their young are around.

Hire a pro to help design your landscape

Need a hand with installing your deer-resistant landscape? If you’re ready to start fresh but don’t have a green thumb, you can hire an affordable lawn care pro near you with just a few clicks! A landscaping professional can design, plant, and maintain your new deer-free lawn.

Main Photo Credit: Pixabay

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (17)

Lydian Pine

Lydian Pine is a creative writer and studio artist whose work first debuted in a short story anthology. She graduated from the University of North Texas in 2020 and enjoys video games, theatre, and swimming. Lately, she has started to study entomology as a hobby.

Posts by Lydian Pine

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants (2024)


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  • 18 of the best deer resistant plants. ...
  • Panicle hydrangea. ...
  • Osmanthus. ...
  • Lavender. ...
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  • 5. Japanese andromeda. ...
  • Red twig dogwood. ...
  • Buddleia.

What do deer hate the most? ›

Mint: Like lavender, mint has a powerful natural scent that overwhelms other smells. It isn't that deer don't like the smell; it's because if there's mint present, they can't smell anything else. They will usually avoid any area that has a high concentration of mint.

Do marigolds keep deer away? ›

All varieties of marigolds are a turnoff for deer because of their strong, pungent scent. However, signet marigolds (pictured) have a lighter citrusy smell and flavor, making them popular for culinary use. Learn more about growing marigolds.

What flower deer don't eat? ›

Think salvia, sweet alyssum, snapdragons, poppies, globe amaranth, lantana, and cleome. Choose the right plants, and you can have color despite the darn deer! Let's be frank: No plant is absolutely 100% deer-proof. If food is scarce enough, hungry deer have been known to eat almost anything.

What plant do deer hate? ›

A few of the most common include: catmint (Nepeta), bee balm (Monarda), lavender (Lavandula), salvia/sage (Salvia), creeping thyme (Thymus), ornamental onion (Allium), Russian sage (Perovskia), ornamental oregano (Origanum), anise hyssop (Agastache) and yarrow (Achillea).

Does sprinkling cinnamon keep deer away? ›

If you're looking for a natural deer repellent, cinnamon can help protect your garden as the animal cannot stand the scent or taste of the spice. There are a couple of chemical-free deer-repellent recipes you can use. For the first one from Talk Leisure, crack open two raw eggs and mix them together in a bowl.

What do deer hate walking on? ›

Deer don't like to walk on unstable surfaces. If they make a beeline for certain plants, place a sheet of welded-wire fencing on the ground in their pathway.

What do farmers use to repel deer? ›

Area repellants are applied on or around the plants desired to be protected, using odors to repel deer. Examples of area repellants considered effective for white-tailed deer are putrescent egg solids, ammonia soaps of higher fatty acids, predator urine, blood or meat meal, human hair, and bar soap.

Will wind chimes keep deer away? ›

Hang wind chimes or windsocks to help deter deer.

Deer are notably skittish and the use of unexpected motion or sounds can be used to frighten them away. Windsocks or wind chimes are functional or the installation of a motion-sensing sprinkler, lights, or radio can be used to startle deer away.

Will deer eat petunias? ›

Do deer eat petunias? Yes, deer love petunias as a snack—they are soft and filled with moisture. While they might love them for snacking, we love petunias as classic spring and summer flowering annuals (perennials in USDA hardiness zones 9-10) that thrive in the garden and containers.

What is the best homemade deer repellent? ›

A mixture of hot sauce, garlic powder, liquid dish soap, and water keeps deer away. Other scents they don't like are mint, oregano, sage, and thyme. Add these to your garden to repel deer.

What flowering shrub won't deer eat? ›

Deer-resistant flowering shrubs include forsythia, butterfly bush, rose of Sharon, cinquefoil (Potentilla), Japanese pieris (Pieris japonica) and bluebeard.

Are there any plants deer won't eat? ›

Like many fragrant herbs, sage is a plant deer won't go near. That makes it a great addition to any garden or vegetable patch. We recommend planting sage near other plants that deer love to try and deter them.

Will deer eat hydrangeas? ›

Hydrangeas Deer Love to Eat

Their large, succulent buds in early spring are like candy for deer. These are flower buds (appearing on old wood from the previous year), so one night of browsing can leave your plants flowerless for the entire season. Deer will also eat the new foliage.

What plant smell do deer hate the most? ›

Some people plant strong-smelling herbs and other plants around trees and shrubs they want to keep pests away from. Lavender, rosemary, oregano, thyme, catmint, garlic, and chives are just a few of the aromatic plants that deer avoid because of their powerful smells.

What annuals do deer hate? ›

Cleome (Cleome hassleriana) combines an odor and thorns to make it unpalatable to deer, while plants like strawflower (Helichrysum) have a coarse texture that deer leave alone. Another fun deer resistant annual that is a star performer in the summer garden is four o'clock (Mirabilis jalapa).

Are there any flowers that deer and rabbits won't eat? ›

Allium 'Summer Beauty' is an ornamental onion with beautiful globe shaped lilac purple flowers that begin in July and will remain on the plant until deadheaded. The flowers are high in pollen and nectar and will draw all types of pollinators while repelling any rabbits and deer with its pungent foliage if eaten.

What is the most deer-resistant evergreen? ›

While no plant is ever entirely safe from deer, the following selections usually escape damage in all but the leanest of times.
  • Common boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) ...
  • Japanese pieris (Pieris japonica) ...
  • Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia) ...
  • Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) ...
  • Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis)
May 23, 2020

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.