140 of the Most Beautiful Flowers in Italian and Flowers of Italy (2024)

Think of Italy, and what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Chances are, it is blue skies, friendly locals, tangerine-colored vintage Vespa scooters, and patches of colorful flowers hanging from the balconies.

Italians love flowers. You can tell by the variety of floral displays often seen whenever wandering around cities and towns throughout the Bel Paese. Have you ever seen a lovely flower, and wondered what it was called in Italian?

From all-time classics, such as roses, lilies, and sunflowers, to more exotic and funny-named ones, such as forget-me-nots and naked man orchids, learning the Italian words for some of the most common flowers is an important part of learning Italian vocabulary.

In this article, we’ve put together 140 flowers that you could be growing in your garden, organized into different categories, such as Italy national flowers, typical flowers of different Italian regions, and funny flower names, along with handy floral words and verbs.

Ready to make your Italian vocabulary flourish?

Download our FREE guide to flowering plants and their Italian names. Get planting!

Flowers in Italian

Learning vocabulary, including flower names in Italian, is like growing a garden. With practice, persistence, passion and patience, you’ll soon have an abundance of vocabulary that you can use to communicate gracefully and with confidence in your newly learned language. Let’s get to it, then. To start, let’s learn how to actually say flower in Italian. Ready? In Italian, “flower” is “fiore”. “Flowers” is “fiori”.

EnglishItalian (singular)IPAPronunciation

National flowers of Italy

140 of the Most Beautiful Flowers in Italian and Flowers of Italy (1)

The white lily is a national symbol of Italy, usually associated with the Virgin Mary and the Holy Family in religious contexts. And there’s another one. With its green, glossy leaves, white flowers. and reddish-orange berries, the so called corbezzolo recalls the Italian flag. Known in English as the strawberry tree for its red, strawberry-sized fruits, it grows wild throughout the Mediterranean basin, and began to be considered Italy's national flower in the 19th century, during the Risorgimento.

Famed Italian poet Giovanni Pascoli even dedicated an ode to this lovely plant in 1906, Al corbezzolo. Check it out!

EnglishItalian (singular)IPAPronunciation
White lilyGiglio bianco[d͡ʒˈiʎo bjˈanko]gee-wlhee-oh bee-ahn-koh
Strawberry treeCorbezzolo[korbˈet͡sːolo]kohr-beh-tsoh-loh

Flowers of Italy symbolic of the Italian regions

Like the sun they’re named for, spirit-lifting, cheerful sunflowers represent happiness, warmth, and loyalty. Did you know that sunflowers in Italian are also the emblem of Tuscany? In the table below, we’ve listed all the types of flowers of Italy, usually associated with Italian regions, and how to pronounce them.

140 of the Most Beautiful Flowers in Italian and Flowers of Italy (2)

Italian RegionEnglishItalian (Singular)IPAPronunciation
AbruzzoAlyssum rupestreAlisso rupestre[alˈis͡so rʊpˈɛstre]ah-lee-soh rooh-peh-streh
CalabriaSnowbellSoldanella calabrese[soldanˈɛlla kalabrˈeze]sohl-dah-neh-lah kah-lah-breh-seh
CampaniaPrimula PalinuriPrimula di Palinuro[prˈimʊla dˈi palinˈuro]pree-moo-lah dee pah-lee-noo-roh
Emilia-RomagnaCowslipPrimula appenninica[prˈimʊla apːennˈinika]pree-moo-lah ahp-eh-nee-nee-kah
Friuli Venezia GiuliaArmeria helodesSpillone palustre[spillˈone palˈustre]spee-loh-neh pah-loo-streh
LazioStorax flowerStorace[storˈat͡ʃe]stoh-rah-cheh
LombardySilene elisabethaeSilene di Elisabetta[silˈɛne dˈi elizabˈetːa]see-leh-neh dee eh-lee-sah-beh-tah
MarchePeach flowerFior di pesco[fjˈɔr dˈi pˈɛsko]phee-ohr dee pehs-koh
MoliseGreat mulleinTasso barbasso[tˈas͡so barbˈas͡so]tah-soh bahr-bah-soh
PiedmontSaxifraga florulentaSassifraga dell’Argentera[sas͡sifrˈaɡa dˈɛl’ard͡ʒentˈɛra]sah-see-frah-gah dehl ahr-gehn-teh-rah
ApuliaArum LiliesGigaro[d͡ʒiɡˈaro]gee-gah-roh
SardiniaPeony ItalianPeonia[peˈɔnia]peh-oh-neeah
Trentino-South TyrolAndrosace hausmanniiAndrosace di Hausmann[androzˈat͡ʃe dˈi hˈaʊzmann]ahn-droh-sah-cheh dee ahus-mahn
UmbriaJonopsidium savianumBivonea di Savi[bivˈonea dˈi sˈavɪ]bee-voh-neh-ah dee sah-vee
Aosta ValleyAstragalus alopecurus PallAstragalo maggiore[astrˈaɡalo mad͡ʒːˈore]ah-strah-gah-loh mah-jee-oh-reh
VenetoSaxifraga bericaSassifraga dei Colli Berici[sas͡sifrˈaɡa dˈe͡ɪ kˈɔllɪ bˈɛrit͡ʃɪ]sah-see-frah-gah deh-ee koh-lee beh-ree-chee

Download our FREE guide to flowering plants and their Italian names

Remember all the names of your favorite flowering plants in Italian with our printable poster. We've included planting tips on light, position, watering, and soil type.

140 of the Most Beautiful Flowers in Italian and Flowers of Italy (3)

Other flowers of Italy

Are you curious to know how to say Marigolds in Italian? Let’s find out! The seeds we’re going to plant now are related to names of Italian wildflowers and ornamental plants.

140 of the Most Beautiful Flowers in Italian and Flowers of Italy (4)

I personally think that the five most difficult Italian flowers to pronounce are:

  • glicine;
  • violacciocca;
  • giacinto;
  • rododendro; and
  • ciclamino.

So take extra time to practice those.

EnglishItalian (singular)IPAPronunciation
EdelweissStella alpina[stˈella alpˈina]steh-lah ahl-pee-nah
Transvaal daisyGerbera[d͡ʒerbˈɛra]jehr-beh-rah
Love-in-a-mistNigella damascena[nid͡ʒˈɛlla damaʃˈɛna]nee-jehl-ah dah-mah-sheh-nah

Droll, quirky names of flowers in Italian

Comedians aren’t the only ones with a wacky sense of humor! Over the years, botanists have thought up some pretty funny flower names. Think Naked man orchid, Butcher's-broom, and Lady's-slipper! Their Italian counterparts are even funnier, because they’re hilarious and descriptive of the flower in some way.

Check out this list of fascinating flowers with funny, memorable names.

140 of the Most Beautiful Flowers in Italian and Flowers of Italy (5)

EnglishItalian (singular)IPAPronunciation
DandelionDente di leone[dˈɛnte dˈi leˈone]dehn-teh dee leh-oh-neh
Touch-me-notMimosa pudica[mimˈoza pˈudika]mee-moh-zah poo-dee-kah
Four o'clockBella di notte[bˈɛlla dˈi nˈɔtːe]beh-lah dee noh-teh
Campanula rapunculusRaperonzolo[raperˈont͡solo]rah-peh-rohn-tsoh-loh
Lady's-slipperScarpetta di Venere[skarpˈetːa dˈi vˈɛnere]skahr-peh-tah dee veh-neh-reh
SansevieriaLingua di suocera[lˈiŋɡwa dˈi sʊˈɔːt͡ʃera]leen-goo-ah dee soo-oh-che-rah
Naked man orchidOrchidea dell'uomo nudo[orkidˈɛa dellwˈɔmo nˈudo]oh-rkee-deh-ah dehl oo-oh-moh noo-doh
SnapdragonBocca di leone[bˈokːa dˈi leˈone]boh-kah dee leh-oh-neh
PimpernelMordigallina[mordiɡallˈina]mohr-dee gah-lee-nah
Johnny Jump upViola del pensiero[vjˈɔla dˈel pensiˈɛro]vee-oh-lah dehl pehn-see-ehroh
Bumblebee orchidCalabrone ridente[kalabrˈone ridˈɛnte]kah-lah-broh-neh ree-dehn-teh
MadderRobbia dei tintori[rˈɔbːia dˈe͡ɪ tintˈorɪ]roh-beeah dehee teen-toh-ree
Chocolate cosmosFior di cioccolato[fjˈɔr dˈi t͡ʃokːolˈato]phee-ohr dee cho-koh-lah-toh
Happy AlienAlieno felice[aliˈɛno felˈit͡ʃe]ah-lee-ehnoh pheh-lee-cheh
Bleeding heartCuor di Maria[kʊˈɔr dˈi mˌarˈiːa]koo-ohr dee mah-ree-ah
Kangaroo pawZampa di canguro[d͡zˈampa dˈi kaŋɡˈuro]tsahm-pah dee kahn-goo-roh
Parrot flowerFiore pappagallo[fjˈore papːaɡˈallo]phee-ohreh pah-pah-gah-loh
Bird’s-eyeOcchio della Madonna[ˈɔkːio dˈella madˈɔnna]oh-kee-oh dehl-ah mah-doh-nah
Monotropa unifloraFiore fantasma[fjˈore fantˈazma]phee-ohreh phan-tah-smah
Large Venus’s-looking-glassSpecchio di Venere[spˈɛkːio dˈi vˈɛnere]speh-kee-oh dee veh-neh-reh
Umbrella plantFalso papiro[fˈalso papˈiro]phahl-soh pah-pee-roh
Adonis' flowerFiore d’Adone[fjˈore dadˈone]phee-ohreh dah-doh-neh
Goat’s rueCapraggine [kaprˈad͡ʒːine]kah-prah-jee-neh

More names of flowers in Italian

The common Italian flowers above give you a solid foundation, but if you want to expand your horizons, these more exotic flowers will take you to the next level.

You’ll notice that many Italian flower names are rather similar to those in English, which really helps memorization. Still, note that, even if some words are spelled the same, they might be pronounced differently.

140 of the Most Beautiful Flowers in Italian and Flowers of Italy (6)

EnglishItalian (singular)IPAPronunciation
Water lilyNinfea[ninfˈɛa]neen-pheh-ah
Star of BethlehemStella di Betlemme[stˈella dˈi betlˈɛmme]steh-lah dee beh-tleh-meh
Calla lilyCalla[kˈalla]kah-lah
Lily of the valleyMughetto[mʊɡˈetːo]moo-geh-toh
Marsh mallowAltea[altˈɛa]ahl-teh-ah
Scotch broomGinestra[d͡ʒinˈɛstra]gee-neh-strah
Apple blossomFiore di melo[fjˈore dˈi mˈɛlo]phee-ohreh dee meh-loh
Christmas hollyAgrifoglio[aɡrifˈɔʎo]ah-gree-phoh-wlhee-oh
LotusesFior di loto[fjˈɔr dˈi lˈɔto]phee-ohr dee loh-toh
Bird of paradise flowerStrelitzia[strelˈiθθia]streh-leet-tsee-ah
St. John's wortIperico[ipˈɛriko]ee-peh-ree-koh
Daphne cneorumDafne odorosa[dˈafne odorˈoza]daph-neh oh-doh-roh-sah
Orange blossomZagara[d͡zˈaɡaɾa]tsah-gah-rah

More handy floral words in Italian

The key to true fluency is to go beyond the broad terms for flowers, plants, veggies and fruits in Italian, and get into the details. Learning the individual flower parts, and the essential garden tools will help get you fluent fast.

140 of the Most Beautiful Flowers in Italian and Flowers of Italy (7)

EnglishItalian (singular)IPAPronunciation
WildflowerFiore di campo[fjˈore dˈi kˈampo]phee-ohreh dee kahm-poh
Watering canAnnaffiatoio[annaffjatˈojo]ah-nah-phee-ah-toh-ee-oh

Floral verbs in Italian

Having nouns without verbs is like planting seeds without water. You need verbs to make your garden nouns sprout into beautiful, colorful, fragrant flowers. Here are some useful verbs that will help your Italian vocabulary grow and bloom.

To plantPiantare[pjantˈare]pee-ahn-tah-reh
To bloomFiorire[fjorˈire]phee-oh-ree-reh
To witherSfiorire[sfjorˈire]sphee-oh-ree-reh
To blossomSbocciare[zbot͡ʃːˈare]sboh-cha-reh
To wiltAppassire[apːas͡sˈire]ahp-pah-see-reh
To sproutGermogliare[d͡ʒermoʎˈare]jehr-moh-wlhee-ah-reh
To potInvasare[invazˈare]een-vah-zah-reh
To waterAnnaffiare [annaffjˈare]ahn-nah-phee-ah-reh
To sowSeminare[seminˈare]seh-mee-nah-reh
To trimPotare[potˈare]poh-tah-reh
To severRecidere[ret͡ʃˈidere]reh-chee-deh-reh

How to go flower shopping in Italy

When done right, flowers are the perfect gift. Did you know that now you can have beautiful flowers delivered right to your special someone’s doorstep? We’ve rounded up the best flower delivery services that send all kinds of blooms and greenery across the Bel Paese:

How to order from a flower vendor

Below, we've collected phrases and example sentences that will be useful to you when shopping for flowers in Italy. You definitely want to know what to say when asking for a bouquet of long-stemmed red roses to impress your Italian crush on Valentine’s Day, or to surprise your best friend with a bunch of bright yellow flowers, don’t you? Here you go.

To buy a flower bouquet in Italy, you can say:

Buongiorno, vorrei regalare dei fiori a un’amica per il suo compleanno.Good morning, I would like to give flowers to a friend for her birthday.
Buongiorno, vorrei regalare un mazzo di fiori a mia madre per la festa della mamma.Good morning, I would like to give a bouquet of flowers to my mom for Mother’s Day.
Buongiorno, vorrei regalare dei fiori alla mia fidanzata per festeggiare il nostro anniversario.Good morning, I would like to give flowers to my girlfriend to celebrate our anniversary.
Buongiorno, mi servirebbero dei fiori, per favore.Good morning, I need some flowers, please.

Haven’t made up your mind yet? Simply say:

  • Buongiorno, mi servirebbero dei fiori, per favore.
  • Good morning, I need some flowers, please.

Say it with flowers in Italian

Flowers have been used for centuries as a way for people to share emotions, sentiments and feelings they can’t express in words.

Here is a brief guide to the meaning behind some of the most popular flowers:

140 of the Most Beautiful Flowers in Italian and Flowers of Italy (8)

  • Pink roses and yellow lilies are said to represent gratitude, so give them as a thoughtful thank you gift.
  • Yellow roses symbolize friendship and care. Use them to surprise a close friend and brighten their day.
  • Loaded with fragrance, long-stemmed red roses, red tulips, orchids and peonies mean love, romance, beauty, and fascination.
  • White roses, lilies and dahlias are believed to symbolize innocence, eternity and purity, that’s why they're often found in weddings.
  • Buttercups symbolize charm, attraction, and radiance.
  • Pink lilies and dahlias represent femininity and kindness.
  • Pink carnations represent motherly love, which makes them the perfect choice for a Mother's Day gift.
  • Orange lilies are representations of confidence.
  • Peonies and white carnations can represent good luck.
  • Lavender is believed to symbolize serenity and calmness.
  • Tulips and daffodils are the best choice if you’re asking for forgiveness in Italian.

As you can see, when words won’t cut it, Italian flowers are always there to do all the heavy lifting! The next time you’re ordering plants online, then, think about the meaning behind the flowers you’re picking.

You can learn a lot of things from the flowers

Do you remember the lovely, operetta-like choral song that a large group of beautiful flowers sing in the animated movie Alice in Wonderland? I do, even if it’s been over 30 years since I saw Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie for the first time. I remember that, when I was little, I was obsessed with this song, which is called “Nel Meriggio d'Or” in Italian. Listen to it, and check out the lyrics below.

Disney songs are extremely valuable in learning Italian, because they stick in the mind, cram plenty of Italian words into a few lines, and embed vocabulary and grammar in a meaningful context.

Wow, your Italian vocabulary is growing into a lush garden

Well done for making it to the end of this floral lesson! Now that you know all the basics, take care of the seeds you just planted, test out your green thumb, and watch your flower vocabulary grow and flourish!

Just as Italian flowers need to be watered, your Italian needs to be maintained if you want it to grow and flourish. Keep the joyful maintenance up on our free Italian blog lessons here.

140 of the Most Beautiful Flowers in Italian and Flowers of Italy (2024)


What is the most beautiful flower in Italy? ›

8 of the most beautiful blooms in Italy
  • Bougainvillea on the Amalfi Coast. ...
  • Almond trees in Sicily. ...
  • Irises on Lake Como. ...
  • Sunflowers in Tuscany. ...
  • Lavender in Piedmont. ...
  • Camellias near Lucca. ...
  • The brooms of the island of Elba. ...
  • Roses in Rome.

What is Italy's national flower? ›

National flowers of Italy

The white lily is a national symbol of Italy, usually associated with the Virgin Mary and the Holy Family in religious contexts.

What is the symbol of the flowers in Italy? ›

Popular Italy's Flowers as Symbols
  • Red roses demonstrate love and passion.
  • White roses symbolize pureness and innocence.
  • Chrysanthemum means joy and happiness.
  • Rose orchids show love and are often given at weddings.
  • Sunflowers are for happiness and welfare.
  • Mimosa is a synonym for femininity and tenderness.
Oct 20, 2023

What are the purple flowers in Italy? ›

I've seen the mandrake plant in bloom many times during my wildflower walks in Sicily, and enjoyed the bright purple blossoms.

What is the number 1 prettiest flower? ›

1. Rose. The rose is considered the most beautiful flower in the world, which is why it's called the “queen of the garden.” It's one of the most popular flowers worldwide, and it comes in different sizes and colors.

What is Italy's favorite flower? ›

In more modern times the nation of Italy celebrates its natural abundance, by naming the 'Stylized Lily', the symbol of innocence, purity, and peace as its national flower. Like with many European countries, gifting flowers, floral arrangements and bouquets is a very important social tradition.

What is the flower capital of Italy? ›


What is the flower of Sicily? ›

The Frangipani or Plumeria (aka Pomelia), is a shrub with sweet-fragrant white blossoms, that crowded the coastal areas of Sicily. It made its early appearances in small bunches carried by the noblewomen of Palermo in the 18th century.

What is the flower of Florence? ›

The lily has been the symbol of Florence since the 11th century, although its origins remain unclear.

What Italian flowers mean love? ›

In Italy red roses are the symbol of passion and love, white represent pureness while yellow roses are the symbol of. Blue roses have also become extremely popular in recent years: they represent mystery, but they are often given to men due to their more masculine hue.

What is the women's day flower in Italy? ›

In Italy the holiday is known as La Festa della Donna. The Mimosa flower which blooms at this time of year has become a universal symbol and is given to women on March 8th.

What is the Italian flower of remembrance? ›

The Chrysanthemum has long been a symbol of love and remembrance, with demand in Italy for spray, disbudded and pot mums the greatest around All Souls' (Ognissanti) and All Saints' (i Morti).

What is an Italian rose? ›

The Freixenet Italian Rosé is a bright sparkling wine made from Glera and Pinot Noir grapes. It presents light effervescence with a toasty palate of fresh fruit, berry, jasmine, and green apple flavors.

What are the yellow flowers in Italy? ›

The mimosa was also chosen for its characteristics: It is a flower that can grow on difficult terrain despite its apparent fragility. Perfect for representing women! For over 70 years, it has been a tradition in Italy to give beautiful yellow mimosa flowers to women – whether wives, sisters or mothers – on 8 March!

Is there Italian lavender? ›

Native to the Mediterranean region, lavendual stoechas (Italian lavender), has been declared a weed in both Victoria and Western Australia. It is naturalised in South Australia, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales and Tasmania.

What is the prettiest flower on earth? ›

Top 10 Beautiful Flowers
  • Tulip. ...
  • Orchid. ...
  • Lily. ...
  • Lotus. ...
  • Gladioli. ...
  • Carnation. ...
  • Iris. Named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow, irises come in an extremely wide variety of colors, although most common in lavender, purple, and yellow. ...
  • Bird of Paradise.
Mar 7, 2024

What is the world's nicest flower? ›

The Most Beautiful Flowers In The World
  • Iris. The iris flower appears to have been intricately designed by a meticulous creator. ...
  • Lilac. Lilacs are a favourite among many for their enchanting fragrance. ...
  • Water Lily. ...
  • Marigold. ...
  • Orchid. ...
  • Dahlia. ...
  • Bird-Of-Paradise. ...
  • Rose.

What flower is Florence Italy known for? ›

Florence has been nicknamed the 'City of Lilies' due to the abundance of this flower that grew in the area surrounding the city. The Florentine lily, also known as the white lily, is a variety of lily that stands out for its beauty and symbolic meaning.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.