14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (2024)

14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (1)

Written by Nectarsleep editorial team

Last Updated on Feb 17, 2023

In this article:

    Over the years, people have adopted the culture of having plants in bedrooms, study, or work areas. Houseplants or bedroom plants, to be more specific, are more than just a piece of decor. According to a NASA study, they bring fresh air by reducing air pollution; it also reduces stress and makes people feel more creative.

    There are burning questions that everyone must have, such as, what are the benefits of keeping plants in the bedroom? Which plants should be kept in bedrooms, and do plants have an impact on your sleep? Read on to find out the best bedroom plants, how to care for them, and much more.


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    14 Best Bedroom Plants

    Choosing what plants to keep in your bedroom is your personal preference. So, no matter what plant you choose, all plants are good for your health. Let’s have a look at some of the best plants for the bedroom.

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (2)

    1. Peace Lily

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (3)

    Who doesn’t love lilies? Especially when they can be kept in the bedroom. Along with purifying the air, Peace Lily is known to increase the room’s humidity, thereby giving you the moisture you need. One thing to remember about this plant is that they are poisonous and should be kept away from children.

    Additional Benefit: Helps to induce sleep and purifies the air.

    Care Tip: Water it regularly and keep it in moderate to bright light.

    2. Lavender

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (4)

    Lavender flowers and essential oil are known for their soothing properties. Although it isn’t considered a bedroom plant, it is known to lower blood pressure and stress levels which is why it is among the best plants for the bedroom. If you are struggling with sleepless nights, keeping a small lavender plant for the bedroom will help you sleep better.

    Additional Benefit: It can be placed in the children's room as it aids sleep and calms the mood.

    Care Tip: Give it direct sunlight for a few hours only, and do not overwater it.

    3. Lady palm

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (5)

    Lady Palm or Bamboo Palm is an elegant, patterned, straight plant that can add value to your bedroom. The maintenance of this plant is effortless, and what makes it ideal for bedrooms is, they can grow up to 18 inches. So, if you want to cover a corner of your bedroom but still want to keep it subtle, you have your answer.

    Additional Benefit: It makes the air clear and safe to breathe while removing toxins like ammonia, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and xylene.

    Care Tip: Water these plants only when the topsoil is dry. These plants need full or partial shade, which is why they are a great fit for indoor plants.

    4. English Ivy

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (6)

    English Ivy is often spotted as a garden plant as it is extremely effective in absorbing benzene, xylene, and formaldehyde. Another benefit of this plant is it improves allergy symptoms and gets rid of animal feces. This will make a great bedroom plant if you are looking for one with such benefits.

    Additional Benefit: Gets rid of indoor toxins and keeps allergies at bay.

    Care Tip: Needs to be watered regularly and kept in moderate to medium light.

    5. Devil’s Ivy

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (7)

    Devil’s Ivy is one of the top plants approved by NASA that purifies the air. It is elegant and can also be placed on your study table. These plants require medium light and, for that reason, keep them in front of or near a window. Another benefit of these plants is they are easy to maintain.

    Additional Benefit: Removes pollutants from the air.

    Plant Care: Requires moderate to light sunshine; hence it is an ideal plant for indoors. Water every day.

    6. Snake plant

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (8)

    Snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue is a great bedroom plant as it looks elegant and improves the air quality too. Apart from purifying the air, the snake plant is a succulent plant that can grow anywhere between 6 and more inches. These plants have the ability to remove harmful toxins like carbon dioxide, benzene, formaldehyde, etc., from indoors.

    Additional Benefit: Converts Carbon Dioxide into Oxygen during the night.

    Care Tip: Indirect works best for these plants, and don’t overwater it.

    7. Spider Plant

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (9)

    If your room has a lot of light, a spider plant is the best plant to keep. Everyone knows plants keep the air fresh and clean. Apart from that, a spider plant keeps the room humid enough to give you the best room environment. According to a NASA study, the spider plant is one of the best air purification plants. Another plus point is that these are easy to care for and are mostly kept indoors.

    Additional Benefit: This plant is therapeutic and can reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. The plant is good for people with hay fever or any other allergies.

    Care Tip: Water the plant when the soil feels dry to touch. It is preferred to keep the plant in the shade and not directly in sunlight.

    8. Rubber Fig

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (10)

    Rubber fig is another plant that amps up your space and is super easy to take care of, making it a great bedroom plant. The advantage of a rubber plant, apart from the looks, is its anti-allergic properties. This fancy-looking plant keeps the air fresh, is easy to grow, and has anti-inflammatory properties too.

    Additional Benefit: Keeps the air fresh and has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.

    Care Tip: Don’t keep the plant in direct sunlight and water it once a month or when the leaves go yellow but never too much.

    9. Gardenia Flower

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (11)

    These are fragrant flowers that are commonly found in gardens. The plus point of this plant is that it can help you regulate your sleep. Its essence reduces the chances of waking up in the middle of the night. If you are looking for a natural aid to treat insomnia, this would be better than any sleep pills.

    Additional Benefit: It works similar to a sleeping pill and also keeps the room fresh.

    Care Tip: Needs to be watered regularly and can be kept in direct sunlight. So you can place them in the bedroom window for moderate to bright sunlight.

    10. Aloe Vera

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (12)

    You’ve known aloe vera for its anti-inflammatory properties and probably because of its many benefits to the skin. The most benefit you can add to this plant is that it helps you sleep better. Aloe Vera releases oxygen at night, which helps them to purify the air better and helps you to breathe better.

    Additional Benefit: It releases oxygen at night and purifies the air at night too.

    Care Tip: It is really easy to take care of this plant, and it does not need to be watered every day. What it needs is sunlight. So, keep it near the window for better sun exposure.

    11. Chinese Evergreen

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (13)

    If you are looking for a bedroom plant that doesn’t need much attention, Chinese Evergreen is one of the best bedroom plants to have in your bedroom. Another plus point of this plant is that it will keep the room fresh for you, just like its name. This makes it one of the best plants to have in your bedroom.

    Additional Benefit: It keeps the room fresh, and it increases oxygen levels to breathe properly.

    Care Tip: These are easy to maintain plants and need low sunlight and water.

    12. Bonsai Trees

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (14)

    Bonsai Trees are great for indoor plants, and people often keep them in the office or bedroom by choice. There is no surprise that these plants have more health benefits than anyone can imagine. Apart from sparking creativity, these plants have physical and mental benefits for the body, making them one of the best indoor plants for the bedroom.

    Additional Benefit: It reduces stress, cultivates patience, purifies the air, and maintains the humidity in the room.

    Care Tip: These plants require more care and maintenance. They must be kept away from direct sunlight but should be kept near a window. Some bonsai trees also need a case to retain moisture.

    13. Chamomile Plant

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (15)

    Everybody knows that Chamomile herb is used in tea and essential oils to regulate sleep. This is why it makes them one of the best plants good for the bedroom. This is among the few plants that help you sleep throughout the night. Keeping it close to your bed will help you induce sleep.

    Additional Benefit: It reduces stress, anxiety and fights insomnia.

    Care Tip: It is best for side tables and needs moderate to low sunlight. Do not overwater the plant as it has low water needs.

    14. Valerian Plant

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (16)

    According to a study, inhaling valerian plant flowers helps you to fall asleep faster. This pure, elegant plant looks good in a bedroom and will make a great house gift. Many people keep it in homes to add value to the decor; well, that works for the best.

    Additional Benefit: These plants help you sleep faster and better.

    Care Tip: These plants should be watered regularly but do not overwater them. They can be kept under moderate to bright sunlight.

    Should You Have Plants In Your Bedroom?

    A bedroom with plants is far better than one without. They help in purifying the air, relieve stress, boost your creative side, and much more. People often forget how important fresh air is; keeping plants in the bedroom can help you get rid of toxic gasses as they filter the air thoroughly.

    Some people might think that plants produce CO2 at night, but their percentage is far less than humans and animals. Besides, there are various types of plants for your bedroom. Some have anti-inflammatory properties, while some plants like lavender and valerian can help you sleep better.

    Another benefit would be various bedroom plants ideas that can easily accommodate a plant in your bedroom. That way, a plant will easily become a part of the decor.

    What Is the Best Plant to Keep in Your Bedroom?

    As mentioned above, there are various types of plants available in the market. The definition of best actually depends on you and your choice of plant. If you are looking for a plant that refreshes your bedroom, pick a snake plant; if you want a plant to induce sleep, pick a lavender, valerian, or aloe vera plant. Similarly, if you wish to eliminate odors, go for golden pothos.

    Your needs can define which plants to keep in the bedroom. If you get confused, always compare the plants for the health and care benefits at any time.

    Benefits of Having Plants in Your Bedroom

    Plants make the home feel like home and can add more than just a hint of fresh air to your bedroom. Let’s have a look at the benefits and see what makes plants good for the bedroom.

    Regulates Humidity

    There might be times when you’ve woken up with a sore or dry throat. Bedroom plants regulate the humidity according to the body’s needs and keep respiratory problems at bay.

    Purifies the Air

    Plants produce negative ions, which do the same job as an air purifier. Any dust particles, bacteria, and allergens stay away.

    Reduces Harmful Gasses

    Many plants help you get rid of harmful gasses like carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toluene, etc.

    Calms the Mind

    This is one of the underappreciated benefits of keeping plants in the room. They help you stay calm and relieve your anxiety.

    Can Aid Sleep

    Some plants such as valerian, aloe vera, and lavender help you sleep better. These are helpful for small babies and infants.

    Can Plants Help You Sleep Better?

    According to research, interaction with plants can help you sleep better. Plants have a great smell and have bright colors, and if you interact with them before sleep, chances are you’ll sleep better at night. One of the reasons that plants help you sleep better is that they have calming aromas used in aromatherapy.

    It is known that emotions related to sleep are closely related. What you feel directly affects your sleep. A study has proven that the smell of some edible plants can help you relieve stress and release hormones that make you happy. We all know, the less stressed you are, the better you sleep.

    What Are the Best Plants for Low-Light Bedrooms?

    Not all plants require bright sunlight. Some of them need to be kept outdoors. Some plants love Indoor light and are easy to maintain too. If your bedroom has no or fewer windows, you can invest in low light bedroom plants rather than in air purifying plants for the bedroom.

    Let’s explore plants that love the shade.

    • Ivy
    • Ponytail Palm
    • Snake plant
    • Staghorn Fern
    • Parlor palm
    • Pothos
    • Corn plant or Mass Cane
    • Calathea
    • Lucky bamboo
    • Chinese evergreen
    • Peace Lily
    • Prayer plant
    • Spider plant
    • Monstera

    These are some of the low-light plants which help you purify the air and should be kept indoors. As these plants are delicate, keeping them directly under the sun can burn them. These are elegant plants best for the bedroom.

    From feng shui plants to oxygen plants for the bedroom, you’ll find a variety of plants that are more just decor pieces. Now that you know what plants are good for the bedroom, you may go ahead and pick the ones that suit your needs. Most importantly, introducing just one small plant in the bedroom can make a lot of difference.

    This article is for informational purposes and should not replace advice from your doctor or other medical professional.

    As a seasoned enthusiast with a deep understanding of plants and their impact on indoor environments, I bring forth a wealth of knowledge on the benefits and nuances of incorporating plants into various living spaces. My expertise is grounded in scientific studies, practical experience, and a genuine passion for the subject matter.

    Now, delving into the article on the "14 Best Bedroom Plants" written by the Nectarsleep editorial team, let's dissect the concepts and provide comprehensive insights into each aspect:

    1. Introduction to Bedroom Plants:

      • The article highlights the cultural adoption of having plants in living spaces and emphasizes that bedroom plants are more than just decor.
      • Refers to a NASA study, establishing credibility by citing scientific research, indicating that plants reduce air pollution, lower stress, and enhance creativity.
    2. Sleep Awareness Week Sale:

      • A promotional callout, indicating a specific time frame for potential readers to engage with sleep-related products.
    3. List of Best Bedroom Plants:

      • The article provides a curated list of 14 plants suitable for bedrooms, emphasizing personal preference in plant selection.
    4. Plant Descriptions and Care Tips:

      • Detailed information on each plant is given, including Peace Lily, Lavender, Lady Palm, English Ivy, Devil’s Ivy, Snake Plant, Spider Plant, Rubber Fig, Gardenia Flower, Aloe Vera, Chinese Evergreen, Bonsai Trees, Chamomile Plant, and Valerian Plant.
      • Each plant's additional benefits and specific care tips are highlighted, showcasing a nuanced understanding of individual plant characteristics.
    5. Benefits of Having Plants in the Bedroom:

      • The article outlines various benefits of having plants in the bedroom, such as regulating humidity, purifying the air, reducing harmful gases, calming the mind, and aiding sleep.
      • Mentions the underappreciated role of plants in promoting a sense of calmness and relieving anxiety.
    6. Can Plants Help You Sleep Better?

      • Research-backed information is provided on how interaction with plants, their pleasant aromas, and calming effects can contribute to improved sleep.
    7. Best Plants for Low-Light Bedrooms:

      • A list of plants suitable for low-light conditions is presented, catering to bedrooms with minimal sunlight exposure.
    8. Conclusion - Choosing Plants for Your Bedroom:

      • Emphasizes that the definition of the "best" plant depends on individual preferences and needs.
      • Encourages readers to consider health and care benefits when selecting plants for their bedrooms.
    9. Disclaimer:

      • The article ends with a disclaimer, acknowledging that the information provided is for informational purposes and should not replace professional medical advice.

    By combining my expertise with the content of the article, I aim to empower readers with comprehensive knowledge on the benefits and choices related to incorporating plants into their bedrooms.

    14 Best Bedroom Plants You Should Have (2024)


    What is the best plant to put in a bedroom? ›

    If you're looking for a tropical plant that filters indoor air even at night, consider adding the snake plant or aloe vera plant to your bedroom. If you're looking for an indoor plant that eliminates odors as well as purifies the air, go for the golden pothos.

    What is the best plant for bedroom air quality? ›

    The Best Plants for the Bedroom Are Nature's Air Purifiers
    • Lady palm. ...
    • Pothos. ...
    • Monstera deliciosa. ...
    • Phalaenopsis orchid. ...
    • Echeveria. ...
    • Peace lily. ...
    • Spider plant. ...
    • Snake plant. Another great air purifier, the snake plant (also known as Dracaena trifasciata) is one of the best indoor plants for beginners.
    Feb 20, 2023

    Is it OK to sleep with plants in your bedroom? ›

    This has led some people to worry that having plants in the bedroom could deplete oxygen levels during the night. However, it's important to note that the amount of carbon dioxide released by plants at night is minimal and unlikely to have any significant impact on your room's oxygen levels.

    How many plants should I have in my bedroom? ›

    The addition of two plants results in 75 percent rise in air quality and a 45 percent boost in mental wellbeing, while five or more plants offers the maximum amount of these perks. “The benefits of plants come under two categories,” Lead researcher Dominique Hes explained.

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