14 LONG-TERM FINANCIAL LIABILITIES - ppt download (2024)

Presentation on theme: "14 LONG-TERM FINANCIAL LIABILITIES"— Presentation transcript:


After studying this chapter, you should be able to: Understand the nature of long-term debt financing arrangements. Understand how long-term debt is measured and accounted for. Understand when long-term debt is recognized and derecognized, including how to account for troubled debt restructurings. Explain how long-term debt is presented on the statement of financial position. Identify disclosure requirements. Calculate and interpret key ratios related to solvency and liquidity. Identify major differences in accounting standards between IFRS and ASPE, and what changes are expected in the near future.

3 Long-Term Financial Liabilities
Understanding Debt Instruments Bonds and notes payable Credit ratings Defeasance Types of companies that have significant debt financing Information for decision-making Measurement Bonds and notes issued at par Discounts and premiums Special situations Recognition and Derecognition Repayment before maturity date Exchange of debt instruments Troubled debt restructurings Defeasance revisited Off-balance sheet financing Presentation, Disclosure, and Analysis Presentation Disclosures Analysis IFRS/ASPE Comparison A comparison of IFRS and ASPE Looking ahead

4 Issuing Long-Term Debt
Obligations not payable within one year, or one business operating cycle—whichever is longer Examples include: Bonds payable Long-term notes payable Mortgages Pension liabilities Lease liabilities Often with restrictive covenants (terms) attached L01

5 Bonds Most common type of long-term debt
A bond indenture is a promise (by the lender to the borrower) to pay: a sum of money at the designated date, and periodic interest (usually paid semi-annually) at a stipulated rate on the face value. A bond issue may be sold: either through an investment banker, or by private placement. L01

6 Notes Payable Similar in nature to bonds
Require repayment of principal at a future date Require periodic interest payments The difference is that notes do not normally trade on public markets Accounting for bonds and notes is the same in many respects Like a bond, a note is recorded at the PV of future interest and principal, and any premium/discount is amortized over the life of the note L01

7 Types of Bonds/Notes Bearer (coupon) bonds: are freely transferable by current owner Secured debt: secured by collateral (real estate, stocks) Serial bonds: mature in instalments Income and revenue bonds: interest payments tied to some form of performance Deep-discount bonds: little or no interest payments; sold at a substantial discount Callable bonds: give issuer right to call and retire debt prior to maturity Convertible bonds: can be converted into other corporate securities L01

8 Bond Ratings Companies such as Moody’s Investors Service and Standard & Poor’s Corporation assess credit ratings of company bonds and preferred shares Bonds ratings range from a quality of “Prime” to “Very speculative” AAA rating indicates a rating of “Prime”, while a B rating indicates a “very speculative” rating L01

9 Defeasance Sufficient funds set aside (i.e. in a trust) to pay off principal and interest of debt “Legal defeasance” occurs when the creditor no longer has claim on the assets of the original issuer Trust held responsible for repayment L01

10 Types of Companies with Significant Debt Financing
Financing can be obtained from borrowing, issuing equity (shares) or using internally generated funds Capital-intensive industries have a greater ability to borrow funds because the loans are secured by the underlying tangible assets Examples include transportation and hotel companies L01

11 Information for Decision-Making
It is important for companies to monitor financial ratios in order to ensure that they take advantage of leverage without becoming overextended Cash flows must be managed in order to continue to operate, maximize profit and benefit from opportunities L01

12 Long-Term Financial Liabilities
Understanding Debt Instruments Bonds and notes payable Credit ratings Defeasance Types of companies that have significant debt financing Information for decision-making Measurement Bonds and notes issued at par Discounts and premiums Special situations Recognition and Derecognition Repayment before maturity date Exchange of debt instruments Troubled debt restructurings Defeasance revisited Off-balance sheet financing Presentation, Disclosure, and Analysis Presentation Disclosures Analysis IFRS/ASPE Comparison A comparison of IFRS and ASPE Looking ahead

13 Bond Measurement: Determining Bond Prices
The price of a bond is determined by finding the present value (PV) of future cash flows: the PV of the interest payments (at the stated , coupon or nominal rate of interest) plus the PV of the principal amount (also called the face value, par value or maturity value) Both amounts are discounted at the market (yield) rate of interest in effect at issue date L02

14 Bond Measurement: Determining Bond Prices
When the effective yield (market rate) = stated rate  bond sells at par When the effective yield (market rate)  stated rate  bond sells at a discount When the effective yield (market rate)  stated rate  bond sells at a premium L02

15 Bond Measurement: Bond Price Calculation
Given: Face value of bond issue: $100,000 Term of issue: 5 years Stated interest rate: 9% per year, payable annually at year end Market rate of interest: 11% Determine the issue price of the bonds L02

16 Bond Measurement: Bond Price Calculation
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $9,000 Interest annuity $100,000 Face Value Discount the future cash flows using the effective yield L02

17 Bond Measurement: Bond Price Calculation
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $9,000 Discount at effective yield, 11% $9,000 x $33,263 L02 $100,000 Discount at effective yield, 11% $100,000 x $ 59,345 plus =$92,608 is the issue price

18 Amortizing the Bond Premium/Discount
A premium effectively decreases the annual interest expense for the corporation The discount effectively increases the annual interest expense for the issuing corporation L02

19 Amortizing the Bond Premium/Discount
Two methods available for amortization Straight-Line Allocates the same amount of discount (or premium) to each interest period Acceptable under ASPE Effective Interest Allocates the discount or premium over the bond term (i.e. amortizes the discount or premium) Required under IFRS The total discount or premium amortized is the same under both methods L02

20 Straight-Line Method—Discount
Given: Face Value = $800, Discount = $24,000 Stated Rate = 10% Bond Maturity = 10 years The annual discount amortization = $24,00010 years = $2,400 The entry to record the annual discount amortization would be: Interest Expense2,400 Bonds Payable2,400 L02

21 Straight-Line Method—Premium
Given: Face Value = $800, Premium = $24,000 Stated Rate = 10% Bond Maturity = 10 years The annual premium amortization = $24,00010 years = $2,400 The entry to record the annual premium amortization would be BondsPayable ,400 Interest Expense ,400 L02

22 Effective Interest Method
Produces a periodic interest expense equal to a constant percentage of the carrying value of the bond The percentage used is the effective yield The amortization of the discount or premium is determined by comparing the interest expense with the interest paid Total interest expense over the life of the bond is the same as that using the straight-line method L02

23 Effective Interest Method Calculation: Discount

24 Effective Interest Method
The journal entry to record the bond issuance is: Cash ,278 Bonds Payable92,278 L02

25 Effective Interest Method
The journal entry for first semi-annual payment is: Bond Interest Expense4,614 Bonds Payable Cash ,000 L02

26 Effective Interest Method Calculation: Premium

27 Effective Interest Method
The journal entry to record the bond issuance is: Cash ,530 Bonds Payable ,530 L02

28 Effective Interest Method
The journal entry for first semi-annual payment is: Bond Interest Expense3,256 Bonds Payable Cash ,000 L02

29 Bonds Issued Between Interest Dates
Interest for the period between the issue date and the last interest date is paid by the bondholder in addition to the issue price of the bonds At the specified interest date, interest is paid for the entire interest period (semi-annual or annual) Premium or discount is also amortized from the date of sale L02

30 Non-Market Rates of Interest (Marketable Securities)
If bond issued for cash, and is marketable, its fair value = cash received by issuer Implicit interest rate is the rate that causes the PV (of future cash flows) to equal cash received Difference between face amount and PV is the discount Amortized over life of the bond/note L02

31 Non-Market Rates of Interest (Marketable Securities) Example
$10,000 3-year zero-interest-bearing marketable bond issued Cash received at issuance: $7,722 Implied interest rate is therefore 9% Discount equal to: Maturity Value$10,000 Less: Cash Received 7, $ 2,278 L02

32 Non-Market Rates of Interest (Non-Marketable Instruments)
Cash consideration might not be equal to fair value – there might be additional value being transferred Must measure fair value of loan by discounting the cash flows using a market rate of interest Any difference is booked to net income unless it meets the definition of an asset or liability L02

33 Non-Market Rates of Interest (Non-Marketable Instruments) Example
Given: Government gives a 5 year, $100,000 note payable to a company on January 1st to help it finance the construction of a building The note is zero-interest bearing The market rate is 10% Recipient company has an additional benefit beyond the debt financing – the government is forgiving the interest that the company would normally be charged. This is a government grant. Journalize in issuer’s books L02

34 Non-Market Rates of Interest (Non-Marketable Instruments) Example
Books of the Issuer: Cash ,000 Notes Payable ,092 Building - Government Grant37,908 (PV of 100,000 at 10%, (n=5) = 62,092) (100,000 – 62,092 = 37,908) The discount is amortized to interest expense over the term of note The government grant is amortized to net income as the building is depreciated L02

35 Notes Issued for Property, Goods, and Services
If the issued debt is a marketable security, the value of the transaction would be equal to fair value of the marketable security If the issued debt is not a marketable security: May try to value debt by discounting cash flows at market rate of interest, or May use the fair value of the property, goods, services. Any discount or premium amortized over life of the note L02

36 Fair Value Option Long-term debt is generally measured at amortized cost however it can also be measured at fair value IFRS allows the fair value option only if it results in more relevant information ASPE allows the fair value option for all financial instruments L02

37 Long-Term Financial Liabilities
Understanding Debt Instruments Bonds and notes payable Credit ratings Defeasance Types of companies that have significant debt financing Information for decision-making Measurement Bonds and notes issued at par Discounts and premiums Special situations Recognition and Derecognition Repayment before maturity date Exchange of debt instruments Troubled debt restructurings Defeasance revisited Off-balance sheet financing Presentation, Disclosure, and Analysis Presentation Disclosures Analysis IFRS/ASPE Comparison A comparison of IFRS and ASPE Looking ahead

38 Extinguishment of Debt
Extinguishment of debt is recorded when: The debtor pays the creditor, or The debtor is legally released from paying the creditor (due to cancellation, expiry etc.) L03

39 Repayment before Maturity Date
When debt is paid out prior to maturity, the amount paid is called the reacquisition price May be for the full amount of debt or a portion Includes any call premium and expenses At the time of reacquisition all outstanding premiums, discounts, and issue costs are amortized to the date of reacquisition L03

40 Repayment before Maturity Date
If the net carrying amount of the debt is more than the reacquisition price, this results in a gain from extinguishment If the reacquisition price exceeds the net carrying amount of the debt, this results in a loss from extinguishment Any gain or loss from the reacquisition is reported with other gains and losses L03

41 Repayment before Maturity Date: Example
Given: Existing debt:$800,000 Called and cancelled at:$808,000 Unamortized discount:$ 14,400 Note: Discount has been amortized up to the date of cancellation of debt. Give the journal entry for the extinguishment. L03

42 Repayment before Maturity Date: Example
Bonds Payable785,600 Loss on Redemption of Bonds 22,400 Cash ,000 (800,000 – 14,400 = 785,600) L03

43 Troubled Debt Restructurings
When a creditor grants a favourable concession to a debtor Two basic types of transactions Settlement of debt at less than carrying value Continuation of debt with modification of terms L03

44 Settlement of Debt Old debt, as well as all related discount, premium and issuance costs are removed from books (derecognized) A gain is usually recognized since creditor generally makes concessions in settlement of troubled debt (settled at less than carrying value) L03

45 Substantial Modification of Terms
If debt is continued with substantial modification of terms, the transaction is treated like a settlement Old liability is derecognized New (substantially modified) liability is recognized The difference between the old and new liability is recorded as a gain Modification of terms is substantial if either: Discounted PV under new terms is at least 10% different from discounted PV of remaining cash flows under old debt, or Old debt is legally discharged and there is a new creditor L03

46 Non-Substantial Modification of Terms
No gain or loss recognized New effective interest rate must be found Imputed using the rate that equates the carrying value of old debt to cash flows of newly arranged debt L03

47 Defeasance Revisited “Legal defeasance” occurs when the creditor no longer has claim on the assets of the original issuer The debt may be derecognized “In-substance defeasance” occurs when the creditor is not aware of the trust arrangement The debt may not be derecognized L03

48 Off-Balance-Sheet Financing
Off-balance-sheet financing represents borrowing arrangements that are not recorded The amount of debt reported in the statement of financial position does not include such financing arrangements This is not acceptable and is usually done to improve certain financial ratios (such as debt-equity ratio) In general, increased note disclosure is the accounting profession’s response to off-balance sheet financing L03

49 Non-consolidated entities
Under present GAAP, a parent company does not have to consolidate an investment in a company where <50% owned and no control Therefore, the liabilities of the company would not be reflected on the balance sheet of the parent company, although the parent may be ultimately liable for the debt L03

50 Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) or Variable Interest Entities (VIEs)
A company may create a special purpose entity or variable interest entity to perform a special project or function This is a concern if SPEs/VIEs are used primarily to disguise debt As a general rule, the companies should be consolidated if the company is the main beneficiary of the SPE/VIE L03

51 Operating Leases Another way to reduce a company’s debt is to lease rather than own If a lease is considered an operating lease, the company would need to record rent expense each period with note disclosure (further covered in chapter 20)

52 Long-Term Financial Liabilities
Understanding Debt Instruments Bonds and notes payable Credit ratings Defeasance Types of companies that have significant debt financing Information for decision-making Measurement Bonds and notes issued at par Discounts and premiums Special situations Recognition and Derecognition Repayment before maturity date Exchange of debt instruments Troubled debt restructurings Defeasance revisited Off-balance sheet financing Presentation, Disclosure, and Analysis Presentation Disclosures Analysis IFRS/ASPE Comparison A comparison of IFRS and ASPE Looking ahead

53 Presentation of Long-Term Debt
Current versus long-term Debt to be refinanced treated as current unless specific refinancing conditions met Debt versus equity Dependent on nature of the instrument L04

54 Disclosures Include: Nature of the liability Maturity date Interest rate Call provision Conversion privilege Any restrictions imposed Assets designated or pledged as security Any assets pledged as security for the debt should be shown in the assets section of the statement of financial position Fair value of the long-term debt should also be disclosed L05

55 Analysis Debt to Total Assets: Total debt Total assets
Level or percentage of assets that is financed through debt Times Interest Earned: Income before income taxes and interest Interest expense Measures ability to meet interest payments L06

56 Long-Term Financial Liabilities
Understanding Debt Instruments Bonds and notes payable Credit ratings Defeasance Types of companies that have significant debt financing Information for decision-making Measurement Bonds and notes issued at par Discounts and premiums Special situations Recognition and Derecognition Repayment before maturity date Exchange of debt instruments Troubled debt restructurings Defeasance revisited Off-balance sheet financing Presentation, Disclosure, and Analysis Presentation Disclosures Analysis IFRS/ASPE Comparison A comparison of IFRS and ASPE Looking ahead

57 Looking Ahead There are several current projects by IASB and FASB that could impact future accounting standards for long-term debt: Financial instruments project Financial instruments with the characteristics of equity Conceptual framework project L07

58 COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Access Copyright (The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency) is unlawful. Requests for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his or her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The author and the publisher assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained herein.


14 LONG-TERM FINANCIAL LIABILITIES -  ppt download (2024)


What are long-term liabilities on a financial statement? ›

Long-term liabilities, also called long-term debts, are debts a company owes third-party creditors that are payable beyond 12 months. This distinguishes them from current liabilities, which a company must pay within 12 months. On the balance sheet, long-term liabilities appear along with current liabilities.

What are long-term liabilities CFA? ›

Typical long-term financial liabilities include loans (i.e., borrowings from banks) and notes or bonds payable (i.e., fixed-income securities issued to investors). Liabilities such as bonds issued by a company are usually reported at amortised cost on the balance sheet.

What are considered financial liabilities? ›

A financial liability is any money owed to another party. Common personal liabilities include home mortgages and student loans, while common business liabilities include accounts payable and deferred revenue.

What are financial assets in a balance sheet? ›

A financial asset is a liquid asset that represents—and derives value from—a claim of ownership of an entity or contractual rights to future payments from an entity. A financial asset's worth may be based on an underlying tangible or real asset, but market supply and demand influence its value as well.

Is an example for long-term liabilities answer? ›

Examples of long-term liabilities include mortgage loans, bonds payable, and other long-term leases or loans, except the portion due in the current year. Short-term liabilities are due within the current year.

What are long-term liabilities and current liabilities examples? ›

Liabilities due in more than 12 months are called long-term liabilities. Examples of current liabilities include accounts payable, salaries payable, taxes payable, and the current portion of long-term debt. Long-term liability examples are bonds payable, mortgage loans, and pension obligations.

How many years is a long-term liability? ›

A long term liability is a debt or obligation that a company owes and will need to pay off over more than one year.

How are long-term liabilities valued? ›

To measure long term liabilities we simply find the balance, which is the difference between the dollar amount of payments we've made and remaining principal and interest. Principal is the amount borrowed, and interest is the cost associated with borrowing the money.

What is the CFA liability risk? ›

Liability risk refers to the possibility that an individual or other entity may be held legally liable for the financial costs of property damage or physical injury. Health risk refers to the risks and implications associated with illness or injury.

What are 10 liabilities? ›

Accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, long-term debt, deferred revenue, unearned revenue, contingent liabilities, lease obligations, pension liabilities, and income taxes payable are the ten types of liabilities in accounting that provide information about a company's financial obligations and ...

What is an example of a liability on your financial statement? ›

Liabilities are any debts your company has, whether it's bank loans, mortgages, unpaid bills, IOUs, or any other sum of money that you owe someone else. If you've promised to pay someone a sum of money in the future and haven't paid them yet, that's a liability.

Are all financial liabilities debt? ›

At first, debt and liability may appear to have the same meaning, but they are two different things. Debt majorly refers to the money you borrowed, but liabilities are your financial responsibilities. At times debt can represent liability, but not all debt is a liability.

What is risking assets? ›

What Is a Risk Asset? A risk asset is any asset that carries a degree of risk. Risk asset generally refers to assets that have a significant degree of price volatility, such as equities, commodities, high-yield bonds, real estate, and currencies.

What is considered a safe asset? ›

What Is a Safe Asset? Safe assets are assets which, in and of themselves, do not carry a high risk of loss across all types of market cycles. Some of the most common types of safe assets historically include real estate property, cash, Treasury bills, money market funds, and U.S. Treasuries mutual funds.

Is money a financial asset? ›

Financial instruments are classified as financial assets or as other financial instruments. Financial assets are financial claims (e.g., currency, deposits, and securities) that have demonstrable value.

What are current and long-term liabilities on a balance sheet? ›

Current liabilities are due within one year or within your normal operating cycle, while long-term liabilities are due after one year or beyond your normal operating cycle. This difference has implications for your balance sheet presentation, your liquidity and solvency analysis, and your interest expense calculation.

What is long-term liabilities over total assets? ›

A company's long-term-debt-to-total-asset ratio measures its leverage and acts as a metric for determining its solvency. The ratio is calculated by dividing total long-term debt (i.e. debt with more than a year to maturity) by total assets.

How do you calculate long-term liabilities in accounting? ›

The formula to calculate the long-term debt ratio is as follows. The sum of all financial obligations with maturities exceeding twelve months, including the current portion of LTD, is divided by a company's total assets.

Is long-term debt a liability on the balance sheet? ›

Long Term Debt is classified as a non-current liability on the balance sheet, which simply means it is due in more than 12 months' time.

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